Well I know of several so it is their choice

Then they're NOT Catholics..

IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

If you live your life outside of the rules of Catholicism then you're NOT a Catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either Catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.
Can you cite one for me?

I already did. The fact that stoning a woman is assault means that necessarily stoning women is ALWAYS illegal, in the U.S. - thus, Sharia Law cannot be imposed.

Here, assault's illegality superceded the religious law requiring assault.

And let me know when killing someone for being gay isn't going to ................. kill him.

you are actually saying that the consequences of a law supercedes religous law.

But I do not believe there is a single law designed to supercede a religious law.

IN a way it is like a game of semantics...

But from a legal standpoint......there is no law that is designed to intentionally supercede a religious law.

It doesn't matter the intent, if it does it does - if it doesn't it doesn't.............and being that it DOES sometimes necessarily supercede Religious Law - the 1st Amendment consequently has limitations.

For example - THE 1ST ALLOWS ME TO establish A Religion, all on my own.

And if my Religion happens to practice cutting people's hands off, for stealing, then US law always and necessarily usurps my Religious law. bottom line - the 1st cant be literal or else - ANARCHY.
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then they're not catholics..

in the jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real jews.

I see myself as a real jew.

They may not be catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

if you live your life outside of the rules of catholicism then you're not a catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

stop swearing and disparaging others all the time then, huh?
Then they're NOT Catholics..

IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

If you live your life outside of the rules of Catholicism then you're NOT a Catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either Catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

and the Jewsih religion requires one to keep Kosher.

I do not.

My Rabbi knows it.

He still sees me as a Jew.
This law is a law pertaining to employers and employees.

Employers must follow the law.

If such things as Muslim schools and hospitals, etc., exist, they must also follow the laws governing employer/employee relationships.

The Catholic church is being an ass.

Here is a law dummy - It's called the First Amendment...
Employer/employee relationships are not governed by the First amendment.

Socialist/Progressive Democrat assholes hate Christians. Not a new story. Their bizarre fixation on attacking Christians is well-known. However, this blatant attack on the Church is even over-the-top for them. American Christians better start standing up. The vicious attacks from the Left are only going to increase. It's 'fight or flight' time for American Christians.

Just as the right hate those who choose not to believe and defend their right and propose views that are contrary to the Christian/Evanglical right wingers.
IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

If you live your life outside of the rules of Catholicism then you're NOT a Catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either Catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

and the Jewsih religion requires one to keep Kosher.

I do not.

My Rabbi knows it.

He still sees me as a Jew.

So what - that is your religion..

Catholics are not Jews..

Close, but not Jews.
I already did. The fact that stoning a woman is assault means that necessarily stoning women is ALWAYS illegal, in the U.S. - thus, Sharia Law cannot be imposed.

Here, assault's illegality superceded the religious law requiring assault.

And let me know when killing someone for being gay isn't going to ................. kill him.

you are actually saying that the consequences of a law supercedes religous law.

But I do not believe there is a single law designed to supercede a religious law.

IN a way it is like a game of semantics...

But from a legal standpoint......there is no law that is designed to intentionally supercede a religious law.

It doesn't matter the intent, if it does it does - if it doesn't it doesn't.............and being that it DOES sometimes necessarily supercede Religious Law - the 1st Amendment consequently has limitations.

For example - THE 1ST ALLOWS ME TO establish A Religion, all on my own.

And if my Religion happens to practice cutting people's hands off, for stealing, then US law always and necessarily usurps my Religious law. bottom line - the 1st cant be literal or else - ANARCHY.

I agree.

I just wanted to clarify that laws are not designed to usurp religious laws...but if they do, more often than not, there willbe a debate in Washington about it..

With the exception of the obvious...such as stoning, hand cutting off, polygomy, etc.
the "morning after" pill will kill a fertilized egg.......that is the beginning of life according to the Church...

it takes 5-7 days for an egg to be fertilized.

BULLSHIT!! Got some PROOF for that ridiculous claim?

it could take several days for sperm to fertilize an egg.....but in any case the "morning after" pill will still effectively kill a fertilized egg......this from the Mayo Clinic...

The morning-after pill can be used after you've had unprotected sex. Depending on where you are in your menstrual cycle, the morning-after pill can prevent or delay ovulation, block fertilization, or keep a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. Don't take the morning-after pill if you're already pregnant

Morning-after pill - MayoClinic.com
My post is absolutely relevant.

Your post is absolutely stupid.

Obama (through the HHS) mandated that the Catholic church violate canon in deference to his unconstitutional edicts. Obviously this won't survive a court challenge, unless you assassinate one of the 5 constitutionalists on the court. But more importantly, this ends Obama's reelection bid.

It doesn't matter if people support or oppose abortion, the REQUIREMENT that contraception and abortificants be provided is an issue of liberty. The pro-abortion crowd has always pretended to support "choice." Obama attacked the concept of choice - there is no choice for the Catholics, they comply or die, so to speak.

Obama over-played his hand, attacking the first amendment was a stupid move at this time. He just melted down, ended his reelection bid.
you are actually saying that the consequences of a law supercedes religous law.

But I do not believe there is a single law designed to supercede a religious law.

IN a way it is like a game of semantics...

But from a legal standpoint......there is no law that is designed to intentionally supercede a religious law.

