Wow, way to ignore the actual issue at hand - which is a Law involving BUSINESSES.

Is the goal of the anti-liberty left to keep churches from providing educational and medical services?

Honestly, I think you leftists should push this for all it's worth. It's a winning issue for you. Demand that all churches provide abortion after services, provided by Planned Parenthood, of course. Demand that no church can be built without abortion facilities and an Planned Parenthood office on the grounds. Have Obama declare it as a EO.

It's a winner for you of the anti-liberty left. Trust me.

Because you're a retard....

You're obviously NOT a Catholic so who the fuck are you to tell me about my religion??


Ignore all the catholics who are also laughing then. It's funny shit.

Catholics are not laughing they're pissed off..

You think just because you were baptized a Catholic you're a Catholic??? think again bud.

And you are the one passing judgement?:clap2:
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

Not if those laws go against the first amendment.

There should be no laws in this land that force any church, except in incidences where they are actively harming people, to submit to practices that go against their beliefs.

My fear is that this will get Obama killed, and the fucker will become a progressive martyr, and loons like Ravtard and GT will take to just grabbing babies they see on the street and dashing their heads against curbs...

Except, you pulled that out of your ass now, didn't you? Let's see where ya got it from if not.

Try to make sense. Are you saying that there should be laws that force churches to submit to eugenic practices?
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.
Not if those laws go against the first amendment.

There should be no laws in this land that force any church, except in incidences where they are actively harming people, to submit to practices that go against their beliefs.

My fear is that this will get Obama killed, and the fucker will become a progressive martyr, and loons like Ravtard and GT will take to just grabbing babies they see on the street and dashing their heads against curbs...

Except, you pulled that out of your ass now, didn't you? Let's see where ya got it from if not.

Try to make sense. Are you saying that there should be laws that force churches to submit to eugenic practices?

You try to make sense.

You're basing a Legal argument on something, in your words, that "should be," as though that holds merit.

I'm asking you where it's actually in writing, where and where not the 1st applies. Or is it just "should be" which will be presented in court?
Because you're a retard....

You're obviously NOT a Catholic so who the fuck are you to tell me about my religion??


Ignore all the catholics who are also laughing then. It's funny shit.

Catholics are not laughing they're pissed off..

You think just because you were baptized a Catholic you're a Catholic??? think again bud.

So then I guess Catholicism is one where you can "turn it on" and turn it off" whenever you want?

I mean...you were a slut when you were younger...you admitted it.....

So were you not a Catholic at the time?

And now you are?

And if tomorrow you want to go out sluttin it up, you are not?

And then Thursday you will be good and a Catholic again?

Is that how it works?
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

Then the employees can leave if they feel the cover provided by their employer is not suitable. But it remains.... we cannot support this mandate. It is fundamentally against our religion. If I am intelligent to support your right to choose, why can you not support our right to be pro life?
again, the 1st amendment is not involved unless you feel it supercedes Business/US law.

Utter nonsense. The first amendment isn't rendered null and void by the fact that a business is involved. A mandate that an Islamic slaughterhouse butcher pigs violates the constitution, as does this attack by Dear Leader.

And my example stands

Your example is fucking retarded.

Stoning a woman is an affirmative act that involves battery. Providing contraceptives is an administrative decision that has no affirmation.

You didn't REALLY think that was clever, did you?

- if you think that Freedom of Religion means that if a US Law disallows one of your religious tenets, that you can simply ignore it? Then we (in that view) had better start allowing stonings, etc.

Seriously, find a better hate site to get your talking points from.
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

They're not businesses because THEY ARE NOT FOR PROFIT...

What don't you understand about that???
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No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

She is correct Nick.

If you want to win the debate.....back off the premises you have been holding on to.
They are not holding much water.

Honesty may work...

Yeah....try that.
The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

Then the employees can leave if they feel the cover provided by their employer is not suitable. But it remains.... we cannot support this mandate. It is fundamentally against our religion. If I am intelligent to support your right to choose, why can you not support our right to be pro life?

Again, no one is forcing anyone to take birth control.
The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

They're not businesses because THEY NOT FOR PROFIT...

What don't you understand about that???

Profit is not what determines whether or not something is a business.
The church doesn't run businesses - the church runs charities - or NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS..

Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

They're not businesses because THEY ARE NOT FOR PROFIT...

What don't you understand about that???
I used to work for a non-profit. It was obligated to follow employer/employee law just like any other business.
No, but the businesses it runs are businesses and therefore are governed employer/employee laws.

If the federal government passes a law that employees may not pray before meals on company property; the fact that a business is involved is irrelevant - it is a violation of the first amendment.

As this is.

Obama melted down in his zeal to serve the abortion industry.

He's done.

Ignore all the catholics who are also laughing then. It's funny shit.

Catholics are not laughing they're pissed off..

You think just because you were baptized a Catholic you're a Catholic??? think again bud.

So then I guess Catholicism is one where you can "turn it on" and turn it off" whenever you want?

I mean...you were a slut when you were younger...you admitted it.....

So were you not a Catholic at the time?

And now you are?

And if tomorrow you want to go out sluttin it up, you are not?

And then Thursday you will be good and a Catholic again?

Is that how it works?

You got it. That is how many , probably the majority of them live their so-called religious lives. And if ever someone else makes a mistake, like uses drugs and somehow needs to be helped to begin a new life, damn them to hell.
Makes sense, doesn't it...NOT.
It is all phony and righteous. Just like all the Evangelicals and so called Christians who stand on the pillar of sactimonious bull, as they sneak around and do the opposite.
Very very hypocritical.
Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

Then the employees can leave if they feel the cover provided by their employer is not suitable. But it remains.... we cannot support this mandate. It is fundamentally against our religion. If I am intelligent to support your right to choose, why can you not support our right to be pro life?

Again, no one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

No. But someone is trying to force someone to offer birth control.

This is really not a religious debate...although many want to make it that.

This should be a debate about the federal government forcing an insurance company to cover birth control....

And that is very sketchy at best
Jesus wept. It runs businesses. Their colleges and hospitals are businesses and governed by employer/employee laws just like every other business.

Then the employees can leave if they feel the cover provided by their employer is not suitable. But it remains.... we cannot support this mandate. It is fundamentally against our religion. If I am intelligent to support your right to choose, why can you not support our right to be pro life?

Again, no one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

It is forcing the Church to fund it. We cannot do that. It is against our religion. I appreciate that you don't understand our faith, but surely you accept our right to believe whatever we choose to believe? And, given that, you should support our First Amendment Right to not pay for something that falls outside our beliefs?

No one is forcing anyone to work for the Catholic Church. Employees can leave if they don't like the healthcare provided by the Church, can they not?

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