I need an answer to this question..

I'm amazed at the number of people that still think the government intelligence agencies are just going to give out the way they were able to trace the hackers... :lmao:

Every time I see someone say that it's obvious they have no idea how intelligence gathering works.

You seems to be amazed by many things.

Every time you claim you know something it turns out that you speaking out of your ass.
I'm amazed at the number of people that still think the government intelligence agencies are just going to give out the way they were able to trace the hackers... :lmao:

Every time I see someone say that it's obvious they have no idea how intelligence gathering works.

You seems to be amazed by many things.

Every time you claim you know something it turns out that you speaking out of your ass.

Every time? Please make a list and show me. Most times when I say I know something I provide proof of it.
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.
I'd like to see the 'evidence' myself. Honestly, I do NOT believe it exists. If it did, and there was nothing to question about it, then WHY hasn't our government put it out for all to see? Easy to answer - there's no positive proof the DNC was hacked by the Russians. It's nothing more than the government trying to 'control' the masses and trying to keep people against the Russians.
Unfortunately, cyber security is highly classified

However, both Republican and Democratic Congressmen have been briefed and agree with the conclusions

Yes, they've been briefed on "evidence" that democrat operatives within intelligence agencies allowed them to see.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

Where's the proof for that?

Are you asking leftist for a proof?
They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.

Nope.. Read the news. Was NOT a joint effort or endorsed by whatever 17 intel agencies you think exists.

It was not a joint effort, but it was endorsed by all 17 agencies. The DNI collected the assessments of all 17 agencies and presented it to congress. Think of the 17 agencies as peer review.
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.

There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

You pay for it - YOU CONTROL what goes public or to the FBI and what the conclusions are.

As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

The footprints were never analyzed. Only CrowdStrike has been mentioned as a source of "evidence". Why do we NEED 7 different Counter Hacking groups if all we need to do is call up a "Google affiliate" company?

Fire all their asses.

I have worked with NSA and find them to be very thorough in evaluating data. Why do you trust the word of Russia over a Google affiliate?

You worked with NSA... what, washed their cars or delivered Jimmy Jones?
Why DA FUCK we need ALL of this below if NONE of the "intel agencies" having opinions have actually EXAMINED the scene of crime? Why are we posturing for war with Russia over something that was never IMPORTANT enough to issue a warrant to SEIZE and classify the evidence and put into the hands of all these USELESS agencies and people below??

White House creates new cybersecurity agency

The Obama administration is launching the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center as a central place to coordinate cyber threat intelligence from the FBI, the National Security Agency, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies. The center will operate under the guidance of the director of national intelligence.

Currently, no single government agency is responsible for coordinating cyber threat assessments, sharing information rapidly among existing agencies, and providing timely intelligence to policy makers, said Lisa Monaco, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism,

Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation — FBI

We face sophisticated cyber threats from state-sponsored hackers, hackers for hire, organized cyber syndicates, and terrorists. They seek our state secrets, our trade secrets, our technology, and our ideas—things of incredible value to all of us. They may seek to strike our critical infrastructure and our economy. The threat is so dire that cyber security has topped the Director of National Intelligence list of global threats for the second consecutive year.

Given the scope of the cyber threat, agencies across the federal government are making cyber security a top priority. Within the FBI, we are targeting high-level intrusions—the biggest and most dangerous botnets, state-sponsored hackers, and global cyber syndicates. We want to predict and prevent attacks, rather than reacting after the fact.

FBI agents, analysts, and computer scientists are using technical capabilities and traditional investigative techniques—such as sources and wires, surveillance, and forensics—to fight cyber crime. We are working side-by-side with our federal, state, and local partners on Cyber Task Forces in each of our 56 field offices and through the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF). Through our 24-hour cyber command center, CyWatch, we combine the resources of the FBI and NCIJTF, allowing us to provide connectivity to federal cyber centers, government agencies, FBI field offices and legal attachés, and the private sector in the event of a cyber intrusion.

