lol Nick.
You are pathetic.
I am not upset with Obama destroying the bill of rights becuase he does not have the power to do so, even if he wanted to....and I dont see why you think he wants to.
And my Position of "so what, he is the President he can do what he wants" is an assumption you make without knowing the truth about me......you see....he cant do what he wants because he is held in check by the constitution, and the other two branches of our governemnt.
What does Obama need to do to piss off progresives?
I dont know.

I am a conservative.

Really, and in what universe can Obama FORCE a Catholic organization to provide birth control??

In what universe can the federal government under orders from that fuck Obama SUE A FUCKING STATE??

In what universe can the federal government FORCE an individual to buy a product or service?

You ever hear of the Tenth Amendment tyrant??

You may be conservative but that doesn't make you a patriot who respects the Bill of Rights..

Nick the Catholic orgs aren't offering birth control to the public. The employees benefit packages are being altered to include the coverage as an option. If Catholics who work for these companies don't want birth control, they don't buy it. Please don't say non-Catholics shouldn't work for Catholic institutions. Healthcare is a global business. Surgeons are recruted from around the world and hospitals are pleased to welcome them aboard regardless of their devotion.

And in what universe does the federal government have the power to force a private business to offer a service??

Not to mention a private charity..

What cant the federal government do???

Does the federal government have any limitations??
Of course they hate the First Amendment. You don't get it? I do! The first amendment allows Christians to believe there is something greater than liberals or the state. It allows people to believe abortion is evil and wrong. It allows conservatives to hold rallies like the Tea Party.

Their goal is to end the first amendment. That's a right, only they think they should have.

The Constitution is a "living document." Remember? That means the Constitutlon says whatever liberals like Obama says it says and only when it advantages them.

look, two bullshit spouters who claim to be catholic, are bonding.

This is what liberals do when they can't debate, they just attack. And as usual it's a stupid attack.


I don't even have a problem with birth control (and no I don't consider abortion or the abortion pill "birth control")

I am Protestant. I have a problem with the Obama admin coming in and dictating to a Church they must do something against their faith.

You libs make the VERY SAD MISTAKE of assuming ONLY CATHOLICS will be against this or turn against Obama regarding this bad idea of a rule.

YOU ARE VERY WRONG. This is going to turn a LOT OF CHRISTIANS against Obama AND THERE ARE LOT OF CHRISTIANS out here.

November 2012 is coming!


i apologize, i thought i read you claimed you were a catholic.
Under ObamaCare Orthodox Jews will be required to have hams an eggs at please twice a month

Under Obama care you should be forced to go to a library and learn the difference between credible sources, and propogandists who distort history to a political means. You seem to need remedial help with that.

You are lying your assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off


My grandmother had 16 kids, and my aunts and uncles had large families 4+ per family, the most was 9, and those kids had kids.

My oldest cousin is 42/43 and my youngest is 1...

I have at least 75 first cousins and we're ALL Catholic... The majority of us are practicing Catholics - and they don't use birth control and NONE of them had an abortion or even support abortion..

Hell, half of the practicing Catholics in my family are Opus Dei...

Don't tell me about my family....

tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?
Are you Catholic or is he? Nice try.

I am a Catholic....Baptize, Communed and Confirmed.

I have no doubt he is too.

He's still lying his assssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off.

And you use birth control?

Why follow a Church if you won't follow it's teachings?

Why dont you look it up. The information is available, and tell us how many Catholic women use birth control. You might (no, by your posts you WILL) be shocked at the answer.
I doubt the idiot comes back and answers, because there is no such scripture.

This is typical of the delusional thinking of liberals. They make it up in their empty heads and if it fits how they think things should be, it becomes "fact" after that.


Where and when did Jesus proclaim contraception to be against his teachings?

This is what liberals do, when they are losing. They claim you said something NOT IN EVIDENCE and then expect you to defend from that false premise.

When you can show where I said Jesus said that, let me know.

As it is, that has nothing to do with what the Catholic Church believes and last time I check the First Amendment guarantees they can do that.

Ok, so you admit that opposing contraception isn't really a Christian article of faith, or a teaching that is based in scripture,

but instead is one of those peculiar bits of dogma that manage to arbitrarily appear in most organized religions.

So what then gives it such grand status that it ought to be grounds for altering the law of the land and discriminating against American workers??

What's the greater good?

You are lying your assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off


My grandmother had 16 kids, and my aunts and uncles had large families 4+ per family, the most was 9, and those kids had kids.

My oldest cousin is 42/43 and my youngest is 1...

I have at least 75 first cousins and we're ALL Catholic... The majority of us are practicing Catholics - and they don't use birth control and NONE of them had an abortion or even support abortion..

Hell, half of the practicing Catholics in my family are Opus Dei...

Don't tell me about my family....

I'll tell you that you are lying your asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off about your family.

I dont see the advantage of him lying about his family.
Kist becuase he has an opinion different than yours does not mean he is aliar.

