I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

why dont you stop them then, if you feel so strongly? pussyfooting on the internetz daily doesnt quite get the job done.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

Businesses are forced to comply with all sorts of labor laws. Do you think that a hospital, Catholic or otherwise,

should be allowed to employ doctors that are not licensed to practice medicine?

My grandmother had 16 kids, and my aunts and uncles had large families 4+ per family, the most was 9, and those kids had kids.

My oldest cousin is 42/43 and my youngest is 1...

I have at least 75 first cousins and we're ALL Catholic... The majority of us are practicing Catholics - and they don't use birth control and NONE of them had an abortion or even support abortion..

Hell, half of the practicing Catholics in my family are Opus Dei...

Don't tell me about my family....

tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

I did.....

But back then I was not a practicing Catholic... I am today.

Besides, Jesus died for our sins, and no one is perfect. We all sin - even the most devout sin.

But yeah, I was a really reckless individual when I was younger.... I have only been tame for about 5 years..
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

And if such is true, the SCOTUS will decide accordingly.

Relax Nick...We survived Carter.....we will survivie Obama.

Bear in mind...he wsqa elected by the majority based on his ideology....he is doing what he beleives the electorate wants. That is his job.

Now, for those of us that see it as unconsitutional?

The SCOTUS comes into play.

Enjoy life.....man...you really need to relax.
tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

I did.....

But back then I was not a practicing Catholic... I am today.

Besides, Jesus died for our sins, and no one is perfect. We all sin - even the most devout sin.

But yeah, I was a really reckless individual when I was younger.... I have only been tame for about 5 years..



dare I say....

Show me where the Catholic Church won't provide circumscisions in their hospitals.

EXACTLY!! Circumcision is condemned by the church, but they have no problem making it available to people. Why is birth control such an issue?

Circumcision has nothing to do with the taking of a life.

Birth control involves the destruction of an egg or sperm cells...and the church recognizes those as "life"..

It is like saying..

"why does a jaywalker get off without any fine, but a murderer is senetenced to life in prison?"
Apparently you missed this part:

Therefore it strictly orders all who glory in the name of Christian, not to practise circumcision either before or after baptism, since whether or not they place their hope in it, it cannot possibly be observed without loss of eternal salvation.

Stupid - you're incorrect on the church's position on the issue.
That is indeed a fact.
Is there a Catholic church in your hometown? I know you know where the Mosque is. In any event, call and talk to a priest. Ask him if he's circumcised - and when he tells you "Yes," maybe the two of you can have a nice conversation about it.
tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

I did.....

But back then I was not a practicing Catholic... I am today.

Besides, Jesus died for our sins, and no one is perfect. We all sin - even the most devout sin.

But yeah, I was a really reckless individual when I was younger.... I have only been tame for about 5 years..

Well there ya go ...

You're "my whole family blah blah blah" is just a wildly exaggerated lie on your part.

You're talking out of your ass.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

Businesses are forced to comply with all sorts of labor laws. Do you think that a hospital, Catholic or otherwise,

should be allowed to employ doctors that are not licensed to practice medicine?

Yeah and they're all state laws - they're NOT federal laws..

Besides, standards are NOT a product or service..

You can't tell a business what products they need to sell...
Where and when did Jesus proclaim contraception to be against his teachings?

This is what liberals do, when they are losing. They claim you said something NOT IN EVIDENCE and then expect you to defend from that false premise.

When you can show where I said Jesus said that, let me know.

As it is, that has nothing to do with what the Catholic Church believes and last time I check the First Amendment guarantees they can do that.

Ok, so you admit that opposing contraception isn't really a Christian article of faith, or a teaching that is based in scripture,

but instead is one of those peculiar bits of dogma that manage to arbitrarily appear in most organized religions.

So what then gives it such grand status that it ought to be grounds for altering the law of the land and discriminating against American workers??

What's the greater good?

it's called being "Pro-Life"......where's the "greater good" in being pro-death....?
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

Businesses are forced to comply with all sorts of labor laws. Do you think that a hospital, Catholic or otherwise,

should be allowed to employ doctors that are not licensed to practice medicine?


Keep focus NYCarbineer....

That question does not at all apply to the debate at hand.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....

And if such is true, the SCOTUS will decide accordingly.

Relax Nick...We survived Carter.....we will survivie Obama.

Bear in mind...he wsqa elected by the majority based on his ideology....he is doing what he beleives the electorate wants. That is his job.

Now, for those of us that see it as unconsitutional?

The SCOTUS comes into play.

Enjoy life.....man...you really need to relax.

And it looks like it is going to be 5 to 4 against it.
That why they wanted to get 2 of them out of the way.
With those two votes out then it would have become 4 to 3 for the bill.
Talk about dirty politics. :eusa_whistle:
Show me where the Catholic Church won't provide circumscisions in their hospitals.

EXACTLY!! Circumcision is condemned by the church, but they have no problem making it available to people. Why is birth control such an issue?

Circumcision does not deal with life, I personally don't have a problem with birth control which prevents a pregnancy, but once it happens no one should be forced to support termination of that pregnancy
This is what liberals do, when they are losing. They claim you said something NOT IN EVIDENCE and then expect you to defend from that false premise.

When you can show where I said Jesus said that, let me know.

As it is, that has nothing to do with what the Catholic Church believes and last time I check the First Amendment guarantees they can do that.

Ok, so you admit that opposing contraception isn't really a Christian article of faith, or a teaching that is based in scripture,

but instead is one of those peculiar bits of dogma that manage to arbitrarily appear in most organized religions.

So what then gives it such grand status that it ought to be grounds for altering the law of the land and discriminating against American workers??

What's the greater good?

it's called being "Pro-Life"......where's the "greater good" in being pro-death....?


It is not pro death.

It is pro choice.

Not all see a fetus as a living human being. When life begins is the debate....not whether or not it is OK to kill a living human being
This post will go nowhere. The usual suspect Socialist/Progressive Democrat assholes on this board have a weird obsession with hating Christians. It's what they've been trained and indoctrinated on. So you're not gonna change any of those hateful Wingnuts' minds. This is a blatant hateful attack on the Church by Obama and the Left. Christians will just have to start standing up to these jerks. They've sat on the sidelines for too long. It's time to stand up and fight back. The Church's very survival depends on that.
Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

I did.....

But back then I was not a practicing Catholic... I am today.

Besides, Jesus died for our sins, and no one is perfect. We all sin - even the most devout sin.

But yeah, I was a really reckless individual when I was younger.... I have only been tame for about 5 years..

Well there ya go ...

You're "my whole family blah blah blah" is just a wildly exaggerated lie on your part.

You're talking out of your ass.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I was the worst of them all..

Besides, what does what I did have to do with birth control or abortions or my religion??

I wasn't religious then but I am now..

The majority of my family is religious and always has been, with the exception of a few.

Just because I was wild as a teen and a young adult doesn't mean they're anything like me or what I used to be..
This post will go nowhere. The usual suspect Socialist/Progressive Democrat assholes on this board have a weird obsession with hating Christians. It's what they've been trained and indoctrinated on. So you're not gonna change any of those hateful Wingnuts' minds. This is a blatant hateful attack on the Church by Obama and the Left. Christians will just have to start standing up to these jerks. They've sat on the sidelines for too long. It's time to stand up and fight back. The Church's very survival depends on that.

tiny little man you are, libocalypsenow.

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