I need an answer to this question..

I didn't vote for Trump. This is not a game. The one that is dishonest here is you. I don't understand how a group of normally intelligent people that have knowledge having read history how Red Scare tactics work and recognize scare tactics when war hawks on the other "team" can let this go down. I really don't. You should have seen this one from the get go.
I can't size you up because you limit who can see your history. Hiding something?

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger." -- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

I ask again. Is this you:Why are you Russian?
Can I call them fascists when they act fascistly?

As long as you are willing to drink from the same cup.

Sealy, there have been two times in the last 3 years that the people had the opportunity not to be divided. You are standing on the brink of the third. The people have not been in control of their government for a very long time. You have to choose which is more important party politics or policies that reflect the needs of the people. Right now the tail is wagging the dog.

I accepted GW bush and trump. Did the right accept Obama? Nope. Here's hoping trump is more honest than I believe.

The right did accepted Barry as president. There was no rioting, violence or anything of that kind.

What right did not accepted are his Marxist anti-American policies.
This entire Russian case of the vapors is nothing but an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of president elect Trump. That's why Obama sat in the White House with his thumb up his ass for months and didn't do anything about it until AFTER Trump won, and has yet to do squat about China hacking us even worse.

Democrats are lying dishonest scum that's all you really need to know.
Was he president elect in May, when they first identified the hackers? No.

Who identified hackers? What exactly was hacked in May?
They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.

Nope.. Read the news. Was NOT a joint effort or endorsed by whatever 17 intel agencies you think exists.

It was not a joint effort, but it was endorsed by all 17 agencies. The DNI collected the assessments of all 17 agencies and presented it to congress. Think of the 17 agencies as peer review.

BS you're assuming silence is some form of approval. Only 3 agencies compiled the raw data and only 2 of the 3 agreed on the confidence level.

As far as RUSSIAN GOVT HACKING --- NO "private company" is as good as the internal resources of those 6 or so Counter Cyber Fed groups..

Youre confused. The private company is just as good if not better at looking at the server, but the server can't tell you who did it. That's only discoverable by tracing the internet traffic, which the NSA did.

There was no need to repeat what a private company already did. The question of who did it, is burried in NSA intercepts. And the NSA concluded it was the russians.

NSA had the lowest level of confidence of the 3.

Since there are so many "unanswered questions" for the fans of Putin's Puppet, I guess an independent investigation into the matter is called for, yes? Why is the Congressional GOP leadership opposed to an independent investigation into the matter?

the question remains, if the operatives doing the hacking were not Russian operatives, then who did it?

RNC operatives? Trump operatives?

Who is DCLeaks.com? Who is the owner and who have they gone after and for what gain? It was created in June 2016 to get the DNC/Podesta leaks, to wikileaks.

Who is the mutual friend of Julian Assange and the Republican/Trump operative Roger Stone that could inform Stone on the wikileaks on Podesta two months before wikileaks, leaked them?

Definitely many unanswered questions.

Congress should have an independent investigation!

There is no relationship between Stone and Assange. Stone hedged a bet and lost his ass. You know this. Assange was not associated with the Republicans or Trump.

DC Leaks is a scam site with a number that has been associated with other scam sites since at least 2008 and nobody paid attention to DC Leaks. Assange has nothing to do with that site.
Wow, are you filled with disinformation!

Roger Stone stated, in his own words that he had information about the wikileaks, because a friend of his was dealing with Assange on them....he stated he did not work with Assange himself, but had this mutual friend, that did.... OH BUT YOU KNOW THAT, don't you?

Roger Stone IS connected to Trump silly, Roger Stone was Trump's first Campaign advisors, he was replaced by Paul Manafort.....an associate of Stone's in the firm: Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly created in the late 1980's.

Inform yourself!

Roger Stone is not connected to Assange. Inform yourself. That was blown out of the water a long time ago.
AS Stone STATED, he and Assange have a mutual friend, and this friend is who he has gotten his wikileaks information from.

I NEVER SAID Stone and Assange had met, ONLY YOU are spouting such nonsense.

Having mutual friend doesn't mean they're directly connected.

Are you connected to me if we have a mutual friend, lets say Ron Jeremy?
We don't know that...but an independent investigation into the matter should help resolve these unanswered questions don't you think? Ya'll were willing to have, how many was it, 12 independent investigations into Benghazi, but not one into a foreign power trying to influence our elections?

I'm a liberal. Shove that Ya'll.

You do know it.

My most sincere apologies. I take back that "ya'll". How about "We've had something like a dozen independent investigations into Benghazi...how about at least one into Russia trying to influence our national elections?"


Much. They did not influence our elections.

The company was registered in Australia. The server was in Malaysia. The tech number has been around since 2008 and has been known to be used for scam sites. You are being led around in circles.
Again. Russia did not "influence" anything.

