How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You know what I love. I love it when someone TOTALLY IGNORANT of the Bible deigns to speak for it?

Would you have us passage in the Bible that says we will go to hell for not "taking care of God's Earth."

That's not in the Bible, that's in your own screwed up liberalism, masquerading as Christianity.

You don't want to debate the Bible with me.

But be my guest. Give us that scripture. I bet you have no idea.


I'm making some popcorn, this ought to be fun... :cool:

I doubt the idiot comes back and answers, because there is no such scripture.

This is typical of the delusional thinking of liberals. They make it up in their empty heads and if it fits how they think things should be, it becomes "fact" after that.

Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

Just provide it!

I would LOVE to see how liberals would take it, if Planned Parenthood was forced to stop providing abortions.

Would liberals say that's a government dictate so it's okay, or would they go balistic.

But it's okay to force a Catholic Church to go against their beliefs.

The agenda is obvious. This is the first step in forcing Catholic Hospitals in providing abortions.

They already go against their beliefs by hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control. Not even mentioning that many states already require Catholic EMPLOYERS to provide health insurance that covers birth control.

Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

No Obamafuck is just FORCING the church to provide birth control...

What is that tyrant fuck going to do next? force the church to provide abortions???

Who the fuck do the leftist fucks think they are FORCING people do shit???

Authoritarian fucks....
I'm not sure what she's trying to allege there. Is she saying that Catholics are somehow a special group of people who have done special things to protect American rights, so they should be given special exceptions to disregard those rights? Is she forgetting all the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, and other affiliations who have, oh I don't know, DIED ON THE BATTLE FIELD to defend American rights?

Where those other groups ever required by the US government to do things AGAINST THEIR FAITH?

This is what this law is about. Again, this totally goes against the First Amendment which guarantees the free exercise of religion.

You're absolutely correct...

Obama is a fucking tyrant....

These leftist fucks have pretty much turned religion into a "dont ask don't tell" policy and now they're trying to pretty much regulate the church??

" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not that difficult of a concept to understand.

Exactly! That is EXACTLY what this is about. This is the first step in Obama's war against the Church. If he can make this stick the first amendment becomes irrelevant. From now on the govermment can do anything it wants in the name of "healthcare."

And that's what Obamacare is about in the first place. Ending freedom in this country forever, "because we know what's best for you!"
yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.

Catholic Hospitals are charities you moron!
yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.

Those 'businesses' are part of our duty as Catholics. It's a religious obligation. Hence, part of our faith and hence protected by the First Amendment.
Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

Just provide it!

I would LOVE to see how liberals would take it, if Planned Parenthood was forced to stop providing abortions.

Would liberals say that's a government dictate so it's okay, or would they go balistic.

But it's okay to force a Catholic Church to go against their beliefs.

The agenda is obvious. This is the first step in forcing Catholic Hospitals in providing abortions.

you are absolutely right that this is the first step to make Catholic institutions provide insurance that pays for abortions....

in fact.....Obamacare includes "contraceptives" which can include anything from prescription contraceptives to sterilization to abortifacients (chemicals that effectively kill a fertilized egg)......the latter is effectively ABORTION......
They already go against their beliefs by hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control. Not even mentioning that many states already require Catholic EMPLOYERS to provide health insurance that covers birth control.

The Catholic Church does not force itself, or its beliefs on anyone - not even Catholics.
If a non-Catholic wants to take birth control, who cares? There's plenty of non-Catholics engaging in abortion as well. Not our concern. Not in our church.
The Catholic Church does not force itself, or its beliefs on anyone - not even Catholics.
If a non-Catholic wants to take birth control, who cares? There's plenty of non-Catholics engaging in abortion as well. Not our concern. Not in our church.

I think Ravi may be stuck on stupid on this. It's like repetitive post syndrome... no matter how many times you point out the facts, she still doesn't get it. Public education system. :eusa_shhh:
Where those other groups ever required by the US government to do things AGAINST THEIR FAITH?

This is what this law is about. Again, this totally goes against the First Amendment which guarantees the free exercise of religion.

You're absolutely correct...

Obama is a fucking tyrant....

These leftist fucks have pretty much turned religion into a "dont ask don't tell" policy and now they're trying to pretty much regulate the church??

" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not that difficult of a concept to understand.

Exactly! That is EXACTLY what this is about. This is the first step in Obama's war against the Church. If he can make this stick the first amendment becomes irrelevant. From now on the govermment can do anything it wants in the name of "healthcare."

And that's what Obamacare is about in the first place. Ending freedom in this country forever, "because we know what's best for you!"

You got that right - Obamacare is about regulating society under the ruse of health care.

When you're paying for me and I'm paying for you - then you can say "well I'm paying for you, therefore we don't need any "unnecessary" risks that will drive the cost of health care up...

Obamacare is all about regulating - especially the individual.

The government can now get on a soapbox and demonize industries and products, brainwash the public with the notion these industries and products are bad and ban them under the ruse that its BAD FOR YOU hence a health risk..

The government will regulate activities too..

Progressives are fucking evil... They want to dictate everything.

They're not liberal and they certainly don't embrace the idea of freedom.

Obama belongs in fucking prison...
yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.

Having worked for a Catholic healthcare system in three states, I've observed the state/federal/church practices up close and personal. It is an interesting dynamic and not one is without manipulative intent.
The Left/Democrats have always had a bizarre obsession with hating Christians. So i'm not surprised they would attack the Church this way. They're just following Western Europe's Left Anti-Christian lead on destroying Christianity. And now the Church is just about dead in Western Europe. So the Church here will have to stand up to the Left/Democrats if they want to survive. Because make no mistake about it, the attacks from the Left will continue.
Obama is a evil little bastard that is trying to set precedent to destroy the Bill of Rights..

The motherfucker has been doing it ever since he got into office..

The guy is Hitler II..

He has a nefarious unconstitutional agenda.
Are liberals depending on the fact that a lot of Catholics use birth control to support this infringement on religion? That would be a mistake. Even if they USE birth control, even if a Catholic woman has an abortion, she is still highly unlikely to vote to uphold paying for someone else's birth control and abortion.

Liberals have no problem adding two and two to come up with five.

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