I love California

You guys humane plans have worked against you.

i will agree here....many good intended programs that were not watched over so to speak...that got out of hand....and of course with no one watching over it....need i say more.....and of course even after they realise it has gotten out of hand....no one will step forward to stop it....they just keep feeding it....
There are many good things about California, but there are also too many bad things to go along with it. The tens of billions in debt, the out of control taxes, the outlandish cost of living, illegal immigrants leaching off the system, and the complete lack of common sense that seems to be all too pervasive out there. You folks in Cali can have it and all the bullshit that comes with it. You'd never get me to live there.

Oh come now Taz, billions in debt! Isn't everybody? And out of control taxes?? I haven't a clue to that one Taz. Isn't it 8% ?

Now illegals are a problem South of the Tehachapi mountains, but they haven't invaded the North CA yet, so no big problem here. I don't see it as a problem anyway. The rich aren't barking about it. We like their Mexican foods, architecture, lay back mood they bring. Those gang bangers are a problem.

And common sense huh? Yes, CAls tend to be intellectuals functioning on logical conclusions based on hard data with no room for error. We tend to send those common sense people to texas, cuz they was screwing the sheep & pigs here. Yeah, and you of all people shouldn't live in CA. We are out homes here.
When Mexifornia is bankrupt (about 5 weeks away), Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, and even West Virginia will still be rocking right along.

So who are the idiots?
Hey dumbass..... how about you answer CG's question and stop deflecting.

How you guys plan on paying it off?

Tons of buisinesses are moving from that tax Hell you call home. Alot of them are coming right here to Texas.... so keep up the good work, we need the jobs[/FONT] :fu:

this is very true.....this State is no longer very business friendly.....especially to small ones....

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

Ever hear the one about the shoe fitting?

Glad you are doing great, but that does'nt dispell the fact that a boatload of companies have moved their ops here to Tx.


We welcome the buisiness.
Gov Brown promised no such thing. Why lie? It doesn't help your cause yet seems to be a common practice among those on the right. If you're going to lie about the Gov. elect, maybe spelling his name corrrectly might provide you with some credability. Misspelling his name suggests your lie was a repeat of someone else's propaganda and, makes your arugment (and you) appear foolish.

BULLSHIT.....i saw him say those exact words ....on KCVR a San Bernardino TV Station...of course maybe with MANY Latinos there he had to say it for Votes you understand.....but he would not specify California kids like he did Illegals....it would have saved him a lot of crap with this if he would have just said "i will do everything i can to make that possible".....instead of doing a dance....
Hey dumbass..... how about you answer CG's question and stop deflecting.

How you guys plan on paying it off?

Tons of buisinesses are moving from that tax Hell you call home. Alot of them are coming right here to Texas.... so keep up the good work, we need the jobs[/FONT] :fu:

this is very true.....this State is no longer very business friendly.....especially to small ones....

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here. But maybe I should be listening to non-Californians telling me how bad my state is for my business rather than rely on my own personal experience here.

all gung ho business is doing good.
Is gay marriage legal in california? No

is pot legal in California? No

can you smoke? No

can you buy a happy meal? No

can you live here illegally? Yes

can you be in a gang and drug cartel? Yes

do you pay taxes through the ass? Yes

can you go to the emergency room? No

do liberals run California? YES!

believing lies doesnt make them true

Prove plz.

The last elections were all the proof I needed.

No one in their right minds would've voted for Brown & Boxer.... unless they knew not what they were doing. (i.e. illiterate illegal voters) :eusa_whistle:

That is proof enough for you because you like lies

Ironically.... you seem to be the one telling lies.

All of the above is true, its self evident.
Kicking out kids for excelling is just a stupid right wing idea.

hey "miss i just moved to California".....i know LOTS of Democrats who want THEIR kids to reap the benifits before an Illegals kid does.....

That's right Harry. You tell her. I just shake my head at her bullshit sometimes. "Kicking out kids for excelling" What an udder load of cowshit that TruthMattersNot shats in the streets of San Fran. :lol::lol::lol:
what does this have to do with hate?

Because only someone as purely fucking moronic as yourself could be proud of a state running a 20 billion dollar deficit...

I also believe California has more people leaving the state than coming to it for the first time in history.

Oh, I lived there for 24 years, I’m happy I moved away.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
here's what i want...

i want bodee and cg and tm, and to make it fair, i want t m to pick anyone of her choice,

so... bodee and cg and tm as the editors of washingtonamerica.com ???
you demonstrated here tonight that you have tenacity... are you willing to take it to the people ???
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Republicans don't run California, actually they have been instrumental in keeping its engines inoperatable.

People who know the problems we face, and that does not include Willow Tree, understand that the minority in the Assembly and State Senate, have created a perfect storm for the economic troubles facing our state.

The R's can hold the state hostage, and have, by their absolute refusal to raise taxes. Every year this is a budget battle, each year the state robs the cities, counties and special districts of revenue.

