How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You know what I love. I love it when someone TOTALLY IGNORANT of the Bible deigns to speak for it?

Would you have us passage in the Bible that says we will go to hell for not "taking care of God's Earth."

That's not in the Bible, that's in your own screwed up liberalism, masquerading as Christianity.

You don't want to debate the Bible with me.

But be my guest. Give us that scripture. I bet you have no idea.


Leviticus 18:24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: 25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants. 26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you: 27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;) 28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.

Yeah, this is what liberals do whey they want to LIE about something. They take something out of context and think it will stand alone.

But if you read the ENTIRE CHAPTER you can see you are lying about the scripture. It has nothing to do with environmentalism, and has everything to do with obeying God's laws:

Leviticus 18 KJV - And the LORD spake unto Moses saying - Bible Gateway

Sorry I can't cut and past the chapter, my mouse is breaking down and I can't highlight with it to cut and past.

However, it's very clear that God will spue them off the land because of the practices of sacrificing their Children to Molech. The land will spue them out because of the BLOOD OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

Nice try but you lose for lying.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

^ This!
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

Excuse me.....but in an effort to keep the debate honest...

He has doen nothing with the Church.

His is a mandate to the insurance companies.
I did.....

But back then I was not a practicing Catholic... I am today.

Besides, Jesus died for our sins, and no one is perfect. We all sin - even the most devout sin.

But yeah, I was a really reckless individual when I was younger.... I have only been tame for about 5 years..

Well there ya go ...

You're "my whole family blah blah blah" is just a wildly exaggerated lie on your part.

You're talking out of your ass.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I was the worst of them all..

Besides, what does what I did have to do with birth control or abortions or my religion??

I wasn't religious then but I am now..

The majority of my family is religious and always has been, with the exception of a few.

Just because I was wild as a teen and a young adult doesn't mean they're anything like me or what I used to be..

I'm saying that in lieu of all this that your claims of your intimate knowledge of your entire family's sex life/birth control status/abortion positions.... all 75 cousin's and 16 aunts and uncles ..... is a pant load.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

oh boooooo hoooo
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

oh boooooo hoooo

It will be when it affects your life though, huh? Then you'll get all whiny about it and wonder why no one's there to fight for you.... it'll be because you stood by and watched while they systematically destroyed those who would.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

This law does not apply to the Church itself. It applies to businesses run by the Church.

This is about the Church having decided to be more than a church, but to also get into various businesses...

...when you make that choice, you must to a great extent check your religion at the door. The laws of running a business in the US are with very very few exceptions trump over religious preferences that conflict with those laws.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

oh boooooo hoooo

It will be when it affects your life though, huh? Then you'll get all whiny about it and wonder why no one's there to fight for you.... it'll be because you stood by and watched while they systematically destroyed those who would.

Wrong. This is called hyperbole.

Obama got the Catholic vote. You forgot?

This is more just about Right versus left, same as it always was. Cry me a fucking river.
The point is, freedom of religion means that the government cannot force a church to act against its beliefs, so long as those beliefs are not doing harm.

This is exactly what I knew would come of bullshit "abortion rights". The next will be forcing the clergy to perform marriages for anyone who asks, regardless of their faith or their practices.

In essence, Obama's attempting to bring the church to heel. He is exerting control over religion, which is about as anti-american as you can get.

What scum he is. I can't say what an awful feeling it is to have an anti-American president.

This law does not apply to the Church itself. It applies to businesses run by the Church.

This is about the Church having decided to be more than a church, but to also get into various businesses...

...when you make that choice, you must to a great extent check your religion at the door. The laws of running a business in the US are with very very few exceptions trump over religious preferences that conflict with those laws.

Circumcision has nothing to do with the taking of a life.

Birth control involves the destruction of an egg or sperm cells...and the church recognizes those as "life".

Irrelevant. The arguments being made here are that it's a violation of first amendment rights and government interference into religious practices. If that were the case, then why isn't the same concern being raised about circumcision? If it applies to birth control, it must also apply to circumcision. Otherwise the entire argument must be rejected.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

And if such is true, the SCOTUS will decide accordingly.

Relax Nick...We survived Carter.....we will survivie Obama.

Bear in mind...he wsqa elected by the majority based on his ideology....he is doing what he beleives the electorate wants. That is his job.

Now, for those of us that see it as unconsitutional?

The SCOTUS comes into play.

Enjoy life.....man...you really need to relax.

And in what universe is it right or just for 9 idiots who are appointed by idiots to decide the fate of the country??

The SCOTUS should be abolished - or at least widened.

I have said it before and I will say it again - the SCOTUS has way more power than the president and congress and they dictate this country..

Our Bill of Rights is straightforward and blunt... It doesn't need to be interpreted given its language...

