I Love Hillary

hey bobo why dont you show a post were i am supporting anyone of those losers,it should be easy i have 40,000 of them.....or is this just more bobo talk?....
Now is your chance to sell me on the GOP harry. Explain to me how one of the GOP candidates cares about you me and America.

If you can't pick one you love then thanks for admitting you're just a sour right wingers who's mad cause Hillary's going to win.

I see it in all 40,000 of your posts. We know that you'd be much happier with a Republican in the white house. So cut the crap. You may not like the GOP candidate but you'll pull the lever and vote just as hard for one of them as I will for hillary.

And the GOP are all liars. Not one admits they hate the poor and middle class but they do.
sure i will bobo.....you will vote for the same old shit no matter what,why?....because you are a party boy....even if the candidate is terrible and you personally dont like the guy,you will vote for him just because he is a democrat,period....even if a 3rd party guy is someone you agree with way more,you the good party kid,will vote for that shitty democrat....because thats what your posts tell me.....
How bad were things for you 1992-2000?
what does that have to do with what i said?.....i was doing fine,but i was doing great during Bush's reign too.....you?....
Not good under bush. Michigan got fucked by bushanomics.

That's why you don't see the difference. You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing.

And the GOP told us things were fine leading up to the great recession.
i voted for Clinton twice....those were my last years as one of you.....then i woke up....and when you work with the US Mail you get to see how the economy is working....when there is lots of mail,things are going great,when mail goes down things are slowing down.....after 9/11 the mail went from maximum volume to a trickle for months.....the easiest christmas i can remember....my Sister in law moved from Ca. to Michigan a few years ago,thats where her husband is from,she says it was like moving into the past,you guys are behind apparently in advancements compared to Ca.....
dam bobo nothing like reviving a year old thread....lol
Republicans are masters of controlling the conversation. Just look at all the negative thread title about hillary. This is me controlling the message. I love Hillary! And every time you or someone replies people keep seeing I love Hillary and soon they'll love president hillary too.

Oh these right wing tools won't like her but fuck them
Now is your chance to sell me on the GOP harry. Explain to me how one of the GOP candidates cares about you me and America.

If you can't pick one you love then thanks for admitting you're just a sour right wingers who's mad cause Hillary's going to win.

I see it in all 40,000 of your posts. We know that you'd be much happier with a Republican in the white house. So cut the crap. You may not like the GOP candidate but you'll pull the lever and vote just as hard for one of them as I will for hillary.

And the GOP are all liars. Not one admits they hate the poor and middle class but they do.
sure i will bobo.....you will vote for the same old shit no matter what,why?....because you are a party boy....even if the candidate is terrible and you personally dont like the guy,you will vote for him just because he is a democrat,period....even if a 3rd party guy is someone you agree with way more,you the good party kid,will vote for that shitty democrat....because thats what your posts tell me.....
How bad were things for you 1992-2000?
what does that have to do with what i said?.....i was doing fine,but i was doing great during Bush's reign too.....you?....
Not good under bush. Michigan got fucked by bushanomics.

That's why you don't see the difference. You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing.

And the GOP told us things were fine leading up to the great recession.
i voted for Clinton twice....those were my last years as one of you.....then i woke up....and when you work with the US Mail you get to see how the economy is working....when there is lots of mail,things are going great,when mail goes down things are slowing down.....after 9/11 the mail went from maximum volume to a trickle for months.....the easiest christmas i can remember....my Sister in law moved from Ca. to Michigan a few years ago,thats where her husband is from,she says it was like moving into the past,you guys are behind apparently in advancements compared to Ca.....
You realize Clinton wasn't president on 9-11
dam bobo nothing like reviving a year old thread....lol
Republicans are masters of controlling the conversation. Just look at all the negative thread title about hillary. This is me controlling the message. I love Hillary! And every time you or someone replies people keep seeing I love Hillary and soon they'll love president hillary too.

