I Look Forward to Obama’s Sworn Testimonial

Clinton was the Secretary of State and Obama was the President...do you THINK there may have been some emails exchanged between the two?

Illegal and Secret Server

What fucking illegal server? WTF are you talking about? There was nothing in the law saying Clinton couldn't use her own server for emails.

Seriously, when are you going to stop smoking trees and making a total idiot of yourself?
Told anyone that would listen that Obama and Clinton were involved in Criminal Activities together and this is why they installed the "Secret Server" created aliases.

IMO, they were selling arms and financing terrorist groups, plotting COUPS and assassinations in THE ME to surround Israel with more hostile regimes in an attempt to force them in to a peace deal.

I believe there will be direct evidence of Obama and Clinton Illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot, and a "terrorist bank" where they distributed weapons and cash from. Emails regarding them trying to obstruct justice, ignore security requests from Benghazi, and their engaging in international crime were on the Clinton Server.

I also believe Clinton and Obama were selling classified information , and were engaged in Insider Trading Schemes, and Influence Peddling. Plans to the F-35 and other weapons and useful information that China and Russia wanted were on Clinton's Server.

And of course, there will be evidence of Obama, Putin, Comey, McCabe....etc. and Clinton discussing The Russian Dossier and how to use it to keep Trump from winning the election or to remove him from office if he wins.

Told anyone that would listen that Obama and Clinton were involved in Criminal Activities together and this is why they installed the "Secret Server" created aliases.

IMO, they were selling arms and financing terrorist groups, plotting COUPS and assassinations in THE ME to surround Israel with more hostile regimes in an attempt to force them in to a peace deal.

I believe there will be direct evidence of Obama and Clinton Illegally using Benghazi as a weapons depot, and a "terrorist bank" where they distributed weapons and cash from. Emails regarding them trying to obstruct justice, ignore security requests from Benghazi, and their engaging in international crime were on the Clinton Server.

I also believe Clinton and Obama were selling classified information , and were engaged in Insider Trading Schemes, and Influence Peddling. Plans to the F-35 and other weapons and useful information that China and Russia wanted were on Clinton's Server.

And of course, there will be evidence of Obama, Putin, Comey, McCabe....etc. and Clinton discussing The Russian Dossier and how to use it to keep Trump from winning the election or to remove him from office if he wins.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanx forvthe laugh, Trumpette!

She was using a private email server which is worse than using solely a private email address.

In which way was it worse? Podesta got his not-private-server gmail account hacked, no evidence to date that anyone got to Hillary's.

There are conflicting reports as to the security of HIllary’s email server. I have spent nearly 25 years in Cybersecurity. I have a very difficult time believing her server was not compromised on some level. The server was unmanaged by the State Department and she was a high profile target for cyber adversaries.
I will be extremely shocked if anyone significant ends up in court. The fed is corrupt to the core. The bolsheviks lost the USSR but managed to infiltrate and secure power in the DNC. We're way past "enemy at the gate", we have our enemies occupying seats of government and entire institutions. The election of that meat puppet faggot sealed it.

Maybe we will get lucky and Trump will expell them from our midst, but I am not optimistic.

Clinton was the Secretary of State and Obama was the President...do you THINK there may have been some emails exchanged between the two?

Illegal and Secret Server

What fucking illegal server? WTF are you talking about? There was nothing in the law saying Clinton couldn't use her own server for emails.

Seriously, when are you going to stop smoking trees and making a total idiot of yourself?
Her own server would be fine had she used it for personal non-SoS communications, but she used it instead to transmit various classified documents.

Nice try though. Your fellow low info dweebs appreciate the effort.

Clinton was the Secretary of State and Obama was the President...do you THINK there may have been some emails exchanged between the two?

Illegal and Secret Server

What fucking illegal server? WTF are you talking about? There was nothing in the law saying Clinton couldn't use her own server for emails.

Seriously, when are you going to stop smoking trees and making a total idiot of yourself?
Her own server would be fine had she used it for personal non-SoS communications, but she used it instead to transmit various classified documents.

Nice try though. Your fellow low info dweebs appreciate the effort.
Hillary using a private server drives right wing goons to distraction. Numbnuts Trump using his private cell phone to talk to world leaders, conduct official business, talk to his asshole buddies & order up cheeseburgers? Not so much.

Judicial Watch Bias

Silly one,
In order to be certain that all of Hillary's emails on her server, were all of her gvt records, the emails of all the people Hillary worked with in the government, had their emails searched, for any emails with Hillary... there were about 10 departments and or staff and the the president of whom she communicated with... Obama/the White house, was one of those 10 entities.

It only makes sense that this would be done, to make certain they had all of her gvt email put in to the archives, under her name.. for any FOIA requests that could come.

If they were duplicates of what they got off her server they were not needed, but it it was an email that was not gotten from her server, then it was archived under Hillary Clinton's repository.

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