"Jefferson wanted to avoid establishing a state religion run by Parliament that had the power to manipulate the spiritual for the sake of the secular. That is exactly what Obama proposes to do in this case: dictate to the Catholic Church and its organizations that its doctrine on contraception, abortion, and sterilization are incorrect and force them to fund those practices that violate their most deeply held beliefs on the sanctity of life, all to satisfy Obama’s political needs."

Sharpton: Obama needs to dictate to the Catholic Church to maintain separation of church and state, or something « Hot Air

To satisfy his political needs? I thought YOU said it's going to mhurt him politically?
Jarhead, please dude. Lemme know when stoning a woman isn't harming her.

lol......I know...

But you missed my point.

The law is not that one cant stone a woman. There is no law that mentions stoning.

The law is that one cannot harm or kill another human being for any reason whatsoever.

SO stone her all you want....just donmt harm her or kill her.

It is the same thing as with this debate.

The law is not that the CHurch must offer contraception to employees that wish...

The law will be that all insurance companies must offer it in their plan.

I got your point, but it didn't redirect mine, which is that there ARE US laws which supercede Religious laws, and that does not violate the 1st amendment.

Can you cite one for me?
This law is a law pertaining to employers and employees.

Employers must follow the law.

If such things as Muslim schools and hospitals, etc., exist, they must also follow the laws governing employer/employee relationships.

The Catholic church is being an ass.

Here is a law dummy - It's called the First Amendment...

Where does the first amendment stop - or is it that any Religion can be formed and if it involved something which Violates US Law, we should just let it go?

If so - let's start a Religion!
So then you support a Muslim community establish Sharia law?

Wow, disingenuous and dishonest. Yep, you're a leftist.

No, it's not.

Only difference is that you leftists are at war against Christians.

Nobody is forcing anyone to sell anything.

Would you support Obama forcing Muslims to GIVE pork to people in their Mosques?

Ah but that's different, you hate Christians.

The Catholic church wants to prevent its employees from buying health care that includes coverage for birth control. It wants to do with without regard to the employee's religion or personal choice. Nobody is forcing the Catholic church to sell birth control.

Obama wants the Catholic Church to hand out contraceptives on school property.

{First, allow us to offer perspective on whom this new mandate affects. There are more than 65 million Catholics in the United States. Collectively, they operate more than 7,000 Catholic schools to educate children of all faiths and backgrounds. They also manage hundreds of health care facilities. In fact, one in six patients in the United States is cared for in a Catholic hospital.

All of these institutions and countless other Catholic-run charities will be forced to close their doors — or forfeit their most fundamental and deeply held religious beliefs if the Obama administration's new mandate is not rescinded. The mandate forces these religious institutions to provide insurance covering sterilizations, abortion-causing drugs and artificial contraceptives, all of which fly in the face of Catholic teaching.} Brent Bozell

Obama is a thug.

BTW, if you have such an issue with this birth control stuff, why don't you have an issue with circumcision? Should the church prohibit health care that covers circumcision? Should Catholic hospitals cease performing circumcisions?

If you have such an issue with this liberty stuff, move to North Korea.

{Many Catholic colleges decline to prescribe or cover birth control, citing religious reasons. Now they are under pressure to change. This month the Obama administration, citing the medical case for birth control, made a politically charged decision that the new health care law requires insurance plans at Catholic institutions to cover birth control without co-payments for employees, and that may be extended to students. But Catholic organizations are resisting the rule, saying it would force them to violate their beliefs and finance behavior that betrays Catholic teachings. }

Should Catholic universities be required to offer birth control? - HTHealth

Fuck Stalin.

Er, I mean Obama.
This law is a law pertaining to employers and employees.

Employers must follow the law.

If such things as Muslim schools and hospitals, etc., exist, they must also follow the laws governing employer/employee relationships.

The Catholic church is being an ass.

Here is a law dummy - It's called the First Amendment...
Employer/employee relationships are not governed by the First amendment.
The option shouldn't be available - it goes against Catholic law.

We have a First Amendment...

Then why do Catholics use birth control/

I don't know any that do...

Practicing Catholics WILL NOT...

I can't speak for other Christian denominations - Catholics don't.

Catholics DO NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL and if one does then they ARE NOT A CATHOLIC...

Actually, you are wrong. No one is excommunicated from the Church for using birth control... not even for abortion.
I don't know any that do...

Practicing Catholics WILL NOT...

I can't speak for other Christian denominations - Catholics don't.

Catholics DO NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL and if one does then they ARE NOT A CATHOLIC...

Well I know of several so it is their choice

Then they're NOT Catholics..

But they have the bruises on their knees to prove it. You are not one to judge anyone and their religion
lol......I know...

But you missed my point.

The law is not that one cant stone a woman. There is no law that mentions stoning.

The law is that one cannot harm or kill another human being for any reason whatsoever.

SO stone her all you want....just donmt harm her or kill her.

It is the same thing as with this debate.

The law is not that the CHurch must offer contraception to employees that wish...

The law will be that all insurance companies must offer it in their plan.

