I love California

this is very true.....this State is no longer very business friendly.....especially to small ones....

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

well like i remember telling you a while ago.....i was delivering to a business complex that had well over a hundred businesses in there....now there is only about 30 left....if they did not go out of business...they moved out of State...Texas and Colorado being the 2 biggest benefactors of that....Nevada got a few also...just because yours is doing ok does not mean an exodus of businesses is not happening ...it is...

As if the fucked up economy your parties leadership gave us had no effect on business huh?

Heres the deal, in California some other business will fill the opportunity those failed businesses left open when the economy recovers.

You see all those other states can not offer what Cali does.

Its why we are the most populated state.

Dont hate on your state CG
Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

well like i remember telling you a while ago.....i was delivering to a business complex that had well over a hundred businesses in there....now there is only about 30 left....if they did not go out of business...they moved out of State...Texas and Colorado being the 2 biggest benefactors of that....Nevada got a few also...just because yours is doing ok does not mean an exodus of businesses is not happening ...it is...

As if the fucked up economy your parties leadership gave us had no effect on business huh? Cali is "ruled" by Democrats.... (Awnold is no Repub)

Heres the deal, in California some other business will fill the opportunity those failed businesses left open when the economy recovers.
Dont you mean "IF"?

You see all those other states can not offer what Cali does. Such as? Sorry, but Texas was its own Republic for a reason!

Its why we are the most populated state. Dont kid yourself... its the climate and beauty. Thats all.... the people are asses! (I know... I worked there for a while, and they are some of the meanest and rudest I've encountered)

Dont hate on your state CG

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

well like i remember telling you a while ago.....i was delivering to a business complex that had well over a hundred businesses in there....now there is only about 30 left....if they did not go out of business...they moved out of State...Texas and Colorado being the 2 biggest benefactors of that....Nevada got a few also...just because yours is doing ok does not mean an exodus of businesses is not happening ...it is...

As if the fucked up economy your parties leadership gave us had no effect on business huh?

Heres the deal, in California some other business will fill the opportunity those failed businesses left open when the economy recovers.

You see all those other states can not offer what Cali does.

Its why we are the most populated state.

Dont hate on your state CG

As if the fucked up economy your parties leadership gave us had no effect on business huh?

whose party?....and Californias problems started years before this decade...

Heres the deal, in California some other business will fill the opportunity those failed businesses left open when the economy recovers.

and until that happens?....

You see all those other states can not offer what Cali does.

but yet there they go...to the other States...BECAUSE ..those States are offereing what Cali does not offer.....you know like lower taxes and less regulations......

Dont hate on your state CG

and Dresdens the name....Harry Dresden...
Who the hell said that?

Cal Facts 2002: Economy

2002: California Economy.... 5th largest in the world. An inconvenient truth.

No, who said we should be proud of dropping to 8th?

Several Californian liberals boast of the achievement of being the 8th biggest economy in the world. I try and educate them a tad... by providing them with the evidence that being 8th is not an achievement.... when we used to be 5th. That's not rocket science - even really stupid people should understand that 5th is better than 8th.

Liberals have wrecked my home state. That pisses me off. It pisses me off that decent, hardworking, born and bred Californian are having to leave their state because liberal policies are destroying its economy. Call me a selfish conservative, but I resent having my home overrun with people who pay for nothing and take everything.
Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

well like i remember telling you a while ago.....i was delivering to a business complex that had well over a hundred businesses in there....now there is only about 30 left....if they did not go out of business...they moved out of State...Texas and Colorado being the 2 biggest benefactors of that....Nevada got a few also...just because yours is doing ok does not mean an exodus of businesses is not happening ...it is...

As if the fucked up economy your parties leadership gave us had no effect on business huh?

Heres the deal, in California some other business will fill the opportunity those failed businesses left open when the economy recovers.

You see all those other states can not offer what Cali does.

Its why we are the most populated state.

Dont hate on your state CG

I don't hate my state.... I love my state. It was a great state. It can be again.... if you lazy bastards would get the fuck up off your asses and work and stop expecting other people to pay for the stupidity and incompetence of idiot politicians.
California..........a shithole where mostly oddballs, misfits and leetches go to live.

but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.
but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

Mexicans destroyed California. No one else.
all of you are correct and incorrect about everything on here.

"Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down."

