I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
In the wealthiest 25 states, there are 15 blue, 9 red and 1 purple. In the poorest 25, there are 17 red, 6 blue and 2 purple. When it comes to wealth creation, there is a significant advantage in the blue states.

Most new jobs created in California.

How come those racists arent contributing to the economy?
Even my left wing millennial boss knows that left wing millennials don’t have a prayer of holding up this economy.

Blue states will crash into oblivion very very soon, just like the shithole big cities located within them.

Yes this will all happen because republicans have been in charge.
Nope, it will happen because left wing young people have absolutely no redeemable qualities.

They are lazy(far beyond merely being a slacker), stupid, mindlessly reactionary and weak.

Right wing young people will struggle because of how far this country will fall, but we will prevail in the end.
In the end the people who survive will be 30% cons, 30% libs, 30% sheep who don’t vote and 10% swing voters.

Us liberals created the best middle class ever seen. Union wages and workers rights, new deal, social security and Medicare, pensions, high interest rates for people smart enough to save.

Let’s see conservative free market capitalism do that. The middle class is disappearing on your watch. Since reaganomics and bushanomics.

Most republicans aren’t saving enough to retire. That’s a fact. Maga?
/——/ We could go back and forth on this all day but if people aren’t saving enough for retirement it’s on them. BTW, democRATs are saving enough?
No it’s not on them. Need some examples? How much is car insurance for a poor person who lives in Detroit? They can’t save or get ahead.

That’s the point. The point is most of you conservatives won’t succeed in the end. Now if you got a decent social security check or a pension like Americans did when we were in charge, most of you would end up prevailing but the only time most of you have ever prevailed was when us liberals brought up your wages.

If most of you will never have enough to retire then most of you won’t prevail in the end.

Do you mean win elections? Yea you may win elections but when republicans win the middle class loses. You blame liberals but it’s the gop that fucked the middle class.

Think about it. Most of you republicans aren’t saving anything for retirement. The ones who aren’t let me ask you this. Why the fuck do you vote republican?
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
/——/ Social Security isn’t socialism - Welfare is.
Of COURSE it is dope. It sure as hell ain't capitalism

It's just socialism that you approve of.

I've said for a long time...we aren't arguing about "whether" we want socialism mixed with our capitalism but rather how MUCH socialism we require.

Of course if you were honest enough to admit that , then you couldn't scream

SOCIALISM' !@!!!!!!!!!
/——/ I was never allowed to opt out of the SS Ponzi Scheme. I never approved of it but I do want my money back. People who take welfare didn’t pay in. They get a free ride on the taxpayers.
Social Security is welfare?

All those Republicans on it are on welfare?

Well tell em to stop immediately...or better still take it away from them. See how well that works moron
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta

The Democratic Party is pro corporation. This is a game of my billionaires are better than your billionaires.
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
Yea....that one ran into a little issue with our Constitution
But Republicans never respected the Constitution anyway
Lol, a teacher saying a prayer in the morning for everyone's safety isn't unconstitutional. I would have to say doing away with the electoral college because you're butthurt over losing the election, is.

Read the first amendment on establishing a religion

Saying the Lords Prayer is pushing a single religion on people

No, it's exercising a 1st amendment right.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
/——/ Social Security isn’t socialism - Welfare is.
Of COURSE it is dope. It sure as hell ain't capitalism

It's just socialism that you approve of.

I've said for a long time...we aren't arguing about "whether" we want socialism mixed with our capitalism but rather how MUCH socialism we require.

Of course if you were honest enough to admit that , then you couldn't scream

SOCIALISM' !@!!!!!!!!!
/——/ I was never allowed to opt out of the SS Ponzi Scheme. I never approved of it but I do want my money back. People who take welfare didn’t pay in. They get a free ride on the taxpayers.
Social Security is welfare?

All those Republicans on it are on welfare?

Well tell em to stop immediately...or better still take it away from them. See how well that works moron
Actually I would love to go back 30 years and let every republican stop paying in to social security. Then see how much of it they saved.

As I said earlier most republicans aren’t saving nearly enough for retirement. I doubt that they would have saved one dime of that money. That’s why we do social security.

And sure they might die at 59 and never see a dime but that’s the risk we all take. They might also live to be 100
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta

The Democratic Party is pro corporation. This is a game of my billionaires are better than your billionaires.
My corporations are better than yours.

My corporations pay better.

They also implement diversity programs that have helped women greatly. You’re a woman right?
Righty thinks raising a child takes a village, instead of good parents.
Nothing better than a community that is concerned with its children

You can have a strong community and strong parents

What guidance and support does the left offer white adolescents and young men who are struggling to cope in a society that seems to have no place for them?

"LOL, you're just mad cause nobody wants to fuck you INCEL!"
They have a place. They make up 80% of the population so they should make up 80% of the workforce.

And women should at least make up 40% of the workforce.

My company is all white males and 3 administration women and one black worker bee. No place for us white men you say?

You recruiting for the kkk?

