I need an answer to this question..

He didn't asked them to hack anything. He said "Russia, I hope you're able to find 30k emails that are missing."

You know what word "missing" means. By the way, at the time he said that, Clinton's server, that she claimed was never hacked, was already sealed as FBI evidence, so how Russians could possibly hack into it?

And Bathsheeba didnt ask to hurt anyone when she asked "Bring me the head of John the baptist."

That was Salome and she requested it at her mother Herodias' behest.

Bathsheba lived in the time of King David, who was a Jewish fellow. Herod Antipas (son of Herod the Great) and Salome were both Romans, and most certainly not Jewish Romans, and John the Baptist are characters who lived some thousand or so years later.

So, Bathsheba did not, in fact, hurt anyone by asking for John's head because she never asked for John the Baptist's head. I don't think that's the connotation you had in mind when you wrote that sentence. Am I mistaken?
Last edited:
Doesn't work like a jury. NONE of them had access to the CENTRAL EVIDENCE of a hacking. If you didn't DO the work -- you don't get to "vote"....

They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.

"And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies."

Watch me bowl a strike here:

“The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump,” the AP stated, citing four specific reports from as early as April that made the assertion. “That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies.”

“Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment,” the statement concludes."
Associated Press Corrects Big Falsehood In Four Trump-Russia Reports

Agencies headed by Obama political appointees.

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!

And not just the AP:

TheNYT added a paragraph to the end that reflects either an astoundingly poor ability to communicate in English, or a deliberate effort to obscure the error and resulting correction.

It reads:

“A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”
Fixed: An Absurdly Written NYT Correction To A Trump-Russia Story
You said it every time you asked for evidence.
Huh? I said evidence would be leaked. Jesus Christ.

And every time that anonymous leaked evidence is posted, you cry it's not evidence.
You are thick as a goddamn brick. An anonymous source isn't evidence, only that maybe someone said something. If EVIDENCE existed it would have been out there long ago. Your problem is obvious.
No, the evidence would not be out there

Criminal evidence is not released until an indictment is released. There is still much to be done, key players have yet to be interviewed

There is no evidence.

No agency ever claimed that there was.

They used vague suggestions to fool imbeciles.
Raise your paw.
If you're starting from a position of fantasy, it's kind of hard to have a discussion with you. Even the petulant elect is now admitting that Russia tried to influence the election.

Well, stop starting from a position of fantasy.

I'm not, you are. The Russian government tried to influence our election to get Donald Trump elected. You think their efforts did not, I think they did. The efforts themselves are not in question by anyone but you it would seem.

No. You are. The Russians did not try to influence our election. In fact, most people were aware of her policies before any of the Wikileaks dumps. So, rather than deal with the issues presented in the dumps you want to pretend it was big bad Russia "influencing" an election. Influencing which is completely and totally subjective used as a distraction. Then you don't have to pay attention to policies or past actions or make any changes. Now that is convenient. Is it not?

Uh, yes, they did. Even the the Mango Mussolini himself is admitting it. Russia hacked into the DNC and released only emails damaging to Clinton. Nothing from the Bernie camp and his piece of shit attack dog Weaver, nothing from the RNC, only Clinton. That was done to intentionally hurt Hillary Clinton and for no other reason.

First of all, Russians did not hacked the DNC.

Second, when DNC emails were released, they exposed DNC collusion with Clinton to rig the game against Sanders, who is by the way in this case person of interest as much Trump is.

Third, if Wikileaks could get info on Republicans, they would release it, just as DCleaks did it earlier.

Yes, all that was done to expose Clinton as most corrupted, two faced criminal and liar who ever run for a US president. I don't get how come you're not happy about it. :D

There is an investigation going on. What did Clinton do again???
Every time? Please make a list and show me. Most times when I say I know something I provide proof of it.

Has that professor you said you contacted about hacking the voting machines ever answered to you?

Nope he never did... I didn't expect him to given how busy he probably is, but I gave it a shot.

