I Love Hillary

God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed

The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
You failed to respond to my post.
you are a liberal and you don't know why....

'Hidden History' Of Koch Brothers Traces Their Childhood And Political Rise

'Dark Money': Koch Brothers' Donations Push Their Political Agenda

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016: $889 Million

Conservative Koch Brothers' Group Puts Congressional GOP On Notice

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Debate At Koch Brothers Forum

Running Against The Koch Brothers

The loudest voice taking on vulnerable Senate Democrats right now is not the Republican party, but Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group founded by the billionaire Koch brothers.
The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
You failed to respond to my post.
you are a liberal and you don't know why....
You Republicans have takin this country from being a country of We the People to a country of greedy ignorant bastards and every man for himself. People in Europe think Americans are dumb for "hating" our government the way you cons do. Ur dumb. You don't realize that people in other countries now have it better than you because you're paying out the nose for your dear precious unregulated free market capitalism.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed

Collective bargaining for public workers has bankrupted states.
Wisconsin now has a $3 billion surplus. For the first time in decades, the state is actually adding jobs and has an economy that is expanding.
Nice copy and past,by the way.....
Where'd ya get this? From some pro union website?
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
You failed to respond to my post.
you are a liberal and you don't know why....

'Hidden History' Of Koch Brothers Traces Their Childhood And Political Rise

'Dark Money': Koch Brothers' Donations Push Their Political Agenda

Koch Brothers Put Price Tag On 2016: $889 Million

Conservative Koch Brothers' Group Puts Congressional GOP On Notice

GOP Presidential Hopefuls Debate At Koch Brothers Forum

Running Against The Koch Brothers

The loudest voice taking on vulnerable Senate Democrats right now is not the Republican party, but Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group founded by the billionaire Koch brothers.
You claimed the Koch brothers STEAL money from individuals. Where is the proof of THAT
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed
Collective bargaining for public workers has bankrupted states.
Wisconsin now has a $3 billion surplus. For the first time in decades, the state is actually adding jobs and has an economy that is expanding.
Nice copy and past,by the way.....
Where'd ya get this? From some pro union website?
To be honest I agree public workers shouldn't be highly paid people.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed
Collective bargaining for public workers has bankrupted states.
Wisconsin now has a $3 billion surplus. For the first time in decades, the state is actually adding jobs and has an economy that is expanding.
Nice copy and past,by the way.....
Where'd ya get this? From some pro union website?
Bullshit. Where is your proof of that?
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
You failed to respond to my post.
you are a liberal and you don't know why....
You Republicans have takin this country from being a country of We the People to a country of greedy ignorant bastards and every man for himself. People in Europe think Americans are dumb for "hating" our government the way you cons do. Ur dumb. You don't realize that people in other countries now have it better than you because you're paying out the nose for your dear precious unregulated free market capitalism.
Greed? You have some fucking nerve....
You people screech about people not paying enough taxes and why is this? Because somewhere in your tiny minds you think the government is going to bestow upon you your alleged 'share'.......
Instead of concentrating on your own business, you are constantly looking fro some one else to blame for your situation.
What business is it of yours who makes what and how much. It has NO bearing on your condition.
I am so sick of you lefties crying the blues about what you don't have and what you believe you can't reach.
All you people ever do is complain and search for scapegoats.....Wah wah wah....He's RICH..WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...
As though wealth was some kind of capital offense
The sadly amusing irony here is your are going to vote for a very rich old white lady to be president.
Fucking hypocrites....
BTW,,,,,"We the people" is not a "collective"...We the people is 315 million individuals that have the God given right to succeed to the best of our ability.
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed
Collective bargaining for public workers has bankrupted states.
Wisconsin now has a $3 billion surplus. For the first time in decades, the state is actually adding jobs and has an economy that is expanding.
Nice copy and past,by the way.....
Where'd ya get this? From some pro union website?
To be honest I agree public workers shouldn't be highly paid people.
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.

