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Infertility Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of infertility
There are many potential causes for infertility or reproductive problems. Chronic illnesses, as well as their treatments, can lead to fertility problems. Illnesses like diabetes and hypothyroidism can cause fertility problems. Insulin, antidepressants, and thyroid hormones may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, for example. Or medication used to treat peptic ulcers or hypertension can cause male factor infertility, including problems with sperm production or their ability to fertilize the egg. Furthermore, cancer treatments can lead to fertility problems, especially radiation therapy near the reproductive organs.

Read more: Infertility Causes and Risk Factors Infertility Causes and Risk Factors

Will the church ban these other medications?
We have the right to practice our religion. The Catholic Church requires that Catholics perform their duty to the poor. That means we must provide those less fortunate with care. So we provide that: 625 hospitals, $5.7 billion in healthcare services alone. Social care. Schools. All kinds of stuff.... and we are one of only 4 charities (of the top 400) that increased its donations throughout the recession.

Fine, and I appreciate that; nonetheless, where the Church is not engaged in RELIGION, it is not protected by the First Amendment, which protects the free exercise of RELIGION -- not hospital care, not education, not anything except RELIGION. (Er, well, and free speech, freedom of the press, right of peaceful assembly, and right to petition the government for redress of grievances.) This is why you are mistaken in calling this a First Amendment issue. The Church is admirable in engaging in charitable activities and aid to the poor, but that's neither here nor there. In doing so, it must comply with the law, and the law says that employees who are female have a right to have reproductive services (other than abortion) covered by their employer-provided health insurance. The Church may, to a degree, deny those rights to its employees within the Church itself, but not to those who work for a Church-owned hospital, school, etc.

Please remember that that's what we're talking about here: the Church is claiming a right to deny the rights of others. It does not have that right.

Note to Truthmatters: whether the Church is right or wrong in teaching against birth control is not relevant here. It has a right to do so. The question is how far that right extends.
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Keep in mind that BC is presribed for other reasons frequently.

Does the church get to deside what a DR prescribes a patient?
For the Church to ban this certain drugs use they would have to determine if its ebing used to prevent pregnancy.

To inquire about that they would have to breach the privacy laws.

Do they have that right?
Just pointing out the Catholic churches repeated hypocrisy.

Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?
Nowhere, probably. Regardless, many Church leaders looked the other way. Just like they look the other way now when hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control.

If they consider something evil then they shouldn't condone it in one case and not another.

I don't advocate cover ups, still, I'm in the minority here Ravi. Where does it not happen? Government? Police, Doctors, Lawyers, most Industries, Businesses, Social Organizations, Marriages. What is not touched by cover up? We expect more from the Church. Yes. False Expectation? Yes. Have Faith in God, not Man.
We have the right to practice our religion. The Catholic Church requires that Catholics perform their duty to the poor. That means we must provide those less fortunate with care. So we provide that: 625 hospitals, $5.7 billion in healthcare services alone. Social care. Schools. All kinds of stuff.... and we are one of only 4 charities (of the top 400) that increased its donations throughout the recession.

Fine, and I appreciate that; nonetheless, where the Church is not engaged in RELIGION, it is not protected by the First Amendment, which protects the free exercise of RELIGION -- not hospital care, not education, not anything except RELIGION. This is why you are mistaken in calling this a First Amendment issue. The Church is admirable in engaging in charitable activities and aid to the poor, but that's neither here nor there. In doing so, it must comply with the law, and the law says that employees who are female have a right to have reproductive services (other than abortion) covered by their employer-provided health insurance. The Church may, to a degree, deny those rights to its employees within the Church itself, but not to those who work for a Church-owned hospital, school, etc.

Please remember that that's what we're talking about here: the Church is claiming a right to deny the rights of others. It does not have that right.

Note to Truthmatters: whether the Church is right or wrong in teaching against birth control is not relevant here. It has a right to do so. The question is how far that right extends.

It is our religion. That's my point. It absolutely is. We are required to live according to Christ's teachings - while I appreciate that others might not understand that or believe in Him - it is a requirement for us. We live by His example - and that means healing the sick (hospitals), and teaching (our schools), and helping our fellow man (our social programs). That is core to our beliefs. I appreciate that you might not understand it, but that doesn't make it less true.
For the Church to ban this certain drugs use they would have to determine if its ebing used to prevent pregnancy.

To inquire about that they would have to breach the privacy laws.

Do they have that right?

The way the Church, the Catholic Church operates TM, is on Faith, Trust, Confession, Reconciliation. Matters of Conscience, are left to you. Confidences are kept private. You are free to act in what you perceive your own interest to be, without fear of Excommunication. It would do you good to research more. Persuasion, is still the best means to save a Human Life.
You need to read that law again. There is no co-pay or deductible requirement at all.

So, since the law does not require a deductible, that means it requires the employer to pay for it all? :cuckoo: Let's deal with reality. No employer has employee health plans that don't have the employee paying into the plan, paying a deductible and co-pay for their services and prescriptions.

It is to be totally free to the employee.


This means that the premiums that the employer pays will be higher.

Again, bollocks. Employment health care operates on a fixed contribution by the employer, with the employee paying the remaining cost of the premium, deductibles, and co-pays.
Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?
Nowhere, probably. Regardless, many Church leaders looked the other way. Just like they look the other way now when hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control.

If they consider something evil then they shouldn't condone it in one case and not another.

No, they shouldn't. And yea, they did - at one time - protect the Church by protecting those evil beings. But they don't any more. In fact, quite the opposite. But that doesn't matter to you, does it? The fact that the Church has made massive efforts to fix those mistakes (and they were horrific mistakes).... and have made massive efforts to help those affected by it.... and that it has put in place much harsher processes to ensure the Church does not attract those individuals to its ranks now.... no, none of that matters to you.... because you prefer to ignore the fixes and focus on the shit.

Yet, I never see you going after the teaching profession - which attracts far more pedophiles.... or any other profession that attracts them either... no, just the Church.

They kept looking away until they got caught. They let evil flourish.

Nice failed attempt at deflection, btw.

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