I need a Democrat to explain their logic on why Trump needed their approval for the airstrike.

We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

We are not at war with Iran in Iraq. In fact, we shouldn't be at war at all in Iraq because ISIS has supposedly been defeated.

That's why Trump should have gone to Congress.

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

Actually, I was pretty vocal about Obama fucking it up going into Libya. But in Libya, he was acting in concert with other NATO allies in accordance with the NATO Treaty.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?

Trump just didn't ignore Congress, in violation of not only the War Powers Act, but in violation of Executive Order 12036 which specifically prohibits involvement in assassinations. Executive Order 12036 - Wikipedia

He also ignored all of our allies, in both NATO and Iraq.

France, Russia and China condemn slaying of Soleimani as a destabilizing act

It has been condemned by the Prime Minister of Iraq... you know, the guy who we are supposedly over there to help.

Iraqi PM warns Soleimani strike "will light the fuse of war"

So after sensibly realizing this was a bad idea yesterday, you are back to drinking the Koolaid today?
Democrats are pissed that Trump took out a major terrorist.

That is just the kind of assholes they are.
The Democrats reaction to the killing proves they aren't on Trump's side in this, but that's nothing new. Democrats would rather see our country fail than to give Trump credit for drawing the line. Iran is a weak country whose people are against their radical leadership. This is the best time to push the issue. Democrats are much too unsophisticated and trivial to understand these things.

Your premise is faulty.

Most Iranians support their government, even if they disagree with their leadership, but the one thing they all agree on is their dislike for the US.

Trump's actions have strengthened Iran's position in the region, not weakened it.
Democrats are pissed that Trump took out a major terrorist.

That is just the kind of assholes they are.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

If our goal is to stabilize Iraq and make it a more reliable ally in the region, then murdering people the Iraqi Shi'ite majority considers heroes for their actions against ISIS undermines our supposed goal.

Oh, who am I kidding. Trump doesn't have goals... he's an impulsive child on a sugar rush. And he has 60 million enablers.
Democrats--Condemning killing terrorists, wanting to raise your taxes and demanding to take your guns away from you. Welcome to the Crazy Party.
Instead of killing Iranian terrorists Obama gave them billions of dollars.
Instead of killing Iranian terrorists Obama gave them billions of dollars.

NO, he returned money that rightfully belong to Iran that we had illegally seized. in return, Iran returned American assets they had illegally seized.

The thing is, we had a treaty that Iran was complying with. Iran was helping us in the fight against ISIS, a group that was murdering westerners for fun.

Not sure how this really advances out interests, but I can point out a bunch of ways it sets them back.

Democrats--Condemning killing terrorists, wanting to raise your taxes and demanding to take your guns away from you. Welcome to the Crazy Party.

Republicans - throwing away all our alliances, wanting to borrow us into the poor house, and letting crazy people have guns.

Welcome to the Stupid Party. They might be dumb, but they is Right With Jesus!!!!
Democrats are pissed that Trump took out a major terrorist.

That is just the kind of assholes they are.

Actually, I am pissed that Trump fucked up the situation in Iran
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
Meh, I’m really old school. I don’t see the need for a congressional okey dokey, I see the need for a declaration of war before action begins.
Some important context the propagandists leave out:
1)it's not just retalitory, but also preemptive, with his threat to strike being intercepted by our intelligence ops.
2) the window limited we have to use past mistakes to learn from and no greater error regarding the hard decision to act against a known terrorist while you have a chance then the 1998 blunder of Bill Clinton to let Bin Laden slip away without acting upon it when he had the chance. Dems want us to relive the blunder that allowed A terrorist who also vocally promised acts against the U.S. to eventually cause that promised act killing thousands. Instead of Dems asking what favors the Clintons did the Saudis for that pay to play money and if that included looking the other way with Bin Laden, and instead of asking if Biden has Iranian money stashed in over seas banks, they'd rather deflect attention to the man who did what Bill himself admitted he wish he had done.
View attachment 298220

Stellar point.

The democrats bemoan the lack of action by Bush on bin Laden, here we have action and the democrats are upset.
Instead of killing Iranian terrorists Obama gave them billions of dollars.

