I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.
What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.
Exactly what the KKK thought about black men during the Reconstruction Era.
What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.
If you really believe that. Then you gotta know the elitists are white. And they are using you to take down the current system to bring in a totalitarian one. When finished you will not be needed anymore.
What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.

Your comment speaks volumes about everything wrong with the modern left.

Should grown adults shame teenage boys for not "getting laid"?
Do white men face any issues in society that can't be solved by having sex?
Will it undo the psychological ramifications of not having a father present?
Will it cure mom of her drug addiction?
Will it pay off student loan debt?
Will it give him a purpose in life?
A Muslim teacher?
I'm sure there are plenty of them.
And when that Muslim teacher has your children praying to Allah, you will celebrate your right to school prayer?
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents
Great Hillary ass kisser. It takes parents to raise THEIR CHILDREN. Not you loons. That's what's wrong today.
What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.
Exactly what the KKK thought about black men during the Reconstruction Era.
I don't remember seeing that ever said.

The KKK actually were stupid enough to say that the country was built for BLACKS?

Do you just say stupid shit and expect people to believe you?
What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"

Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.
Exactly what the KKK thought about black men during the Reconstruction Era.
I don't remember seeing that ever said.

The KKK actually were stupid enough to say that the country was built for BLACKS?

Do you just say stupid shit and expect people to believe you?
The KKK said that the Reconstruction Era was white people bowing down to black people.

And considered all of the black supremacist meccas in the big cities of the west today, they were right.
Should grown adults shame teenage boys for not "getting laid"?
Do white men face any issues in society that can't be solved by having sex?
Will it undo the psychological ramifications of not having a father present?
Will it cure mom of her drug addiction?
Will it pay off student loan debt?
Will it give him a purpose in life?

You clearly have issues. Work hard and get ahead. Isn't that the Republican mantra?

You need help? ASK FOR IT. but stop fucking acting like it's owed to you.

If you can't find a job..get some education, Oh...there's no Republican money for education? Conservatives have starved all the job training programs? Elect people who will fix that but stop WHINING

You can't get laid? Take a shower and stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. Stop thinking you can get laid without actually giving a shit about the woman you want to have sex with. Get interested her HER...beyond her sexual parts and maybe you'll actually get to play with them.

Jesus dude...have some self respect
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.

Yes this will all happen because republicans have been in charge.
Nope, it will happen because left wing young people have absolutely no redeemable qualities.

They are lazy(far beyond merely being a slacker), stupid, mindlessly reactionary and weak.

Right wing young people will struggle because of how far this country will fall, but we will prevail in the end.
In the end the people who survive will be 30% cons, 30% libs, 30% sheep who don’t vote and 10% swing voters.

Us liberals created the best middle class ever seen. Union wages and workers rights, new deal, social security and Medicare, pensions, high interest rates for people smart enough to save.

Let’s see conservative free market capitalism do that. The middle class is disappearing on your watch. Since reaganomics and bushanomics.

Most republicans aren’t saving enough to retire. That’s a fact. Maga?
Nope, it is going to be 99.9% alt-right and 0% modern left.
How are you doing right now financially? I bet you are no better off than you were five years ago and I bet you’ll still be where you are five from now. No closer to retirement.

So you keep talking while I save for my retirement.
I'm sure there are plenty of them.
And when that Muslim teacher has your children praying to Allah, you will celebrate your right to school prayer?
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
Boy Scouts of AMERICA
Jesus Christ. Our system is BUILT for white men. If you can't succeed...if you can't get laid...you are truly s loser.

The KKK said that the Reconstruction Era was white people bowing down to black people.

And considered all of the black supremacist meccas in the big cities of the west today, they were right.

You responded to something wasn't said.

Your idiot claim was that the KKK said the former...and then "illustrated" something entirely different.

No wonder you're such a fucking loser...

You can't hold a thought for more than 10 seconds
I'm sure there are plenty of them.
And when that Muslim teacher has your children praying to Allah, you will celebrate your right to school prayer?
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?
Should grown adults shame teenage boys for not "getting laid"?
Do white men face any issues in society that can't be solved by having sex?
Will it undo the psychological ramifications of not having a father present?
Will it cure mom of her drug addiction?
Will it pay off student loan debt?
Will it give him a purpose in life?

