I love California

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?

Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

Libs are nomadic parasites.... they move in, strip the place clean and then they move on.

Kind of like the aliens from Independence Day.
Harry makes a good point. CA has, historically been the most economically successful state - which is one of the reasons why liberals flocked to it.... they smell money from thousands of miles. And look what they did to it. Fucking bastards.

Libs are nomadic parasites.... they move in, strip the place clean and then they move on.

Kind of like the aliens from Independence Day.

I was thinking the same thing...or those from "War Of The Worlds".
but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?
no of course not Willow.....just defending my State from attacks like Skookersball is doing....the guy probably lives in a State that if it disappeared today no one would even know its gone.....ECONOMICALLY if California disappeared....i believe the US economy would feel something.....at one time Willow many here would have WANTED to live here.....including Skookersville.....listening to other posters here from around the Country....it seems like JUST about everyone here has a few gripes about how their State is starting too OR already sucks.....

Anf that includes Florida. The Democrats are about all but booted. And I have my eye on the new Legislature and the Governor. They did roll back already some of Chucky Crist's Vetos...
but yet this "shithole" has carried the fucking Country for how many years?.....

What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?
no of course not Willow.....just defending my State from attacks like Skookersball is doing....the guy probably lives in a State that if it disappeared today no one would even know its gone.....ECONOMICALLY if California disappeared....i believe the US economy would feel something.....at one time Willow many here would have WANTED to live here.....including Skookersville.....listening to other posters here from around the Country....it seems like JUST about everyone here has a few gripes about how their State is starting too OR already sucks.....

I've lived in a few of the very finest states. California, Alaska, Texas and Florida. Each and every one of them has their own beauty. If it were a beauty contest though Alaska wins hands down. I forgot Wyoming.
What do you mean "carried the country"? Harry? Everybody else sat on their asses?
no of course not Willow.....just defending my State from attacks like Skookersball is doing....the guy probably lives in a State that if it disappeared today no one would even know its gone.....ECONOMICALLY if California disappeared....i believe the US economy would feel something.....at one time Willow many here would have WANTED to live here.....including Skookersville.....listening to other posters here from around the Country....it seems like JUST about everyone here has a few gripes about how their State is starting too OR already sucks.....

Anf that includes Florida. The Democrats are about all but booted. And I have my eye on the new Legislature and the Governor. They did roll back already some of Chucky Crist's Vetos...

Florida has a high unemployment rate. What she doesn't have and will never have is a State Income Tax. That I like.
no of course not Willow.....just defending my State from attacks like Skookersball is doing....the guy probably lives in a State that if it disappeared today no one would even know its gone.....ECONOMICALLY if California disappeared....i believe the US economy would feel something.....at one time Willow many here would have WANTED to live here.....including Skookersville.....listening to other posters here from around the Country....it seems like JUST about everyone here has a few gripes about how their State is starting too OR already sucks.....

Anf that includes Florida. The Democrats are about all but booted. And I have my eye on the new Legislature and the Governor. They did roll back already some of Chucky Crist's Vetos...

Florida has a high unemployment rate. What she doesn't have and will never have is a State Income Tax. That I like.

Just as the great Republic of Texas. Some Democrats here have suggested we have a State Income Tax. They were shouted out of order.
Correction, bub.

In the wise words of Meat Loaf: Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad.

jack nicholson in mars attacks. i want the people to know that we still have two out of three branches of the government left.... and that ain't bad.

there's alway's the third man out. i'm delighted to see such spirited debate, you guys all rock in my eyes, it's what moves us forward...
this may be the single best thread i've seen on this sausageboard

Nah, truthmatters doesn't 'debate', she regurgitates crap and spews venomous 'hate' at anyone who she sees as the 'right'.

She, and Rinata, are a pair of fucking dumbassed bitches.

Go to hell, Skank.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Stupid as usual, huh? Somebody needs to take your keyboard away, dork.

I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?

Anyone who was born there is a Californian in case you didn't know.

Many of the people that have moved there from NYC, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, and various countries in South and Central America aren't.

If we use Truthmatters "logic", I must be English... because I currently live in England. She's even more stupid than I had originally thought. Possibly a case of 'terminal stupidity'.
jack nicholson in mars attacks. i want the people to know that we still have two out of three branches of the government left.... and that ain't bad.

there's alway's the third man out. i'm delighted to see such spirited debate, you guys all rock in my eyes, it's what moves us forward...
this may be the single best thread i've seen on this sausageboard

Nah, truthmatters doesn't 'debate', she regurgitates crap and spews venomous 'hate' at anyone who she sees as the 'right'.