We all have reasons for our opinions....maybe his family ideologhy is the reason for his?
It's not too complicated. Socialist/Progressive Democrat assholes want to destroy the Christian Church. They're too much of a bunch of pussies to try and destroy Islam though. Christians will have to start standing up to these jerks. They've turned the other cheek enough. Now it's time to stand up. Otherwise, they'll go the way of the Western European Church.
look, two bullshit spouters who claim to be catholic, are bonding.

This is what liberals do when they can't debate, they just attack. And as usual it's a stupid attack.


I don't even have a problem with birth control (and no I don't consider abortion or the abortion pill "birth control")

I am Protestant. I have a problem with the Obama admin coming in and dictating to a Church they must do something against their faith.

You libs make the VERY SAD MISTAKE of assuming ONLY CATHOLICS will be against this or turn against Obama regarding this bad idea of a rule.

YOU ARE VERY WRONG. This is going to turn a LOT OF CHRISTIANS against Obama AND THERE ARE LOT OF CHRISTIANS out here.

November 2012 is coming!


But they arent forcing them to offer anything against Catholocism.

They are forcing the insuance carriers to offer it in insurance plans.

Including ABORTION CAUSING DRUGS. And you don't think that's a violation of their beliefs??????

Keep digging? In other words, you have no problem with ignoring some parts of your church's teachings, but not others.

It's not a teaching of our church, you stupid fucking idiot. That's why I asked you to keep digging - to educate yourself.

If done for non-religious reasons (i.e., health, cultural), the Church has no position on the matter. It falls within the prudential judgment of the individual parents.

That's a fact - and you can suck on it all day long if need be.

Any other ignorant observations you want to make before logging off in embarrassment?

My grandmother had 16 kids, and my aunts and uncles had large families 4+ per family, the most was 9, and those kids had kids.

My oldest cousin is 42/43 and my youngest is 1...

I have at least 75 first cousins and we're ALL Catholic... The majority of us are practicing Catholics - and they don't use birth control and NONE of them had an abortion or even support abortion..

Hell, half of the practicing Catholics in my family are Opus Dei...

Don't tell me about my family....

tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

he claimed they all wanted him to give them facials and stuff.

that thread got scrapped? it was hilarious.

My grandmother had 16 kids, and my aunts and uncles had large families 4+ per family, the most was 9, and those kids had kids.

My oldest cousin is 42/43 and my youngest is 1...

I have at least 75 first cousins and we're ALL Catholic... The majority of us are practicing Catholics - and they don't use birth control and NONE of them had an abortion or even support abortion..

Hell, half of the practicing Catholics in my family are Opus Dei...

Don't tell me about my family....

I'll tell you that you are lying your asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off about your family.

I dont see the advantage of him lying about his family.
Kist becuase he has an opinion different than yours does not mean he is aliar.

We all have reasons for our opinions....maybe his family ideologhy is the reason for his?

He tells wild lies all the time because he thinks it supports his positions.

Nick lives in a world of his own.
I love how the Obama supporters have absolutely no problem with Obama forcing businesses to sell a product..

What the fuck is wrong with people??

The federal government has NO RIGHT forcing a business to provide a service..

Authoritarian fucks....
Are you Catholic or is he? Nice try.

I am a Catholic....Baptize, Communed and Confirmed.

I have no doubt he is too.

He's still lying his assssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off.

And you use birth control?

Why follow a Church if you won't follow it's teachings?

I"m Jewsih and I loves me bacon.
Love Ham.
Dont keep Kosher...nerver did.

One can listen to the teachings of ones faith and believe in many...but not all.

Religion is a faith...not a law.

that is how I see it.
Those 'businesses' are part of our duty as Catholics. It's a religious obligation. Hence, part of our faith and hence protected by the First Amendment.

No, actually your 1st duty is to obey the law of the land. Your religious rights are not a license to be a lawbreaker.

Get this! Our FIRST DUTY is to OBEY OBAMA. Carbiner just let it slip their real agenda.

Thanks Carbiner!

And we are "law breakers" if we obey the first amendment?


The first amendment does not allow the unfettered exercise of one's religion any more than it allows the unfettered exercise of freedom of speech.
tubes tying is birth control.

Didn't Nick claim that he's fucked over a hundred chicks or something in his "I want woman to love" thread that got scrapped?

Wonder if he was married to each of them?

Was he barebackin' it every time?

he claimed they all wanted him to give them facials and stuff.

that thread got scrapped? it was hilarious.

I know.

I went searching for it when he was all out of control again one day and it was gonzo.

I had a sad.

I loved that thread.

It had top five threads of all time written all over it.
Keep digging, asswipe.

Keep digging? In other words, you have no problem with ignoring some parts of your church's teachings, but not others.

It's not a teaching of our church, you stupid fucking idiot. That's why I asked you to keep digging - to educate yourself.

If done for non-religious reasons (i.e., health, cultural), the Church has no position on the matter. It falls within the prudential judgment of the individual parents.

That's a fact - and you can suck on it all day long if need be.

Any other ignorant observations you want to make before logging off in embarrassment?

Apparently you missed this part:

Therefore it strictly orders all who glory in the name of Christian, not to practise circumcision either before or after baptism, since whether or not they place their hope in it, it cannot possibly be observed without loss of eternal salvation.

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