I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

GOP congressional interns vs Democratic Congressional interns

Funny how you don’t see that there are far more black interns in that picture than the percentage of the population of the US and that white interns are noticeably underrepresented in a party that is supposedly still mostly white.
Think about this. You can’t name one black republican. I mean a black who was elected. I know there may be one or two black governors, senators or house members but I can’t name one.

Colon Powell, condo rice, Ben Carson. None of them was ever elected. Just appointed tokens.

And in all the years since Geraldine Ferraro all I can remember is Sarah palin. She was the governor of Alaska so that’s something but really all the people in the gop government that I can name are white men. It was that way in the 70s and it’s just as true now. Conservative women are ok with being second class citizens. Traditional women so to speak.

Betsy Devos is a good example. She’s basically trumps secretary. She ran for government here in Michigan and she lost miserably. So why would trump appoint her when she’s a conservative loser in her home state? Oh yea, she donates a lot of money. This person proves the system is rigged. Just as bad as aunt Becky. Worse because she’s in charge of fucking public policy
GOP congressional interns vs Democratic Congressional interns

Funny how you don’t see that there are far more black interns in that picture than the percentage of the population of the US and that white interns are noticeably underrepresented in a party that is supposedly still mostly white.
Think about this. You can’t name one black republican. I mean a black who was elected. I know there may be one or two black governors, senators or house members but I can’t name one.

Colon Powell, condo rice, Ben Carson. None of them was ever elected. Just appointed tokens.

And in all the years since Geraldine Ferraro all I can remember is Sarah palin. She was the governor of Alaska so that’s something but really all the people in the gop government that I can name are white men. It was that way in the 70s and it’s just as true now. Conservative women are ok with being second class citizens. Traditional women so to speak.
As I said before, you are retarded.

I have explained demographics and representation to you numerous times and you are still too stupid to get it.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
Actually we can win if we just show up and vote. You only win because not enough of our people vote. You’ve convinced them voting doesn’t matter.

80% of the poor don’t vote so we are actually the party of diverse educated Americans. Your party is made up of two groups. The rich and the racists.

Of course retards vote democratic. You tried to defund the special Olympics
No, we are taking over everywhere slowly but surely. It won’t matter how many of you idiots vote in less than a generation from now.

You don’t notice it because of the immigration and the indoctrinated college kids constantly replenishing your numbers all the time while the older Republican voters are dying but we are taking over millennials and Gen Z and you have nothing to match that.
No doubt the struggle continues.

I’ll be honest I’ve lost hope. I was hopeful when obama won but 2010 told me the America that was great is over. The huge middle class us liberals created will never exist again. Our founding fathers warned us about oligarchy but damn if that’s not what we have right now.

Back to the tiny Tim days where there was a small ruling class, small merchants class and a huge working poor called the rabble. We are there now. Google how many Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement.

I max out my 401k and yesterday I just bought a $20,000 13 month cd. I am part of the small middle class. Fuck the rabble if they aren’t even smart enough to show up every 2 years.
GOP congressional interns vs Democratic Congressional interns

Funny how you don’t see that there are far more black interns in that picture than the percentage of the population of the US and that white interns are noticeably underrepresented in a party that is supposedly still mostly white.
Think about this. You can’t name one black republican. I mean a black who was elected. I know there may be one or two black governors, senators or house members but I can’t name one.

Colon Powell, condo rice, Ben Carson. None of them was ever elected. Just appointed tokens.

And in all the years since Geraldine Ferraro all I can remember is Sarah palin. She was the governor of Alaska so that’s something but really all the people in the gop government that I can name are white men. It was that way in the 70s and it’s just as true now. Conservative women are ok with being second class citizens. Traditional women so to speak.
As I said before, you are retarded.

I have explained demographics and representation to you numerous times and you are still too stupid to get it.
Fuck it. You win. You are right. So, how you doing financially? Are you greedy or stupid? I agree with you because I’m greedy. Fuck the masses!
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
Actually we can win if we just show up and vote. You only win because not enough of our people vote. You’ve convinced them voting doesn’t matter.

80% of the poor don’t vote so we are actually the party of diverse educated Americans. Your party is made up of two groups. The rich and the racists.

