I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

Jared Taylor will be considered a saint in the future. :lol:
Yea so will the last pope we had. The nazi one

That's unfair. Joseph Ratzinger was conscripted into the Hitler Youth as it was mandatory for any male high school age student.
i actually went back and read that on wiki. since sealybobo just likes to lob out a key word and call it a victory i ignored it first time around. but after you talked about it, i went and read it and yes, it was required for EVERYONE to do that.

Early life of Pope Benedict XVI - Wikipedia

not a fan of this pope but then again i gave up religion for lent decades ago and not a fan of many organized religions anymore. nothing against people who do follow and attend, just not for me. respect their way and i'll go mine.
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as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta

The Democratic Party is pro corporation. This is a game of my billionaires are better than your billionaires.
My corporations are better than yours.

My corporations pay better.

They also implement diversity programs that have helped women greatly. You’re a woman right?

I'm a liberal woman in an extremely diverse atmosphere.
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.

We have seen divide and conquer strategies before. As long as the people are kept divided they control nothing. That's part of the focus on identity politics.

There is a whole lot of stuff that the people agree on. That's a problem.

People have to stick to the issues.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs

Hey shit for brains Social Security was meant as a support platform for working Americans who paid into the Program that became disabled or injured and unable to work. Not for Scum bag single baby mamas and dead beat fathers and Lazy Video game addicts who can't find a job because they live in grandmas basement ever since mommy and daddy threw their asses out. :anj_stfu:
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.

I don't. They are hoist on their own petard.

Piss on 'em.
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.

We have seen divide and conquer strategies before. As long as the people are kept divided they control nothing. That's part of the focus on identity politics.

There is a whole lot of stuff that the people agree on. That's a problem.

People have to stick to the issues.
yep. when you attack people, not issues, it usually means you don't care about the issues themselves, just attacking people til they tire and give you what you want. very VERY childlike.

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