Try to stick to the issue at hand, please. This is also typical of progressives...you can't speak to the actual topic, so you start pulling in other bullshit.

Once again. It isn't illegal to not provide birth control to your employees. This is a NEW law that is meant to exert control over the church by the government.

Fuck it. Fuck Obama, and fuck the baby killing eugenecists that support this sort of tyranny and oppression.
I haven't talked to one Catholic yet who has told me that this is a big issue to them. And nearly all of my relatives are Catholics (I'm not), two of them are actually employed by the Church and would be directly effected by this policy.

Oh bullshit. The only people you talk to are other Trolls on ThinkProgress.

By attacking the first amendment, Obama just lost civil libertarians. By attacking religion, he lost all the churches. By attacking the Catholic church, he unleashed the condemnation of every Christian church in America.

This is a fuckup that Obama won't survive.

You better start practicing Comrade, President Romney. Say it again; President Romney...

Dear Leader is toast.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

Kindly cite the law that requires employers to provide their employees with birth control and abortion meds.
Roe v Wade will be repealed someday....

but in the meantime any woman who chooses an abortion can get one...

however the right of a woman to NOT murder her baby also continues to be a RIGHT....you can't force one woman to pay for another woman's abortion....(altho this is exactly what Obama is trying to do)

and the Catholic Church also has the religious RIGHT to not believe in abortion as well...

the "morning after" pill is called "contraception" but it is actually abortion according to Catholic beliefs...

The morning after pill is not abortion by any stretch of logic or imagination. You can't have an abortion when you don't even know if something is there to abort yet, that's just downright stupidity.

then why take the pill.............??

To prevent a possible pregnancy......which is not the same as BEING pregnant.

When 2, 999, 999 sperm die, is it genocide or what?
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

what you just said is that American Muslim men should be allowed to stone their women to death, despite US Law.

It's just stupid.

They are allowed to.

But the law says, reagrdless of religion, they cannot harm them or murder them.

They want to stone them?

Go right ahead....just dont murder them or harm them.
no...It is the sentiment of many and based on enough fact that gives it merit.

I dont agree...but I undertsnad why many think that.

It is not ignorance. It is a matter of how people view it.

They do not comprehend. What they know is that 2+2=5 for as long as the Government says so. Anything else flies right over their head. ;)

I'm an individual and not a they, and I'll look forward to conversations with you in the future so long as you can respect that.

The real question is, Can You? Are you an Individual First, one that will even defend the Rights of others, or a Populist, digging your own grave, in relation to Liberty and Free Will? Do you look to the State to decide for you the distinction between right and wrong, or God, through Conscience? If there is one thing Jews, Christians, and Muslims, get, it is that God does come first in all things.

If you do get that, fine, my apologies. Too many lame Posts to deal with, you know, the ones that all relate to us, as if we are the property of the State, and cannot have any free will, or conviction, without the proper forms and blessings.
Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

So then you support a Muslim community establish Sharia law?

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

No, it's not. Nobody is forcing anyone to sell anything. The Catholic church wants to prevent its employees from buying health care that includes coverage for birth control. It wants to do with without regard to the employee's religion or personal choice. Nobody is forcing the Catholic church to sell birth control.

BTW, if you have such an issue with this birth control stuff, why don't you have an issue with circumcision? Should the church prohibit health care that covers circumcision? Should Catholic hospitals cease performing circumcisions?
Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

Kindly cite the law that requires employers to provide their employees with birth control and abortion meds.

There is none.

I believe the law will be that ALL insurance companies MUST cover birth control.

Has nothing to do with a law aimed at employers.
Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

Kindly cite the law that requires employers to provide their employees with birth control and abortion meds.

first of all, you need to learn how to follow an argument. Nobody forced an employer to provide employees with birth control and abortion meds, dumdum.

what the law is, is that it must offer health insurances to its employees which cover them.

and the law is here.

The Health Care Law & You | HealthCare.gov
Ok, hold it, time out.

Warrior, you're defending this? You're not actually saying you're Catholic, or even religious, in any way...

.... are you?

Perhaps the most vile, arrogant, hateful, consistently and dependably vulgar poster on this board is claiming to be a Christian?

Yikes. You can't make this stuff up.


Hey, it's far less hypocritical than you claiming to be an "independent."

Standard Disclaimer: What's an "independent?" An Obamabot on a message board.....
No, the catholic church isn't preventing its employees from buying anything. They just aren't PROVIDING them with birth control and abortificants. And the tyrannical regime is attempting to force them to.

Fuck Obama, and fuck his henchmen.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

I dont.

But I do believe that when a US law usurps a religious law, it warrants a hearty and honest debate before it is passed.
so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

Kindly cite the law that requires employers to provide their employees with birth control and abortion meds.

There is none.

I believe the law will be that ALL insurance companies MUST cover birth control.

Has nothing to do with a law aimed at employers.

Sure it is. Via the mandated insurance that they are forced to provide.
They do not comprehend. What they know is that 2+2=5 for as long as the Government says so. Anything else flies right over their head. ;)

I'm an individual and not a they, and I'll look forward to conversations with you in the future so long as you can respect that.

The real question is, Can You? Are you an Individual First, one that will even defend the Rights of others, or a Populist, digging your own grave, in relation to Liberty and Free Will? Do you look to the State to decide for you the distinction between right and wrong, or God, through Conscience? If there is one thing Jews, Christians, and Muslims, get, it is that God does come first in all things.

If you do get that, fine, my apologies. Too many lame Posts to deal with, you know, the ones that all relate to us, as if we are the property of the State, and cannot have any free will, or conviction, without the proper forms and blessings.

Every law that some people agree with, and some people don't, doesn't come down to the very fabric of freedom. to me, that's sensationalist. I can deal with issues, one by one by one.
The morning after pill is not abortion by any stretch of logic or imagination. You can't have an abortion when you don't even know if something is there to abort yet, that's just downright stupidity.

then why take the pill.............??

To prevent a possible pregnancy......which is not the same as BEING pregnant.

When 2, 999, 999 sperm die, is it genocide or what?

the "morning after" pill will kill a fertilized egg.......that is the beginning of life according to the Church...
The church believes that intentionally preventing a successful fertilization of an egg is killing a potential child.

It is not stupidity.

It is a religious belief.

No, it's stupidity. And calling it a religious belief does not defend it as such. If the Church "believes" that Mars is populated by little green men who will one day carry humans to heaven, it's still stupid.
No, the catholic church isn't preventing its employees from buying anything. They just aren't PROVIDING them with birth control and abortificants. And the tyrannical regime is attempting to force them to.

Fuck Obama, and fuck his henchmen.

Fuck religion and their constant polticizing every issue to gain control over those that don't want it.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

Unfortunately the Hamiltonian's Secured the Force of Law with the Court's Interpretation to not what the Constitution says, but what the Court Decrees it says. Arbitrary Oligarchy-ism, flavor of the day.


And for some reason Burr was and is painted as the tyrant..

Too bad duels are thing of the past because there are a few people I would love to challenge to a duel.

I suppose these days we just have to put up with the present tyranny...
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

what you just said is that American Muslim men should be allowed to stone their women to death, despite US Law.

It's just stupid.

They are allowed to.

But the law says, reagrdless of religion, they cannot harm them or murder them.

They want to stone them?

Go right ahead....just dont murder them or harm them.

Jarhead, please dude. Lemme know when stoning a woman isn't harming her.

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