Really? If the hacking by the Russians and the subsequent Wikileaks did not influence the election in any way, why did the Trump team do nothing but bring up the Wikileaks during the months of September and October?
About a thousand mentions of wikileaks by trump in all of his rallies and tweets, trump was relentless!

Yep, he mentioned it many times. He would be stupid if he hasn't.

Just as Hillary used leftist media to her advantage every time she had a chance.
There is no relationship between Stone and Assange. Stone hedged a bet and lost his ass. You know this. Assange was not associated with the Republicans or Trump.

DC Leaks is a scam site with a number that has been associated with other scam sites since at least 2008 and nobody paid attention to DC Leaks. Assange has nothing to do with that site.

We don't know that...but an independent investigation into the matter should help resolve these unanswered questions don't you think? Ya'll were willing to have, how many was it, 12 independent investigations into Benghazi, but not one into a foreign power trying to influence our elections?

I'm a liberal. Shove that Ya'll.

You do know it.

My most sincere apologies. I take back that "ya'll". How about "We've had something like a dozen independent investigations into Benghazi...how about at least one into Russia trying to influence our national elections?"


Much. They did not influence our elections.

The company was registered in Australia. The server was in Malaysia. The tech number has been around since 2008 and has been known to be used for scam sites. You are being led around in circles.
Again. Russia did not "influence" anything.

And even if the Wikileaks didn't influence the election (and you certainly don't know that they didn't), the mere fact that Russia was trying to influence a national US election should be a concern to every American.

I'm sure you were concern about it in previous elections, like 2012 or 2008. Wait... never mind.
I'm a liberal. Shove that Ya'll.

You do know it.

My most sincere apologies. I take back that "ya'll". How about "We've had something like a dozen independent investigations into Benghazi...how about at least one into Russia trying to influence our national elections?"


Much. They did not influence our elections.

The company was registered in Australia. The server was in Malaysia. The tech number has been around since 2008 and has been known to be used for scam sites. You are being led around in circles.
Again. Russia did not "influence" anything.

Really? If the hacking by the Russians and the subsequent Wikileaks did not influence the election in any way, why did the Trump team do nothing but bring up the Wikileaks during the months of September and October?
About a thousand mentions of wikileaks by trump in all of his rallies and tweets, trump was relentless!

Anytime a Trump surrogate was asked about some new revelation about Trump, they said "yeah, but what about the Wikileaks"...

The shit found on Wikileaks was much better than anything lefties used against Trump.
My most sincere apologies. I take back that "ya'll". How about "We've had something like a dozen independent investigations into Benghazi...how about at least one into Russia trying to influence our national elections?"


Much. They did not influence our elections.

The company was registered in Australia. The server was in Malaysia. The tech number has been around since 2008 and has been known to be used for scam sites. You are being led around in circles.
Again. Russia did not "influence" anything.

Really? If the hacking by the Russians and the subsequent Wikileaks did not influence the election in any way, why did the Trump team do nothing but bring up the Wikileaks during the months of September and October?
About a thousand mentions of wikileaks by trump in all of his rallies and tweets, trump was relentless!

Anytime a Trump surrogate was asked about some new revelation about Trump, they said "yeah, but what about the Wikileaks"...

The shit found on Wikileaks was much better than anything lefties used against Trump.

So you are saying it was so good it could influence how people voted in an election? Thanks for confirming that.
Except Russia didn't.

If you're starting from a position of fantasy, it's kind of hard to have a discussion with you. Even the petulant elect is now admitting that Russia tried to influence the election.

Well, stop starting from a position of fantasy.

I'm not, you are. The Russian government tried to influence our election to get Donald Trump elected. You think their efforts did not, I think they did. The efforts themselves are not in question by anyone but you it would seem.

No. You are. The Russians did not try to influence our election. In fact, most people were aware of her policies before any of the Wikileaks dumps. So, rather than deal with the issues presented in the dumps you want to pretend it was big bad Russia "influencing" an election. Influencing which is completely and totally subjective used as a distraction. Then you don't have to pay attention to policies or past actions or make any changes. Now that is convenient. Is it not?

Uh, yes, they did. Even the the Mango Mussolini himself is admitting it. Russia hacked into the DNC and released only emails damaging to Clinton. Nothing from the Bernie camp and his piece of shit attack dog Weaver, nothing from the RNC, only Clinton. That was done to intentionally hurt Hillary Clinton and for no other reason.

First of all, Russians did not hacked the DNC.

Second, when DNC emails were released, they exposed DNC collusion with Clinton to rig the game against Sanders, who is by the way in this case person of interest as much Trump is.

Third, if Wikileaks could get info on Republicans, they would release it, just as DCleaks did it earlier.