I got your point, but it didn't redirect mine, which is that there ARE US laws which supercede Religious laws, and that does not violate the 1st amendment.

Can you cite one for me?

I already did. The fact that stoning a woman is assault means that necessarily stoning women is ALWAYS illegal, in the U.S. - thus, Sharia Law cannot be imposed.

Here, assault's illegality superceded the religious law requiring assault.

And let me know when killing someone for being gay isn't going to ................. kill him.
I don't know any that do...

Practicing Catholics WILL NOT...

I can't speak for other Christian denominations - Catholics don't.

Catholics DO NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL and if one does then they ARE NOT A CATHOLIC...

Well I know of several so it is their choice

Then they're NOT Catholics..

IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.
Then why do Catholics use birth control/

I don't know any that do...

Practicing Catholics WILL NOT...

I can't speak for other Christian denominations - Catholics don't.

Catholics DO NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL and if one does then they ARE NOT A CATHOLIC...

so catholics who sin cease to be catholics? incredible.


Using birth control is a nefarious sin - it's not accidental, the same with abortions.

You can't be a Catholic if you practice ideas that are not condoned by the church.
Then why do Catholics use birth control/

I don't know any that do...

Practicing Catholics WILL NOT...

I can't speak for other Christian denominations - Catholics don't.

Catholics DO NOT USE BIRTH CONTROL and if one does then they ARE NOT A CATHOLIC...

Actually, you are wrong. No one is excommunicated from the Church for using birth control... not even for abortion.

However, Sister Margaret McBride made the decision as Chair of the Ethics Committee to allow an abortion in order to save the mothers life. Sister was excommunicated.
Nun Excommunicated For Allowing Abortion : NPR
"Jefferson wanted to avoid establishing a state religion run by Parliament that had the power to manipulate the spiritual for the sake of the secular. That is exactly what Obama proposes to do in this case: dictate to the Catholic Church and its organizations that its doctrine on contraception, abortion, and sterilization are incorrect and force them to fund those practices that violate their most deeply held beliefs on the sanctity of life, all to satisfy Obama’s political needs."

Sharpton: Obama needs to dictate to the Catholic Church to maintain separation of church and state, or something « Hot Air

To satisfy his political needs? I thought YOU said it's going to mhurt him politically?

It will. He's an megalomaniac. He has an inflated sense of his own infallibility.
I got your point, but it didn't redirect mine, which is that there ARE US laws which supercede Religious laws, and that does not violate the 1st amendment.

Can you cite one for me?

I already did. The fact that stoning a woman is assault means that necessarily stoning women is ALWAYS illegal, in the U.S. - thus, Sharia Law cannot be imposed.

Here, assault's illegality superceded the religious law requiring assault.

And let me know when killing someone for being gay isn't going to ................. kill him.

you are actually saying that the consequences of a law supercedes religous law.

But I do not believe there is a single law designed to supercede a religious law.

IN a way it is like a game of semantics...

But from a legal standpoint......there is no law that is designed to intentionally supercede a religious law.
So businesses should just be able to ignore the laws that apply to them, because people can choose not to work there? That's idiocy.

A law that mandates religions violate their doctrine violates the first amendment.

We know you of the left hate liberty - now a whole lot more people know it.

Obama just melted down. He played to the abortion industry and lost the rest of the nation.
Well I know of several so it is their choice

Then they're NOT Catholics..

IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

^^^^ This.

It's very rare for anyone to be excommunicated, I can think of only a few. Those priests found guilty of pedophilia are excommunicated, members of the IRA in Ireland were excommunicated for murdering British civilians, people like that throughout history have been excommunicated. But birth control... nope. It is left to the individual and God.
This law is a law pertaining to employers and employees.

Employers must follow the law.

If such things as Muslim schools and hospitals, etc., exist, they must also follow the laws governing employer/employee relationships.

The Catholic church is being an ass.

Here is a law dummy - It's called the First Amendment...
Employer/employee relationships are not governed by the First amendment.

I want that hat.

I am running out of plastic bags to use to clean up after my dog.
Socialist/Progressive Democrat assholes hate Christians. Hardly a new story. Their bizarre fixation on attacking Christians is well-known. However, this blatant attack on the Church is even over-the-top for them. American Christians better start standing up. The vicious attacks from the Left are only going to increase. It's 'fight or flight' time for American Christians.
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What's even more astonishing is a snake-charming heathen like you in a thread discussing Catholicism.

It's like you discussing the military - another topic you know dick about, as you never had the patriotism to serve your country.

Yes, astonishing indeed.

NO the real astonishing concept is you hiding under the guise of being a Catholic.
Any real Catholic would be outraged at those who profess the be one and have the morals and the attitude you have about the teachings of Christ.
Just like the newster. Do everything you can to go against the teachings and then when it is convenient for you, what do you do? Use the church for your benefit.
Try reading The Beatitudes of Jesus...and please don't just pick the few you like to fit into, like so many fake Catholics do when they read them.
Here let me help you a little ..THE EIGHT BEATITUDES OF JESUS

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