Of course retards vote democratic. You tried to defund the special Olympics
No, we are taking over everywhere slowly but surely. It won’t matter how many of you idiots vote in less than a generation from now.

You don’t notice it because of the immigration and the indoctrinated college kids constantly replenishing your numbers all the time while the older Republican voters are dying but we are taking over millennials and Gen Z and you have nothing to match that.
No doubt the struggle continues.

I’ll be honest I’ve lost hope. I was hopeful when obama won but 2010 told me the America that was great is over. The huge middle class us liberals created will never exist again. Our founding fathers warned us about oligarchy but damn if that’s not what we have right now.

Back to the tiny Tim days where there was a small ruling class, small merchants class and a huge working poor called the rabble. We are there now. Google how many Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement.

I max out my 401k and yesterday I just bought a $20,000 13 month cd. I am part of the small middle class. Fuck the rabble if they aren’t even smart enough to show up every 2 years.
None of you idiots have anything in common with the founders of this country.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.

Yes this will all happen because republicans have been in charge.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.

Yes this will all happen because republicans have been in charge.
Nope, it will happen because left wing young people have absolutely no redeemable qualities.

They are lazy(far beyond merely being a slacker), stupid, mindlessly reactionary and weak.

Right wing young people will struggle because of how far this country will fall, but we will prevail in the end.
Ya gotta love youthful exuberance, lol. Like these clueless idiots below.

There's a problem, though - they refuse the very concept of "older and wiser". They, like the Marxist hippies who bred them, think they have all the answers.

Surprise! We "old fucks" have always been this way, and we actually know what we're doing. And another surprise: we have children.

We're well off and/or retired, and our children are out there working just like we did. They don't have time to waste on the internet, they're busy supporting themselves AND supplying your unemployment and welfare checks while you spout stupidity on the internet.

So to all you Leftist Progressives: Don't ever get the idea you're a majority, 'cause you're not. You're just the voice of the internet, ever-whining but ever-dependent on True Americans like us.

Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
Republicans are a dying breed and they know it.
The party of old, white, Christian males days are limited.
Just look at a Trump rally. Republicans have to go through the audience and find blacks, Hispanics, women and young people they can strategically place behind Trump to make themselves look diverse
When they pan back to show the whole audience, you can see the lack of diversity
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
Yea....that one ran into a little issue with our Constitution
But Republicans never respected the Constitution anyway
Lol, a teacher saying a prayer in the morning for everyone's safety isn't unconstitutional. I would have to say doing away with the electoral college because you're butthurt over losing the election, is.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?
No, you aren’t smarter. You are the party of the most uneducated people in the country with the lowest IQs. The party of the inner cities, the immigrants and the mentally deficient(yes, the legally retarded all vote Democrat), the drug afflicted and the know nothing children can’t be the smarter party.

I have news, you aren’t against bigotry and racism, your party runs on that. Your “coalition” of racist and sexist village idiots is held together by your hatred of white people.

I said YOU are the ones who are going to have to start a civil war, because that is the only way you can possible win at this point. You will lose either way.
I beg to differ

You elected a birther reality show host
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
Yea....that one ran into a little issue with our Constitution
But Republicans never respected the Constitution anyway
Lol, a teacher saying a prayer in the morning for everyone's safety isn't unconstitutional. I would have to say doing away with the electoral college because you're butthurt over losing the election, is.

Read the first amendment on establishing a religion

Saying the Lords Prayer is pushing a single religion on people
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I legitimately feel sorry for you. And I legitimately feel sorry for anyone who believes your bizarre boatload of bovine excrement
Ya gotta love youthful exuberance, lol. Like these clueless idiots below.

There's a problem, though - they refuse the very concept of "older and wiser". They, like the Marxist hippies who bred them, think they have all the answers.

Surprise! We "old fucks" have always been this way, and we actually know what we're doing. And another surprise: we have children.

We're well off and/or retired, and our children are out there working just like we did. They don't have time to waste on the internet, they're busy supporting themselves AND supplying your unemployment and welfare checks while you spout stupidity on the internet.

So to all you Leftist Progressives: Don't ever get the idea you're a majority, 'cause you're not. You're just the voice of the internet, ever-whining but ever-dependent on True Americans like us.

Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
Republicans are a dying breed and they know it.
The party of old, white, Christian males days are limited.
Just look at a Trump rally. Republicans have to go through the audience and find blacks, Hispanics, women and young people they can strategically place behind Trump to make themselves look diverse
When they pan back to show the whole audience, you can see the lack of diversity
I am well off and retired. My children are gainfully employed. I grew up in a Republican household. Supported Nixon, supported the war, voted for Reagan and Bush 41 four times

As I matured, I saw what my party was doing. How callous they were, how their rants about fiscal responsibility was a farce, saw how nasty and hypocritical social conservatives were.

Haven’t voted for a Republican in a major election in decades
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
Yea....that one ran into a little issue with our Constitution
But Republicans never respected the Constitution anyway
Lol, a teacher saying a prayer in the morning for everyone's safety isn't unconstitutional. I would have to say doing away with the electoral college because you're butthurt over losing the election, is.

Read the first amendment on establishing a religion

Saying the Lords Prayer is pushing a single religion on people
Lol, it's a prayer. Heck most of you don't believe in it. You mighty scared of something you don't believe in. So prayer is bad, but men in girls locker rooms isn't?
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
Yea....that one ran into a little issue with our Constitution
But Republicans never respected the Constitution anyway
Lol, a teacher saying a prayer in the morning for everyone's safety isn't unconstitutional. I would have to say doing away with the electoral college because you're butthurt over losing the election, is.

Read the first amendment on establishing a religion

Saying the Lords Prayer is pushing a single religion on people
Lol, it's a prayer. Heck most of you don't believe in it. You mighty scared of something you don't believe in. So prayer is bad, but men in girls locker rooms isn't?
If it was a Muslim prayer......would you object that your children were forced to say it?
I think totally opposite of the op. We have a handful of people in this country who own most of the wealth. This type of wealth disparity between those at the top and the rest of us is the greatest it's ever been, or at least since the robber baron days and now the lobbyists of great corporations legally bribe our politicians. Great corporations can pollute entire oceans and rivers with oil and the heads of those corporations aren't even called on the carpet. Why, they even have their boy trump scrapping pollution and safety regulations that took years of research to craft. In the meantime, link below, a black woman is threatened with jail time for registering to vote. Yes she broke the rules but.... the heads of corporations that pollute great waterway and blow up God's mountain tops because it's a more economical way to get to the coal, are free to vote, and bribe and buy politicians. No, I don't think we're anywhere close to socialism for the masses but we definitely have socialism for the rich.
US voter suppression: why this Texas woman is facing five years' prison
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
I have news, we are smarter. And being against bigotry & racism is NOT being thin skinned.

You want a civil war??? Is that all you "Uneducated White men" can do is threaten?

Is that all you "Uneducated Black men" can do is threaten ?:21::21::21::21::21::21:
Ya gotta love youthful exuberance, lol. Like these clueless idiots below.

There's a problem, though - they refuse the very concept of "older and wiser". They, like the Marxist hippies who bred them, think they have all the answers.

Surprise! We "old fucks" have always been this way, and we actually know what we're doing. And another surprise: we have children.

We're well off and/or retired, and our children are out there working just like we did. They don't have time to waste on the internet, they're busy supporting themselves AND supplying your unemployment and welfare checks while you spout stupidity on the internet.

So to all you Leftist Progressives: Don't ever get the idea you're a majority, 'cause you're not. You're just the voice of the internet, ever-whining but ever-dependent on True Americans like us.

Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
Republicans are a dying breed and they know it.
The party of old, white, Christian males days are limited.
Just look at a Trump rally. Republicans have to go through the audience and find blacks, Hispanics, women and young people they can strategically place behind Trump to make themselves look diverse
When they pan back to show the whole audience, you can see the lack of diversity
I am well off and retired. My children are gainfully employed. I grew up in a Republican household. Supported Nixon, supported the war, voted for Reagan and Bush 41 four times

As I matured, I saw what my party was doing. How callous they were, how their rants about fiscal responsibility was a farce, saw how nasty and hypocritical social conservatives were.

Haven’t voted for a Republican in a major election in decades
You are too stupid to be well off.

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