I need a Democrat to explain their logic on why Trump needed their approval for the airstrike.

We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
There is no logic. A strategically valuable target of opportunity walking around at the scene of the most recent skirmish? Who could resist. Wait to discuss/inform and the target moves. Smartest response to anything anywhere foreign or domestic, Trump has accomplished since he was elected. I don't even like the guy, but I like this. Smart, quick, devastatingly effective. I still have a schooled warrior mentality (probably a failing). It was almost poetic. The response was agile, mobile, tactile and extremely hostile. What's not to love?

love high oil prices ?

check with the commercial airlines and feel the love -
Isn't that what got Carter reelected? I mean besides the Iran fiasco.
The military let him down, that time. Bad maintenance impinges mission effectiveness, often when you need equipment the most. Unluckiest President I ever saw, as apposed to Bill Clinton, the luckiest President I ever saw. Followed in luck closely by Ronald Reagan. Yep, I voted for all of them, Reagan and Clinton twice.
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
There is no logic. A strategically valuable target of opportunity walking around at the scene of the most recent skirmish? Who could resist. Wait to discuss/inform and the target moves. Smartest response to anything anywhere foreign or domestic, Trump has accomplished since he was elected. I don't even like the guy, but I like this. Smart, quick, devastatingly effective. I still have a schooled warrior mentality (probably a failing). It was almost poetic. The response was agile, mobile, tactile and extremely hostile. What's not to love?

love high oil prices ?

check with the commercial airlines and feel the love -
Isn't that what got Carter reelected? I mean besides the Iran fiasco.
The military let him down, that time. Bad maintenance impinges mission effectiveness, often when you need equipment the most. Unluckiest President I ever saw, as apposed to Bill Clinton, the luckiest President I ever saw. Followed in luck closely by Ronald Reagan. Yep, I voted for all of them, Reagan and Clinton twice.
Bad maintenance resulted form Peanut Head's cutting the military funding.
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
Or when Obama slaughtered a Colorado Teenager in a drone strike.

Trump’s Ground Game Against Iran.

Building up on the successful Lebanon experience, Mr. Suleimani spent the last decade replicating the Hezbollah model in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, propping up local militias with precision weapons and tactical know-how. In Syria, his forces have allied with Russia to prop up the regime of Bashar al-Assad, a project that, in practice, has meant driving over 10 million people from their homes and killing well over half a million. In Iraq, as we have seen in recent days, Mr. Suleimani’s militias ride roughshod over the legitimate state institutions. They rose to power, of course, after participating in an insurgency, of which he was the architect, against American and coalition forces. Hundreds of American soldiers lost their lives to the weapons that the Qods Force provided to its Iraqi proxies.

Mr. Suleimani built this empire of militias while betting that America would steer clear of an outright confrontation. This gambit certainly paid off under President Barack Obama, but it even seemed to be a safe bet under President Trump, despite his stated policy of “maximum pressure.” Mr. Trump was putting an economic squeeze on Iran, and popular protests in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon were adding to the pressure, but Mr. Suleimani assumed that, in the end, control of military assets would win the day. Mr. Trump, it seemed, feared getting sucked into a war. Washington, in short, lacked a ground game.

In September, Mr. Suleimani and his colleagues pressed their advantage by attacking a Saudi Arabian oil field, an act of war that went unanswered. He followed this up by orchestrating attacks by Iranian proxies on Americans. The Trump administration had said clearly that attacking Americans was a red line, but Mr. Suleimani had heard threats in the past from American leaders. He thought he could erase Mr. Trump’s red line.

His departure will make Iran much weaker. It will embolden the country’s regional rivals —primarily Israel and Saudi Arabia— to pursue their strategic interests more resolutely. It will also instill in the protesters in Iran, Lebanon and, especially, Iraq, the hope that they will one day wrest control of their governments from the talons of the Islamic Republic.

In Washington, the decision to kill Mr. Suleimani represents the final demise of Mr. Obama’s Middle East strategy, which sought to realign American interests with those of Iran. Mr. Obama’s search for a modus vivendi with Tehran never comported with the reality of the Islamic Republic’s fundamental character and regional ambitions. President Trump, by contrast, realized that Tehran’s goal was to replace America as the key player in the Middle East.
Funny. For such a bad guy who we all wanted killed, this guy’s name was never mentioned by Trump.