She, and Rinata, are a pair of fucking dumbassed bitches.

Go to hell, Skank.

Now if some foul-mouthed rightwinger called YOU a skank I'd have to empty my PM box of whines before it overloaded and the server blew.

Don't dish what YOU can't take.

I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?

Anyone who was born there is a Californian in case you didn't know.

Many of the people that have moved there from NYC, Cambodia, Vietnam, Mexico, and various countries in South and Central America aren't.

If we use Truthmatters "logic", I must be English... because I currently live in England. She's even more stupid than I had originally thought. Possibly a case of 'terminal stupidity'.

You're NOT English? What witha name like a CALIFORNIA Girl? *bubble bursts* :(

I guess you are no longer a californian then huh?

I don't think she ever was. Thank God. I sure don't want her here.

What you want or think is pretty much irrelevant, fatty. You are incapable of rational thought.... "I need Twinkies" does not count as rational, intelligent thought.... mmmmk? Wobble off to the kitchen.

You are the one that is obsessed with Twinkies, not I. Actually you seem more like the Ding Dong type. If you were really as intelligent as you say you are, you would be above the stupid remarks you have made above. But you're not. You're a phony. On the same level with the idiot right wing. You ain't no big deal, honey, you just think you are.
Nah, truthmatters doesn't 'debate', she regurgitates crap and spews venomous 'hate' at anyone who she sees as the 'right'.

She, and Rinata, are a pair of fucking dumbassed bitches.

Go to hell, Skank.

Now if some foul-mouthed rightwinger called YOU a skank I'd have to empty my PM box of whines before it overloaded and the server blew.

Don't dish what YOU can't take.

Don't talk of what you don't know. You know nothing about me and what I can take or not take. And if you didn't share the same views as CG, you'd never have commented at all.

And by the way, some foul mouthed rightwinger calls me a lot worse than Skank. Several of them as a matter of fact. As if you didn't know that. And you have seen nothing about it in your PM box. You've only heard from me once and I'll never make that mistake again. Have a nice day.
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Libs are nomadic parasites.... they move in, strip the place clean and then they move on.

Kind of like the aliens from Independence Day.

I was thinking the same thing...or those from "War Of The Worlds".

Which one.....the first or the second.

I was thinking of War of The Worlds to but I remember the line in I.D. explaining the aliens as scavengers and parasites going from planet to planet. NOLA's post about nomadic parasites that move in, strip the place clean and then move on brought it to mind.
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Go to hell, Skank.

Now if some foul-mouthed rightwinger called YOU a skank I'd have to empty my PM box of whines before it overloaded and the server blew.

Don't dish what YOU can't take.

Don't talk of what you don't know. You know nothing about me and what I can take or not take. And if you didn't share the same views as CG, you'd never have commented at all.

I don't? I know plenty about you. Do you REALLY think you didn't leave a trail? People here know you, and I have your PMs. Want to try again or just STFU?

I was probably stationed in CA longer than you've been alive and I know what a shithole it is.

And yeah, I DO know what you can take. You like to dish but can't take what you dish back.

But do feel free to go look and see where CG and I hang out together and agree on everything. If you're going to stick your dick in the door, don't be surprised when the door gets slammed on it, huh?
Now if some foul-mouthed rightwinger called YOU a skank I'd have to empty my PM box of whines before it overloaded and the server blew.

Don't dish what YOU can't take.

Don't talk of what you don't know. You know nothing about me and what I can take or not take. And if you didn't share the same views as CG, you'd never have commented at all.

I don't? I know plenty about you. Do you REALLY think you didn't leave a trail? People here know you, and I have your PMs. Want to try again or just STFU?

I was probably stationed in CA longer than you've been alive and I know what a shithole it is.

And yeah, I DO know what you can take. You like to dish but can't take what you dish back.

But do feel free to go look and see where CG and I hang out together and agree on everything. If you're going to stick your dick in the door, don't be surprised when the door gets slammed on it, huh?

I don't know what your problem is and I don't care. I guess you needed someone to terrorize tonight. Like I've always said, men from Texas are just loud mouth bullies. And boy, do you fit the bill. Go to hell. I'm done here.

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