I know this is dumb BUT which is larger $1,000 for 12 months or..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
$160 for two months?

I know, I know... It seems obvious wouldn't you think??

BUT what were the headlines by the biased MSM?? NO Mention it was for just 2 months!
"The Republicans' payroll tax debacle"
"Tea Party massacred on payroll tax decision - DAILY KOS"
Payroll tax deadlock ends as House caves* Chicago Sun-Times
Allowing payroll tax cuts to expire could harm economic recovery* Washington Post
White House launches 40dollars Twitter campaign aimed at winning ...*Washington Post

NOT ONE mention that this was a TWO MONTH FIX!

Evidently as wont for Liberal/progressive/Democrats simple arithmetic is difficult!
Not one brilliant MSM hack seemed to recognize that $1,000 for 12 months is a better deal then $160 for two months!
NO wonder the MSM is losing reader/viewers!
NO wonder NYT closing down and in my local paper laying off 10% workforce!
It just seems more Americans are out of touch with Congress/MSM as distrust and dissatisfaction with both are at increasing levels!

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