My post is absolutely relevant.

Your post is absolutely stupid.

Obama (through the HHS) mandated that the Catholic church violate canon in deference to his unconstitutional edicts. Obviously this won't survive a court challenge, unless you assassinate one of the 5 constitutionalists on the court. But more importantly, this ends Obama's reelection bid.

It doesn't matter if people support or oppose abortion, the REQUIREMENT that contraception and abortificants be provided is an issue of liberty. The pro-abortion crowd has always pretended to support "choice." Obama attacked the concept of choice - there is no choice for the Catholics, they comply or die, so to speak.

Obama over-played his hand, attacking the first amendment was a stupid move at this time. He just melted down, ended his reelection bid.

again, the 1st amendment is not involved unless you feel it supercedes Business/US law.

And my example stands - if you think that Freedom of Religion means that if a US Law disallows one of your religious tenets, that you can simply ignore it? Then we (in that view) had better start allowing stonings, etc.

Let go of the stupid logical fallacy and try to debate like an adult. You're just outing yourself as a know-nothing with this continued drivel.
Employer/employee relationships are not governed by the First amendment.


A Catholic Hospital is.

It falls within our duty as Catholics. It's that whole "do unto others as you would do unto me" thing. We follow Christ's teachings. He healed the sick - so we do too. He educated the uneducated - so we do too. He fed the hungry - so we do too. He loved his fellow man - so we do too.

8 million Americans were helped by the Catholic Church last year through our social programs.

One in every six Americans requiring hospital treatment is cared for in a Catholic Hospital.

We gave $5.7 billion to support our Hospitals.

We give billions to our schools.

We give billions to provide social care.

We are second only to the US Government in providing care to the most vulnerable in this country. That's a huge fucking deal, as Biden would say.
My post is absolutely relevant.

Your post is absolutely stupid.

Obama (through the HHS) mandated that the Catholic church violate canon in deference to his unconstitutional edicts. Obviously this won't survive a court challenge, unless you assassinate one of the 5 constitutionalists on the court. But more importantly, this ends Obama's reelection bid.

It doesn't matter if people support or oppose abortion, the REQUIREMENT that contraception and abortificants be provided is an issue of liberty. The pro-abortion crowd has always pretended to support "choice." Obama attacked the concept of choice - there is no choice for the Catholics, they comply or die, so to speak.

Obama over-played his hand, attacking the first amendment was a stupid move at this time. He just melted down, ended his reelection bid.

again, the 1st amendment is not involved unless you feel it supercedes Business/US law.

And my example stands - if you think that Freedom of Religion means that if a US Law disallows one of your religious tenets, that you can simply ignore it? Then we (in that view) had better start allowing stonings, etc.

I wonder why the Catholic Church is tax exempt then??

Oh yeah - the First Amendment.
I agree.

I just wanted to clarify that laws are not designed to usurp religious laws...but if they do, more often than not, there willbe a debate in Washington about it..

With the exception of the obvious...such as stoning, hand cutting off, polygomy, etc.

I agree, and I feel there deserves to be a debate - but disparaging people because they disagree with one side or the other - and/or acting like those who disagree are anti freedom anti America, etc. and want a POLICE STATE!!! BOOOOO! is just arrogant hyperbole, and that's why I'm even here in the 1st place in this thread. (not aimed at you, btw)

Heck...I can argue for both sides of this debate...and I have.

And I have been called "idiot" by individuals on both sides.

True story.

My belief?

The SCOTUS will strike this one down. Forget the church..it is forcing insurance companies to offer a service it may not want to offer.

:lol: Ironically I agree with the last sentence. Let them go though, I'm having a lot of fun with this 1st Amendment thing.
And yet more wonderful division from the Community Organizer in Chief. This stuff is classic Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizing.' They have now created an enemy they can later claim they need to eradicate. Obama picked this fight intentionally. He knew it would stir up a lot of anger & bitterness. Him and the Left desperately want those future Christian terrorist attacks. They can then destroy the Church in America once and for all. This attack was very well planned and calculated. Very dark days ahead for our nation.
And yet more wonderful division from the Community Organizer in Chief. This stuff is classic Saul Alinsky 'Community Organizing.' They have now created an enemy they can later claim they need to eradicate. Obama picked this fight intentionally. He knew it would stir up a lot of anger & bitterness. Him and the Left desperately want those future Christian terrorist attacks. They can then destroy the Church in America once and for all. This attack was very well planned and calculated. Very dark days ahead for our nation.

Your post is absolutely stupid.

Obama (through the HHS) mandated that the Catholic church violate canon in deference to his unconstitutional edicts. Obviously this won't survive a court challenge, unless you assassinate one of the 5 constitutionalists on the court. But more importantly, this ends Obama's reelection bid.

It doesn't matter if people support or oppose abortion, the REQUIREMENT that contraception and abortificants be provided is an issue of liberty. The pro-abortion crowd has always pretended to support "choice." Obama attacked the concept of choice - there is no choice for the Catholics, they comply or die, so to speak.

Obama over-played his hand, attacking the first amendment was a stupid move at this time. He just melted down, ended his reelection bid.

again, the 1st amendment is not involved unless you feel it supercedes Business/US law.

And my example stands - if you think that Freedom of Religion means that if a US Law disallows one of your religious tenets, that you can simply ignore it? Then we (in that view) had better start allowing stonings, etc.

Let go of the stupid logical fallacy and try to debate like an adult. You're just outing yourself as a know-nothing with this continued drivel.