Workforce participation rates for men and women are nearly equal. What you want to do is FORCE women to work in fields other than where their interests lie.

Women are actually attaining more college degrees than men by a significant margin.

The number 1 most popular field of study for women is nursing. For men, it's business administration.

I remember looking at my moms yearbook. Women wanted to be homemaker, teacher, stay at home mom, etc. things have changed old timer. Lots of women get business degrees today, old man.
Thanks to affirmative action
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta
oh bullshit son.

there has ALWAYS been rich and powerful. we had it when i was in high school (the 80s man - the party decade!) and we had it in the 50s, 1900s, rockefeller, harding and i can go on and on and on about how we've had rich over time just here in the US. but hell, robin hood? who was he taking from again?

the divide isn't because of the rich so put that crutch away. the divide is because we just learned to make hate all too easy and use it as a weapon. call people nazi, racist, and the like because they don't agree with you. you want to focus on the $$$ and blame it on someone else - go ahead. your live your call.

but i am tired of people blaming others and capitalism for their own shitty choices in life.
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta
oh bullshit son.

there has ALWAYS been rich and powerful. we had it when i was in high school (the 80s man - the party decade!) and we had it in the 50s, 1900s, rockefeller, harding and i can go on and on and on about how we've had rich over time just here in the US. but hell, robin hood? who was he taking from again?

the divide isn't because of the rich so put that crutch away. the divide is because we just learned to make hate all too easy and use it as a weapon. call people nazi, racist, and the like because they don't agree with you. you want to focus on the $$$ and blame it on someone else - go ahead. your live your call.

but i am tired of people blaming others and capitalism for their own shitty choices in life.
We’ve always had rich but we didn’t always have the new deal. The rich hated the new deal.

And they loved Reagan and bush
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.

We are battling over the Internet
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.
I keep trying to remind people that it’s the rich and powerful who have divided us because that’s the only way they can win.

One party is the pro corporation party. They do not like workers. The other party is the party that wants the wealthy corporations to share the profits with workers.

The Democratic Party isn’t anti corporation they just aren’t as pro corporation as the gop.

When democrats are in charge corporations don’t call all the shots. For example Clinton signed George Bush’s nafta into law but he put worker protections in. Bush’s son took those protections out of nafta
oh bullshit son.

there has ALWAYS been rich and powerful. we had it when i was in high school (the 80s man - the party decade!) and we had it in the 50s, 1900s, rockefeller, harding and i can go on and on and on about how we've had rich over time just here in the US. but hell, robin hood? who was he taking from again?

the divide isn't because of the rich so put that crutch away. the divide is because we just learned to make hate all too easy and use it as a weapon. call people nazi, racist, and the like because they don't agree with you. you want to focus on the $$$ and blame it on someone else - go ahead. your live your call.

but i am tired of people blaming others and capitalism for their own shitty choices in life.
We’ve always had rich but we didn’t always have the new deal. The rich hated the new deal.

And they loved Reagan and bush
yea, in 2000 years we've not had a "new deal" to separate the rich from poor; or poor mad at rich for not being poor.

the poor love being given shit for free. so yea, they love socialism.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
/——/ Social Security isn’t socialism - Welfare is.
Of COURSE it is dope. It sure as hell ain't capitalism

It's just socialism that you approve of.

I've said for a long time...we aren't arguing about "whether" we want socialism mixed with our capitalism but rather how MUCH socialism we require.

Of course if you were honest enough to admit that , then you couldn't scream

SOCIALISM' !@!!!!!!!!!
/——/ I was never allowed to opt out of the SS Ponzi Scheme. I never approved of it but I do want my money back. People who take welfare didn’t pay in. They get a free ride on the taxpayers.
Social Security is welfare?

All those Republicans on it are on welfare?

Well tell em to stop immediately...or better still take it away from them. See how well that works moron
/——/ I said the exact opposite. Do try and keep up.
Liberals were similarly attacked in the early Bush years for opposition to the Iraq War and the Patriot Act etc. and oh look.

History has shown us to be correct
You have no idea how many people who hated Bush and the Republicans in 2000 through 2008 but now are against the Democrats.

History will not be kind to you anti-white pieces of shit.
There it is....race politics.
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.

We are battling over the Internet
You know there isn’t one Ben carson republican on usmb. I would love to have one or two blacks here who see it there way.

Of course if there were any they’d be rich
as long as we keep doing shit like this - dividing ourselves up and mocking the other side - we're toast.

Well, it looks like mission accomplished.
we're certainly already in that "civil war" we keep talking about. it's not going to be fought with guns like they did before. but the danger to the country by what we're doing now is every bit as real as it was then. the focus was divide, as it is now. how we go about it may have changed but rest assured this is a form of war we've never really seen before.

We are battling over the Internet
You know there isn’t one Ben carson republican on usmb. I would love to have one or two blacks here who see it there way.

Of course if there were any they’d be rich
maybe all this pre-judging of people is part of why we argue so much. people are not who you imagine them to be so you take it out on them for letting you down.
Jared Taylor will be considered a saint in the future. :lol:

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