Only a fucking idiot tyrant would attempt to rationalize it any differently than the way the document is presented.

Not to mention idiots who use language like "separation of church and state" or "the wall of separation."

How the fuck can one steal a quote from a Thomas Jefferson letter then attempt to apply a fucking question to the Bill of Rights?

That within itself shows how dangerous and tyrannical the SCOTUS actually is..

Oh to make it even worse these dickheads are appointed for life..
oh boooooo hoooo

It will be when it affects your life though, huh? Then you'll get all whiny about it and wonder why no one's there to fight for you.... it'll be because you stood by and watched while they systematically destroyed those who would.

Wrong. This is called hyperbole.

Obama got the Catholic vote. You forgot?

This is more just about Right versus left, same as it always was. Cry me a fucking river.

He got 54% of it. Last time. This time? Maybe - but maybe not.

This is not about conservative or liberal. It is about the First Amendment. Either you support it or you don't. You don't. I do. Or rather, you support it for you, but not for me.
It applies to the church itself. It is forcing the church to pay for things they do not support ideologically.

It's crossing the separation of church and state line that the lefties whine about all the time when they are "forced" to flip past a channel with a preacher on it, or when they are "forced" to listen to a politician state anything about his faith.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

Businesses are forced to comply with all sorts of labor laws. Do you think that a hospital, Catholic or otherwise,

should be allowed to employ doctors that are not licensed to practice medicine?


Keep focus NYCarbineer....

That question does not at all apply to the debate at hand.

Yes it does because the central issue here is whether or not a religion's dictates in running a business can trump the law of the land as it applies to that business.

The point of asking whether hospitals could employ unlicensed doctors is to establish whether or not the person I addressed it to acknowledges the legitimacy and supremacy of laws regulating business. Of course I won't get an answer.
It will be when it affects your life though, huh? Then you'll get all whiny about it and wonder why no one's there to fight for you.... it'll be because you stood by and watched while they systematically destroyed those who would.

Wrong. This is called hyperbole.

Obama got the Catholic vote. You forgot?

This is more just about Right versus left, same as it always was. Cry me a fucking river.

He got 54% of it. Last time. This time? Maybe - but maybe not.

This is not about conservative or liberal. It is about the First Amendment. Either you support it or you don't. You don't. I do. Or rather, you support it for you, but not for me.

In your opinion it's about supporting versus not supporting the first amendment.

In my opinion, it's about where and where not the first amendment applies.

Or - should we let U.S. Muslims stone their cheating women to death?

The law of the land heretofore has NEVER been that employers must provide birth control and abortion meds to their employees.

This is clearly the government exerting control over religion.

Fuck Obama. He can't leave fast enough.
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we dont have to, most are not catholic.

its why you dont get to tell everyone what to do because you are catholic.

Its what the founders decided long ago

77/90 million of Americans are Catholic, including a substantial amount of your beloved 'minorities'.

The founders gave us separation of church and state. Get your fucking government out of my church.

Render unto God the things that are God's, and unto Caesar, the things that are Caesar's, and what is not Caesar's tell him to keep his Damn Paws off of. :razz:

What Caesar has learned, let Obama follow. :lol:
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It applies to the church itself. It is forcing the church to pay for things they do not support ideologically.

It's crossing the separation of church and state line that the lefties whine about all the time when they are "forced" to flip past a channel with a preacher on it, or when they are "forced" to listen to a politician state anything about his faith.

No, it's forcing BUSINESSES run by the Church, not the Church, which is a very key differentiation that apparently many need explained to them.

You cant just make up your own business law and cite "Religion."

If that were the case, we could all establish some really funky religions to circumvent all types of laws.
Stupid - you're incorrect on the church's position on the issue.

No I'm not. I even showed you exactly where the Church condemned circumcision. All you're doing is ignoring it.

That is indeed a fact.

You wouldn't know a fact if it jumped up and bit you in your sinfully mutilated penis.

Is there a Catholic church in your hometown?

There's none in the town I currently live. The closest one is about a half hour away. But what does that have to do with anything?

I know you know where the Mosque is.

I know that there is no Mosque in this town. Don't know where the closest one is. There might be one to the next city to the south, about another half hour away. But that's just a guess. I kinda doubt there is one down there. But again, that is irrelevant.

In any event, call and talk to a priest. Ask him if he's circumcised - and when he tells you "Yes," maybe the two of you can have a nice conversation about it.

I don't care if he's circumcised. The fact still remains that the official church doctrine condemns circumcision. The only grey area is when it is done for specifically medical reasons, which the church has remained silent about. They've not said they find it acceptable under such circumstances. But they haven't affirmed that they condemn it under such circumstances either.

I realize that you're in waters where you haven't a clue. So you should just shut up now before you make yourself look even more stupid.

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