Oh these right wing tools won't like her but fuck them
its only 4 years we will survive.....we have survived 16 years of 2 half-assed Presidents,get used to it because none of the quality people want to run anymore,and i dont blame them....
sure i will bobo.....you will vote for the same old shit no matter what,why?....because you are a party boy....even if the candidate is terrible and you personally dont like the guy,you will vote for him just because he is a democrat,period....even if a 3rd party guy is someone you agree with way more,you the good party kid,will vote for that shitty democrat....because thats what your posts tell me.....
How bad were things for you 1992-2000?
what does that have to do with what i said?.....i was doing fine,but i was doing great during Bush's reign too.....you?....
Not good under bush. Michigan got fucked by bushanomics.

That's why you don't see the difference. You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing.

And the GOP told us things were fine leading up to the great recession.
i voted for Clinton twice....those were my last years as one of you.....then i woke up....and when you work with the US Mail you get to see how the economy is working....when there is lots of mail,things are going great,when mail goes down things are slowing down.....after 9/11 the mail went from maximum volume to a trickle for months.....the easiest christmas i can remember....my Sister in law moved from Ca. to Michigan a few years ago,thats where her husband is from,she says it was like moving into the past,you guys are behind apparently in advancements compared to Ca.....
You realize Clinton wasn't president on 9-11
yea i do,duh..lol.....you said "You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing"....so i was just letting you know that the mail volume is like a thermometer for how good businesses are doing....and im talking business mail....not residential...so i knew when things were going good or bad.....but it all depended on what kind of business...some under bush did great,others not so good,it was the same under Obama,some did good some not so good....during Clintons time it seemed like everyone was doing great,but i think the dot-com boom had a hand in that,lots of businesses started up.....
How bad were things for you 1992-2000?
what does that have to do with what i said?.....i was doing fine,but i was doing great during Bush's reign too.....you?....
Not good under bush. Michigan got fucked by bushanomics.

That's why you don't see the difference. You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing.

And the GOP told us things were fine leading up to the great recession.
i voted for Clinton twice....those were my last years as one of you.....then i woke up....and when you work with the US Mail you get to see how the economy is working....when there is lots of mail,things are going great,when mail goes down things are slowing down.....after 9/11 the mail went from maximum volume to a trickle for months.....the easiest christmas i can remember....my Sister in law moved from Ca. to Michigan a few years ago,thats where her husband is from,she says it was like moving into the past,you guys are behind apparently in advancements compared to Ca.....
You realize Clinton wasn't president on 9-11
yea i do,duh..lol.....you said "You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing"....so i was just letting you know that the mail volume is like a thermometer for how good businesses are doing....and im talking business mail....not residential...so i knew when things were going good or bad.....but it all depended on what kind of business...some under bush did great,others not so good,it was the same under Obama,some did good some not so good....during Clintons time it seemed like everyone was doing great,but i think the dot-com boom had a hand in that,lots of businesses started up.....
My boss said that today about manufacturing. He said manufacturing does a little better under Democrats but it's neglegable.

The GOP are in favor of privatiz8ng the mail. I wonder how much fed ex and ups affected your business. Not to mention email.
what does that have to do with what i said?.....i was doing fine,but i was doing great during Bush's reign too.....you?....
Not good under bush. Michigan got fucked by bushanomics.

That's why you don't see the difference. You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing.

And the GOP told us things were fine leading up to the great recession.
i voted for Clinton twice....those were my last years as one of you.....then i woke up....and when you work with the US Mail you get to see how the economy is working....when there is lots of mail,things are going great,when mail goes down things are slowing down.....after 9/11 the mail went from maximum volume to a trickle for months.....the easiest christmas i can remember....my Sister in law moved from Ca. to Michigan a few years ago,thats where her husband is from,she says it was like moving into the past,you guys are behind apparently in advancements compared to Ca.....
You realize Clinton wasn't president on 9-11
yea i do,duh..lol.....you said "You worked your nice safe government job and have no idea what he did to manufacturing"....so i was just letting you know that the mail volume is like a thermometer for how good businesses are doing....and im talking business mail....not residential...so i knew when things were going good or bad.....but it all depended on what kind of business...some under bush did great,others not so good,it was the same under Obama,some did good some not so good....during Clintons time it seemed like everyone was doing great,but i think the dot-com boom had a hand in that,lots of businesses started up.....
My boss said that today about manufacturing. He said manufacturing does a little better under Democrats but it's neglegable.

