While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!



Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....

I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG
No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

Just provide it!

I would LOVE to see how liberals would take it, if Planned Parenthood was forced to stop providing abortions.

Would liberals say that's a government dictate so it's okay, or would they go balistic.

But it's okay to force a Catholic Church to go against their beliefs.

The agenda is obvious. This is the first step in forcing Catholic Hospitals in providing abortions.

They already go against their beliefs by hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control. Not even mentioning that many states already require Catholic EMPLOYERS to provide health insurance that covers birth control.

That's like saying the Catholic Church goes against their beliefs by letting people come into the Church who practice birth control.

Have you never read in the Bible where Jesus went to the party thrown by Matthew and the people there were prostitutes and publicans?

And when the Pharisees criticized Jesus replied "Those that are well need not a physician."

Luke 5 (King James Version)

29And Levi made him a great feast in his own house: and there was a great company of publicans and of others that sat down with them.

30But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?

31And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.

32I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

So again, you are taking the Church to task for their faith. Of course they would welcome in people that sin or hire them.

Christ teaches us to do these things.

He doesn't teach us to go against our faith because the government say so.

Matthew 7:21-22

King James Version (KJV)

21Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....

I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG

A healthy Gronk, and that ball isnt intercepted. It may not have been a reception...but no way would it have been intercepted.
That is coming from a Giants fan.
No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

Just provide it!

I would LOVE to see how liberals would take it, if Planned Parenthood was forced to stop providing abortions.

Would liberals say that's a government dictate so it's okay, or would they go balistic.

But it's okay to force a Catholic Church to go against their beliefs.

The agenda is obvious. This is the first step in forcing Catholic Hospitals in providing abortions.

you are absolutely right that this is the first step to make Catholic institutions provide insurance that pays for abortions....

in fact.....Obamacare includes "contraceptives" which can include anything from prescription contraceptives to sterilization to abortifacients (chemicals that effectively kill a fertilized egg)......the latter is effectively ABORTION......

I agree. I think this is the first salvo in Obama's war to force Catholic Churches to provide abortions.
Obama is a evil little bastard that is trying to set precedent to destroy the Bill of Rights..

The motherfucker has been doing it ever since he got into office..

The guy is Hitler II..

He has a nefarious unconstitutional agenda.

And you referred to ME as a childish poster on this board?
Gimme a break.
The Left/Democrats have always had a bizarre obsession with hating Christians. So i'm not surprised they would attack the Church this way. They're just following Western Europe's Left Anti-Christian lead on destroying Christianity. And now the Church is just about dead in Western Europe. So the Church here will have to stand up to the Left/Democrats if they want to survive. Because make no mistake about it, the attacks from the Left will continue.

That is because Christians follow Jesus and Gods word - not the governments word.

That's why the communists/socialist governments banned religion.

Of course in the US if you're a non-Christian or Jewish minority religion (Islam) then religion is fucking fantastic.
Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....

I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG

A healthy Gronk, and that ball isnt intercepted. It may not have been a reception...but no way would it have been intercepted.
That is coming from a Giants fan.

That may be true but that was still an ill advised pass that Brady threw.

I'm not making any excuses. The Pats failed. The only part of their game that I didn't have a problem with was their defense. Their defense only allowing 19 points to that offense was getting their job done, IMO.
Obama is a evil little bastard that is trying to set precedent to destroy the Bill of Rights..

The motherfucker has been doing it ever since he got into office..

The guy is Hitler II..

He has a nefarious unconstitutional agenda.

And you referred to ME as a childish poster on this board?
Gimme a break.

Oh fuck off..

The fact you're not upset that Obama is destroying the Bill of Rights left and right shows how fucking little you care about this country..

You're little brained position is "so what, hes the president he can do what he wants."

What does Obama have to do to piss off the progressivebots???
I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG

A healthy Gronk, and that ball isnt intercepted. It may not have been a reception...but no way would it have been intercepted.
That is coming from a Giants fan.

That may be true but that was still an ill advised pass that Brady threw.

I'm not making any excuses. The Pats failed. The only part of their game that I didn't have a problem with was their defense. Their defense only allowing 19 points to that offense was getting their job done, IMO.

Yes...Ill advised...but Gronk against a linebacker way down field are odds I would take. Yes, I was impressed with their defense...as I was with the Giants defense....holding Brady to 17 points is something to be proud of.

And the coaching?

Greatest chess match I have seen in a long time between those two coahces.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.

Catholic Hospitals are charities you moron!

They don't get it. I think it's deliberate. They must hate the First Amendment.

Of course they hate the First Amendment. You don't get it? I do! The first amendment allows Christians to believe there is something greater than liberals or the state. It allows people to believe abortion is evil and wrong. It allows conservatives to hold rallies like the Tea Party.

Their goal is to end the first amendment. That's a right, only they think they should have.

The Constitution is a "living document." Remember? That means the Constitutlon says whatever liberals like Obama says it says and only when it advantages them.
Catholic Hospitals are charities you moron!

They don't get it. I think it's deliberate. They must hate the First Amendment.

The presumption that healthcare services provided by faith based institutions is charity is incorrect. The first amendment is irrelevant in this context.

Oh, why is it irrelevant? Because you say so? Or Obama says so? Show me oh legal scholar, where the Constitution becomes irrelevant, except in the wet dreams of liberals who want to exempt anyone but themselves from it's protections?
Obama is a evil little bastard that is trying to set precedent to destroy the Bill of Rights..

The motherfucker has been doing it ever since he got into office..

The guy is Hitler II..

He has a nefarious unconstitutional agenda.

And you referred to ME as a childish poster on this board?
Gimme a break.

Oh fuck off..

The fact you're not upset that Obama is destroying the Bill of Rights left and right shows how fucking little you care about this country..

You're little brained position is "so what, hes the president he can do what he wants."

What does Obama have to do to piss off the progressivebots???

lol Nick.
You are pathetic.
I am not upset with Obama destroying the bill of rights becuase he does not have the power to do so, even if he wanted to....and I dont see why you think he wants to.
And my Position of "so what, he is the President he can do what he wants" is an assumption you make without knowing the truth about me......you see....he cant do what he wants because he is held in check by the constitution, and the other two branches of our governemnt.
What does Obama need to do to piss off progresives?
I dont know.

I am a conservative.
Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....

I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG

I'm not lying and I don't lie.........

I don't know ANY pro-choice Catholic...

I don't know (or aware of) any practicing Catholic who uses birth control, and given the size of my family I HIGHLY DOUBT my Catholic extended family uses birth control given the amount of kids they have..

You see - in my family when you don't want anymore kids you get your tubes tied...
No church should be able to withhold healthcare to anyone

Birth control is not "healthcare."

You can go down to the damn drug store and get birth control.

You libs act like Catholic Hospitals are the ONLY hospitals. If the Catholic Hospital won't provide the service GO TO ANOTHER ONE, IT'S A FREE COUNTRY.

Or it was free until Obama took over.
The 'In-Thing' with Left/Democrat assholes these days is hating Christians & Jews. They're far less hostile to other religions though. So these attacks shouldn't be surprising to anyone. It's a fight for survival now for the Church. I guess we'll see how it all ends up.
I doubt the Church is threatening violence.

But you are about to see how a grass roots non-violent movement works.
Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....

I give you this, when you lie, you lie BIG

Because YOU speak for Catholics now?

Do you love how liberals always speak for everyone whether they want it or not?

Next you will tell us the Pope uses birth control.


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