Refute it 1st, call names second.
stop swearing and disparaging others all the time then, huh?

And where does it say I cant swear or scold others in Catholicism?

I'm not kind to those who want to destroy me, my religion our my civil liberties.

I'm not a passive idiot..

I'm not going to read the bible to you while you slit my throat...

Your sentiments about what you udnerstand as your OWN RELIGION, are actually pretty hilarious.

I laughed. Out loud. Swear to God.

Because you're a retard....

You're obviously NOT a Catholic so who the fuck are you to tell me about my religion??
I agree, and I feel there deserves to be a debate - but disparaging people because they disagree with one side or the other - and/or acting like those who disagree are anti freedom anti America, etc. and want a POLICE STATE!!! BOOOOO! is just arrogant hyperbole, and that's why I'm even here in the 1st place in this thread. (not aimed at you, btw)

Heck...I can argue for both sides of this debate...and I have.

And I have been called "idiot" by individuals on both sides.

True story.

My belief?

The SCOTUS will strike this one down. Forget the church..it is forcing insurance companies to offer a service it may not want to offer.

:lol: Ironically I agree with the last sentence. Let them go though, I'm having a lot of fun with this 1st Amendment thing.

yeah...I noticed....

FYI...not heading to Albany on the 18th.
But if I showed my wife that pic of you?
She may drive there herself.
And where does it say I cant swear or scold others in Catholicism?

I'm not kind to those who want to destroy me, my religion our my civil liberties.

I'm not a passive idiot..

I'm not going to read the bible to you while you slit my throat...

Your sentiments about what you udnerstand as your OWN RELIGION, are actually pretty hilarious.

I laughed. Out loud. Swear to God.

Because you're a retard....

You're obviously NOT a Catholic so who the fuck are you to tell me about my religion??


Ignore all the catholics who are also laughing then. It's funny shit.
It doesn't matter if a church is a business or not. The government is constitutionally prevented from forcing them to participate in activities they do not believe in. Unless they are being PREVENTED from harming someone.

You cannot force those who don't believe in showing respect to the flag to stand up and salute it. You cannot force those who believe they must follow a particular diet to eat certain foods. And you cannot FORCE the Catholic church to provide birth control and abortificants to its employees. Regardless of where they are working. That is tyranny, and that is the state interfering with religion.

As I've said before...the left to this point has deliberately lied about what separation of state and religion is in order to pave the way for state control of religion. And this is the proof.
Have a cookie, Allie. I think you've abortificated your brain.

A Catholic Hospital is.

It falls within our duty as Catholics. It's that whole "do unto others as you would do unto me" thing. We follow Christ's teachings. He healed the sick - so we do too. He educated the uneducated - so we do too. He fed the hungry - so we do too. He loved his fellow man - so we do too.

8 million Americans were helped by the Catholic Church last year through our social programs.

One in every six Americans requiring hospital treatment is cared for in a Catholic Hospital.

We gave $5.7 billion to support our Hospitals.
We give billions to our schools.

We give billions to provide social care.

We are second only to the US Government in providing care to the most vulnerable in this country. That's a huge fucking deal, as Biden would say.

This is charitable care, not dollars.
Heck...I can argue for both sides of this debate...and I have.

And I have been called "idiot" by individuals on both sides.

True story.

My belief?

The SCOTUS will strike this one down. Forget the church..it is forcing insurance companies to offer a service it may not want to offer.

:lol: Ironically I agree with the last sentence. Let them go though, I'm having a lot of fun with this 1st Amendment thing.

yeah...I noticed....

FYI...not heading to Albany on the 18th.
But if I showed my wife that pic of you?
She may drive there herself.

Stoppit, your wife would never do such a thing to ya. And I wouldnt either friend :eusa_angel: (I know you're joking anyhow).

Employer/employee relationships are not governed by the First amendment.

No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

Not if those laws go against the first amendment.

There should be no laws in this land that force any church, except in incidences where they are actively harming people, to submit to practices that go against their beliefs.

My fear is that this will get Obama killed, and the fucker will become a progressive martyr, and loons like Ravtard and GT will take to just grabbing babies they see on the street and dashing their heads against curbs...
Wow, way to ignore the actual issue at hand - which is a Law involving BUSINESSES.

Is the goal of the anti-liberty left to keep churches from providing educational and medical services?

Honestly, I think you leftists should push this for all it's worth. It's a winning issue for you. Demand that all churches provide abortion after services, provided by Planned Parenthood, of course. Demand that no church can be built without abortion facilities and an Planned Parenthood office on the grounds. Have Obama declare it as a EO.

It's a winner for you of the anti-liberty left. Trust me.
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

Not if those laws go against the first amendment.

There should be no laws in this land that force any church, except in incidences where they are actively harming people, to submit to practices that go against their beliefs.

My fear is that this will get Obama killed, and the fucker will become a progressive martyr, and loons like Ravtard and GT will take to just grabbing babies they see on the street and dashing their heads against curbs...

Except, you pulled that out of your ass now, didn't you? Let's see where ya got it from if not.
Your sentiments about what you udnerstand as your OWN RELIGION, are actually pretty hilarious.

I laughed. Out loud. Swear to God.

Because you're a retard....

You're obviously NOT a Catholic so who the fuck are you to tell me about my religion??


Ignore all the catholics who are also laughing then. It's funny shit.

Catholics are not laughing they're pissed off..

You think just because you were baptized a Catholic you're a Catholic??? think again bud.

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