We also work with the private sector through partnerships such as the Domestic Security Alliance Council, InfraGard, and the National Cyber Forensics and Training Alliance. And we are training our state and local counterparts to triage local cyber matters, so that we can focus on national security issues.

FACT SHEET: Administration Cybersecurity Efforts 2015

At the Summit, the President issued an Executive Order to encourage the development of Information Sharing and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs) to serve as the hubs for sharing critical cybersecurity information and promoting collaboration for analyzing this information both within and across industry sectors. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) solicited public comments and is holding public workshops to inform the development of standards by a Standards Organization, which will be selected in the fall. At the same time, the private sector has been busy organizing its communities and forming ISAOs.
DHS is developing a system for the automated sharing of cyber threat indicators with the private sector and government. The design of this system incorporates privacy and civil liberties protections. DHS is already using the system to send out indicators, and this fall it will begin to receive information. Interested companies can work with the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) to prepare their networks for the automated sharing of cyber threat indicators.
Through the Cyber Information Sharing and Collaboration Program (CISCP), DHS has built a trusted environment for sharing cyber threat information with the private sector through formalized Cooperative Research and Development Agreements. As of July 2015, there are 125 of these agreements in place and DHS has already shared over 28,000 indicators with these partners since the program’s inception. An additional 156 Agreements are currently in negotiation which will further expand DHS’ communications reach.
The National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), along with other federal cyber centers and sector specific agencies, are leveraging FBI's Cyber Guardian system to improve the process of managing cyber threat reports and notifying companies that have been the target of malicious cyber activity. Through this effort, directed by E.O. 13636, the cyber centers have logged over 10,000 cyber threat reports to date and facilitated over 2,000 notifications so far this year.

OMB is leading a Federal cyber workforce effort to define the current gaps of cybersecurity talent throughout the government and outline current Special Hiring Authorities that can be used to bring in additional cybersecurity professionals; develop guidance related to these authorities; and promulgate tools and best practices to improve cybersecurity hiring.
On May 29, 2015, the President signed the HERO Act into law. This Act provides veterans access to DHS’ online cybersecurity workforce training program and an opportunity to continue serving the nation in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigation's fight against cybercrime. DHS has also expanded access to this training program for employees of state, local, tribal, and territorial governments.
Developed new policies and capabilities to identify, defend against, and counter malicious cyber actors

Increased situational awareness within the government – In February, the President directed the formation of the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC). The CTIIC will serve as the national cyber threat intelligence center to “connect the dots” within government regarding malicious foreign cyber threats to the nation so that relevant departments and agencies are aware of these threats in as close to real time as possible.
Strengthened our national defense - In April, the Secretary of Defense released the new Department of Defense Cyber Strategy to guide the development of the U.S. military’s cyber forces and strengthen the United States’ cyber deterrence posture. The Strategy, which is now being implemented, focuses on building the capabilities necessary to defend the nation from cyber-attacks of significant consequence, defend DoD networks, data, and systems; and provide cyber support to military operations and plans.
Developed a new tool for responding to cyber threats – In April, the President issued Executive Order 13694, which authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of State, to impose financial sanctions on individuals and entities whose malicious cyber-enabled activities have contributed to a significant threat to the national security, foreign policy, or economic health or financial stability of the United States. In establishing this new policy, the Administration is creating a means of imposing economic costs against not just those that conduct cyber attacks, but those responsible for supporting, enabling, or ordering such attacks.
Enforced the law - Over the last year, the Department of Justice and authorities around the world have collaborated on precedent-setting operations to take down criminal marketplaces on the dark web, to free hundreds of thousands of computers from criminals’ control in the takedown of the Gameover Zeus botnet, and to bring a dozen high-level cybercriminals to the United States to face justice here. The Department is sharing best practices from its experience battling cybercrime with the private sector, available at cybercrime.gov.
Propose new cybercrime enforcement legislation – In January, the President sent to Congress a new cybersecurity legislative proposal that included modernization of law enforcement tools to fight cybercrime. The Administration’s proposal contains provisions that would increase the consequences for breaking the law and committing crimes online, including by reaffirming important components of 2011 proposals to update the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) so that it applies to cybercrimes.

