For the Church to ban this certain drugs use they would have to determine if its ebing used to prevent pregnancy.

To inquire about that they would have to breach the privacy laws.

Do they have that right?

The way the Church, the Catholic Church operates TM, is on Faith, Trust, Confession, Reconciliation. Matters of Conscience, are left to you. Confidences are kept private. You are free to act in what you perceive your own interest to be, without fear of Excommunication. It would do you good to research more. Persuasion, is still the best means to save a Human Life.

She's not interested in understanding, she's interested only in spewing hatred towards any religion.

You're trying to reason with the unreasonable.
lol, messageboard "catholics".

you will go to helll

You prefer to be with your friends, right?

Save me a game of 8 Ball. Loser buys the Jameson. ;)

Is there anything you want me to bring you from the Outside?

Angel Food Cake?

Once again, I'm not quite sure what "reputation points" are, nor do I understand their significance. But I must wonder what our conservative Christian friends think of messages like this:


Hi, you have received -446 reputation points from Warrior102.
Reputation was given for this post.

Here\'s a little Catholic love for ya, assfucker.... LOL!!



I assume this is okay with you. As a comfy agnostic, I don't claim to know how your God suggests you interact with others, but it's a little difficult to believe that this would be a good example.

Tough to take any of this seriously with people like this running around.

CG, whether or not I, personally, believe in the Church's teaching is irrelevant here, as I told TM, so it need not be brought up. The fact that something is required by your religion does not make it part of your religion for First Amendment purposes. Many religions -- I'm not sure about the Catholic Church, but this IS true of many faiths -- require that one's entire life be dedicated to holy purposes. Does that mean one is protected by the First Amendment in everything one does? No. That's not how it works.

If the Church teaches that it is a responsibility of Christians to give to the poor (which it does), THAT is protected by the First Amendment, but the actual giving is not.

There is no law in this country that prohibits a religious organization from owning any lawful business whatsoever. But that does not make such businesses exempt from the law, or protected by the First Amendment. As I noted above, this would allow the Aryan Nations Church to own businesses that violate the Civil Rights Act. The Church might take it upon itself to buy up as many businesses as possible to make sure that they were run according to Christian principles, but if it did so, that would not exempt those businesses from compliance with the law.

Religion, for 1A purposes, means gatherings for worship, doctrinal and moral teachings, and similar activities. Non-religious activities that are required by moral teachings do not thereby become religious activities, nor does that apply to non-religious businesses which are owned by a religious organization. We have to draw the line between religion and non-religion somewhere, or we end up saying that Congress can pass no laws at all.
You lefty's don't get it, that it is about the freedom to exercise individual freedom from government.

There is no right to that freedom.

We have the right to practice our religion. The Catholic Church requires that Catholics perform their duty to the poor. That means we must provide those less fortunate with care. So we provide that: 625 hospitals, $5.7 billion in healthcare services alone. Social care. Schools. All kinds of stuff.... and we are one of only 4 charities (of the top 400) that increased its donations throughout the recession.

My Church provided care to 8 million Americans last year through our social programs. One in six Americans was treated in a Catholic Hospital - again, $5.7 billion of our money.

We do more for our fellow Americans - and the world's poor - than any other organization on earth.

I understand that that is no big deal to you... but it is insulting that big corporations (who have done jack shit for their fellow human beings) get waivered.... because they donate to your messiah.... and we do not.... and we have done more for the poor in this country than any other organization.

The US government does more for the American people than any other organization on earth.

btw, as a good Catholic, you never use birth control? Seriously?
The best part of this story is that eventually the Obama administration will agree to some reasonable, politically advantageous settlement and come out ahead in the long run.
CG, whether or not I, personally, believe in the Church's teaching is irrelevant here, as I told TM, so it need not be brought up. The fact that something is required by your religion does not make it part of your religion for First Amendment purposes. Many religions -- I'm not sure about the Catholic Church, but this IS true of many faiths -- require that one's entire life be dedicated to holy purposes. Does that mean one is protected by the First Amendment in everything one does? No. That's not how it works.

If the Church teaches that it is a responsibility of Christians to give to the poor (which it does), THAT is protected by the First Amendment, but the actual giving is not.

There is no law in this country that prohibits a religious organization from owning any lawful business whatsoever. But that does not make such businesses exempt from the law, or protected by the First Amendment. As I noted above, this would allow the Aryan Nations Church to own businesses that violate the Civil Rights Act. The Church might take it upon itself to buy up as many businesses as possible to make sure that they were run according to Christian principles, but if it did so, that would not exempt those businesses from compliance with the law.

