Oh fuck off..

The fact you're not upset that Obama is destroying the Bill of Rights left and right shows how fucking little you care about this country..

You're little brained position is "so what, hes the president he can do what he wants."

What does Obama have to do to piss off the progressivebots???

lol Nick.
You are pathetic.
I am not upset with Obama destroying the bill of rights becuase he does not have the power to do so, even if he wanted to....and I dont see why you think he wants to.
And my Position of "so what, he is the President he can do what he wants" is an assumption you make without knowing the truth about me......you see....he cant do what he wants because he is held in check by the constitution, and the other two branches of our governemnt.
What does Obama need to do to piss off progresives?
I dont know.

I am a conservative.

Really, and in what universe can Obama FORCE a Catholic organization to provide birth control??

In what universe can the federal government under orders from that fuck Obama SUE A FUCKING STATE??

In what universe can the federal government FORCE an individual to buy a product or service?

You ever hear of the Tenth Amendment tyrant??

You may be conservative but that doesn't make you a patriot who respects the Bill of Rights..

Nick the Catholic orgs aren't offering birth control to the public. The employees benefit packages are being altered to include the coverage as an option. If Catholics who work for these companies don't want birth control, they don't buy it. Please don't say non-Catholics shouldn't work for Catholic institutions. Healthcare is a global business. Surgeons are recruted from around the world and hospitals are pleased to welcome them aboard regardless of their devotion.
Really, and in what universe can Obama FORCE a Catholic organization to provide birth control??

How about you forget hypothetical universes and you get back to this one. In THIS universe, nobody is forcing the Catholic church to provide birth control. The law requires that employers provide health care plans to their employees, and prohibits the employer from preventing a routine medical issue from being covered. The employee as recipient of the care, and the THIRD PARTY INSURANCE COMPANY is the one who will pay for the birth control.

Meanwhile, you still don't seem to be voicing any objections to health plans that would cover circumcision. Why is that?
Oh fuck off..

The fact you're not upset that Obama is destroying the Bill of Rights left and right shows how fucking little you care about this country..

You're little brained position is "so what, hes the president he can do what he wants."

What does Obama have to do to piss off the progressivebots???

lol Nick.
You are pathetic.
I am not upset with Obama destroying the bill of rights becuase he does not have the power to do so, even if he wanted to....and I dont see why you think he wants to.
And my Position of "so what, he is the President he can do what he wants" is an assumption you make without knowing the truth about me......you see....he cant do what he wants because he is held in check by the constitution, and the other two branches of our governemnt.
What does Obama need to do to piss off progresives?
I dont know.

I am a conservative.

Really, and in what universe can Obama FORCE a Catholic organization to provide birth control??

In what universe can the federal government under orders from that fuck Obama SUE A FUCKING STATE??

In what universe can the federal government FORCE an individual to buy a product or service?

You ever hear of the Tenth Amendment tyrant, ever hear of the First Amendment tyrant??

Obama has pretty much violated every amendment of the Bill of Rights.

You may be conservative but that doesn't make you a patriot who respects the Bill of Rights..

Relax Nick...take a freaking chill pill.

He has not violated any bill in his eyes. But if he did, the SCOTUS will decide accordingly.

In my eyes?

His initiatives are against how I perceive the Bill of Rights and the constitution.

So was the patriot act...in my eyes.....but I didnt see Bush as wanting to destroy the Bill of Rights or the Consitution.
They don't get it. I think it's deliberate. They must hate the First Amendment.

Of course they hate the First Amendment. You don't get it? I do! The first amendment allows Christians to believe there is something greater than liberals or the state. It allows people to believe abortion is evil and wrong. It allows conservatives to hold rallies like the Tea Party.

Their goal is to end the first amendment. That's a right, only they think they should have.

The Constitution is a "living document." Remember? That means the Constitutlon says whatever liberals like Obama says it says and only when it advantages them.

look, two bullshit spouters who claim to be catholic, are bonding.

This is what liberals do when they can't debate, they just attack. And as usual it's a stupid attack.