Everyone who doesnt look at the issues tend to find an easy scape goat in illegal aliens in California. its not that simple. Much of what illegals end up doing is simply work that many legal residents would do for that wage. I was born and raised in california all my life. I have lived in the farming areas of the central valley, as well as the urban areas of Los Angeles. Growing up in farm country i watched hundred of farm workers break their back for 10,12 and 14 hour days in the summer heat picking tomatoes and corn for a wage far below the state minimum level. when i would ask them why they do this for such small pay, they said would say its good honest work and they needed to support their families so their children would have a better life. i even know one farmer who said he would hire any legal who wanted to come out and work the fields for $6 and hr no questions asked. (1 guy showed up) most illegals do unskilled labor, which does not drive up the cost of doing business, it actually helps keep the cost down to affordable levels. (even though no one wants to say it out lout)

in comparison to los angeles, where as one person put it, "the street were dirty" well duh! the streets in a lot of major urban areas are dirty, thats just a fact of life. you cant have a major metropolitan area without crime, vagrants and dirt. its just not possible. if it was, id like you to point out an area of 15 million people that is extremely clean. but if you were to go a few miles west say towards santa monica, malibu, westwood, hermosa beach, redondo beach and marina del rey, you would find a stark contrast to inglewood, compton, and watts. (hell even hollywood is pretty dirty) in regards to traffic, this is just something every california hates but tolerates. i would rather deal with the rush hour commute for los angeles than live in new mexico. thats just the way i feel, and im sure there are many others who feel to exact opposite. but its one of the sacrifices i make to live in the only state i know of where in the morning i can to the mountain and ski, and the by 3pm be at the beach surfing. its all perception people. people in southern california know this, and we accept it. but it doesnt stop us from loving our state.

what eventually led to the major collapse of California financially was the housing boom and then bust. during the boom thousands of people bought homes that they couldnt afford, because the lending laws were extremely lax. when you could simply do "stated income" and tell a bank that you made more money than you actually did without anyone check, anyone could get a home loan. a lot of this had to do with the idea of instant gratification, as many people of Gen X and Gen Y couldnt wait to purchase homes. this again drove up the price of thousands of homes across the state. a home that should have sold for $250,000 was now priced at $500,000 and people were willing to selfishly pay this. many others simply used their homes as an ATM when property values skyrocketed, because of the high demand. this all artificially grew the economy. as people took these unrealized gains in their homes and pumped that money back into the economy by purchasing cars, boats, tv's, 2nd homes and a myriad of other frivolous items. this was also the time that people started to flock to california in search of the california dream. the banks ended up loaning money to people with credit scores in the 400's. this was ok though, because the banks were reaping record profits, tax revenues soared due to more home owners and the job market grew at a record pace because of the construction. this was all unsustainable though in the end. the tax revenue that the state started to rely upon was soon only a fraction of what it used to be due to all the foreclosures.

so here we sit now, digging ourselves out of this mess we all created. its nice to blame the government for everything, but those out there who over spent, didnt save a dime, bought toys and toys and toys, have no one to blame but themselves. so just as we have always done, we will dig ourselves out of this hole and make california stand on top again. anyone who thinks otherwise can leave. (IMHO)
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

And just look at your states financial situation.

Proof that liberals are stupid!
all of you are correct and incorrect about everything on here.

"Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down."

Everyone who doesnt look at the issues tend to find an easy scape goat in illegal aliens in California. its not that simple. Much of what illegals end up doing is simply work that many legal residents would do for that wage. I was born and raised in california all my life. I have lived in the farming areas of the central valley, as well as the urban areas of Los Angeles. Growing up in farm country i watched hundred of farm workers break their back for 10,12 and 14 hour days in the summer heat picking tomatoes and corn for a wage far below the state minimum level. when i would ask them why they do this for such small pay, they said would say its good honest work and they needed to support their families so their children would have a better life. i even know one farmer who said he would hire any legal who wanted to come out and work the fields for $6 and hr no questions asked. (1 guy showed up) most illegals do unskilled labor, which does not drive up the cost of doing business, it actually helps keep the cost down to affordable levels. (even though no one wants to say it out lout)

in comparison to los angeles, where as one person put it, "the street were dirty" well duh! the streets in a lot of major urban areas are dirty, thats just a fact of life. you cant have a major metropolitan area without crime, vagrants and dirt. its just not possible. if it was, id like you to point out an area of 15 million people that is extremely clean. but if you were to go a few miles west say towards santa monica, malibu, westwood, hermosa beach, redondo beach and marina del rey, you would find a stark contrast to inglewood, compton, and watts. (hell even hollywood is pretty dirty) in regards to traffic, this is just something every california hates but tolerates. i would rather deal with the rush hour commute for los angeles than live in new mexico. thats just the way i feel, and im sure there are many others who feel to exact opposite. but its one of the sacrifices i make to live in the only state i know of where in the morning i can to the mountain and ski, and the by 3pm be at the beach surfing. its all perception people. people in southern california know this, and we accept it. but it doesnt stop us from loving our state.