Have you seen Trump's latest comments?

NEW YORK (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump said Saturday that "only 'stupid' people or fools" would dismiss closer ties with Russia, and he seemed unswayed after his classified briefing on an intelligence report that accused Moscow of meddling on his behalf in the election that catapulted him to power.

"Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing," Trump said in a series of tweets.

Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

I really do think Trump has a crush on Putin...

As always, when you can't answer, you lie or try to derail...
There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

The US army had a million men in uniform. But in Iraq they hired Blackwater
What's so shocking about letting a private firm handle it?
As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..

Youre confused. The private company is just as good if not better at looking at the server, but the server can't tell you who did it. That's only discoverable by tracing the internet traffic, which the NSA did.

There was no need to repeat what a private company already did. The question of who did it, is burried in NSA intercepts. And the NSA concluded it was the russians.
There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

The US army had a million men in uniform. But in Iraq they hired Blackwater
What's so shocking about letting a private firm handle it?

You're comparing Ninja security forces to Counter Cyber analysis? Go find an easier thread.

ONLY the Intel agencies have regular access to Russian state communications. They do that with literally $Trills of hardware and human assets. What they know about Russian GOVT hacking is far superior to ANY private company.... And they don't get paid by the DNC...
The US army had a million men in uniform. But in Iraq they hired Blackwater
What's so shocking about letting a private firm handle it?

You're comparing Ninja security forces to Counter Cyber analysis? Go find an easier thread.

Why would the army with 1,000,000 men in uniform, contract to a private contract for Iraqi security? The army has access to weapons the private sector can only dream of, but they turned to a private firm

Why does that surprise you? Why can't you accept when it comes to some things, the private sector does it better. And there is no need for the government to repeat what was already investigated.
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.

There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

You pay for it - YOU CONTROL what goes public or to the FBI and what the conclusions are.

As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..

Come on man, be honest. The best computer hackers, programmers, and computer forensic specialist work for the private sector and not the U.S. government. They make more money, have more freedom, and don't have to worry about being fired just because of what political party the next President is. The U.S. government only gets some of those people if they break the law and are given an ultimatum to either work for the government or go to jail.
The US army had a million men in uniform. But in Iraq they hired Blackwater
What's so shocking about letting a private firm handle it?

You're comparing Ninja security forces to Counter Cyber analysis? Go find an easier thread.

Why would the army with 1,000,000 men in uniform, contract to a private contract for Iraqi security? The army has access to weapons the private sector can only dream of, but they turned to a private firm

Why does that surprise you? Why can't you accept when it comes to some things, the private sector does it better. And there is no need for the government to repeat what was already investigated.

The contracted them so that the Blackwater people could do things that the U.S. government couldn't do, and when they got caught by other countries, the U.S. government couldn't be blamed.
The US army had a million men in uniform. But in Iraq they hired Blackwater
What's so shocking about letting a private firm handle it?

You're comparing Ninja security forces to Counter Cyber analysis? Go find an easier thread.

Why would the army with 1,000,000 men in uniform, contract to a private contract for Iraqi security? The army has access to weapons the private sector can only dream of, but they turned to a private firm

Why does that surprise you? Why can't you accept when it comes to some things, the private sector does it better. And there is no need for the government to repeat what was already investigated.

I just told you why. Because private companies don't have $Trill of assets in spy satellites, massive computing facilities, human spys, and ACCESS to Foreign Intelligence. You do need an easier thread.

Are we clear about the news that "17 Intel Agencies" didn't draft and acknowledge that POS PR memo that was called an "Intel Report" ????????????????

If not -- go catch up on the news... NY Times FINALLY retracts lie about 17 intelligence agencies concurring on Russian hacking
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.