He wasn't that busy to talk bullshit when he was seeking attention. I'm not buying the "busy" excuse.

Just to be clear, you contacted him to disprove what I was saying. Since he never replied, that means that he was full of shit or more likely that I was right and telling the truth. Either way works for me.

Are you fucking serious or seriously delusional? Let's see... CNN writes him an email asking him to do an interview... or some random guy from a message board writes him an email. Which is going to get his attention more? You also realize the guy is a fucking professor too right?

A non-answer doesn't make you correct. That's a logical fallacy... but something like a logical fallacy is too far over your head.

Basically you're saying... "Americano saw my bullshit and got me cornered, the only way I could get out of it if I ask the "expert". I knew he'll never answer, but I'll write to him anyways, so I can keep my bullshit going".

Got it.

No...I quoted and article citing an expert and you said he was full of shit. I could answer the details of how they got their findings and the only way to get them was straight from the source. So I found his email and emailed him. I didn't expect him to answer, why would he? Would you expect a highly regarded professor at a major university that just had a paper published about a high controversial event? You can try to spin it whatever way you would like, but just because some guy that is extremely busy doesn't answer an email from a complete stranger on the internet doesn't make your position correct. In fact the way you are acting now just proves two things, that you were questioning your position in the first place because of how relieved you are now about it that you are adamant and declaring a no answer as a win, and that you are a conceited douchebag.
Politicalchic has entered the thread it's basically ruined. Now it will be filled with walls of cut and pasted text and rightwing denials. Someone just takes the thread out back and put it out of its misery.
The FBI has instead relied on computer forensics from a third-party tech security company, CrowdStrike, which first determined in May of last year that the DNC’s servers had been infiltrated by Russia-linked hackers, the U.S. intelligence official told BuzzFeed News.

CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

The 2nd link is an outright lie. The DNC paid CrowdStrike's bill.. NOT the FBI.. .

The government contracts out billions of dollars of work to the private sector, who can posses better resources for some investigations.

This is your fall-back position now that your first one was shredded???

Let's shred this one, too.
1. Sooo....Crowdstrike seems to be a plausible source because the head of this private company is fiercely anti-Putin. Lends credence to Bill’s wife’s claim that Putin wanted Trump....
But Hillary is well-known to be a congenital liar.

2. "...CrowdStrike’s ... CTO and co-founder, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, a think tank with openly anti-Russian sentiments...." What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google | Zero Hedge

3. But wait.....who funds the Atlantic Council? "CrowdStrike, the third-party company relied upon by the FBI to make its assessment about alleged Russian hacking into the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was financed to the tune of $100 million from a funding drive last year led by Google Capital.

[Left-leaning] Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party." DNC 'Russian Hacking' Conclusion Comes from Google-Linked Firm

CrowdStrike...hired by Hillary...funded by Leftist funders.....

4. Now...that owner of CrowdStrike...

"Alperovitch is a nonresident senior fellow of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council. The Council takes a hawkish approach toward Russia and has released numerous reports and briefs about Russian aggression.

The Council is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc, the U.S. State Department, and NATO ACT.

Another Council funder is the Ploughshares Fund, which in turn has received financing from billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations." DNC 'Russian Hacking' Conclusion Comes from Google-Linked Firm

5.Plowshares Fund is another Leftist cash cow:

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A group the White House recently identified as a key surrogate in selling the Iran nuclear deal gave National Public Radio $100,000 last year to help it report on the pact and related issues, according to the group’s annual report. It also funded reporters and partnerships with other news outlets.

The Ploughshares Fund’s mission is to “build a safe, secure world by developing and investing in initiatives to reduce and ultimately eliminate the world’s nuclear stockpiles,” one that dovetails with President Barack Obama’s arms control efforts. But its behind-the-scenes role advocating for the Iran agreement got more attention this month after a candid profile of Ben Rhodes, one of the president’s top foreign policy aides."
Group that helped sell Iran nuke deal also funded media

Now...if Obama's and Plowshare's mission is to "ultimately eliminate the world’s nuclear stockpiles,”.....explain the deal that makes certain that terrorist state Iran gets nukes.