I don't even have a problem with birth control (and no I don't consider abortion or the abortion pill "birth control")

I am Protestant. I have a problem with the Obama admin coming in and dictating to a Church they must do something against their faith.

You libs make the VERY SAD MISTAKE of assuming ONLY CATHOLICS will be against this or turn against Obama regarding this bad idea of a rule.

YOU ARE VERY WRONG. This is going to turn a LOT OF CHRISTIANS against Obama AND THERE ARE LOT OF CHRISTIANS out here.

November 2012 is coming!

Oh, why is it irrelevant? Because you say so? Or Obama says so? Show me oh legal scholar, where the Constitution becomes irrelevant, except in the wet dreams of liberals who want to exempt anyone but themselves from it's protections?

Please read and comprehend before spewing TPS. If you are going to use the argument that a faith based hospital is a charity you are wrong, this is a fallacy. It is a tax exempt business - therefore the first amendment infringement based on charitable care is non-existent.

Okay that's BS. Show me the law that says "tax exempt" business are not protected by the first amendment?

I'm waiting.

I am following your logic. You claimed the business is a charity, funded by the people and the people's right to the first amendment is being threatened. I am merely stating that is not true because no public monies are involved as the hospitals are not charities.
Yes...Ill advised...but Gronk against a linebacker way down field are odds I would take. Yes, I was impressed with their defense...as I was with the Giants defense....holding Brady to 17 points is something to be proud of.

And the coaching?

Greatest chess match I have seen in a long time between those two coahces.

Belichick dropped the ball too on a key play that would have changed the outcome of the game. 12 men on the field when the Patriots recovered a forced fumble in the red zone right before the Giants scored their first touchdown.

The Giants were just better.

yep...that was a bone head 12 men situation...was it Belechick or was it the defensive captain who didnt count heads? In high school, that was my job on defense.....lol...from the sidelines...

1 fumble called off by a penalty
2 offensive fumbles recovered by the offense.

That was a potential 3 turnovers.

But when push came to shove, Eli did what he had to do....that was one hell of a pass he made to Manningham....great catch, sure...but the ball ANYWHERE else and it would have been either an interception of an incomplete pass...and it wasnt like over the middle...it was 40 yards in the air.....big time pass.

Yup, NE was good enough to force the fumble but not fortunate enough to recover them. Those are the breaks.

Manning's fourth quarter drive was much better than the one in 2007 and more on him as a QB. Say what you will about 2007 but that Manning to Tyree play was miracle-esque. Manning to Manningham this time around was a thing of beauty and all with a purpose.

Check the thread I started in the sports forum.

Manning owns Brady. Brady's legacy will never be what it could have been because of him.
The Left/Democrats have always had a bizarre obsession with hating Christians. So i'm not surprised they would attack the Church this way. They're just following Western Europe's Left Anti-Christian lead on destroying Christianity. And now the Church is just about dead in Western Europe. So the Church here will have to stand up to the Left/Democrats if they want to survive. Because make no mistake about it, the attacks from the Left will continue.

Who needs to be reminded where the Right stood on 'religious freedom' during the so-called ground zero mosque debate?

when mosque leaders publicly drop anti-American Sharia law they are welcome to join American society....
Where and when did Jesus proclaim contraception to be against his teachings?

Start with Coitus interruptus and hit the ground running, assbrain.

Then out the Koran down, pick up a bible and continue on to Gen. 38:8–10, Gen. 19, and so forth - shitforbrains.
Burgeoning religious opposition to Obama-care
Jews and Evangelicals stand with Catholics in opposition to contraception mandate.


Evangelical and Jewish leaders are supporting the Catholic Church's opposition to proposed federal rules requiring contraception and sterilization coverage in most new health care plans.

In a Dec. 21 letter to President Barack Obama, more than 60 religious leaders affirmed that “religious organizations beyond the Catholic community have deep moral objections” to providing abortion-causing drugs and other controversial services.

