“I mean US killed Soleimani. Lots of blood spilled. I feel like its fair that US blood be spilled" woman kills online date as revenge for Trump drone


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Same as OBL and same with Timothy McVeigh. Violence from our government is going to be met with violence in return.
Do you have any idea who Soleimani was, and how many American soldier's deaths he was responsible for?

I know who he was. Our soldiers had no business being over there killing others that had done absolutely nothing to us.

If they are not there, they do not get killed.
like a mythical bandit in a folktale, Soleimani was larger than life. he ruled over a global army of tens of thousands of Shia Muslim fighters. he moved seamlessly across borders, as if he could be present at more than one place at a time. now he is merely a mutilated corpse.
like a mythical bandit in a folktale, Soleimani was larger than life. he ruled over a global army of tens of thousands of Shia Muslim fighters. he moved seamlessly across borders, as if he could be present at more than one place at a time. now he is merely a mutilated corpse.

But he did have good taste in jewelry, so he couldn't have been all that bad.
not since 1943, when the US shot down the plane carrying Marshal Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto of the Imperial Japanese Navy, had the US killed such a high-ranking military official.
I know who he was. Our soldiers had no business being over there killing others that had done absolutely nothing to us.

If they are not there, they do not get killed.
I have to agree. Even having served myself; Americas foreign adventurism has gotten far, far out of hand. The MIC, and TPTB, invest more blood and treasure abroad than they do at home. It is no surprise to anyone that legions of foreigners would want their pound of flesh. I sure as Hell would…
the young monarch Reza Pahlavi described the tribes Soleimani came from as "illiterate, unproductive, abnormal tent-dwelling savages, left in their primitive state for too long"...but enough about the Democrats LOL
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I have to agree. Even having served myself; Americas foreign adventurism has gotten far, far out of hand. The MIC, and TPTB, invest more blood and treasure abroad than they do at home. It is no surprise to anyone that legions of foreigners would want their pound of flesh. I sure as Hell would…

Why is it people can not understand this? 9-11 happens and we want revenge. Never mind that 9-11 was a revenge act to start with but how is it that so many can not understand that other people will insist on revenge also?
Why is it people can not understand this? 9-11 happens and we want revenge. Never mind that 9-11 was a revenge act to start with but how is it that so many can not understand that other people will insist on revenge also?

Of course I want revenge, and frankly, I am really disappointed.

When GW got us into this whole mess, I was promised a nice bleached white Al Qaeda or Taliban skull for my fireplace mantle. And after all the time and money we spent, I still don't have my damned skull.

Do you have any idea how barren my mantle looks? Sure, my wife has put some photographs, trinkets, and candles up there, but it just doesn't look quite right.

I want my skull, dammit!
Of course I want revenge, and frankly, I am really disappointed.

When GW got us into this whole mess, I was promised a nice bleached white Al Qaeda or Taliban skull for my fireplace mantle. And after all the time and money we spent, I still don't have my damned skull.

Do you have any idea how barren my mantle looks? Sure, my wife has put some photographs, trinkets, and candles up there, but it just doesn't look quite right.

I want my skull, dammit!

It would come in return for a few of ours.
like a mythical bandit in a folktale, Soleimani was larger than life. he ruled over a global army of tens of thousands of Shia Muslim fighters. he moved seamlessly across borders, as if he could be present at more than one place at a time. now he is merely a mutilated corpse.
That ole boy looked like regurgitated cat food after that Hellfire finished with him.

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