You clearly have issues. Work hard and get ahead. Isn't that the Republican mantra?

You need help? ASK FOR IT. but stop fucking acting like it's owed to you.

If you can't find a job..get some education, Oh...there's no Republican money for education? Conservatives have starved all the job training programs? Elect people who will fix that but stop WHINING

You can't get laid? Take a shower and stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder. Stop thinking you can get laid without actually giving a shit about the woman you want to have sex with. Get interested her HER...beyond her sexual parts and maybe you'll actually get to play with them.

Jesus dude...have some self respect

We'll help provide for the disadvantaged among us and not make judgements. Isn't that the leftist mantra? Oh wait...none of that applies to white males. For them it's "get a job, stop complaining, die in the streets for all I care" All you have to offer them is hate. Why should they vote for you?

You're 64 years old and act like a child. You don't even comprehend a hypothetical argument. I'm not the one with a drug addict mother or student loans. But there's plenty of white dudes out there in even worse situations. And all they hear from the party of love and tolerance is racist mockery. So please, the next time some white kid goes on a rampage don't ask why. You know why.
And when that Muslim teacher has your children praying to Allah, you will celebrate your right to school prayer?
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?

Workforce participation rates for men and women are nearly equal. What you want to do is FORCE women to work in fields other than where their interests lie.

Women are actually attaining more college degrees than men by a significant margin.

The number 1 most popular field of study for women is nursing. For men, it's business administration.
And when that Muslim teacher has your children praying to Allah, you will celebrate your right to school prayer?
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?
Only a person with an IQ of 85 could type something so stupid.
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?

Workforce participation rates for men and women are nearly equal. What you want to do is FORCE women to work in fields other than where their interests lie.

Women are actually attaining more college degrees than men by a significant margin.

The number 1 most popular field of study for women is nursing. For men, it's business administration.

I remember looking at my moms yearbook. Women wanted to be homemaker, teacher, stay at home mom, etc. things have changed old timer. Lots of women get business degrees today, old man.
My son wouldn't pray to Allah. He was taught the good way at home. Where morals should be taught.
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?
Only a person with an IQ of 85 could type something so stupid.
86! So wrong again dummy
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
/——/ Social Security isn’t socialism - Welfare is.
Of COURSE it is dope. It sure as hell ain't capitalism

It's just socialism that you approve of.

I've said for a long time...we aren't arguing about "whether" we want socialism mixed with our capitalism but rather how MUCH socialism we require.

Of course if you were honest enough to admit that , then you couldn't scream

SOCIALISM' !@!!!!!!!!!
/——/ I was never allowed to opt out of the SS Ponzi Scheme. I never approved of it but I do want my money back. People who take welfare didn’t pay in. They get a free ride on the taxpayers.
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.

Yes this will all happen because republicans have been in charge.
Nope, it will happen because left wing young people have absolutely no redeemable qualities.

They are lazy(far beyond merely being a slacker), stupid, mindlessly reactionary and weak.

Right wing young people will struggle because of how far this country will fall, but we will prevail in the end.
In the end the people who survive will be 30% cons, 30% libs, 30% sheep who don’t vote and 10% swing voters.

Us liberals created the best middle class ever seen. Union wages and workers rights, new deal, social security and Medicare, pensions, high interest rates for people smart enough to save.

Let’s see conservative free market capitalism do that. The middle class is disappearing on your watch. Since reaganomics and bushanomics.

Most republicans aren’t saving enough to retire. That’s a fact. Maga?
/——/ We could go back and forth on this all day but if people aren’t saving enough for retirement it’s on them. BTW, democRATs are saving enough?
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
/——/ Social Security isn’t socialism - Welfare is.
Of COURSE it is dope. It sure as hell ain't capitalism

It's just socialism that you approve of.

I've said for a long time...we aren't arguing about "whether" we want socialism mixed with our capitalism but rather how MUCH socialism we require.

Of course if you were honest enough to admit that , then you couldn't scream

SOCIALISM' !@!!!!!!!!!
/——/ I was never allowed to opt out of the SS Ponzi Scheme. I never approved of it but I do want my money back. People who take welfare didn’t pay in. They get a free ride on the taxpayers.
Then shouldn’t welfare push off their retirement?

If you take a year of welfare your retirement age should be pushed up 1 year. Need 3 years? Ok, then you can draw ss at 70

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