Authors of the letter included Orthodox Jewish representatives, along with figures from various Christian organizations, including National Association of Evangelicals President Leith Anderson, Ron Sider of Evangelicals for Social Action, and Christian Legal Society Executive Director Fred L. Potter.

They expressed “solidarity” with the Catholic leaders and organizations that have already spoken out against the contraception mandate proposed by the Obama administration's Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The rule, published in August 2011 as part of federal health care reform, would allow a religious ministry to opt out only if it has “the inculcation of religious values as its purpose,” and primarily employs and serves “persons who share its religious tenets.”

In their letter to President Obama, the Christian and Jewish leaders made it clear that Catholics are not the only groups opposed to the rule.

Burgeoning religious opposition to Obama-care | Spero News
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The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.

Those 'businesses' are part of our duty as Catholics. It's a religious obligation. Hence, part of our faith and hence protected by the First Amendment.

No, actually your 1st duty is to obey the law of the land. Your religious rights are not a license to be a lawbreaker.
where does the stat of "a strong majority of catholics do not use birth control" come from, just out of curiousity.
The Left/Democrats have always had a bizarre obsession with hating Christians. So i'm not surprised they would attack the Church this way. They're just following Western Europe's Left Anti-Christian lead on destroying Christianity. And now the Church is just about dead in Western Europe. So the Church here will have to stand up to the Left/Democrats if they want to survive. Because make no mistake about it, the attacks from the Left will continue.

Who needs to be reminded where the Right stood on 'religious freedom' during the so-called ground zero mosque debate?

Maybe because some of the backers had terrorist ties and it was obvious it wasn't about religious faith but sticking a finger in the eye of New Yorkers almost 10 years after 9/11.

Funny liberals were ALL for religion freedom when it come to terrorists laughing on the graves of 3,000 Americans, but they don't mind trampling on Catholics now do they?

Because YOU speak for Catholics now?

Do you love how liberals always speak for everyone whether they want it or not?

Next you will tell us the Pope uses birth control.


You mean like this?

"The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control...."

Are you Catholic or is he? Nice try.

I am a Catholic....Baptize, Communed and Confirmed.

I have no doubt he is too.

He's still lying his assssssssssssssssssssssssssssss off.
Of course they hate the First Amendment. You don't get it? I do! The first amendment allows Christians to believe there is something greater than liberals or the state. It allows people to believe abortion is evil and wrong. It allows conservatives to hold rallies like the Tea Party.

Their goal is to end the first amendment. That's a right, only they think they should have.

The Constitution is a "living document." Remember? That means the Constitutlon says whatever liberals like Obama says it says and only when it advantages them.

look, two bullshit spouters who claim to be catholic, are bonding.

This is what liberals do when they can't debate, they just attack. And as usual it's a stupid attack.


I don't even have a problem with birth control (and no I don't consider abortion or the abortion pill "birth control")

I am Protestant. I have a problem with the Obama admin coming in and dictating to a Church they must do something against their faith.

You libs make the VERY SAD MISTAKE of assuming ONLY CATHOLICS will be against this or turn against Obama regarding this bad idea of a rule.

YOU ARE VERY WRONG. This is going to turn a LOT OF CHRISTIANS against Obama AND THERE ARE LOT OF CHRISTIANS out here.

November 2012 is coming!


But they arent forcing them to offer anything against Catholocism.

They are forcing the insuance carriers to offer it in insurance plans.
where does the stat of "a strong majority of catholics do not use birth control" come from, just out of curiousity.

A couple of feet below his neck on the back side....
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I'm making some popcorn, this ought to be fun... :cool:

I doubt the idiot comes back and answers, because there is no such scripture.

This is typical of the delusional thinking of liberals. They make it up in their empty heads and if it fits how they think things should be, it becomes "fact" after that.


Where and when did Jesus proclaim contraception to be against his teachings?

This is what liberals do, when they are losing. They claim you said something NOT IN EVIDENCE and then expect you to defend from that false premise.

When you can show where I said Jesus said that, let me know.

As it is, that has nothing to do with what the Catholic Church believes and last time I check the First Amendment guarantees they can do that.

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