In the ultimate irony, ALEC gives corporations a voice and a vote in order to rob workers of theirs. ALEC’s leadership and membership include executivesfrom corporations like Comcast and Walmart that are notorious for their low-wage, anti-worker business practices. ALEC is also tied to heavy hitters in the Tea Party movement, like the billionaire Koch brothers, who channel their vast wealth to far-right groups and politicians and helped orchestrate Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s repeal of public employees’ collective bargaining rights.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.

ALEC Exposed
Collective bargaining for public workers has bankrupted states.
Wisconsin now has a $3 billion surplus. For the first time in decades, the state is actually adding jobs and has an economy that is expanding.
Nice copy and past,by the way.....
Where'd ya get this? From some pro union website?
Bullshit. Where is your proof of that?
Latest Wisconsin budget numbers dispel left's 'deficit' narrative - Watchdog.org
Wisconsin goes back to budget deficits
The facts are clear, Limiting the formerly generous pay and benefits for public employees has allowed Wisconsin to lower taxes and gain employment...
Teyh fact that Walker had won three elections in 4 years proves that fiscal conservatism wins out over tax and spend even in blue leaning states such as Wisconsin...
This is a reality that eats away at your insides like a peptic ulcer
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

The problem you have with that list is that there is only 1 that can appeal to the majority and win the White House. And that person is in fact, Hillary Clinton. Far left or far candidates are not electable in this country. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. All of our Presidents on both sides of the isle had to stand in the middle to win the White House. They have to be everything to the majority to win, as they have to appeal to the majority to win.

Your favorite--Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Americans get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear socialism. We're not Europe. This country is founded upon a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics.

Hillary Clinton pounded Sanders with a current 3,720,321 popular vote lead that is going to get larger when they finish counting about a 1 million ballots that they haven't finished counting in Southern California, and of course she will win Washington D.C. next Tuesday. In comparison, in the 2008 primary, Obama won by a mere 41,622 popular votes. Why Sanders is still in this race is beyond any imagination or rational.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS

Last edited:
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

The problem you have with that list is that there is only 1 that can appeal to the majority and win the White House. And that person is in fact, Hillary Clinton. Far left or far candidates are not electable in this country. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. All of our Presidents on both sides of the isle had to stand in the middle to win the White House. They have to be everything to the majority to win, as they have to appeal to the majority to win.

Your favorite--Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Americans get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear socialism. We're not Europe. This country is founded upon a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics.

Hillary Clinton pounded Sanders with a 3,720,321 popular vote lead that is going to get larger when they finish counting about a 1 million ballots that they haven't finished counting in Southern California, and of course she will win Washington D.C. next Tuesday. In comparison, in the 2008 primary, Obama won by a mere 41,622 popular votes. Why Sanders is still in this race is beyond any imagination or rational.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS

Unless she gets indicted but then we could run Joe biden
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

The problem you have with that list is that there is only 1 that can appeal to the majority and win the White House. And that person is in fact, Hillary Clinton. Far left or far candidates are not electable in this country. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. All of our Presidents on both sides of the isle had to stand in the middle to win the White House. They have to be everything to the majority to win, as they have to appeal to the majority to win.

Your favorite--Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Americans get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear socialism. We're not Europe. This country is founded upon a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics.

Hillary Clinton pounded Sanders with a 3,720,321 popular vote lead that is going to get larger when they finish counting about a 1 million ballots that they haven't finished counting in Southern California, and of course she will win Washington D.C. next Tuesday. In comparison, in the 2008 primary, Obama won by a mere 41,622 popular votes. Why Sanders is still in this race is beyond any imagination or rational.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS

Unless she gets indicted but then we could run Joe biden
yeah that would be a positive

I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
I feel the same way. I'm in Michigan. Republicans are hell on labor and manufacturing
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

The problem you have with that list is that there is only 1 that can appeal to the majority and win the White House. And that person is in fact, Hillary Clinton. Far left or far candidates are not electable in this country. This country is center, it always has been, it always will be. All of our Presidents on both sides of the isle had to stand in the middle to win the White House. They have to be everything to the majority to win, as they have to appeal to the majority to win.