There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

You pay for it - YOU CONTROL what goes public or to the FBI and what the conclusions are.

As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..

Come on man, be honest. The best computer hackers, programmers, and computer forensic specialist work for the private sector and not the U.S. government. They make more money, have more freedom, and don't have to worry about being fired just because of what political party the next President is. The U.S. government only gets some of those people if they break the law and are given an ultimatum to either work for the government or go to jail.

That's NOT true when it comes to Foreign Counter Espionage and Cyber. THE ONLY sector of the Fed govt that had exceptional competence and PERFORMANCE is the US Intel Agencies.

And NOW -- the politicians and the stupid public has unleashed those awesome capabilities on the American public because of 9/11. All the respect I HAD for these agencies (particularly NSA) is GREATLY diminished since we let THEM have the lead role in DOMESTIC surveillance. Trust me. You do NOT want the most awesome spy agency in the world to be given that charter..
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.

There are at least SIX counter cyber response teams in the Fed Govt.. All capable of internal investigations. NONE of them ever SAW or TOUCHED the evidence. Left it to the VICTIM DNC to pay for and control the report from CrowdStrike..

You pay for it - YOU CONTROL what goes public or to the FBI and what the conclusions are.

As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..

Come on man, be honest. The best computer hackers, programmers, and computer forensic specialist work for the private sector and not the U.S. government. They make more money, have more freedom, and don't have to worry about being fired just because of what political party the next President is. The U.S. government only gets some of those people if they break the law and are given an ultimatum to either work for the government or go to jail.

That's NOT true when it comes to Foreign Counter Espionage and Cyber. THE ONLY sector of the Fed govt that had exceptional competence and PERFORMANCE is the US Intel Agencies.

And NOW -- the politicians and the stupid public has unleashed those awesome capabilities on the American public because of 9/11. All the respect I HAD for these agencies (particularly NSA) is GREATLY diminished since we let THEM have the lead role in DOMESTIC surveillance. Trust me. You do NOT want the most awesome spy agency in the world to be given that charter..

"The audit cited the agency's relatively low salaries and extensive background checks as roadblocks. One agency official told auditors that "the FBI loses a significant number of people" to its drug policies, namely that applicants must not have used marijuana in the previous three years and other illegal drugs in the past."

How the government tries to recruit hackers on their own turf

Fact is, they don't get the best. Sometimes the best is a pot smoking punk geek that lives in his parents basement, and he can't pass a drug test and he can make more money working for a private company.
That's NOT true when it comes to Foreign Counter Espionage and Cyber. THE ONLY sector of the Fed govt that had exceptional competence and PERFORMANCE is the US Intel Agencies..

You speak with forked tongue. FIrst you say the 17 intelligence agencies don't know what they're dong, because they read and agreed with the classified report put out by the FBI, CIA, NSA and DNI.

Now you claim they have better computer forensics than the private sector. Then how come the greatest forensic question in our time, recovering the missing 18 minutes from the nixon tapes, was contracted out to private firms.
That's NOT true when it comes to Foreign Counter Espionage and Cyber. THE ONLY sector of the Fed govt that had exceptional competence and PERFORMANCE is the US Intel Agencies..

You speak with forked tongue. FIrst you say the 17 intelligence agencies don't know what they're dong, because they read and agreed with the classified report put out by the FBI, CIA, NSA and DNI.

Now you claim they have better computer forensics than the private sector. Then how come the greatest forensic question in our time, recovering the missing 18 minutes from the nixon tapes, was contracted out to private firms.

Already explained that also. You're not following along here. That POS Public Relations document was NEVER "a classified Intel Report". It was written for POLITICAL expediency. Any Prez receiving an "Intel Report" as phony as THAT ONE -- should FIRE all the political appointees that promoted it.. It's an EMBARRASSMENT to all the folks who work DILLIGENTLY and for America in those Agencies..

AND -- if you notice -- All the HEADS of those FOUR agencies ARE slowly but surely getting getting fired and mauled -- aren't they?

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