Yes, all that was done to expose Clinton as most corrupted, two faced criminal and liar who ever run for a US president. I don't get how come you're not happy about it. :D
Which of the many Intel Agencies that are making claims about Russian hacking have EVER been granted access to the DNC servers in question?

I ASK THAT because the FBI NEVER got access to the DNC servers. Instead the DNC hire CrowdStrike. Which is almost EXCLUSIVELY funded by Google. The same Google who was on the WHouse guest login far more than any other commercial organization. And all of the analysis I've seen is largely based on THEIR opinions.

Did anyone ask the lying bastard DNI -- if they EVER got direct access to the DNC servers for forensics? If so WHEN? And was all the forensic data preserved?
So far we have CIA, FBI and NSA confirming Russian involvement

We have Trump, Breitbart and Hannity denying it

Doesn't much matter WHO is confirming what does it? Not if the confirmers never used the THOUSANDS of Counter Cyber experts that YOU pay for. And if the evidence NEVER was put under Top Secret clearance protocol.

Why do you think ANYONE has a leg to stand on in politics and government if NONE of their agencies were involved in investigating and securing the servers?
Like a police force, they came in after the crime and looked for evidence

The footprints led right back to the Russians

Where's the proof for that?

Are you asking leftist for a proof?

I had a lapse for a minute. Shame on me.
BS you're assuming silence is some form of approval. Only 3 agencies compiled the raw data and only 2 of the 3 agreed on the confidence level.


DHS did the assessment on hacking of state databases and voting tabulation systems.

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence

BS you're assuming silence is some form of approval. Only 3 agencies compiled the raw data and only 2 of the 3 agreed on the confidence level.


DHS did the assessment on hacking of state databases and voting tabulation systems.

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence

Thanks for proving my point, NSA only had a moderate level of confidence, the lowest of the 3.

The first person to scream Russians came out of Clinton's campaign. Boom. We're done. Everything else is simply to make sure the show goes on.

Say what? The first thing I can recall was Trump imploring the Russians to hack for emails.

Never happened.

What? Do you ascribe to the notion that it was one of those Hollywood Blvd. impersonators of famous people who implored Russia to find some of Hillary Clinton's emails?

“Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment,” the statement concludes."
Associated Press Corrects Big Falsehood In Four Trump-Russia Reports

Agencies headed by Obama political appointees.

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!

Have you ever been on a jury? The 17 agencies are like the 12 jurors. They all agreed on the conclusions.

12 jurors work with evidence presented to them.

Those 17 agencies are more like global warming scientists, who first agree on what they must prove, than they create computer model that generate the proof, than they proclaim that science has settled.
BS you're assuming silence is some form of approval. Only 3 agencies compiled the raw data and only 2 of the 3 agreed on the confidence level.


DHS did the assessment on hacking of state databases and voting tabulation systems.

We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.

We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment; NSA has moderate confidence

Thanks for proving my point, NSA only had a moderate level of confidence, the lowest of the 3.

Read it again, that was only in connection with the motivation being to hurt Hillary and help Trump.

The NSA had high confidence, that the russians did it, and, that Putin ordered it,
Much. They did not influence our elections.

The company was registered in Australia. The server was in Malaysia. The tech number has been around since 2008 and has been known to be used for scam sites. You are being led around in circles.
Again. Russia did not "influence" anything.

Really? If the hacking by the Russians and the subsequent Wikileaks did not influence the election in any way, why did the Trump team do nothing but bring up the Wikileaks during the months of September and October?
About a thousand mentions of wikileaks by trump in all of his rallies and tweets, trump was relentless!

Anytime a Trump surrogate was asked about some new revelation about Trump, they said "yeah, but what about the Wikileaks"...

The shit found on Wikileaks was much better than anything lefties used against Trump.

So you are saying it was so good it could influence how people voted in an election? Thanks for confirming that.

No, that's what you're saying.

What I said is that Wikileaks stuff was much better than anything lefties used against Trump.

What you just confirmed, and I stated few posts earlier, is that you're still talking out of your ass.
The first person to scream Russians came out of Clinton's campaign. Boom. We're done. Everything else is simply to make sure the show goes on.

Say what? The first thing I can recall was Trump imploring the Russians to hack for emails.

Never happened.

What? Do you ascribe to the notion that it was one of those Hollywood Blvd. impersonators of famous people who implored Russia to find some of Hillary Clinton's emails?

Why don't you post a video of what Trump actually said? How about a transcript?

No, you think everyone is an idiot to believe in what media wants you to believe.

As I said, it never happened.

At the time he said "Russia, I hope you could find missing emails", Clinton's server was already in FBI evidence room, so how Russians could possibly hack into it?

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