what eventually led to the major collapse of California financially was the housing boom and then bust. during the boom thousands of people bought homes that they couldnt afford, because the lending laws were extremely lax. when you could simply do "stated income" and tell a bank that you made more money than you actually did without anyone check, anyone could get a home loan. a lot of this had to do with the idea of instant gratification, as many people of Gen X and Gen Y couldnt wait to purchase homes. this again drove up the price of thousands of homes across the state. a home that should have sold for $250,000 was now priced at $500,000 and people were willing to selfishly pay this. many others simply used their homes as an ATM when property values skyrocketed, because of the high demand. this all artificially grew the economy. as people took these unrealized gains in their homes and pumped that money back into the economy by purchasing cars, boats, tv's, 2nd homes and a myriad of other frivolous items. this was also the time that people started to flock to california in search of the california dream. the banks ended up loaning money to people with credit scores in the 400's. this was ok though, because the banks were reaping record profits, tax revenues soared due to more home owners and the job market grew at a record pace because of the construction. this was all unsustainable though in the end. the tax revenue that the state started to rely upon was soon only a fraction of what it used to be due to all the foreclosures.

so here we sit now, digging ourselves out of this mess we all created. its nice to blame the government for everything, but those out there who over spent, didnt save a dime, bought toys and toys and toys, have no one to blame but themselves. so just as we have always done, we will dig ourselves out of this hole and make california stand on top again. anyone who thinks otherwise can leave. (IMHO)

Most of the smart money has already left. We'll come back.... when those who fucked it up have put it right.

Btw, unless the United States has lost yet another freedom, please refrain from telling other people to 'leave'. It is our state too. Even if we've temporarily left it. Clean up your mess and we'll come back.
but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

Libs are nomadic parasites.... they move in, strip the place clean and then they move on.
Most of the smart money has already left. We'll come back.... when those who fucked it up have put it right.

Btw, unless the United States has lost yet another freedom, please refrain from telling other people to 'leave'. It is our state too. Even if we've temporarily left it. Clean up your mess and we'll come back.

im not telling everyone to leave. those who only want to criticize and demonize should though in my opinion. if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

my question to you is then, why did you leave if you call this your home? why didnt you stay and help clean up the mess we all created instead of leaving it to someone else? no one is perfect, remember when we removed Gray Davis because of the mess he created? (and he was a democrat, removed by a mostly democratic state) although he did do some good things. he was then promptly replaced by a republican, and things didnt necessarily get better. (you will probably blame the fact the state legislature was mostly democrat on that one too) all im trying to say its not just the lefts fault, or the rights. its everyones, and until everyone realizes this, the partisan bickering will continue and nothing will actually get accomplished.
but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

I'm thinking that even as good as California used to be it would be a bit much to carry the other 49 states. They aren't doing well supporting half of Mexico.
What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

I'm thinking that even as good as California used to be it would be a bit much to carry the other 49 states. They aren't doing well supporting half of Mexico.

It certainly carried far more than its fair share. And, I have no issue with that. California was (note was, not is) an economic powerhouse.... the problem boils down to incompetence by those elected to run the state.... we probably should have clarified what 'run' means.... because most of us didn't mean run it into the ground.

The CA government carried on spending at an obscene rate. If you live in a household with two incomes and one person loses their job, the sensible thing is to cut your spending until that person gets another job. Basic economics. Pity that our politicians didn't understand even that.
California..........a shithole where mostly oddballs, misfits and leetches go to live.

but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?
no of course not Willow.....just defending my State from attacks like Skookersball is doing....the guy probably lives in a State that if it disappeared today no one would even know its gone.....ECONOMICALLY if California disappeared....i believe the US economy would feel something.....at one time Willow many here would have WANTED to live here.....including Skookersville.....listening to other posters here from around the Country....it seems like JUST about everyone here has a few gripes about how their State is starting too OR already sucks.....
What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

Mexicans destroyed California. No one else.

there have always been Mexicans here Gordo.....your Govt and its LAX Immigration policies are the no.1 Culprits......

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