How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You really did get off the Subway at the wrong stop, didn't you? I bet you injured yourself the last time you Voted, huh. :) Did you even show up at the right place , on the right day? You seem to know so much about organized Religion in relation to Charities. I'm impressed. .... No really... I'm truly impressed.
'Conscience' won't excuse you from paying the portion of your taxes that go towards wars,

no matter how much you are morally opposed to it.

Speaking of wars, your boy Obama has got us in quite a few.

Why don't you enlist, asswipe? We could use the cannon fodder.

Because I already served once, back when you were still learning how to suck dick.

Not sure what the big deal is. Catholics who voted for Obama knew he was pro choice, and they voted for him anyway.

Maybe some Catholics aren't so devout, huh?


I think the thing is, the Catholic Bishops are not frothing conservatives like the Evangelicals and the Mormons. On a lot of issues, they are more in line with the Democrats. Immigration Reform being one (although it's because most of the illegals are catholics).

This is picking a fight, absolutely. But Obama was caught in between a rock and a hard place. He either offends the bishops or he offends the women's movement. And as the Komen fiasco proved, this simply isn't a fight you want to be on the wrong side of.

My guess is, he calculated that since 75% of Catholics think the CHurch is off base on its rigid view on Birth Control, he probably hasn't got that much to lose politically.

The constitutional issue might be where the Church might be able to fight this. But Obama has pushed off court fights by delaying implementation until 2013.

Caught between a rock and a hard place?

Then explain why it's never been required before that Catholic Hospitals do anything that violated the beliefs of their faith?

This has nothing to do with being caught between groups. It has to do with freedom.

Nothing requires you to be Catholic OR go to a Catholic hospital. You do so by choice.

But now the Catholic Hospitals will have no choice to be adhere to leftist dictates?
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

They're likely to be going to war with half their flock, too.
While Obama tries to act like Jesus endorses him, the Church is having NONE OF IT!

Just off Drudge right now:

It is about time one Church stood up and said "Oh no you don't!" I applaud. :clap2:

Get this one!


Donahue says 70 million of his voters poised to alter Presidential Election

Catholic League Poised To Go To War With Obama Over Mandatory Birth Control Payments « CBS New York

They're likely to be going to war with half their flock, too.


Stop thinking that your church should have any influence to dictate how legislation is going to be written, or that you should be giving any kind of special treatment in regards to employment law, or that you should have any special permission to dictate to employees how they will live in their personal lives.

We as Individuals do have a say in direction, in Value, in Principle, in Ideal, We were founded on it. What you fail to distinguish, and I do agree with you in principle there, is the difference between Principle and Dogma. Dogma does not belong in Government, Neither do matters concerning Salvation. Government's role is to Establish and Maintain a fair Playing Field, by consent, without Partiality.

Being opposed to contraceptives is Catholic Church dogma that is not even adhered to by most Catholics.

that's irrelevant...
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Of course they do. This birth control thing isn't conscience, morality, faith.

It's a goofy rule kept on life support by the ancient pointy hat guys in the Vatican.
Birth control is used for other medical reasons.

The church has no right to decide what a Dr and patient talk about.
We as Individuals do have a say in direction, in Value, in Principle, in Ideal, We were founded on it. What you fail to distinguish, and I do agree with you in principle there, is the difference between Principle and Dogma. Dogma does not belong in Government, Neither do matters concerning Salvation. Government's role is to Establish and Maintain a fair Playing Field, by consent, without Partiality.

Being opposed to contraceptives is Catholic Church dogma that is not even adhered to by most Catholics.

that's irrelevant...

It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


1,009 people polled.... and they weren't even Catholics.... So, kind of irrelevant what the 'outcome' of it was.

Hardly something that the Church is gonna think "Oh noes, we better back down".

Borderline stupidity.
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


But among Catholic voters, only 45 percent are in favor of requiring that organizations affiliated with churches be required to provide the coverage. Support from all voters falls to 49 percent.

You really should read your links before you post them....
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)
How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.

You read Matthew 6:24 as worshipping money?

Another "dense one" chimes in...

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Of course they do. This birth control thing isn't conscience, morality, faith.

It's a goofy rule kept on life support by the ancient pointy hat guys in the Vatican.

yure the goof with the pointy head....

a RELIGION supposedly has freedom in this country......or at least it did until Obamacare came along....

It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.

see above...
Last edited:
Ohhhh another poll! Why bother even objecting. The poll tells all and they NEVER lie.

If you are Catholic VOTE, early and often.
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


But among Catholic voters, only 45 percent are in favor of requiring that organizations affiliated with churches be required to provide the coverage. Support from all voters falls to 49 percent.

You really should read your links before you post them....

A poll of 1,009 people is not something either side should hold up as a 'win'. But idiots lack the ability to consider the information they read in a rational fashion. They don't think, they regurgitate. I blame the public education system. :eusa_angel:
It's relevant when you're trying to get special treatment under the law by sanctimoniously rubbing everyone's noses in your alleged matters of 'conscience'.

Ahem, assbrain... no one is rubbing anything into anyone's nose.
No one is being forced to be a Catholic, go to church, believe in Catholism. Don't like it - look elsewhere. No one's forcing you to join.

In fact - it would take years to get a Heathen like you trained-up in Catechism prior-to be coming a Catholic. You'd probably have to repeat several classes just to grasp the concept and escape with a C minus.
Looks like the war is being called off.

A majority of Catholics believe their employers should be required to provide coverage for contraception and birth control, according to a poll released Tuesday from the non-profit research organization Public Religion Research Institute.

Poll: Majority of Catholics support contraception coverage - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room


Seriously though, Opposition should follow Non-Violence, that is a given. It is foolish to suggest otherwise. You know, like the OWS Crowd. Still, part of the issue is forcing people to act contrary to conscience. For the rest, the choice remains theirs. No excuse for Totalitarian Dictate. You miss that part, every time. It's not about those that choose to support or have abortion on demand, it is about those that do not want blood on their hands. When you fail to consider that, you fail Liberty. Obviously, compliance is more important to you. I'll choose Salvation, and put myself at God's Mercy, not the States. ;)

In your world (as you would wish it to be)

since I could never in good conscience support the Iraq war, should I have been entitled to a full refund of all of my tax money that went for it, or,

should I still be forced, against my conscience, to pay it, or face penalties?

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