Religion, for 1A purposes, means gatherings for worship, doctrinal and moral teachings, and similar activities. Non-religious activities that are required by moral teachings do not thereby become religious activities, nor does that apply to non-religious businesses which are owned by a religious organization. We have to draw the line between religion and non-religion somewhere, or we end up saying that Congress can pass no laws at all.

False argument. When you compel Anyone, by Force of Law, to act against Conscience, you need to examine what you are advocating. The fact that you cannot yet comprehend the concept, shows where you both lack, and are at war with Salvation. You are actually arguing that The Will of the State Trumps Salvation.
Is it the Church Ravi, or is it the dark side of Human Nature? Where is Pedophilia not a problem? Where is there not risk? Where are our Children safe?
Nowhere, probably. Regardless, many Church leaders looked the other way. Just like they look the other way now when hiring non-Catholics that practice birth control.

If they consider something evil then they shouldn't condone it in one case and not another.

I don't advocate cover ups, still, I'm in the minority here Ravi. Where does it not happen? Government? Police, Doctors, Lawyers, most Industries, Businesses, Social Organizations, Marriages. What is not touched by cover up? We expect more from the Church. Yes. False Expectation? Yes. Have Faith in God, not Man.

More deflection.
CG, whether or not I, personally, believe in the Church's teaching is irrelevant here, as I told TM, so it need not be brought up. The fact that something is required by your religion does not make it part of your religion for First Amendment purposes. Many religions -- I'm not sure about the Catholic Church, but this IS true of many faiths -- require that one's entire life be dedicated to holy purposes. Does that mean one is protected by the First Amendment in everything one does? No. That's not how it works.

If the Church teaches that it is a responsibility of Christians to give to the poor (which it does), THAT is protected by the First Amendment, but the actual giving is not.

There is no law in this country that prohibits a religious organization from owning any lawful business whatsoever. But that does not make such businesses exempt from the law, or protected by the First Amendment. As I noted above, this would allow the Aryan Nations Church to own businesses that violate the Civil Rights Act. The Church might take it upon itself to buy up as many businesses as possible to make sure that they were run according to Christian principles, but if it did so, that would not exempt those businesses from compliance with the law.

Religion, for 1A purposes, means gatherings for worship, doctrinal and moral teachings, and similar activities. Non-religious activities that are required by moral teachings do not thereby become religious activities, nor does that apply to non-religious businesses which are owned by a religious organization. We have to draw the line between religion and non-religion somewhere, or we end up saying that Congress can pass no laws at all.

False argument. When you compel Anyone, by Force of Law, to act against Conscience, you need to examine what you are advocating. The fact that you cannot yet comprehend the concept, shows where you both lack, and are at war with Salvation. You are actually arguing that The Will of the State Trumps Salvation.

I'm beginning to wonder whether the left understand the word 'conscience'.
There is no right to that freedom.

We have the right to practice our religion. The Catholic Church requires that Catholics perform their duty to the poor. That means we must provide those less fortunate with care. So we provide that: 625 hospitals, $5.7 billion in healthcare services alone. Social care. Schools. All kinds of stuff.... and we are one of only 4 charities (of the top 400) that increased its donations throughout the recession.

My Church provided care to 8 million Americans last year through our social programs. One in six Americans was treated in a Catholic Hospital - again, $5.7 billion of our money.

We do more for our fellow Americans - and the world's poor - than any other organization on earth.

I understand that that is no big deal to you... but it is insulting that big corporations (who have done jack shit for their fellow human beings) get waivered.... because they donate to your messiah.... and we do not.... and we have done more for the poor in this country than any other organization.

The US government does more for the American people than any other organization on earth.

btw, as a good Catholic, you never use birth control? Seriously?
She's probably a virgin since she's a good Catholic.

Once again, I'm not quite sure what "reputation points" are, nor do I understand their significance. But I must wonder what our conservative Christian friends think of messages like this:

I think it's fucking hilarious, asswipe.
The best part of this story is that eventually the Obama administration will agree to some reasonable, politically advantageous settlement and come out ahead in the long run.

Probably. Yet, let's not force the Individual Sacrifice the Soul in being forced to choose between Salvation and Compliance with the State, during the process. Intentionally or not, forcing People to commit actions against Conscience to serve the will of the State, does have consequence to both the Individual and the State. Where is the Value, Principle, and Ideal in that?
Not sure if this has been mentioned but y'all realize Muslims, Amish and Christian Scientists are exempt from Obamacare. They did those exemptions in the beginning.

Why is it OK to exempt "selected" religious groups???

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