I love California

And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

Hey, I got to be honest, there is no better pussy than CA girls, and I have been across this world and back. The ocean is swimable, diving, surfing, scuba, 365, and warm enough to take a bath in, clear enough to see the bottom, beautiful beaches. Beautiful inland lakes and Deltas, Yosemite National & Big Bear, snow/water skiing Plus, ice skate, beach thong skating. We have rugged mountains & boiling deserts. Girls are more friendly, more exciting, more inviting, and wear the sexist clothes of anywhere in the world. When its new and it happens, it happens here first, and the rest of the nation takes 12-24 months to get up to speed. I cite the waterbed as a perfect example, mash potatoes, Beach Boys, Woodies, hot rods and hot muscle motors and parts. It all starts in California, we are the cutting edge on innovation, and I don't leave New York out of this either. Our two states make America what is when it comes to style, fashion, innovation, cultural events. The rest of you clowns just learn to dance at a slower pace. But hey that is alright! We don't have any room for anymore of you hill billys. Go to Texas
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its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

Hey, I got to be honest, there is no better pussy than CA girls, and I have been across this world and back. The ocean is swimable, diving, surfing, scuba, 365, and warm enough to take a bath in, clear enough to see the bottom, beautiful beaches. Beautiful inland lakes and Deltas, Yosemite National & Big Bear, snow/water skiing Plus, ice skate, beach thong skating. We have rugged mountains & boiling deserts. Girls are more friendly, more exciting, more inviting, and wear the sexist clothes of anywhere in the world. When its new and it happens, it happens her first, and the rest of the nation takes 12-24 months to get up to speed. I cite the waterbed as a perfect example, mash potatoes, Beach Boys, Woodies, hot rods and hot muscle motors and parts. It all starts in California, we are the cutting edge on innovation, and I don't leave New York out of this either. Our two states make America what is when it comes to style, fashion, innovation, cultural events. The rest of you clowns just learn to dance at a slower pace. But hey that is alright! We don't have any room for anymore of you hill billys. Go to Texas
I love this state....Grew up in Orange county when there were actually orange groves for miles around...Learned to surf at Huntington....Hitchhiked from Fullerton to Huntington just about everyday during summer vacation......Got my first piece o' ass from a fine lil' beach bunny on the old Dana Point pier.......Got into motocross at 12....Went riding in some of the finest dirt bike areas around. Adelonto etc.........Vacations?...Forget about it. We've got everything...Custom motorcycles?... California is where it began....Custom Cars, same thing......And yes, we've got some of the finest women in the world......My wife's one of 'em!

It used to be, we had a fine mix in politics.....Both sides kept themselves in check.....Once the mid seventies came along, things started to slowly change......The loons started slowly creeping in up in Sacto, from both sides of the political spectrum.
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It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

great post....i would add....libs do good things for this state as well, despite their shortcomings....pubs aren't perfect....
One of the biggest problems we've had is that the last two republican governors were nothing more than closeted liberals.....Wolves in sheeps clothing if you will.......And now, we've got former Gov. Moonbeam about to take over......We're so screwed!

And go check out the latest "budget" put forth by the idiots in Sacto........Talk about a recipe for further disaster.


i think california will survive despite moonbeam
great post....i would add....libs do good things for this state as well, despite their shortcomings....pubs aren't perfect....
One of the biggest problems we've had is that the last two republican governors were nothing more than closeted liberals.....Wolves in sheeps clothing if you will.......And now, we've got former Gov. Moonbeam about to take over......We're so screwed!

And go check out the latest "budget" put forth by the idiots in Sacto........Talk about a recipe for further disaster.


i think california will survive despite moonbeam
Yeah, we'll survive...Problem is, collateral damage from ridiculous policy.....The enviro-loons are outta control....The tax man cometh drunk on power.....The illegals are turning this state into the second coming of Juarez......The businessman/woman is sayin' fuck it, we're outta here.

Only thing we can do is keep fighting the BS.
California's got the Chargers!!!! Woot!
You should be proud, they looked good tonight..........We had the Rams!....The REAL RAMS!....Not those phonies parading around in St. Louis either........Gotta give the Chargers props....They're lookin' good but, they've looked good in the past and tanked it so many times.

God forbid they end up back in LA.:razz:
Why?........I have a blast walking around Cali with my "Liberals are friggin' idiots" T-shirt. Daring them to say a fucking word......It's also fun driving up behind a Prius in my Hummer, and honking at some limp wristed lil' liberal turd burglar to get the fuck outta my way!

