When you compel Anyone, by Force of Law, to act against Conscience, you need to examine what you are advocating.

Sure, but that doesn't mean you have to stop doing it. There are probably people in this country who subscribe to antique codes of vendetta, and believe that when someone dishonors their families, they have an obligation to kill them. The law says otherwise, and punishes such actions as murder. Is that not a law requiring people to act against conscience? While not as extreme, this is really no different.

The fact that you cannot yet comprehend the concept

That is NOT a fact, it is a pointless insult presented in lieu of an argument. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from such garbage in the future. Thank you in advance.
CG, whether or not I, personally, believe in the Church's teaching is irrelevant here, as I told TM, so it need not be brought up. The fact that something is required by your religion does not make it part of your religion for First Amendment purposes. Many religions -- I'm not sure about the Catholic Church, but this IS true of many faiths -- require that one's entire life be dedicated to holy purposes. Does that mean one is protected by the First Amendment in everything one does? No. That's not how it works.

If the Church teaches that it is a responsibility of Christians to give to the poor (which it does), THAT is protected by the First Amendment, but the actual giving is not.

There is no law in this country that prohibits a religious organization from owning any lawful business whatsoever. But that does not make such businesses exempt from the law, or protected by the First Amendment. As I noted above, this would allow the Aryan Nations Church to own businesses that violate the Civil Rights Act. The Church might take it upon itself to buy up as many businesses as possible to make sure that they were run according to Christian principles, but if it did so, that would not exempt those businesses from compliance with the law.

Religion, for 1A purposes, means gatherings for worship, doctrinal and moral teachings, and similar activities. Non-religious activities that are required by moral teachings do not thereby become religious activities, nor does that apply to non-religious businesses which are owned by a religious organization. We have to draw the line between religion and non-religion somewhere, or we end up saying that Congress can pass no laws at all.

False argument. When you compel Anyone, by Force of Law, to act against Conscience, you need to examine what you are advocating. The fact that you cannot yet comprehend the concept, shows where you both lack, and are at war with Salvation. You are actually arguing that The Will of the State Trumps Salvation.

I'm beginning to wonder whether the left understand the word 'conscience'.

'Conscience' won't excuse you from paying the portion of your taxes that go towards wars,

no matter how much you are morally opposed to it.
It' is astounding that the left support this Health Care bill, of which the majority of this nation is against and can't see that is is a totalitarian bill. It was passed by one party, (Dem's) and it regulates every realm of life. This is the definition of Totalitarian.
why should the catholic church have the right to keep a patient from care?

It is not keeping you from care. Seek it elsewhere? Would you go to a Kosher Deli or a Vegetarian Restaurant for a Hot Pastrami on Rye with extra Mustard. Which reminds me..... :)
'Conscience' won't excuse you from paying the portion of your taxes that go towards wars,

no matter how much you are morally opposed to it.

Speaking of wars, your boy Obama has got us in quite a few.

Why don't you enlist, asswipe? We could use the cannon fodder.
Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

Not the same thing. The Catholic Church itself is exempt. It is our work that is not. Our charities, our hospitals, our schools, our social programs. All of which are core tenants of Catholicism. A duty of Catholics. They need to be exempt so that we can carry on providing help to our fellow Americans, regardless of their race, color, creed or sexual orientation.
False argument. When you compel Anyone, by Force of Law, to act against Conscience, you need to examine what you are advocating. The fact that you cannot yet comprehend the concept, shows where you both lack, and are at war with Salvation. You are actually arguing that The Will of the State Trumps Salvation.

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's.
Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

Not the same thing. The Catholic Church itself is exempt. It is our work that is not. Our charities, our hospitals, our schools, our social programs. All of which are core tenants of Catholicism. A duty of Catholics. They need to be exempt so that we can carry on providing help to our fellow Americans, regardless of their race, color, creed or sexual orientation.

OK, thanks. :D
[I'm beginning to wonder whether the left understand the word 'conscience'.

They certainly don't understand Confession or Consecration.

we dont have to, most are not catholic.

its why you dont get to tell everyone what to do because you are catholic.

Its what the founders decided long ago

77/90 million of Americans are Catholic, including a substantial amount of your beloved 'minorities'.

The founders gave us separation of church and state. Get your fucking government out of my church.
It' is astounding that the left support this Health Care bill, of which the majority of this nation is against and can't see that is is a totalitarian bill. It was passed by one party, (Dem's) and it regulates every realm of life. This is the definition of Totalitarian.

I supported the bill because a. it did not meaningfully affect me at all, and b. because it helped many of my fellow Americans.
You are insane peach.

the peopel are NOT against the bill

It may have some good points TM, Romney's version is probably much better for us in the long run. Still, Federal Mandates, are a problem. The High cost of Service is a problem, running cover for Litigators is a problem. Face it. The Law runs cover for corrupt price gouging practices, and insures they will remain. The burdens on educating medical personnel, Pharmaceuticals, etc...
Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

Not the same thing. The Catholic Church itself is exempt. It is our work that is not. Our charities, our hospitals, our schools, our social programs. All of which are core tenants of Catholicism. A duty of Catholics. They need to be exempt so that we can carry on providing help to our fellow Americans, regardless of their race, color, creed or sexual orientation.

OK, thanks. :D

On the bright side, the Muslims support the Catholics on this. :eusa_angel: God bless 'em.
They certainly don't understand Confession or Consecration.

we dont have to, most are not catholic.

its why you dont get to tell everyone what to do because you are catholic.

Its what the founders decided long ago

77/90 million of Americans are Catholic, including a substantial amount of your beloved 'minorities'.

The founders gave us separation of church and state. Get your fucking government out of my church.


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