The government has no business forcing BUSINESSES to provide such things.

No. Shut up and fuck off with this shit. Your position all along has been "OMGRELIGION1STAMENDMENT." Don't go changing the goal posts to try making it a secular issue. This is about the church allegedly waging war against the President, over religious issues.
btw, who'll be doing this so-called fighting in the streets??

Priests? Nuns? Notre Dame's cheerleading squad??
No, because religious rights cannot trump the law. If it's illegal to smoke dope, churches can't pass out joints.

But it is not LAW that businesses fund abortions and population control. This is oppression. And it's the state interfering with religion besides.

It is Law, it was signed into LAW.

It's not since been revoked or declared unconstitutional.

Your statement is factually incorrect, as most are.
Would 'you people' (and you'll know who I mean) support a Muslim community in the US imposing Sharia law,

and then declaring that any US law, including laws regulating business, that conflicted with Sharia would henceforth be null and void in that community?

That's religious freedom, right??? That's a pure exercise of the 1st amendment, right?

Sharia Law is largely anti-Constitutional......being pro-life is not....
The government has no business forcing BUSINESSES to provide such things.

And forcing businesses (Saint Vincent de Paul is a business run by the church....Salvation Army.....charity hospitals....to engage in eugenic practices is beyond reprehensible, and unconstitutional besides.

Eugenics is a program by which authorities make decisions on procreation. What we're talking about are PRIVATE decisions paid for by insurance or government. Hardly the same thing.

No, you're talking about the GOVERNMENT dictating that the CHURCH must participate in POPULATION CONTROL measures.
And THAT is eugenics.
The government has no business forcing BUSINESSES to provide such things.

And forcing businesses (Saint Vincent de Paul is a business run by the church....Salvation Army.....charity hospitals....to engage in eugenic practices is beyond reprehensible, and unconstitutional besides.

Eugenics is a program by which authorities make decisions on procreation. What we're talking about are PRIVATE decisions paid for by insurance or government. Hardly the same thing.

No, you're talking about the GOVERNMENT dictating that the CHURCH must participate in POPULATION CONTROL measures.
And THAT is eugenics.

^ incredibally ignorant statement.
No, because religious rights cannot trump the law. If it's illegal to smoke dope, churches can't pass out joints.

But it is not LAW that businesses fund abortions and population control. This is oppression. And it's the state interfering with religion besides.

No, actually, the requirement for this type of insurance IS the law.

See, we're making progress...

...koshergrl is now supporting my position.
Well there ya go ...

You're "my whole family blah blah blah" is just a wildly exaggerated lie on your part.

You're talking out of your ass.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I was the worst of them all..

Besides, what does what I did have to do with birth control or abortions or my religion??

I wasn't religious then but I am now..

The majority of my family is religious and always has been, with the exception of a few.

Just because I was wild as a teen and a young adult doesn't mean they're anything like me or what I used to be..

I'm saying that in lieu of all this that your claims of your intimate knowledge of your entire family's sex life/birth control status/abortion positions.... all 75 cousin's and 16 aunts and uncles ..... is a pant load.

Apparently you have never met a devout Catholic...

I have cousins that are older than I am that are openly virgins and proud of it...

Your talking about Opus Dei here....

Most are like Tim Tebow..

They take religion very seriously....

My family doesn't use birth control or would EVER think of having an abortion. You know why that is? because the majority don't have sex before marriage.

They wait until they're married, then have lots of kids.

My family is truly a devout catholic family.... Many would find the use of a condom to be a sin...

Honestly I think it's kind of funny.... I always tell my mother that its funny they hold onto their virginity forever, get married then fuck like rabbits and have 10 kids a pop. :lol:

Of course we're all not like that, I have a couple of male cousins that "swayed" but the females are all like the Virgin Mary..
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

This law does not apply to the Church itself. It applies to businesses run by the Church.

This is about the Church having decided to be more than a church, but to also get into various businesses...

...when you make that choice, you must to a great extent check your religion at the door. The laws of running a business in the US are with very very few exceptions trump over religious preferences that conflict with those laws.

and the more Obamacare controls businesses the better.....? :cuckoo:

stepping on business as well as religion is not what America is all about....


