Oh yes they are;
Poll: Most Americans Remain Against Health Care Overhaul - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
When the bill passed 55% of this nation was and still is against it. And the number is going up the more people learn what is in it.
You can't pass a bill by one party and expect the people of this nation to not be upset about it.

April 2, 2010 6:30 PM

the date of your poll

That's right, when the bill was passed it was against the majority. This is the whole point.
The Dems passed a bill against the majority and was passed by one party in the congress. That is Totalitarian TM.

Do you NOW claim we are supposed to be a direct democracy?
Your posts are idiotic.

The defining characteristic of all your posts is the "assbrain." And you have the gall to call me idiotic? :cuckoo:

You don't even understand the issue.

I understand it perfectly. Just because I'm destroying your position and its lack of substance doesn't mean I don't understand anything. It means that your entire position is a pile of shit.

You don't even understand our religion.

Let's see. I was raised by a Catholic mother and spent my entire life in the midsts of the spiritual war of a Jewish father and Catholic mother each trying to convince me to go their way with the whole thing. I understand Catholicism very well. I was raised in it.

Why don't you STFU to prevent further embarrassment.

:lol: You're the one who needs to do that.
People can argue about it forever. If all 70 million Catholics, and those of other religions and beliefs disagree, they can vote and put obama out of business. Then start the task of dismantling his evil constructs.
Your posts are idiotic.

The defining characteristic of all your posts is the "assbrain." And you have the gall to call me idiotic? :cuckoo:

You don't even understand the issue.

I understand it perfectly. Just because I'm destroying your position and its lack of substance doesn't mean I don't understand anything. It means that your entire position is a pile of shit.

You don't even understand our religion.

Let's see. I was raised by a Catholic mother and spent my entire life in the midsts of the spiritual war of a Jewish father and Catholic mother each trying to convince me to go their way with the whole thing. I understand Catholicism very well. I was raised in it.

Why don't you STFU to prevent further embarrassment.

:lol: You're the one who needs to do that.

So how come you are not aware of the Church's input into many of the laws of this country? For a Catholic, you don't seem to know much about your church.
No they need to make warrior the speaker for all the tea party.

it would be a wonderous thing.
People can argue about it forever. If all 70 million Catholics, and those of other religions and beliefs disagree, they can vote and put obama out of business. Then start the task of dismantling his evil constructs.

To be honest, I'm actually kind of glad he picked this fight. Now people of faith see the left for the hateful machine of borg that they are.

Stop thinking that your church should have any influence to dictate how legislation is going to be written, or that you should be giving any kind of special treatment in regards to employment law, or that you should have any special permission to dictate to employees how they will live in their personal lives.

We helped write the healthcare legislation. We helped write labor laws. We helped fight for your rights as a citizen. Pity that you will not do likewise for us. Three of the Founding Fathers were Catholic.

I'm not sure what she's trying to allege there. Is she saying that Catholics are somehow a special group of people who have done special things to protect American rights, so they should be given special exceptions to disregard those rights? Is she forgetting all the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, and other affiliations who have, oh I don't know, DIED ON THE BATTLE FIELD to defend American rights?
I understand it perfectly.

No you don't.
You've proven your ignorance of the Catholic faith and the U.S. Constitution repeatedly in this thread.
Perhaps a Catholic school education might have been the better option for you growing up. Why don't you enroll in a Catholic 101 at some public community college and at least learn the basics, assbrain.
Perhaps then you won't come across as one with intellifgence of a yard shrub.
How can anyone take most churches seriously?
They rightfully get bent out of shape on some issues and then ignore other issues that the Bible states as God's will, a couple that come to mind are helping the poor and taking care of the Earth (the Bible teaches taking care of God's Earth and states the those who ruin the Earth will go to Hell). Of course one of my favorites is worshipping money (Matthew 6:24) and there seems to be alot of that.
April 2, 2010 6:30 PM

the date of your poll

That's right, when the bill was passed it was against the majority. This is the whole point.
The Dems passed a bill against the majority and was passed by one party in the congress. That is Totalitarian TM.

Do you NOW claim we are supposed to be a direct democracy?

I claim a representative republic and the majority of this nation want this totalitarian bill repealed.
The Dems did not represent the majority of their constituents, they voted by the party.
With no vote from the republicans.
Health Care Law - Rasmussen Reports™
It' is astounding that the left support this Health Care bill, of which the majority of this nation is against and can't see that is is a totalitarian bill. It was passed by one party, (Dem's) and it regulates every realm of life. This is the definition of Totalitarian.

I supported the bill because a. it did not meaningfully affect me at all, and b. because it helped many of my fellow Americans.

the typical a. stupid b. bleeding heart response of liberals who continue to vote for people and legislation that chip away our freedoms....:lalala:
Last edited:
The founders gave us separation of church and state. Get your fucking government out of my church.


Stop thinking that your church should have any influence to dictate how legislation is going to be written, or that you should be giving any kind of special treatment in regards to employment law, or that you should have any special permission to dictate to employees how they will live in their personal lives.

We as Individuals do have a say in direction, in Value, in Principle, in Ideal, We were founded on it. What you fail to distinguish, and I do agree with you in principle there, is the difference between Principle and Dogma. Dogma does not belong in Government, Neither do matters concerning Salvation. Government's role is to Establish and Maintain a fair Playing Field, by consent, without Partiality.

Being opposed to contraceptives is Catholic Church dogma that is not even adhered to by most Catholics.
Obama picked this fight. Not a smart move on his part. His ego got the best of em this time. Forcing the contraception thing on the Churches was the last straw. Did he really think they wouldn't fight back? This is a real big blunder for him.
You are insane peach.

the people are NOT against the bill

Oh yes they are;
Poll: Most Americans Remain Against Health Care Overhaul - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
When the bill passed 55% of this nation was and still is against it. And the number is going up the more people learn what is in it.
You can't pass a bill by one party and expect the people of this nation to not be upset about it.

April 2, 2010 6:30 PM

the date of your poll

Unless you can come up with one from a later date that says the opposite your argument is MOOT.
We helped write the healthcare legislation. We helped write labor laws. We helped fight for your rights as a citizen. Pity that you will not do likewise for us. Three of the Founding Fathers were Catholic.

I'm not sure what she's trying to allege there. Is she saying that Catholics are somehow a special group of people who have done special things to protect American rights, so they should be given special exceptions to disregard those rights? Is she forgetting all the Muslims, Jews, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans, Buddhists, and other affiliations who have, oh I don't know, DIED ON THE BATTLE FIELD to defend American rights?

No, I responded to your allegation about the Church. Damn, can't you follow your own fucking posts?

And, no, I'm not forgetting all those of faith - including Catholics - that have fought and died for this country.

They died to defend our rights. Including our First Amendment Right. You are the ones to trample on their bodies by trampling on our First Amendment Rights.


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