P.T.Barnum must have had Democrat voters in mind when he said "There's a sucker born every minute"

So...every one of the players mentioned...
The Atlantic Council


George Soros

Every one is anti-Trump
They had access to the classified version of the report. And they agreed with its unclassified conclusions. All 17 agencies.

Nope.. Read the news. Was NOT a joint effort or endorsed by whatever 17 intel agencies you think exists.

It was not a joint effort, but it was endorsed by all 17 agencies. The DNI collected the assessments of all 17 agencies and presented it to congress. Think of the 17 agencies as peer review.

No it wasn't.

'Endorsed,' sans any evidence, by those agencies headed by Obama appointees.
Politicalchic has entered the thread it's basically ruined. Now it will be filled with walls of cut and pasted text and rightwing denials. Someone just takes the thread out back and put it out of its misery.

Translation: 'Uh, oh....I'm sunk."
Politicalchic has entered the thread it's basically ruined. Now it will be filled with walls of cut and pasted text and rightwing denials. Someone just takes the thread out back and put it out of its misery.
LOL, talk about denial. What's YOUR evidence the leaks of democrat corruption altered events?
Also all the GOPers on congressional intelligence committees. You dupes are technically insane....

And not just the AP:

TheNYT added a paragraph to the end that reflects either an astoundingly poor ability to communicate in English, or a deliberate effort to obscure the error and resulting correction.

It reads:

“A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”

Fixed: An Absurdly Written NYT Correction To A Trump-Russia Story

I'd say you were made to look like a fool......

...but it's not just 'look like.'
But they all agree on it DUHHH....
Congressional Republicans Break with Trump on Russia Hacking, Julian Assange

Not a single one claims to have evidence.

It's made up to sound dispositve to morons.

Raise your paw.
All the evidence is classified. So you believe all those in a position to know are lying, but your bought off HS grad pundit heroes and the big orange con man are telling the truth? Gotcha. IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!! Just like the Justice system's Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Lynch/Bill/etc etc conspiracees!!!!

"So you believe all those in a position to know are lying,"

Haven't you yet learned that I am never wrong????

Aside from an astoundingly poor record of prognostication, what is laughingly called the 'intelligence community' suffers from the result of Leftists ruling the schools and the media for decades.

Just two dispositive examples:
a. Felonious leaks to the Leftist Washington Compost
b. Advancing what they know to be a slander and a lie: the Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis

The following from the former CIA Moscow Station head...

1. "The U.S. intelligence community is in the midst of a severe crisis. It has been used, or perhaps allowed itself to be used, as a tool of political destruction,...

2. We are seeing the widespread abuse of intelligence by an incumbent administration to target political opposition. Long a technique in the developing world — a tactic I often witnessed as a CIA station chief working abroad — the Third World has come to roost in the United States.

3. ...politicization is widely accepted throughout the intelligence community as the greatest hazard,....History is littered with intel failures; one need only look to the invasion of Iraq to see how politicization can lead to costly failure ...

4. The twin serpents of politicization and political correctness — a Soviet term, by the way — walk hand in hand throughout the intelligence community, as well as every other government agency. The PC mindset that now dominates every college campus is also positioned firmly throughout our government — particularly within the intelligence community, which saw its greatest personnel influx ever in the post-9/11 environment. Today’s intelligence community, ... reached professional maturity primarily under the Obama administration, immersed in a PC environment.

5. ....all diversity is embraced — except diversity of thought. Federal workers have been partisan for years, but combined with the rigid Obama PC mindset, it has created a Frankenstein of politicization that has never been seen before.

6. Watching Evelyn Farkas admit on TV that the Obama administration wanted the intelligence community to “get as much information as you can” before Donald Trumptook office resembles some sort of social science experiment gone bad — and it frames the problems wrought by PC/political brainwashing.