'Tough' on crime, the R's increase penalties every session, taking sentencing discretion from judges and mandating longer and longer prison sentences. Such 'toughness' created a huge prison system where even non-violent offenders spend years in custody at an enormouis taxpayer expense.

Taking revenue from local jurisdictions to pay for long sentences, build more prisons and reducing the revenue at police and sheriff agencies, probation and social service agencies guarantees failure.

More kids enter the juvenile justice system and graduate to the Dept. of Corrections because of the lack of services at the local level. A better way is to combine the parole and probation agencies in California under County or regional jurisdiction. Doing so would reduce administrative costs, increase communication - in particular gang mitigation, drug trafficking and fugitive apprehension.

i agree with you about the Prison part Wry.....but the thing about how the Republicans are stopping the Taxes from being raised...thank god someone is.....we are taxed enough in this State.....i see people everyday just hanging on...and someone wants them to pay more taxes?.....yea thats going to help the ones who are already hurting...its pretty sad if you live all your life in this State and when you retire you have no choice but to move because you cant afford to live here....what does that say about the State and the People running it......its like California saying to these people...."hey thanks for your years of Blood,Sweat and Tears and your years of paying taxes....sorry,now you have to leave"......many here will never enjoy the Fruits of their labors.....
Is gay marriage legal in california? No

is pot legal in California? No

can you smoke? No

can you buy a happy meal? No

can you live here illegally? Yes

can you be in a gang and drug cartel? Yes

do you pay taxes through the ass? Yes

can you go to the emergency room? No

do liberals run California? YES!

Is gay marriage legal in california?
just about though

is pot legal in California? No

it might as well be....

can you smoke? No

only in certain places like every place else....

can you buy a happy meal? No

this is just in Frisco....:eusa_eh:

can you live here illegally? Yes

other states you can too....

can you be in a gang and drug cartel? Yes

also the same in other States.....

do you pay taxes through the ass? Yes

i pay mine through my place of work...but yes too many Taxes.....

can you go to the emergency room? No

YES....State law says that the ER cannot turn you away....

do liberals run California? YES!

Mostly.....but the other guys are present...just not in the same numbers......
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.
And people wonder why California is going broke? Future Gov.Browne promised illegals a FREE College education when he's elected........California goes deeper in debt every day,and someone boasts they love the fact you can't find a Republican anywhere....

Sounds like pure Cali logic to me.If you're happy to be there in a State just like others that are broke.
Good for you.

its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

great post....i would add....libs do good things for this state as well, despite their shortcomings....pubs aren't perfect....
this is very true.....this State is no longer very business friendly.....especially to small ones....

Hmm, my business is doing quite nicely here.
Yeah right!......You're up here 24/7........Yeah, you got a business alright!:eusa_liar:

And, if you ACTUALLY did have a business, you would fully understand what Dresden is talking about.

You, of course, can prove that silliness. If not, well...I guess you're nothing but a sorry ass liar. Shocker, there.
its an unfortunate truth....

california is the 7th or 8th largest economy in the world...dems do well here due to the immigration from mexico, hollyweird and SF....oddly, CA's money doesn't come from liberal principles...it comes from conservative principles, though the liberals love to spend it

its a great state, with faults, but a great state
It is a great state.......It's the liberals and their abject lunacy who are tearing it down.

Some of the most fertile farmland is sitting idle, while farmers are being squeezed out of business to protect a stupid fish that could easily be farm raised......The liberal idiots have literally turned off the water.

Independent truckers amd small trucking companies are being squeezed out of business by ridiculous environmental laws....Either they buy new trucks, a very expensive proposition, or too bad....You're screwed.....Try to get into LA harbor in a twenty year old truck.

Property taxes are friggin' ridiculous......That's why we've chosen to live in Ventura county, and operated our business in Ventura county......It's conservative, beautiful, clean, safe, and the taxes are reasonable compared to most counties.......Ventura county sheriffs also enforce immigration law...regardless of what the liberal idiots in Sacto think.....You're here illegally, your ass is taken into custody.

The list is endless as to what the lib's are doing to this great state. And none of it is good.

great post....i would add....libs do good things for this state as well, despite their shortcomings....pubs aren't perfect....
One of the biggest problems we've had is that the last two republican governors were nothing more than closeted liberals.....Wolves in sheeps clothing if you will.......And now, we've got former Gov. Moonbeam about to take over......We're so screwed!

And go check out the latest "budget" put forth by the idiots in Sacto........Talk about a recipe for further disaster.
One of the biggest problems we've had is that the last two republican governors were nothing more than closeted liberals.....Wolves in sheeps clothing if you will.......And now, we've got former Gov. Moonbeam about to take over......We're so screwed!

Nice analogy WJ...Have you checked out the coat of arms for Fabian Socialists?


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