The GOP are in favor of privatiz8ng the mail. I wonder how much fed ex and ups affected your business. Not to mention email.
I wonder how much fed ex and ups affected your business
not as much as everyone seems to think it did....they dont deliver 1st Class mail or magazines or advertising mail....and direct mail advertising is a big money business...and as far as Parcels go,the PO delivers a good portion of their parcels to the residential areas.....the big 3 actually work together in many areas that benefits them....
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Dude, put down the bottle.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Dude, put down the bottle.
I just remember the Republicans grilled hillary for 20 hours and hillary acted very presidential. You guys didn't talk about those hearing because they made hillary look presidential and Republicans looked petty.
I hop hillary doesn't blow her second chance at this like Romney did. Or McCain. McCain should have beat bush in 2000 but Carl rove played dirty and McCain ended up losing to the first black president in us history. Then Romney blew it because he couldn't relate to non millionaires.

By the way my nephews going to go to the same private highschool Romney went to. $20k a year. His dad votes GOP but he can afford to. Can you?
Get a job. Pay taxes. Put some skin in the game. Then you too will find that liberalism is junk
That's funny because me and the president of my international company today was telling me what a joke Republican nutbags are. He's pretty fucking successful.
Evasive reply.
BTW, what about your hatred of the so called 1%.....?....Hypocrite.
My first choice is Bernie Sanders but I love Hillary too. I love him Webb O'Malley and Lincoln Chaffee. I'd love it if bill could run again or gore would give it one more try. John Kerry would be better than any Republican. Harry reed or pelosi too. How come you never hear about al Franken anymore? I'd vote for him if he went against trump. Or Elizabeth Warren.

Fact is we got many choices and we like hillary. You Republicans have yet to be told jeb is your candidate. What you care now matters not. We however told hillary no in 08. Now it's her turn.

Obama was a better candidate but hillary will be a better president.

Dude, put down the bottle.
I just remember the Republicans grilled hillary for 20 hours and hillary acted very presidential. You guys didn't talk about those hearing because they made hillary look presidential and Republicans looked petty.

No she didn't... she just came off as someone with the attitude of "How dare you question me, I'm Hillary Motherfucking Clinton!"

Fuck that piece of shit. Her pervert husband too.
if you are talking to me im probably just as liberal as you are,maybe more, with certain topics....
Hilary I just heard has raised more money than all of the top six Republican candidates combined. Looks like I'm not the only one that loves her
wow im impressed....she has a money raising machine,thats always a good sign they will be a great President..........
The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
I just heard 4 out of every $5 donated to GOP candidates come from superpacs. Billionaires and millionaires. Way worse in the GOP.

Clearly the GOP is more corrupt.

Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
How many of you democrat males would like to give Hillary a ride? haha you love her right?
95% of LIB males between thirty and forty can't even 'get it up' without Viagra.
Their LIB females have 'pussy-wipped' them so much by then these now 'metro' are afraid to look at a female without being screamed at for being a 'micro-misogynist'.
Republicans always talk about what's fair. How about what works?

Sure like a rich Hillary saying "the rich should pay their fair share" right? How's that for ya?
Yea because that works! When the rich pay their fair share it works.

Why is a broke ass like you crying for them? Meanwhile those rich people are going to tell you who your nominee is going to be. It won't be trump, even though he's now beating bush. What reason will trump lose? Is he even serious or is this all for show?
This was your prediction last summer. Remember?
Fucking LOSER!
I just heard 4 out of every $5 donated to GOP candidates come from superpacs. Billionaires and millionaires. Way worse in the GOP.

Clearly the GOP is more corrupt.

Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
Republicans always talk about what's fair. How about what works?

