And likewise, when progressives pretend that killing babies and women in the name of "women's rights" is okay, it's doesn't change the fact that they are promoting murder and genocide, are mandating eugenic practices.

That's what this is. Now we're seeing COERCION in addition with the soft sell of eugenics.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

what you just said is that American Muslim men should be allowed to stone their women to death, despite US Law.

It's just stupid.

We see this regularly. What is meant is free exercise of Christianity.

Fail. All around. You compare restrictions on what foods are consumed to murdering Women by stoning them? Where is your Principle? You know Criminal Acts are not protected under Religion. Theft, Murder, Fraud , are Prosecutable Offenses.

no...It is the sentiment of many and based on enough fact that gives it merit.

I dont agree...but I undertsnad why many think that.

It is not ignorance. It is a matter of how people view it.

Population control <-- the very phrase itself, has a history and a context.

The believe that the Government is engaging in it visa vie Abortion being Legal is definitely ignorant, no two ways about it.
Not ignorant, enlightened. You do know that Planned Parenthood was started by a Progressive woman who supported Eugenics in America, right?

A Ms. Sanger, i believe??
The morning after pill is not abortion by any stretch of logic or imagination. You can't have an abortion when you don't even know if something is there to abort yet, that's just downright stupidity.

Who cares? Obama forcing private Catholic schools to hand out ANY contraceptive, violates the first amendment.

Obama is a petty thug and a dictator.
the insurance only gives them the option if they so wish to partake.


but in actuallity...one working for a Catholic Hospital will be offfered the benefits to practice contraception for free or at a discount.

It is not as black and white as you say. It is a very valid debate ON BOTH SIDES.

Spinning the other side or minimizing the importance the other side sees of the issue is dishonest and selfish.
Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

I dont.

But I do believe that when a US law usurps a religious law, it warrants a hearty and honest debate before it is passed.

And here we are debating it, yet all the while the church is exempt and only must offer it to those who DONT BELIEVE what they believe, because they decided to RUN A BUSINESS, thus are subject to Business Law and EVEN SO are being offered an exemption, how nice.
No, the catholic church isn't preventing its employees from buying anything. They just aren't PROVIDING them with birth control and abortificants. And the tyrannical regime is attempting to force them to.

Fuck Obama, and fuck his henchmen.

Fuck religion and their constant polticizing every issue to gain control over those that don't want it.

try a country without Christian influence.......:lol:
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sorry forcing a fucking religious organization to go against their own laws - is without question - prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

It's a blatant First Amendment violation...

It's like forcing a Muslim business to sell pork...

Apparently, the left don't care about the First Amendment - unless it's convenient to their cause. "Freedom for me, but not for thee" as it were.

so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

I believe in the First Amendment. Do you?
And likewise, when progressives pretend that killing babies and women in the name of "women's rights" is okay, it's doesn't change the fact that they are promoting murder and genocide, are mandating eugenic practices.

That's what this is. Now we're seeing COERCION in addition with the soft sell of eugenics.

freedom to choose is a right, even religious people have abortions use rubbers and drin booze. The Catholic Church is by no means an innocent party to the world it lives in.
No, the catholic church isn't preventing its employees from buying anything. They just aren't PROVIDING them with birth control and abortificants. And the tyrannical regime is attempting to force them to.

Fuck Obama, and fuck his henchmen.

Fuck religion and their constant polticizing every issue to gain control over those that don't want it.

try a country without Christian influence.......:lol:

Do you know of any?
so you too believe that Religious law usurps US law?

I dont.

But I do believe that when a US law usurps a religious law, it warrants a hearty and honest debate before it is passed.

And here we are debating it, yet all the while the church is exempt and only must offer it to those who DONT BELIEVE what they believe, because they decided to RUN A BUSINESS, thus are subject to Business Law and EVEN SO are being offered an exemption, how nice.

Those people are free to seek employment elsewhere. No one is forced to work for the Church. Catholic or non-Catholic.
what you just said is that American Muslim men should be allowed to stone their women to death, despite US Law.

It's just stupid.

Your post is amazingly fucking stupid, even for a leftist.

Obama fucked up, he tried to revoke the first amendment, a stupid move 7 months before the election.
Try to stick to the issue at hand, please.

Says the idiot who invoked abortion into a subject that has nothing to do with it.

Once again. It isn't illegal to not provide birth control to your employees. This is a NEW law that is meant to exert control over the church by the government.

Bullshit. You really think this was about the church? Get over yourself. This is about employment law and health care access. Stop playing the victim card, it's pathetic.

Even what you were saying were true, by your own admission the 1st amendment does not give you the right to violate the law. So this isn't a first amendment issue anymore, because the law has been established. Of course, your analysis is based on a complete lack of understanding of the 1st amendment. But the fact of the matter is that you can't come up with any logically consistent or factually accurate position. All you can do is sit back and cry.

Fuck it. Fuck Obama, and fuck the baby killing eugenecists that support this sort of tyranny and oppression.

No, fuck you and stupid twats like you who think that the whole entire world is supposed to sit back and just give you whatever you want, just because you want it. Fuck you for thinking that people should have to subscribe to your religious precepts, and for you wanting to force those ideas upon the rest of the public.
More diversionary tactics. What individual Catholics do or don't do isn't the question. The question is does the government have the right to force a church to submit to practices that go against their ideology...if that ideology in no way harms others.

I love how leftists love to use the lie of "separation of church and state."

Why don't you cry that bullshit now bitches??

Oh yeah because you're a bunch of illogical assholes who hate the Bill of Rights...

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