NO, he returned money that rightfully belong to Iran that we had illegally seized. in return, Iran returned American assets they had illegally seized.

The thing is, we had a treaty that Iran was complying with. Iran was helping us in the fight against ISIS, a group that was murdering westerners for fun.

Not sure how this really advances out interests, but I can point out a bunch of ways it sets them back.

Democrats--Condemning killing terrorists, wanting to raise your taxes and demanding to take your guns away from you. Welcome to the Crazy Party.

Republicans - throwing away all our alliances, wanting to borrow us into the poor house, and letting crazy people have guns.

Welcome to the Stupid Party. They might be dumb, but they is Right With Jesus!!!!

Why didn't your stupid Neggra President take out that asshole Iranian terrorist? Is it because he loved his Muslim buddies?

How come you stupid Neggra President helped to finance his terrorism by giving the Mullahs billions of dollars? That was stupid, wasn't it? Like really stupid.

No wonder Trump didn't trust Democrats to brief them on the operation.
The AG was censured for refusing to obey the Constitution. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight and outranks any law. By your logic, Democrats could pass a law banning guns. Barr needs to remember he is the top law enforcement officer in the US instead of acting like a Trump sycophant.

They are not traitors. You and Trump are the TRAITORS. The American people decided they wanted these people as their leaders. That should be respected. The House committees should call witnesses such as the Secretary of Defense and the CIA Director. to determine whether there is a real basis for these attacks or whether Trump is kicking off his re-election campaign.

Really Comrade? Care to post the articles or amendments that make the executive an inferior branch beholden to the house?
Democrats can't explain why Trump needed their approval to take out a terrorist general. If you listened to Schumer's list of questions for Trump before agreeing to pull the trigger on Soleimani you'd know why senators make shitty presidents.

1. Trump was not going to war, he was preventing a major attack and reducing the risk of war.
2. Killing two car loads of Iranian terrorists in Iraq does not violate the war powers act.
3. If Iran attacks US interests, then we can discuss the war powers act limitations before acting
This guy is good at conning stupid Democrats out of billions of dollars and he is pissed that Trump wasted his main man.

The AG was censured for refusing to obey the Constitution. The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight and outranks any law. By your logic, Democrats could pass a law banning guns. Barr needs to remember he is the top law enforcement officer in the US instead of acting like a Trump sycophant.

They are not traitors. You and Trump are the TRAITORS. The American people decided they wanted these people as their leaders. That should be respected. The House committees should call witnesses such as the Secretary of Defense and the CIA Director. to determine whether there is a real basis for these attacks or whether Trump is kicking off his re-election campaign.

Really Comrade? Care to post the articles or amendments that make the executive an inferior branch beholden to the house?

Congress is overreaching its authority and Trump is right to force them into the courts for a decision.

Congressional oversight - Wikipedia
Congressional oversight includes the review, and monitoring of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation. ... Congress's oversight authority derives from its “implied” powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules.

Interpreting Congress' "implied powers" necessarily involves the courts because the Executive has powers as defined in Article-2, including "Executive Privilege". The House is NOT the president's boss.
We are LITERALLY STILL AT WAR IN IRAQ. Have been for decades. So since we are currently engaged in military activities why would Trump need congressional approval for an airstrike in that nation?

Keep in mind NONE OF YOU raised this same complaint when Obama took us to war in Libya.

So, what is the logic in letting congress micromanage ongoing military activities in a nation we have been at war in for decades? And where is the requirement that ANY president notify congress of troop transfers within said country?
How many people post on your account?

This bullshit with Iran is escalating too fast.
So you can't understand an anti war position that does not tolerate leftist lies and propaganda?
Why didn't your stupid Neggra President take out that asshole Iranian terrorist? Is it because he loved his Muslim buddies?

Because it was a stupid thing to do.... same reason Bush didn't do it. Same reason the Mossad didn't do it.

How come you stupid Neggra President helped to finance his terrorism by giving the Mullahs billions of dollars? That was stupid, wasn't it? Like really stupid.

Naw, not really. It was their money to start with, and the courts had ruled we had to give it back.

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