Sure like a rich Hillary saying "the rich should pay their fair share" right? How's that for ya?
Yea because that works! When the rich pay their fair share it works.

Why is a broke ass like you crying for them? Meanwhile those rich people are going to tell you who your nominee is going to be. It won't be trump, even though he's now beating bush. What reason will trump lose? Is he even serious or is this all for show?
This was your prediction last summer. Remember?
Fucking LOSER!
I'd rather Trump over Kasich or Cruz or Rubio so I'm happy. So is Obama and Hillary.

Obama says he’s happy with Republicans’ choice in Donald Trump

Obama says he’s happy with Republicans’ choice in Donald Trump

Hilary I just heard has raised more money than all of the top six Republican candidates combined. Looks like I'm not the only one that loves her
wow im impressed....she has a money raising machine,thats always a good sign they will be a great President..........
The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
Hey, is it their fault George Soros is a miserly bastard and won't distribute his money EQUALLY?
God I wish I had a penny for every time you fools bring that guy up. It's laughable. Koch brothers are much worse. Imagine how bad their bosses are.
The Koch brothers fund hospitals and clinics. Soros funds Media Matters.
One hospital, for a tax break and because someone they love died of cancer.

And meanwhile they are raping the American people. This reminds me of when Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild and carnigee took over the banks in 1913 they gave away their fortunes and looked like good guys but they gave away millions and won billions
You are irrational. Not only are you spewing hysterical nonsense, you actually believe it.
Someone could provide proof that for example the Koch brothers made these contributions and you'd fold your arms across your chest, close your eyes and say "nuh uh. That's fake"....
So explain in your own words supported by facts how the Koch Bros are raping the American people....And don't go diving into the lib blogosphere to find and post some dopey opinion piece.
I don't care if a crook gives $1 million to charity when they are robbing us of a billion dollars. Trump just gave $5 million to vets. BFD.
You have failed to offer up any proof of these transgressions by the Koch brothers.
Ya know, being wealthy in and of itself is NOT a crime.
wow im impressed....she has a money raising machine,thats always a good sign they will be a great President..........
The reason I love Hillary the most is she has the greatest chance of defeating any of the Republicans you run. Now let's reform the government the next time a Republican is in office but you assholes won't do that you'll dig trenches and defend the president when it's a Republican in the White House
dont blame me for those assholes....but since you vote for people who you know are fucking you, but dont care as long as they are democrats, says that ....they did their job on you bobo.....at least i ask questions,you are not allowed.....cut the cord bobo....find a non party person and give them a chance,they havent been corrupted yet....they will at least be good for 5 years before the corruption gets them........
I live in a 2 party system. The only way for the people to change the parties is one at a time. You vote one party out then they change to win back voters.

But Republicans don't have to change. They know they will win midterms because most Americans only vote every 4 years. I view the GOP as the absolute enemy. Until they change.
Liberalism.....Gimme....enemy to freedom, liberty, success, achievement and the idea that each individual has the absolute right to do his or her best to earn the things this nation has to offer.
You people eschew the idea of individualism. You place people into groups, then pit those groups against each other. Your ideology has as it's highest priority the idea that everyone is entitled to equality of outcome. That those who succeed should be forced under the threat of government sanctions to surrender part of their earnings to fit some template of "fairness"...
Newsflash. There is no such thing as absolute fairness. We are not equal. And no matter the lengths of social engineering you people ram down our throats, fairness and equality of outcome will never become reality.
Your company president is soothing your suspicions by telling you what you want to hear.
Why don't you ask this person how many poor people he or she has over for dinner?...Ask them how many hours per month they spend doing charity work. Ask him or her if in addition to their tax obligation, how much more they contribute to those liberal causes.
Have you ever wondered why 20% of Americans refer to themselves as "liberal"?
Liberalism...so good for you, we have to ram it down your throat.
Paul Ryan said it best. No matter how bad trump is he's more likely to pass Paul Ryan's conservative agenda. If that's what you want vote that way. Not me
You failed to respond to my post.
you are a liberal and you don't know why....

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