Your favorite--Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Americans get a foul taste in their mouths when they hear socialism. We're not Europe. This country is founded upon a hard work, pay your own way ethic. It's in our genetics.

Hillary Clinton pounded Sanders with a 3,720,321 popular vote lead that is going to get larger when they finish counting about a 1 million ballots that they haven't finished counting in Southern California, and of course she will win Washington D.C. next Tuesday. In comparison, in the 2008 primary, Obama won by a mere 41,622 popular votes. Why Sanders is still in this race is beyond any imagination or rational.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS

Unless she gets indicted but then we could run Joe biden

The FBI has already stated there is no criminal wrong doing, so no there will be no charges. But they probably should also open up an investigation into former Secretary of State Colin Powell because he also has the same email issues.
CNN Reports FBI Has Found ‘No Criminal Wrongdoing’ in Hillary Clinton Email ‘Investigation’
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

These attacks are just right wing dog & pony shows at this time. Or you're possibly a Sanders supporter who is beating a dead horse?

I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
I feel the same way. I'm in Michigan. Republicans are hell on labor and manufacturing

If you are close Detroit, Democrats run that city into the ground. Same for Flint

The only conservative areas in that state are Grand Rapids and Jackson
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
Maybe you should take your own party's advice and go back to school or start your own business and if you aren't making enough only you are responsible for you.
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
Maybe you should take your own party's advice and go back to school or start your own business and if you aren't making enough only you are responsible for you.

That is exactly what I did, we own rental and the rent around here went big time the last 8 years as many are losing their homes now thanks to higher medical expenses. It is a landlords dream.
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
I feel the same way. I'm in Michigan. Republicans are hell on labor and manufacturing

If you are close Detroit, Democrats run that city into the ground. Same for Flint

The only conservative areas in that state are Grand Rapids and Jackson
Democrats are responsible for all of your problems and you seem to have a lot.

This girl that worked for my brother got his old job. Her pay just doubled and she now makes half million dollars a year. She's the VP of hr for a fortune 500 now. She only got it because 5 other people turned it down. It's a 24 7 job. She doesn't have a family. She just hit the work lotto.

Oh and you are wrong. I live in Oakland county. It's all conservative here in metro Detroit.
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
I feel the same way. I'm in Michigan. Republicans are hell on labor and manufacturing

If you are close Detroit, Democrats run that city into the ground. Same for Flint

The only conservative areas in that state are Grand Rapids and Jackson
Democrats are responsible for all of your problems and you seem to have a lot.

This girl that worked for my brother got his old job. Her pay just doubled and she now makes half million dollars a year. She's the VP of hr for a fortune 500 now. She only got it because 5 other people turned it down. It's a 24 7 job. She doesn't have a family. She just hit the work lotto.

Oh and you are wrong. I live in Oakland county. It's all conservative here in metro Detroit.

Bullshit, Ecorse and Dearborn are not conservative, I might believe Rochester and and Auburn Hills.
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?

Damn right, Obama reduced my disposable income with ACA more than any leader in my lifetime. He made my life easier on voting day now as I only have to pull one lever. I will NEVER vote for any Democrat again.
Maybe you should take your own party's advice and go back to school or start your own business and if you aren't making enough only you are responsible for you.

That is exactly what I did, we own rental and the rent around here went big time the last 8 years as many are losing their homes now thanks to higher medical expenses. It is a landlords dream.
Bullshit. If you can't afford healthcare you don't lose your home you just don't get a tax return back. Stop stretching. And making shit up. Your bills on those rentals are outrageous. It's hardly worth it.

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