I legitimately feel sorry for today’s leftists

They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans

Until they realize the Democratic Party is filled with con men/women.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
EVERYONE pays into social security you little shit. We don’t get a choice, and not using that money later on would be just letting the government steal our money.

My “kind” will dominate this country completely once you old fucks die off.
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
Nope, there are plenty of us. And there are far more of us with actual intelligence than those on the Antifa /sjw left that will be remaining.

Without the cucked “conservative” boomers holding us back and without the psychopathic communist boomers to prop up the looney tunes in Antifa it will be a flawless victory for our side.
Anybody who thinks progressives are aligning with the alt-right needs to lay off the meth and/or Granny's pain meds.
There is no left/right.....there is no party system.....they are all illusions .....

Liberals were similarly attacked in the early Bush years for opposition to the Iraq War and the Patriot Act etc. and oh look.

History has shown us to be correct

Who's a liberal? Certainly not you.
Liberals were similarly attacked in the early Bush years for opposition to the Iraq War and the Patriot Act etc. and oh look.

History has shown us to be correct

Incorrect, because you people were not liberal by definition then, or now.

Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

And since we involuntarily paid into it, you can bet your ass we're going to drain it dry and spend every nickel we have before we go. There's no reason to leave you people anything.

I am one of the older white dudes you cocksuckers are waiting for so anxiously to die off.

But, I will be replaced by every young white (and Hispanic) in this country, liberal or conservative, when he or she pays their first tax for reparations---and checks into his lineage and finds that his ancestors came to America long after the Civil War; or were here, but never owned slaves, or worst still finds that he has an ancestor who died fighting for the Union at Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Antietam and dozens of others.

How absurd this current pandering to charletons like Al Sharpton is! What did you Socialist Leeches think the Great Society, the War on Poverty, and Affirmative Action---now in effect for over half a century were meant to do?

And what did they do?

Destroyed the Black Family, particularly in rotting Northern cities, and made so many of them helpless dependents living on the Federal Plantation---demanding ever more and more and this time calling it Reparations.

Kamala Harris's ancestors were large slave-owners in Jamaica. How does she get out in front of that?

By the ridiculous hypocrisy of demanding Reparations, that's how.

Lets see how that shit works.

Liberal /Progressive/Socialists have for years featured one predominant characteristic---Rank Hypocrisy.

Now it has a rival---Gross Stupidity.

Hint. Marxism has been tweaked before, many times over many years. It still brings nothing but misery and oppression and disaster every time.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
Not for much longer.

I hate to tell you, but the animosity or fear that young people have of a Trump will not be there once the right is dominated by the youth.

And again, the true goals of Democrats will destroy the brand with younger people. The millennial dominated GOP won’t be afraid to demand that Democrats get rid of their racist rhetoric towards white people, and once that happens you will either die out from irrelevance because that was your main appeal, or you will be destroyed.
Republicans are a dying breed and they know it.

The party of old, white, Christian males days are limited.
Just look at a Trump rally. Republicans have to go through the audience and find blacks, Hispanics, women and young people they can strategically place behind Trump to make themselves look diverse

When they pan back to show the whole audience, you can see the lack of diversity
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

And since we involuntarily paid into it, you can bet your ass we're going to drain it dry and spend every nickel we have before we go. There's no reason to leave you people anything.

People pay into socialism too
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
Lol, they were forced to PAY into the system most of their lives. Getting it back isn't socialism dumbass. It's called getting YOUR money back.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
Pound your chests all you want but your kind are dying off.

The bulk of you fuckers are on Social Security (while whining about socialism)

You're dinosaurs...loud ones...but still dinosaurs
EVERYONE pays into social security you little shit. We don’t get a choice, and not using that money later on would be just letting the government steal our money.

