I need an answer to this question..

Not a single one claims to have evidence.

It's made up to sound dispositve to morons.

Raise your paw.

Actually not a single one says they can reveal the classified evidence.
DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago. You aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?

You can ask, but all you will get from the dems is hot air talking points.

Oklahoma senator James Lankford, a member of the intelligence committee, said on CNN Thursday that there's no doubt that Russia was behind the hacking of Democratic campaign officials.

"You heard DNI Clapper today say in those hearings that there is no doubt that Russia was behind the election interference.

"Do you have any doubt that Russia perpetrated these attacks?"

"No," Lankford replied, "I don't have any doubt that Russia's been engaged in trying to interfere with our elections

Lankford was then asked if he could "describe in general terms" the evidence that proved senior Russian leaders were behind the email hacking. "No, I can't," Lankford replied, saying that would reveal classified information.
Your point?
I'm sorry but your saying the opposite of 17 intelligence agencies doesn't convince me. You wanting to continue to love Assange and Wikileaks does not change the fact that Russia tried to influence a US election and were, most likely, effective.

Clinton was the victim...this time. It could have just as easily been Bernie whose emails were released. I guarantee you it would have left him just as sullied as it left Clinton and if the RNC was hacked...I can just imagine what Vlad has on the GOP and the Gropenfuhrer especially.

Uh, oh.....

“The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump,” the AP stated, citing four specific reports from as early as April that made the assertion. “That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies.”

“Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment,” the statement concludes."
Associated Press Corrects Big Falsehood In Four Trump-Russia Reports

Agencies headed by Obama political appointees.

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!
Also all the GOPers on congressional intelligence committees. You dupes are technically insane....

And not just the AP:

TheNYT added a paragraph to the end that reflects either an astoundingly poor ability to communicate in English, or a deliberate effort to obscure the error and resulting correction.

It reads:

“A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”

Fixed: An Absurdly Written NYT Correction To A Trump-Russia Story

I'd say you were made to look like a fool......

...but it's not just 'look like.'
But they all agree on it DUHHH....
Congressional Republicans Break with Trump on Russia Hacking, Julian Assange

Not a single one claims to have evidence.

It's made up to sound dispositve to morons.

Raise your paw.
All the evidence is classified. So you believe all those in a position to know are lying, but your bought off HS grad pundit heroes and the big orange con man are telling the truth? Gotcha. IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!! Just like the Justice system's Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Lynch/Bill/etc etc conspiracees!!!!
DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.
DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.
Huh? You spun off into a ditch there junior. Try to focus. Oh, and I not "the right wing". I'm not the representative of everything every righty has ever said. The point is you can't argue my point.
Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?

You can ask, but all you will get from the dems is hot air talking points.

The server won't tell you either who got it, or what they took. For that you need to look at the data traffic, which is what the NSA has, and what pointed them to the russians.

Would you rather have the body, or the security footage of everybody coming and going to the murder scene?
Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.
Huh? You spun off into a ditch there junior. Try to focus. Oh, and I not "the right wing". I'm not the representative of everything every righty has ever said. The point is you can't argue my point.

You want evidence. You say DC leaks everything, but you don't accept the evidence that leaks out anonymously.

Pay attention to your own talking points.
Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.
Huh? You spun off into a ditch there junior. Try to focus. Oh, and I not "the right wing". I'm not the representative of everything every righty has ever said. The point is you can't argue my point.

You want evidence. You say DC leaks everything, but you don't accept the evidence that leaks out anonymously.

Pay attention to your own talking points.
When did I say that? You can't even read like a fifth grader. Dumb asshole. Maybe toy with your anus less and think about the big words more.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead they hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?

I'm happy to see that the moderators here are politically neutral.

There's no requirement for them to politically neutral, just fair when performing mod duties. Mods represent all sides of the political spectrum.

You want evidence. You say DC leaks everything, but you don't accept the evidence that leaks out anonymously.

Pay attention to your own talking points.
When did I say that? You can't even read like a fifth grader. Dumb asshole. Maybe toy with your anus less and think about the big words more.

You said it every time you asked for evidence.
None....because democrats know that it had nothing to do with the Russians...

Who exactly has taken that server as evidence and EXAMINED it?
No one.....strange, no?

Pages and pages of threads on this and NO ONE can help me here?? Why is no one ASKING these questions?

It's been asked a thousand times, the answer is simple, the DNC refused to allow anyone but Crowdstrike to do anything with it. Of course the NSA probably had recording of the traffic.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.
Huh? You spun off into a ditch there junior. Try to focus. Oh, and I not "the right wing". I'm not the representative of everything every righty has ever said. The point is you can't argue my point.

You want evidence. You say DC leaks everything, but you don't accept the evidence that leaks out anonymously.

Pay attention to your own talking points.
When did I say that? You can't even read like a fifth grader. Dumb asshole. Maybe toy with your anus less and think about the big words more.
Maybe if you got off Fox you'd get some news, vulgar dupe.
“Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment,” the statement concludes."
Associated Press Corrects Big Falsehood In Four Trump-Russia Reports

Agencies headed by Obama political appointees.

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!

Have you ever been on a jury? The 17 agencies are like the 12 jurors. They all agreed on the conclusions.

Doesn't work like a jury. NONE of them had access to the CENTRAL EVIDENCE of a hacking. If you didn't DO the work -- you don't get to "vote"...

And it was NOT an "Intel Report". It was a Public Relations memo... NOTHING in there was new or original intel from ANY agency..
You want evidence. You say DC leaks everything, but you don't accept the evidence that leaks out anonymously.

Pay attention to your own talking points.
When did I say that? You can't even read like a fifth grader. Dumb asshole. Maybe toy with your anus less and think about the big words more.

You said it every time you asked for evidence.
Huh? I said evidence would be leaked. Jesus Christ.
Doesn't work like a jury. NONE of them had access to the CENTRAL EVIDENCE of a hacking. If you didn't DO the work -- you don't get to "vote"....

They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?

The FBI never requested access to DNC servers. Instead, they used a private cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike to examine them.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

“The DNC had several meetings with representatives of the FBI’s Cyber Division and its Washington (DC) Field Office, the Department of Justice’s National Security Division, and U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and it responded to a variety of requests for cooperation, but the FBI never requested access to the DNC’s computer servers,”Eric Walker, the DNC’s deputy communications director, told BuzzFeed News in an email.

The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers

Report: FBI had private company examine DNC's hacked servers

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .
Doesn't work like a jury. NONE of them had access to the CENTRAL EVIDENCE of a hacking. If you didn't DO the work -- you don't get to "vote"....

They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.

Nope.. Read the news. Was NOT a joint effort or endorsed by whatever 17 intel agencies you think exists.

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