It doesn't matter the intent, if it does it does - if it doesn't it doesn't.............and being that it DOES sometimes necessarily supercede Religious Law - the 1st Amendment consequently has limitations.

For example - THE 1ST ALLOWS ME TO establish A Religion, all on my own.

And if my Religion happens to practice cutting people's hands off, for stealing, then US law always and necessarily usurps my Religious law. bottom line - the 1st cant be literal or else - ANARCHY.

I agree.

I just wanted to clarify that laws are not designed to usurp religious laws...but if they do, more often than not, there willbe a debate in Washington about it..

With the exception of the obvious...such as stoning, hand cutting off, polygomy, etc.

I agree, and I feel there deserves to be a debate - but disparaging people because they disagree with one side or the other - and/or acting like those who disagree are anti freedom anti America, etc. and want a POLICE STATE!!! BOOOOO! is just arrogant hyperbole, and that's why I'm even here in the 1st place in this thread. (not aimed at you, btw)
Then they're NOT Catholics..

IN the Jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The Orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real Jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real Jews.

I see myself as a real Jew.

They may not be Catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

If you live your life outside of the rules of Catholicism then you're NOT a Catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either Catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

Catholicism is not what you say it is Nick. The Inquisition is Over. It Ended. The Church is much looser now, you know, The discovery of how to make fire, the invention of the wheel, Electricity, Indoor Plumbing. Has it been that long since you went to Mass? :lol:

There are None without Sin Nick. If you find yourself that troubled by your burdens, try Confession. ;)
My post is absolutely relevant.

Your post is absolutely stupid.

Obama (through the HHS) mandated that the Catholic church violate canon in deference to his unconstitutional edicts. Obviously this won't survive a court challenge, unless you assassinate one of the 5 constitutionalists on the court. But more importantly, this ends Obama's reelection bid.

It doesn't matter if people support or oppose abortion, the REQUIREMENT that contraception and abortificants be provided is an issue of liberty. The pro-abortion crowd has always pretended to support "choice." Obama attacked the concept of choice - there is no choice for the Catholics, they comply or die, so to speak.

Obama over-played his hand, attacking the first amendment was a stupid move at this time. He just melted down, ended his reelection bid.

again, the 1st amendment is not involved unless you feel it supercedes Business/US law.

And my example stands - if you think that Freedom of Religion means that if a US Law disallows one of your religious tenets, that you can simply ignore it? Then we (in that view) had better start allowing stonings, etc.
in the jewsih religion we have reforemed, conservative and orthodox.

I am reformed.

The orthodox do not believe that the reformed or the conservative are real jews.

The consertvative do not believe the reformed are real jews.

I see myself as a real jew.

They may not be catholics to you....but you are not the decider.

if you live your life outside of the rules of catholicism then you're not a catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

stop swearing and disparaging others all the time then, huh?

And where does it say I cant swear or scold others in Catholicism?

I'm not kind to those who want to destroy me, my religion our my civil liberties.

I'm not a passive idiot..

I'm not going to read the bible to you while you slit my throat...
It doesn't matter if a church is a business or not. The government is constitutionally prevented from forcing them to participate in activities they do not believe in. Unless they are being PREVENTED from harming someone.

You cannot force those who don't believe in showing respect to the flag to stand up and salute it. You cannot force those who believe they must follow a particular diet to eat certain foods. And you cannot FORCE the Catholic church to provide birth control and abortificants to its employees. Regardless of where they are working. That is tyranny, and that is the state interfering with religion.

As I've said before...the left to this point has deliberately lied about what separation of state and religion is in order to pave the way for state control of religion. And this is the proof.
It doesn't matter the intent, if it does it does - if it doesn't it doesn't.............and being that it DOES sometimes necessarily supercede Religious Law - the 1st Amendment consequently has limitations.

For example - THE 1ST ALLOWS ME TO establish A Religion, all on my own.

And if my Religion happens to practice cutting people's hands off, for stealing, then US law always and necessarily usurps my Religious law. bottom line - the 1st cant be literal or else - ANARCHY.

I agree.

I just wanted to clarify that laws are not designed to usurp religious laws...but if they do, more often than not, there willbe a debate in Washington about it..

With the exception of the obvious...such as stoning, hand cutting off, polygomy, etc.

I agree, and I feel there deserves to be a debate - but disparaging people because they disagree with one side or the other - and/or acting like those who disagree are anti freedom anti America, etc. and want a POLICE STATE!!! BOOOOO! is just arrogant hyperbole, and that's why I'm even here in the 1st place in this thread. (not aimed at you, btw)

Heck...I can argue for both sides of this debate...and I have.

And I have been called "idiot" by individuals on both sides.

True story.

My belief?

The SCOTUS will strike this one down. Forget the church..it is forcing insurance companies to offer a service it may not want to offer.
if you live your life outside of the rules of catholicism then you're not a catholic...

Catholics don't believe in contraception..

It's not that difficult to understand.

You're either catholic or you're not.... You just cant make up your own morals.

stop swearing and disparaging others all the time then, huh?

And where does it say I cant swear or scold others in Catholicism?

I'm not kind to those who want to destroy me, my religion our my civil liberties.

I'm not a passive idiot..

I'm not going to read the bible to you while you slit my throat...

Your sentiments about what you udnerstand as your OWN RELIGION, are actually pretty hilarious.

I laughed. Out loud. Swear to God.

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