My “kind” will dominate this country completely once you old fucks die off.
Sorry but there just aren't enough of you Proud Boys alt right types to do much of anything . When those old farts sitting in their Lazy Boys watching Fox News die off...you'll be alone in the Wilderness
Many of the oldest who are expensive with medicare lived hard and difficult lives. WW 2 generation and slightly younger were not partying everyday. Many did not see things improve until the mid 1950's although there were many who saw improvement after the end of the war. However it was that generation who enacted the laws you condemn the from and then the boomers expanded on it for you to live better from the government side. One other thing. Not enough of you are entrepeuneurs, inventors, top shelf scientists, tech giants, industrial giants and more of the same to keep a nation on top. I am not that also. But I recognize it. You notice the quality dropping on our products and the time it takes to produce things lengthening with the price increasing. Look at Boeing. A fine example. NASA a perfect analogy. Ship building ports also and they have to order ships just to keep the dwindling amount of those ports opened. I have typed several times that East Asia don't play!!!
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.

How about when you ask those college students whether the children of wealthy parents should get preferential admission to college.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.
More propaganda

Look at a political map of the US. Most counties are Red, Most cities are Blue.

Republicans control most School Boards, Republicans control most state legislatures. Republicans set the agenda in our schools
You're full of it. If republicans ran the schools, prayer would be in it.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic

They are repulsed by the petty, bigoted, selfish views of Republicans
Lol, yes they do. But they are taught the liberal indoctrination in schools. But when they grow up and get into the real world they realize liberalism is a lie. I liked when they ask college kids that think the rich should give most their money to governent for social services. The ones with good grades are asked if they think they should give up their grades and share them with the students with lower grades. All of them say no, I worked hard for my grades. Well the rich works hard and long hours for their money. Then they realize, liberalism is a lie.

How about when you ask those college students whether the children of wealthy parents should get preferential admission to college.
The parents were liberals, nice try though.
They have been lead to believe that they are the intelligent ones, the logical ones, the most thick skinned ones, most cultured ones, the morally superior ones etc, and most importantly they have been lead to believe that their victory over western civilization and its defenders is assured one way or another.

The future however doesn’t have pleasant things in store for these people or their legacy. The best and brightest of the upcoming and present generations are already firmly against the modern left and literally are drifting towards the alt right every day, and the average millennial and Gen Zer has already drawn their line in the sand which “progressivism” cannot go without losing the vast majority of those generations. Add this to the fact that the coalition of the left will be shattered by the time millennials control the country, and again add this to the fact that ideological left wing people of today are having basically no kids while the alt-right and religious right in the younger generations all are having more children than the national average, and this will be the end of the left in a very short period of time.

Censoring the internet won’t save the left like they think either. It may temporarily cut off ties between besieged Europe and the rest of the west, but once the best and brightest millennials and Gen Zers create alternatives to YouTube and twitter and Facebook there will be nothing stopping absolute domination by the millennial right. The left’s best hope really is a civil war that they are almost guaranteed to lose.
Hate to tell you, but young voters overwhelmingly vote Democratic
Not for much longer.

I hate to tell you, but the animosity or fear that young people have of a Trump will not be there once the right is dominated by the youth.

And again, the true goals of Democrats will destroy the brand with younger people. The millennial dominated GOP won’t be afraid to demand that Democrats get rid of their racist rhetoric towards white people, and once that happens you will either die out from irrelevance because that was your main appeal, or you will be destroyed.
Republicans are a dying breed and they know it.

The party of old, white, Christian males days are limited.
Just look at a Trump rally. Republicans have to go through the audience and find blacks, Hispanics, women and young people they can strategically place behind Trump to make themselves look diverse

When they pan back to show the whole audience, you can see the lack of diversity
The young people are there far more than you think idiot. You can literally see who comes into the rallies before they are in the building by watching rightside broadcasting on YouTube. Lots of women, lots of people in their 20s etc.

There are also a lot more blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc at Trump rallies than there were at Romney or Bush rallies.

But of course your pathetic “news” channel edited out all the people who don’t fit the narrative.

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