Regarding the First Amendment, here is what that says, in pertinent part:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . ."

Here is what it does NOT say:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting religions from running any business they own, whether or not it is engaged in religious activities, without regard to the law of the land . . ."

This is NOT a First Amendment issue. If the ACA's requirements applied to the Catholic Church itself, then yes, it would be, and there would be a clear judicial remedy. But a hospital or school is not a church, it's a hospital or school, and the fact that it is owned by a religious institution doesn't make it a church.

The First Amendment applies to religions. It does not apply to hospitals, schools, or anything else but religions. If it did, then the Aryan Nations Church could run businesses that refused to serve black people on the basis that they were owned by a church. That's not the way it works.
How did this turn into pedophiles? :cuckoo:
Just pointing out the Catholic churches repeated hypocrisy.

Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?

It's a bigger problem in our schools than it is in the Catholic Church. But that fact is meaningless to morons.
All faiths are behind and in support of this anti 1st amendment issue.

Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance - Faith Leaders Protest Narrow Religious Exemption

Obamacare's Latest Victim Is Religious Freedom

Christians are getting really tired of the war on Christians and religions in general. We are a very large group in this country and we will no put up with the few who are trying to take away our fist amendment rights.

This administration has lost a lot of voters because of this issue.

You lefty's don't get it, that it is about the freedom to exercise individual freedom from government.

51% of this nation is pro life, while 42% is pro choice. Supporting the right for an innocent little life is not nuts. They have a right to life, not the right to be murdered.
Infertility Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of infertility
There are many potential causes for infertility or reproductive problems. Chronic illnesses, as well as their treatments, can lead to fertility problems. Illnesses like diabetes and hypothyroidism can cause fertility problems. Insulin, antidepressants, and thyroid hormones may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, for example. Or medication used to treat peptic ulcers or hypertension can cause male factor infertility, including problems with sperm production or their ability to fertilize the egg. Furthermore, cancer treatments can lead to fertility problems, especially radiation therapy near the reproductive organs.

Read more: Infertility Causes and Risk Factors http://ehealthforum.com/health/infertility_causes_and__risk_factors-e362.html#ixzz1li0dKCtv
All faiths are behind and in support of this anti 1st amendment issue.

Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance - Faith Leaders Protest Narrow Religious Exemption

Obamacare's Latest Victim Is Religious Freedom

Christians are getting really tired of the war on Christians and religions in general. We are a very large group in this country and we will no put up with the few who are trying to take away our fist amendment rights.

This administration has lost a lot of voters because of this issue.

You lefty's don't get it, that it is about the freedom to exercise individual freedom from government.

51% of this nation is pro life, while 42% is pro choice. Supporting the right for an innocent little life is not nuts. They have a right to life, not the right to be murdered.

The borg should also look at the battleground states come November. Many of those states have high Catholic populations. :eusa_whistle: :lol:

The Scotus already decided it

Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965),[1] was a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the Constitution protected a right to privacy. The case involved a Connecticut law that prohibited the use of contraceptives. By a vote of 7–2, the Supreme Court invalidated the law on the grounds that it violated the "right to marital privacy".
How did this turn into pedophiles? :cuckoo:
Just pointing out the Catholic churches repeated hypocrisy.

Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?
Nowhere, probably. Regardless, many Church leaders looked the other way. Just like they look the other way now when hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control.

If they consider something evil then they shouldn't condone it in one case and not another.
You lefty's don't get it, that it is about the freedom to exercise individual freedom from government.

There is no right to that freedom.

We have the right to practice our religion. The Catholic Church requires that Catholics perform their duty to the poor. That means we must provide those less fortunate with care. So we provide that: 625 hospitals, $5.7 billion in healthcare services alone. Social care. Schools. All kinds of stuff.... and we are one of only 4 charities (of the top 400) that increased its donations throughout the recession.

My Church provided care to 8 million Americans last year through our social programs. One in six Americans was treated in a Catholic Hospital - again, $5.7 billion of our money.

We do more for our fellow Americans - and the world's poor - than any other organization on earth.

I understand that that is no big deal to you... but it is insulting that big corporations (who have done jack shit for their fellow human beings) get waivered.... because they donate to your messiah.... and we do not.... and we have done more for the poor in this country than any other organization.
Just pointing out the Catholic churches repeated hypocrisy.

Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?
Nowhere, probably. Regardless, many Church leaders looked the other way. Just like they look the other way now when hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control.

If they consider something evil then they shouldn't condone it in one case and not another.

No, they shouldn't. And yea, they did - at one time - protect the Church by protecting those evil beings. But they don't any more. In fact, quite the opposite. But that doesn't matter to you, does it? The fact that the Church has made massive efforts to fix those mistakes (and they were horrific mistakes).... and have made massive efforts to help those affected by it.... and that it has put in place much harsher processes to ensure the Church does not attract those individuals to its ranks now.... no, none of that matters to you.... because you prefer to ignore the fixes and focus on the shit.

Yet, I never see you going after the teaching profession - which attracts far more pedophiles.... or any other profession that attracts them either... no, just the Church.


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