Yep!.....It's fun being a con in Cali, and constantly reminding the liberal idiots that they are nothing more than a bunch of fucking weakminded lil' douchebags!

You enjoy sneaking up on a limp rested guy from behind? Why not just ask him, you might get lucky?
Is that how you do it up in that bastion of liberal lunacy, Wry?

Just think Wry, if your loony liberal leaders in that shithole get their way, you'll be getting a whole lotta extra "SKIN" to go along with your kinky, perverted, immoral ways.:razz:

Chef, how rude. Be careful now, most of your friends don't know you're a cook in a North Hollywood gay bar. Be rude again and I'll let everyone know. What's the name again ... Leather and Lace, that's it.
You enjoy sneaking up on a limp rested guy from behind? Why not just ask him, you might get lucky?
Is that how you do it up in that bastion of liberal lunacy, Wry?

Just think Wry, if your loony liberal leaders in that shithole get their way, you'll be getting a whole lotta extra "SKIN" to go along with your kinky, perverted, immoral ways.:razz:

Chef, how rude. Be careful now, most of your friends don't know you're a cook in a North Hollywood gay bar. Be rude again and I'll let everyone know. What's the name again ... Leather and Lace, that's it.
Yeah, like that LIE would ever fly.


Hey buddy, you're the one who admitted you're one of those "prosciutto wrapped fig" San Francisco liberal loons.

Christ man, you're one of those liberal loons who goes to football games with
Prosciutto wrapped figs......You admitted it!........Although, you can thank me again for providing you with the awesome tartar sauce recipe.....:lol::lol::lol:
Hey, I got to be honest, there is no better pussy than CA girls, and I have been across this world and back. The ocean is swimable, diving, surfing, scuba, 365, and warm enough to take a bath in, clear enough to see the bottom, beautiful beaches. Beautiful inland lakes and Deltas, Yosemite National & Big Bear, snow/water skiing Plus, ice skate, beach thong skating. We have rugged mountains & boiling deserts. Girls are more friendly, more exciting, more inviting, and wear the sexist clothes of anywhere in the world. When its new and it happens, it happens her first, and the rest of the nation takes 12-24 months to get up to speed. I cite the waterbed as a perfect example, mash potatoes, Beach Boys, Woodies, hot rods and hot muscle motors and parts. It all starts in California, we are the cutting edge on innovation, and I don't leave New York out of this either. Our two states make America what is when it comes to style, fashion, innovation, cultural events. The rest of you clowns just learn to dance at a slower pace. But hey that is alright! We don't have any room for anymore of you hill billys. Go to Texas

I love this state....Grew up in Orange county when there were actually orange groves for miles around...Learned to surf at Huntington....Hitchhiked from Fullerton to Huntington just about everyday during summer vacation......Got my first piece o' ass from a fine lil' beach bunny on the old Dana Point pier.......

Small world! I lived in New Port Beach right near the Santa Anna river jetti. New Port is where I learned to surf, and did a lot of snorking down at Balboa. I too did a lot of hitch hiking, and times were just better, parents didn't have to worry about us getting our throat cut. That was way back in late 50s-early 60's. My dad built those smoke stacks at huntiington beach for power.

Got into motocross at 12....Went riding in some of the finest dirt bike areas around. Adelonto etc.........Vacations?...Forget about it. We've got everything...Custom motorcycles?... California is where it began....Custom Cars, same thing......And yes, we've got some of the finest women in the world......My wife's one of 'em!

My family members are into dirt bikes, 4 wheeling & Monster truck events. I was into Corvettes and crusing the coast, always having a blast. I have two cal ladies in my life, and the three of us are always doing something crazy here in CA, or over in Nevada.

