Science says life begins at fertilization.
So therefore abortion is murder. A life for a life.
God instructs us that we do not know when the soul enters the infant during pregnancy.
He does not want us to know, so that we don't have a whole bunch of abortions.

Exodus 21:22-23

English Standard Version (ESV)

22 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life.

Then why do elected politicians who proclaim themselves to be pro-life take an oath to defend the Constitution,

when in fact the Constitution in its current form protects the right of a woman to 'murder' her fetus???

Eh??? Think about that one, thinkie.


That gave me reason to pause.

I really dont have an answer to that.
No, because religious rights cannot trump the law. If it's illegal to smoke dope, churches can't pass out joints.

But it is not LAW that businesses fund abortions and population control. This is oppression. And it's the state interfering with religion besides.

Actually the Rastafari Church does handout joints and it's legal..

It's really no different than serving children wine that symbolizes the blood of Christ.
What the fuck are you talking about?

I was the worst of them all..

Besides, what does what I did have to do with birth control or abortions or my religion??

I wasn't religious then but I am now..

The majority of my family is religious and always has been, with the exception of a few.

Just because I was wild as a teen and a young adult doesn't mean they're anything like me or what I used to be..

I'm saying that in lieu of all this that your claims of your intimate knowledge of your entire family's sex life/birth control status/abortion positions.... all 75 cousin's and 16 aunts and uncles ..... is a pant load.

Apparently you have never met a devout Catholic...

I have cousins that are older than I am that are openly virgins and proud of it...

Your talking about Opus Dei here....

Most are like Tim Tebow..

They take religion very seriously....

My family doesn't use birth control or would EVER think of having an abortion. You know why that is? because the majority don't have sex before marriage.

They wait until they're married, then have lots of kids.

My family is truly a devout catholic family.... Many would find the use of a condom to be a sin...

Honestly I think it's kind of funny.... I always tell my mother that its funny they hold onto their virginity forever, get married then fuck like rabbits and have 10 kids a pop. :lol:

Of course we're all not like that, I have a couple of male cousins that "swayed" but the females are all like the Virgin Mary..

No one's asking them to alter their beliefs, just provide the means so that others can make their own PRIVATE decisions.
Eugenics is a program by which authorities make decisions on procreation. What we're talking about are PRIVATE decisions paid for by insurance or government. Hardly the same thing.

No, you're talking about the GOVERNMENT dictating that the CHURCH must participate in POPULATION CONTROL measures.
And THAT is eugenics.

^ incredibally ignorant statement.


Science says life begins at fertilization.
So therefore abortion is murder. A life for a life.
God instructs us that we do not know when the soul enters the infant during pregnancy.
He does not want us to know, so that we don't have a whole bunch of abortions.

Exodus 21:22-23

English Standard Version (ESV)

22 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life.

Then why do elected politicians who proclaim themselves to be pro-life take an oath to defend the Constitution,

when in fact the Constitution in its current form protects the right of a woman to 'murder' her fetus???

Eh??? Think about that one, thinkie.

So if the Supreme Court decided that per the Constitution, All Men Must get a Sex Change Operation to become Women, and All Women Must get a Sex Change Operation to become Men, You will gladly comply without question? When the Court decides that All Jews Must be Executed and Buried in Mass Graves without Exception, because the Court Decrees it, it Must be Right, according to your logic. When the Court decrees that it is Unconstitutional to Buy, Sell, or Trade, without the Mark of the Beast, I suppose that sits right with you too? At least we know what side you are on. ;) Thanks for the heads up. ;)
I'm saying that in lieu of all this that your claims of your intimate knowledge of your entire family's sex life/birth control status/abortion positions.... all 75 cousin's and 16 aunts and uncles ..... is a pant load.

Apparently you have never met a devout Catholic...

I have cousins that are older than I am that are openly virgins and proud of it...

Your talking about Opus Dei here....

Most are like Tim Tebow..

They take religion very seriously....

My family doesn't use birth control or would EVER think of having an abortion. You know why that is? because the majority don't have sex before marriage.

They wait until they're married, then have lots of kids.

My family is truly a devout catholic family.... Many would find the use of a condom to be a sin...

Honestly I think it's kind of funny.... I always tell my mother that its funny they hold onto their virginity forever, get married then fuck like rabbits and have 10 kids a pop. :lol:

Of course we're all not like that, I have a couple of male cousins that "swayed" but the females are all like the Virgin Mary..

No one's asking them to alter their beliefs, just provide the means so that others can make their own PRIVATE decisions.

The federal government has no right to dictate anything..

What the fuck is so difficult to understand about that?

The government has NO RIGHT telling a business or organization to offer anything..

It's not their job...

No, because religious rights cannot trump the law. If it's illegal to smoke dope, churches can't pass out joints.

But it is not LAW that businesses fund abortions and population control. This is oppression. And it's the state interfering with religion besides.

Actually the Rastafari Church does handout joints and it's legal..

It's really no different than serving children wine that symbolizes the blood of Christ.

There are differences. For one, what presume to be wine is most probably grape juice. Two, Alcohol is heavily regulated, not a controlled substance in the same class as Grass. You cheat at cards, Battleship, and Monopoly too, I presume? ;)
I'm saying that in lieu of all this that your claims of your intimate knowledge of your entire family's sex life/birth control status/abortion positions.... all 75 cousin's and 16 aunts and uncles ..... is a pant load.

Apparently you have never met a devout Catholic...

I have cousins that are older than I am that are openly virgins and proud of it...

Your talking about Opus Dei here....

Most are like Tim Tebow..

They take religion very seriously....

My family doesn't use birth control or would EVER think of having an abortion. You know why that is? because the majority don't have sex before marriage.

They wait until they're married, then have lots of kids.

My family is truly a devout catholic family.... Many would find the use of a condom to be a sin...

Honestly I think it's kind of funny.... I always tell my mother that its funny they hold onto their virginity forever, get married then fuck like rabbits and have 10 kids a pop. :lol:

Of course we're all not like that, I have a couple of male cousins that "swayed" but the females are all like the Virgin Mary..

No one's asking them to alter their beliefs, just provide the means so that others can make their own PRIVATE decisions.

Well...they still can.

If the Hospital does not offer benefits that pay for contraception, they can opt to not work for that hospital.

I have been a recruiter for years...I have had many people turn down opportunities based on the benefits offered...not just healthcare...but retirement plans, vacation days allowed, etc.

So how is it affecting freedom of choice?

Sorry...that is a bad argument.
The government is attempting to force the church to comply with population control.

This will not go well.
What needs to be understood is that a Catholic name and a cross on a hospital does not make the hospital a church.
Yeah....I can see all the believers rioting in the streets because they are going to be forced to get the birth control that most of them use as a covered expense in the insurance plan that they pay for. This will surely be the last straw!

Look out, liberals! The Catholics are coming!

When the Catholics refuse, in their PRIVATE schools, I can see Dear Leader sending in troops.

Obviously the press will not cover this, but YouTube makes the state run media irrelevant.

This will turn out badly for you, and for Dear Leader.
What needs to be understood is that a Catholic name and a cross on a hospital does not make the hospital a church.

Using Force of Law to make People dirty their hands, pocket books, and wallets, with what they view as against Conscience, immoral, and unethical, is Totalitarian, no way around it.

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