So, you think it is a good idea to announce to the world who you may target?:21:

As is often the case, when a nutbag uses the word “so” to begin a question, the question is turns out to be dumb as fuck.
So, you get testy when your dumbassery is exposed.:5_1_12024:

You have only exposed yourself, dummy.
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
There is no logic. A strategically valuable target of opportunity walking around at the scene of the most recent skirmish? Who could resist. Wait to discuss/inform and the target moves. Smartest response to anything anywhere foreign or domestic, Trump has accomplished since he was elected. I don't even like the guy, but I like this. Smart, quick, devastatingly effective. I still have a schooled warrior mentality (probably a failing). It was almost poetic. The response was agile, mobile, tactile and extremely hostile. What's not to love?

love high oil prices ?

check with the commercial airlines and feel the love -
Isn't that what got Carter reelected? I mean besides the Iran fiasco.
The military let him down, that time. Bad maintenance impinges mission effectiveness, often when you need equipment the most. Unluckiest President I ever saw, as apposed to Bill Clinton, the luckiest President I ever saw. Followed in luck closely by Ronald Reagan. Yep, I voted for all of them, Reagan and Clinton twice.
Bad maintenance resulted form Peanut Head's cutting the military funding.
Maybe. Hard to say, but I am well aware of mission capable maintenance rating. It was reported daily. The three services involve (now that was a stupid consideration for a contingency operation) screwed up. You report mission capable and non-mission capable. If you report mission capable on a critical mission and it proves not to be the case, you Mr. maintenance Sergeant or or OIC of maintenance are to blame. Carter was from the Navy. If he had known they would risk the lives of the troops and failure of mission goals because no equipment was available in theater, he would have waited. Anybody who has ever been trained to command would. You don't bullshit or hope for the best. Sometimes sh#t happens, and usually at the worst time. Jimmy couldn't get luck in a 25 cent whorehouse. There's lot to be said for luck.
Funny. For such a bad guy who we all wanted killed, this guy’s name was never mentioned by Trump.

So, you think it is a good idea to announce to the world who you may target?:21:

As is often the case, when a nutbag uses the word “so” to begin a question, the question is turns out to be dumb as fuck.
So, you get testy when your dumbassery is exposed.:5_1_12024:

You have only exposed yourself, dummy.
As being intellectually superior to you.....as if anyone doubted that.
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
Your thread has a false premise. Most Democrats are not saying Trump needed Congress' permission before the airstrikes but only that they be informed and consulted of the military action, just like every president before informed and consulted Congress.
Did Obama inform Congress before Libya?
Trump said he did
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"

I understand he can order things here or there but to declare a war on a country he has to get congressional approval. That's all I was saying.
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

The President is the Commander in Chief, he has every authority to conduct limited military strikes.

No doubt John Kerry is in Tehran right now helping to devise a response to the Americans he so bitterly hates.

John Kerry is a decorated American hero
He actually negotiated a peace with Iran that Trump has turned into a war
Trump said he would negotiate a better nuclear disarmament deal with Iran.....what he has done is put us on the brink of war
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"

I understand he can order things here or there but to declare a war on a country he has to get congressional approval. That's all I was saying.

oh------it seems to me that he did not overstep in liquidating general salami----
part of the war on terror. When he wants to bomb Teheran-----he will have to
go to congress
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"

I understand he can order things here or there but to declare a war on a country he has to get congressional approval. That's all I was saying.

Not really, the AUMF given to the president back in 2001 is still in full effect...it gives the POTUS the power to do pretty much anything without asking Congress.
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

The President is the Commander in Chief, he has every authority to conduct limited military strikes.

No doubt John Kerry is in Tehran right now helping to devise a response to the Americans he so bitterly hates.

John Kerry is a decorated American hero
He actually negotiated a peace with Iran that Trump has turned into a war
Trump said he would negotiate a better nuclear disarmament deal with Iran.....what he has done is put us on the brink of war

nope----Kerry negotiated a worthless treaty with Iran







John Kerry is a decorated American hero
He actually negotiated a peace with Iran that Trump has turned into a war
Trump said he would negotiate a better nuclear disarmament deal with Iran.....what he has done is put us on the brink of war

John Kerry is a traitor and an agent of Iran. Ditto for Potentate Obamugabe.
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"

I understand he can order things here or there but to declare a war on a country he has to get congressional approval. That's all I was saying.

Not really, the AUMF given to the president back in 2001 is still in full effect...it gives the POTUS the power to do pretty much anything without asking Congress.

Did it give him power to declare war on a country without congressional approval? Who cares about the targeted strikes I know he can do that but I don't think he can declare was without approval.
if we go to war with Iran------he will not need permission to bomb

But he will need congressional approval to go to war.

yes----but that has not happened yet. ------as COMMANDER IN CHIEF of
the armed forces----he can order things here and there------in fact we are not
actually (as far as I understand ) "AT WAR" with Iraq-----we are still engaged
in a war which has been vaguely named "WAR ON TERRORISM"

I understand he can order things here or there but to declare a war on a country he has to get congressional approval. That's all I was saying.

Not really, the AUMF given to the president back in 2001 is still in full effect...it gives the POTUS the power to do pretty much anything without asking Congress.

Did it give him power to declare war on a country without congressional approval? Who cares about the targeted strikes I know he can do that but I don't think he can declare was without approval.

It was good enough to invade Iraq with...

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