It used to be, we had a fine mix in politics.....Both sides kept themselves in check.....Once the mid seventies came along, things started to slowly change......The loons started slowly creeping in up in Sacto, from both sides of the political spectrum.[/QUOTE]
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Hey, I got to be honest, there is no better pussy than CA girls, and I have been across this world and back. The ocean is swimable, diving, surfing, scuba, 365, and warm enough to take a bath in, clear enough to see the bottom, beautiful beaches. Beautiful inland lakes and Deltas, Yosemite National & Big Bear, snow/water skiing Plus, ice skate, beach thong skating. We have rugged mountains & boiling deserts. Girls are more friendly, more exciting, more inviting, and wear the sexist clothes of anywhere in the world. When its new and it happens, it happens her first, and the rest of the nation takes 12-24 months to get up to speed. I cite the waterbed as a perfect example, mash potatoes, Beach Boys, Woodies, hot rods and hot muscle motors and parts. It all starts in California, we are the cutting edge on innovation, and I don't leave New York out of this either. Our two states make America what is when it comes to style, fashion, innovation, cultural events. The rest of you clowns just learn to dance at a slower pace. But hey that is alright! We don't have any room for anymore of you hill billys. Go to Texas

I love this state....Grew up in Orange county when there were actually orange groves for miles around...Learned to surf at Huntington....Hitchhiked from Fullerton to Huntington just about everyday during summer vacation......Got my first piece o' ass from a fine lil' beach bunny on the old Dana Point pier.......

Small world! I lived in New Port Beach right near the Santa Anna river jetti. New Port is where I learned to surf, and did a lot of snorking down at Balboa. I too did a lot of hitch hiking, and times were just better, parents didn't have to worry about us getting our throat cut. That was way back in late 50s-early 60's. My dad built those smoke stacks at huntiington beach for power.

Got into motocross at 12....Went riding in some of the finest dirt bike areas around. Adelonto etc.........Vacations?...Forget about it. We've got everything...Custom motorcycles?... California is where it began....Custom Cars, same thing......And yes, we've got some of the finest women in the world......My wife's one of 'em!

My family members are into dirt bikes, 4 wheeling & Monster truck events. I was into Corvettes and crusing the coast, always having a blast. I have two cal ladies in my life, and the three of us are always doing something crazy here in CA, or over in Nevada.

It used to be, we had a fine mix in politics.....Both sides kept themselves in check.....Once the mid seventies came along, things started to slowly change......The loons started slowly creeping in up in Sacto, from both sides of the political spectrum.
The wife and I have done quite well in life. 4000 SF home on 4 acres in Malibu with one of the most awesome ocean views in Cali....It's paradise as far as we're concerned....We can see from Catalina to the SW to Anacapa in the NW......Our kids and grandchildren will never have to worry a day financially but, we're concerned about what is going on this state.........It's just not what it used to be......Certainly not what it was when we were kids.........Christ man, you can't surf in Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan, or even up in Rincon without checking out the sewage conditions....Oh, but the libs in Sacto have all the answers, as long as it's in their best interest. Same goes for the repubs, nothing more than libs in self interest clothing.......They all make me sick!
its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

Hey, I got to be honest, there is no better pussy than CA girls, and I have been across this world and back. The ocean is swimable, diving, surfing, scuba, 365, and warm enough to take a bath in, clear enough to see the bottom, beautiful beaches. Beautiful inland lakes and Deltas, Yosemite National & Big Bear, snow/water skiing Plus, ice skate, beach thong skating. We have rugged mountains & boiling deserts. Girls are more friendly, more exciting, more inviting, and wear the sexist clothes of anywhere in the world. When its new and it happens, it happens here first, and the rest of the nation takes 12-24 months to get up to speed. I cite the waterbed as a perfect example, mash potatoes, Beach Boys, Woodies, hot rods and hot muscle motors and parts. It all starts in California, we are the cutting edge on innovation, and I don't leave New York out of this either. Our two states make America what is when it comes to style, fashion, innovation, cultural events. The rest of you clowns just learn to dance at a slower pace. But hey that is alright! We don't have any room for anymore of you hill billys. Go to Texas

What a misogynistic little creep you are. Are you really a fat, ugly, slimy little bastard who can't get laid unless he pays for it?
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state

It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th. I expect a state-wide party (funded by the taxpayers) when they finally drop to 10th!

Liberal logic at its finest.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state

It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th.

Who the hell said that?
its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state

It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th.

Who the hell said that?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.
its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state

It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th.

Who the hell said that?

Cal Facts 2002: Economy

2002: California Economy.... 5th largest in the world. An inconvenient truth.
It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th.

Who the hell said that?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

Even funnier when those Californians who don't live in California... are actually correct about their state.

Now, that is funny.
It used to be the 5th largest economy. Thanks to liberals, we're supposed to be proud of dropping to 8th.

Who the hell said that?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.
Who the hell said that?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.
This is what happens when business owners pull out of the state and move to Arizona...they take away jobs. My point stands. You either contribute to an economy or you don't. When you don't, you have no valid reason to criticize it.

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