And the SCOTUS will ultimately decide if what you say is true.

And by the way...I see it as you do...
So isn't Obama going against the separation of church and state????
btw, who'll be doing this so-called fighting in the streets??

Priests? Nuns? Notre Dame's cheerleading squad??

all those Catholic women, or husbands of those women, on birth control. Watch out for it!

I doubt it will be all those Catholic men who have been 'forced' to settle for anal sex with their wives to avoid getting them pregnant. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
No, because religious rights cannot trump the law. If it's illegal to smoke dope, churches can't pass out joints.

But it is not LAW that businesses fund abortions and population control. This is oppression. And it's the state interfering with religion besides.

Wow, you really are a hack. If the law dictates certain behaviors to others, their religious beliefs under the 1st amendment are notwithstanding. But if the law dictates certain behaviors that don't line up well with your personal beliefs, then it's suddenly oppression.
The majority of the Hispanic population.
The majority of the residents of New Mexico, Arizona, and possibly Texas...

Mormons won't line up for this crap either. Nor will any other Christian church.

I think Obama nailed his own coffin shut. What an overreaching psycho.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

This law does not apply to the Church itself. It applies to businesses run by the Church.

This is about the Church having decided to be more than a church, but to also get into various businesses...

...when you make that choice, you must to a great extent check your religion at the door. The laws of running a business in the US are with very very few exceptions trump over religious preferences that conflict with those laws.

Just to clarify, the church does not run the hosptial. The diocese aligns with management and regarding certain practices the vatican dictates patient care (ie abortion and birth control.) Should a hospital disregard the mandate from Italy, the archbishop oversees an investigation and a decision as to whether or not the hosptial will maintain its Catholic status is achieved.

The Catholic church gives no money to the hospital, however nuns do work and collect a competitive salary. The church receives the benefit of its presence known in the community and the hospital maintains its tax free status.
Would 'you people' (and you'll know who I mean) support a Muslim community in the US imposing Sharia law,

and then declaring that any US law, including laws regulating business, that conflicted with Sharia would henceforth be null and void in that community?

That's religious freedom, right??? That's a pure exercise of the 1st amendment, right?

Sharia Law is largely anti-Constitutional......being pro-life is not....

when does human life begin?

Me? I say at conception...and I base that on the fact that the fetus can not.....will not...survive without the human antibodies it gets from the mother. No ohter lviing being needs human anti bodies to survive.

Pro choicers see it differently.

Deal with it.
The majority of the Hispanic population.
The majority of the residents of New Mexico, Arizona, and possibly Texas...

Mormons won't line up for this crap either. Nor will any other Christian church.

I think Obama nailed his own coffin shut. What an overreaching psycho.

Yea? It's not showing in the polls yet.

Get off your message boarding ass and go contact the news!
Nick the Catholic orgs aren't offering birth control to the public. The employees benefit packages are being altered to include the coverage as an option. If Catholics who work for these companies don't want birth control, they don't buy it. Please don't say non-Catholics shouldn't work for Catholic institutions. Healthcare is a global business. Surgeons are recruted from around the world and hospitals are pleased to welcome them aboard regardless of their devotion.

And in what universe does the federal government have the power to force a private business to offer a service??

Not to mention a private charity..

What cant the federal government do???

Does the federal government have any limitations??

It is not service and it is not a charity.

First of all the Catholic church IS A CHARITY and secondly, birth control IS A SERVICE.
Science says life begins at fertilization.
So therefore abortion is murder. A life for a life.
God instructs us that we do not know when the soul enters the infant during pregnancy.
He does not want us to know, so that we don't have a whole bunch of abortions.

Exodus 21:22-23

English Standard Version (ESV)

22 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman's husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life.

Then why do elected politicians who proclaim themselves to be pro-life take an oath to defend the Constitution,

when in fact the Constitution in its current form protects the right of a woman to 'murder' her fetus???

Eh??? Think about that one, thinkie.

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