I love California

Who the hell said that?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.

Perhaps the left have no concept of loyalty. They certainly don't bother with little details like one's state of origin. I was born in CA. I was raised in CA. My Dad was born and raised in CA, as was his father. California is our home state - whether we live there or not.

Technically, I do live there - I am a registered voter in the state of California. So, while the left are welcome to make up whatever bullshit they are inclined to.... all they do is make themselves look stupid..... perhaps because they are.
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.
This is what happens when business owners pull out of the state and move to Arizona...they take away jobs. My point stands. You either contribute to an economy or you don't. When you don't, you have no valid reason to criticize it.

Yep, it's all the business owners fault... absolutely nothing to do with the fucking morons who continued to spend taxpayers money like there was no tomorrow.... only to wake up and find it IS tomorrow.

When the economy of CA started to shrink... (like going from 5th biggest in the world to 8th biggest).... the CA government should have cut spending to ensure that they did not run up a deficit. They did not. And idiots kept electing them anyway. Again, who is responsible? The businesses for getting out while they still have a business or the state government for reckless overspending?
The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.
This is what happens when business owners pull out of the state and move to Arizona...they take away jobs. My point stands. You either contribute to an economy or you don't. When you don't, you have no valid reason to criticize it.

Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down.

Who's fault is that?? Who believes in higher taxes and coddling illegals???? Three guesses Ravi.

I lived there myself once....which is why I don't anymore. Had to do something drastic like joining the military just to be able to eat.
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The people that don't live in California and yet claim to be Californians. They don't contribute to the economy and yet they pretend to be Californians.

Quite amusing, that.

I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.

Perhaps the left have no concept of loyalty. They certainly don't bother with little details like one's state of origin. I was born in CA. I was raised in CA. My Dad was born and raised in CA, as was his father. California is our home state - whether we live there or not.

Technically, I do live there - I am a registered voter in the state of California. So, while the left are welcome to make up whatever bullshit they are inclined to.... all they do is make themselves look stupid..... perhaps because they are.
If you don't live there, you aren't a resident and shouldn't be registered to vote there. :thup:
I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.
This is what happens when business owners pull out of the state and move to Arizona...they take away jobs. My point stands. You either contribute to an economy or you don't. When you don't, you have no valid reason to criticize it.

Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down.

Who's fault is that?? Who believes in higher taxes and coddling illegals???? Three guesses Ravi.

I lived there myself once....which is why I don't anymore. Had to do something drastic like joining the military just to be able to eat.
Abandoning the state and still claiming to be a Californian is the issue here.
Hey dumbass..... how about you answer CG's question and stop deflecting.

How you guys plan on paying it off?

Tons of buisinesses are moving from that tax Hell you call home. Alot of them are coming right here to Texas.... so keep up the good work, we need the jobs[/FONT] :fu:

this is very true.....this State is no longer very business friendly.....especially to small ones....

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

well like i remember telling you a while ago.....i was delivering to a business complex that had well over a hundred businesses in there....now there is only about 30 left....if they did not go out of business...they moved out of State...Texas and Colorado being the 2 biggest benefactors of that....Nevada got a few also...just because yours is doing ok does not mean an exodus of businesses is not happening ...it is...
I guess when you're born in a state or a country you feel you belong.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Btw....since there are no jobs ex-Californians are living everywhere but California.

Perhaps the left have no concept of loyalty. They certainly don't bother with little details like one's state of origin. I was born in CA. I was raised in CA. My Dad was born and raised in CA, as was his father. California is our home state - whether we live there or not.

Technically, I do live there - I am a registered voter in the state of California. So, while the left are welcome to make up whatever bullshit they are inclined to.... all they do is make themselves look stupid..... perhaps because they are.
If you don't live there, you aren't a resident and shouldn't be registered to vote there. :thup:

While you are welcome to your opinion, it's bullshit. Just sayin'.
Perhaps the left have no concept of loyalty. They certainly don't bother with little details like one's state of origin. I was born in CA. I was raised in CA. My Dad was born and raised in CA, as was his father. California is our home state - whether we live there or not.

Technically, I do live there - I am a registered voter in the state of California. So, while the left are welcome to make up whatever bullshit they are inclined to.... all they do is make themselves look stupid..... perhaps because they are.
If you don't live there, you aren't a resident and shouldn't be registered to vote there. :thup:

While you are welcome to your opinion, it's bullshit. Just sayin'.
Not an opinion...there is a residency requirement needed to register to vote.
This is what happens when business owners pull out of the state and move to Arizona...they take away jobs. My point stands. You either contribute to an economy or you don't. When you don't, you have no valid reason to criticize it.

Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down.

Who's fault is that?? Who believes in higher taxes and coddling illegals???? Three guesses Ravi.

I lived there myself once....which is why I don't anymore. Had to do something drastic like joining the military just to be able to eat.
Abandoning the state and still claiming to be a Californian is the issue here.

