Of course they do. This birth control thing isn't conscience, morality, faith.

It's a goofy rule kept on life support by the ancient pointy hat guys in the Vatican.

yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.

I think you're onto something here, asshat...

You should email your brilliant views to every Bishop and Catholic in the United States.

Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

In your world (as you would wish it to be)

since I could never in good conscience support the Iraq war, should I have been entitled to a full refund of all of my tax money that went for it, or,

should I still be forced, against my conscience, to pay it, or face penalties?

are you a RELIGIOUS institution.....or just another liberal yap trap....?

btw.....individual concientious objectors can get out of war...
The founders gave us separation of church and state. Get your fucking government out of my church.


Stop thinking that your church should have any influence to dictate how legislation is going to be written, or that you should be giving any kind of special treatment in regards to employment law, or that you should have any special permission to dictate to employees how they will live in their personal lives.

So, in your screwed up thinking there is no first amendment and government dictates that violate Christian beliefs are ABOVE the first amendment?

How does that gel with:

Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

This is prohibiting the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION. You can't tell a Catholic Hospital, "Oh sorry, you're an atheist hospital now and you have to do what WE say now, not what your faith says."
When the laws of the land are recently passed specifically to interfere with religion, that's pretty much a game changer.

When it starts to kick in more and we find ourselves in default, that will change. Then there is the Denial of Treatment factor too, when realization of the true cost kicks in. ;)

Frankly, I think this is the first salvo of the healthcare law.

As, Mark Steyn put it (yesterday), Obamacare is the government taking total control of our bodies.

Looks like they also want to take total control of the Church as well. "You have a belief, that doesn't gel with our radical agenda. We'll change that!"
We helped write the healthcare legislation. We helped write labor laws. We helped fight for your rights as a citizen. Pity that you will not do likewise for us. Three of the Founding Fathers were Catholic.

I'm not sure what she's trying to allege there. Is she saying that Catholics are somehow a special group of people who have done special things to protect American rights, so they should be given special exceptions to disregard those rights? Is she forgetting all the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, and other affiliations who have, oh I don't know, DIED ON THE BATTLE FIELD to defend American rights?

Where those other groups ever required by the US government to do things AGAINST THEIR FAITH?

This is what this law is about. Again, this totally goes against the First Amendment which guarantees the free exercise of religion.
Of course they do. This birth control thing isn't conscience, morality, faith.

It's a goofy rule kept on life support by the ancient pointy hat guys in the Vatican.

yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.

Obamacare is a bastardized "law of the land" that infringes upon religious freedom....:evil:

this will go to the Supreme Court....
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

This just made my morning!


Well, if you knew a lot of real Catholics, you wouldn't be impressed.

Most Catholics support a woman's right to control her own body. 69% of Catholic women have used the pill at some point in their lives. 98% of sexually active Catholic women use some form of brith control. 75% of Catholics think the Church should change its stance on brith control and a whopping 47% even support the right to an abortion.

Many Catholics Reject Church Ban on Birth Control, Condoms for HIV Prevention; New Pope Unlikely To Have Differing Views

If you don't think Obama's boys haven't poll tested this one six ways to Sunday and figured out that the only people that were really not going to be on his side on this were the kind of prudes who vote Republican anyway, then you are deluding yourself.

Yeah right...

I'm a Catholic and every Catholic I know is pro-life... I come from a huge extended family to boot...

I don't know what their position is on birth control, however given the size of my family (I have over 75 cousins, not including their kids) they don't use birth control.

The strong majority of Catholics do NOT support abortion and do not use birth control....
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How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You know what I love. I love it when someone TOTALLY IGNORANT of the Bible deigns to speak for it?

Would you have us passage in the Bible that says we will go to hell for not "taking care of God's Earth."

That's not in the Bible, that's in your own screwed up liberalism, masquerading as Christianity.

You don't want to debate the Bible with me.

But be my guest. Give us that scripture. I bet you have no idea.


Stop thinking that your church should have any influence to dictate how legislation is going to be written, or that you should be giving any kind of special treatment in regards to employment law, or that you should have any special permission to dictate to employees how they will live in their personal lives.

We as Individuals do have a say in direction, in Value, in Principle, in Ideal, We were founded on it. What you fail to distinguish, and I do agree with you in principle there, is the difference between Principle and Dogma. Dogma does not belong in Government, Neither do matters concerning Salvation. Government's role is to Establish and Maintain a fair Playing Field, by consent, without Partiality.

Being opposed to contraceptives is Catholic Church dogma that is not even adhered to by most Catholics.

Typical of liberals, he know thinks he speaks for most Catholics.
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.
How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You know what I love. I love it when someone TOTALLY IGNORANT of the Bible deigns to speak for it?

Would you have us passage in the Bible that says we will go to hell for not "taking care of God's Earth."

That's not in the Bible, that's in your own screwed up liberalism, masquerading as Christianity.

You don't want to debate the Bible with me.

But be my guest. Give us that scripture. I bet you have no idea.


I'm making some popcorn, this ought to be fun... :cool:

I'm not sure what she's trying to allege there. Is she saying that Catholics are somehow a special group of people who have done special things to protect American rights, so they should be given special exceptions to disregard those rights? Is she forgetting all the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, and other affiliations who have, oh I don't know, DIED ON THE BATTLE FIELD to defend American rights?

Where those other groups ever required by the US government to do things AGAINST THEIR FAITH?

This is what this law is about. Again, this totally goes against the First Amendment which guarantees the free exercise of religion.

You're absolutely correct...

Obama is a fucking tyrant....

These leftist fucks have pretty much turned religion into a "dont ask don't tell" policy and now they're trying to pretty much regulate the church??

" Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's not that difficult of a concept to understand.
Of course they do. This birth control thing isn't conscience, morality, faith.

It's a goofy rule kept on life support by the ancient pointy hat guys in the Vatican.

yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.
That's exactly right. A business shouldn't be exempt from the law.
American Socialists/Progressives are just Western Euro wannabes. They want to destroy Christianity the way they have in Western Europe. The Church will have to stand up and fight back if it wants to survive. This move by Obama was very hateful. I don't think the Church here is going to give up the way they did in Western Europe though. This is gonna prove to be one fight Barack Obama will wish he never picked.

Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

No just forcing people to provide it.

I would LOVE to see how liberals would take it, if Planned Parenthood was forced to stop providing abortions.

Would liberals say that's a government dictate so it's okay, or would they go balistic.

But it's okay to force a Catholic Church to go against their beliefs.

The agenda is obvious. This is the first step in forcing Catholic Hospitals in providing abortions.
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Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

No one is forcing anyone to take birth control.

You're just trying to force a religious group that doesn't believe in it, to PAY for it.

How dense can you idiots be??
yure the one with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

see above...

The law does not affect the Catholic religion. It affects businesses.

Religious freedom is not a right to ignore the laws of the land.

Obamacare is a bastardized "law of the land" that infringes upon religious freedom....:evil:

this will go to the Supreme Court....

I suspect that's where it's headed. It's not like the Church is gonna back down from this fight. We didn't fire the first shot, but we'll sure as hell fire the last. :eusa_angel:

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