I don't 'claim' to be anything. I am a Californian. I was born there, raised there.... and, we maintain a residence there. It is my home state. Your whining doesn't change facts. But do carry on.... you're making yourself look stupid... which is really funny. Thanks.
Taxes and the cost of doing business in California is astronomical. Wages are in the shitter because illegals have driven the wage scale down.

Who's fault is that?? Who believes in higher taxes and coddling illegals???? Three guesses Ravi.

I lived there myself once....which is why I don't anymore. Had to do something drastic like joining the military just to be able to eat.
Abandoning the state and still claiming to be a Californian is the issue here.

I don't 'claim' to be anything. I am a Californian. I was born there, raised there.... and, we maintain a residence there. It is my home state. Your whining doesn't change facts. But do carry on.... you're making yourself look stupid... which is really funny. Thanks.
:lol: We?

So your family benefits from the higher taxes in California while refusing to pay them.

Now illegals are a problem South of the Tehachapi mountains, but they haven't invaded the North CA yet, so no big problem here. I don't see it as a problem anyway. The rich aren't barking about it. We like their Mexican foods, architecture, lay back mood they bring. Those gang bangers are a problem.

get ready Shin....we here in the South are telling all these Illegals that the North, is a real land of opportunity.....and they want you up there.....:eusa_angel:
If you don't live there, you aren't a resident and shouldn't be registered to vote there. :thup:

While you are welcome to your opinion, it's bullshit. Just sayin'.
Not an opinion...there is a residency requirement needed to register to vote.

I have never claimed that I don't have a residence there. Stupid girl.... get facts, then form opinion. Assuming makes an ASS out of U, not ME. Mmmmk?

Federal Voting Assistance Program - Frequently Asked Questions

I know all about overseas voting. I've done it. Several times.
Abandoning the state and still claiming to be a Californian is the issue here.

I don't 'claim' to be anything. I am a Californian. I was born there, raised there.... and, we maintain a residence there. It is my home state. Your whining doesn't change facts. But do carry on.... you're making yourself look stupid... which is really funny. Thanks.
:lol: We?

So your family benefits from the higher taxes in California while refusing to pay them.


I said my dad moved his business to AZ. I said nothing about the rest of my family. And, I didn't say they sold their CA residence. You're Ass U ming again, Ravi. You really need to stop doing that... for your own sake.

And, no, my family don't 'benefit' from anything about the mess that is California.
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I don't 'claim' to be anything. I am a Californian. I was born there, raised there.... and, we maintain a residence there. It is my home state. Your whining doesn't change facts. But do carry on.... you're making yourself look stupid... which is really funny. Thanks.
:lol: We?

So your family benefits from the higher taxes in California while refusing to pay them.


I said my dad moved his business to AZ. I said nothing about the rest of my family. And, I didn't say they sold their CA residence. You're Ass U ming again, Ravi. You really need to stop doing that... for your own sake.

And, no, my family don't 'benefit' from anything about the mess that is California.
California's Ailing Republicans: A Dying Breed? - CBS News

California counted more registered Republicans in 1988 than it does today, even though the state population has since grown by about 10 million. Setting aside the politically ambidextrous Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose celebrity eclipsed his Republican registration, the California GOP counts only a single victory in 21 statewide contests since 2002 - that of insurance commissioner in 2006.

You'd have to go back more than two decades to find a Republican, George H.W. Bush, who carried the state in a presidential election.

Folks on the right always flee a state that is becomming a snake pit. Happening in New York too..............
California is like Greece/Ireland west.........the model for America to avoid.

California..........a shithole where mostly oddballs, misfits and leetches go to live.
:lol: We?

So your family benefits from the higher taxes in California while refusing to pay them.


I said my dad moved his business to AZ. I said nothing about the rest of my family. And, I didn't say they sold their CA residence. You're Ass U ming again, Ravi. You really need to stop doing that... for your own sake.

And, no, my family don't 'benefit' from anything about the mess that is California.

Nice comeback. When all facts prove you wrong.... whine. That's Ravi SOP. You're so full of shit, it's a wonder you ever get off the crapper.
I said my dad moved his business to AZ. I said nothing about the rest of my family. And, I didn't say they sold their CA residence. You're Ass U ming again, Ravi. You really need to stop doing that... for your own sake.

And, no, my family don't 'benefit' from anything about the mess that is California.

Nice comeback. When all facts prove you wrong.... whine. That's Ravi SOP. You're so full of shit, it's a wonder you ever get off the crapper.
If it makes you feel better that my disbelief is a whine, have at it. :thup:

Nice comeback. When all facts prove you wrong.... whine. That's Ravi SOP. You're so full of shit, it's a wonder you ever get off the crapper.
If it makes you feel better that my disbelief is a whine, have at it. :thup:

It's not about 'belief', Ravi. Eligibiilty to vote is based on fact, not 'beliefs'. You make yourself look like an ass by your fantasy about whether I am, indeed, a registered voter. An intelligent person would have challenged by asking the relevant questions.... not making shit up.

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