7. Here a mid-level official, permanently dwelling in a bubble of progressive liberalism, acknowledged being complicit in the breaking of U.S. ethics rules and perhaps law — because, as she explained, that’s what they needed to do!

8. What is lacking, however, is any level of self-awareness, common sense or judgment. She is emblematic of the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

9. ...made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

10. The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Who's a silly girl? LOL.
And not just the AP:

TheNYT added a paragraph to the end that reflects either an astoundingly poor ability to communicate in English, or a deliberate effort to obscure the error and resulting correction.

It reads:

“A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”

Fixed: An Absurdly Written NYT Correction To A Trump-Russia Story

I'd say you were made to look like a fool......

...but it's not just 'look like.'
But they all agree on it DUHHH....
Congressional Republicans Break with Trump on Russia Hacking, Julian Assange

Not a single one claims to have evidence.

It's made up to sound dispositve to morons.

Raise your paw.
All the evidence is classified. So you believe all those in a position to know are lying, but your bought off HS grad pundit heroes and the big orange con man are telling the truth? Gotcha. IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!! Just like the Justice system's Hillary/Obama/Lerner/Lynch/Bill/etc etc conspiracees!!!!

"So you believe all those in a position to know are lying,"

Haven't you yet learned that I am never wrong????

Aside from an astoundingly poor record of prognostication, what is laughingly called the 'intelligence community' suffers from the result of Leftists ruling the schools and the media for decades.

Just two dispositive examples:
a. Felonious leaks to the Leftist Washington Compost
b. Advancing what they know to be a slander and a lie: the Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis

The following from the former CIA Moscow Station head...

1. "The U.S. intelligence community is in the midst of a severe crisis. It has been used, or perhaps allowed itself to be used, as a tool of political destruction,...

2. We are seeing the widespread abuse of intelligence by an incumbent administration to target political opposition. Long a technique in the developing world — a tactic I often witnessed as a CIA station chief working abroad — the Third World has come to roost in the United States.

3. ...politicization is widely accepted throughout the intelligence community as the greatest hazard,....History is littered with intel failures; one need only look to the invasion of Iraq to see how politicization can lead to costly failure ...

4. The twin serpents of politicization and political correctness — a Soviet term, by the way — walk hand in hand throughout the intelligence community, as well as every other government agency. The PC mindset that now dominates every college campus is also positioned firmly throughout our government — particularly within the intelligence community, which saw its greatest personnel influx ever in the post-9/11 environment. Today’s intelligence community, ... reached professional maturity primarily under the Obama administration, immersed in a PC environment.

5. ....all diversity is embraced — except diversity of thought. Federal workers have been partisan for years, but combined with the rigid Obama PC mindset, it has created a Frankenstein of politicization that has never been seen before.

6. Watching Evelyn Farkas admit on TV that the Obama administration wanted the intelligence community to “get as much information as you can” before Donald Trumptook office resembles some sort of social science experiment gone bad — and it frames the problems wrought by PC/political brainwashing.

7. Here a mid-level official, permanently dwelling in a bubble of progressive liberalism, acknowledged being complicit in the breaking of U.S. ethics rules and perhaps law — because, as she explained, that’s what they needed to do!

8. What is lacking, however, is any level of self-awareness, common sense or judgment. She is emblematic of the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

9. ...made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

10. The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster. ....CIA leadership famously stood up to the Nixon administration when asked to domestically spy on Justice during Watergate, for example.

It seems that today we lack the character and the competence to ensure that the intelligence community honors the trust of the American people."
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Who's a silly girl? LOL.

Can I get you to autograph your pic?

DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.

1. In December, unnamed intelligence sources told the Washington Post that Russia helped Donald Trump win the presidency

2. A week later, senior intelligence sources told NBC News that Putin personally was involved in helping Trump win.

3. In February current and former officials released the details of a phone call between incoming national security adviser Mike Flynn and Russian ambassador Kislyak. The call was monitored because the Russian ambassador was being spied on, and Flynn's name should have been concealed.. but was unmasked and then leaked.

4. Trump's private phone call with the President of Mexico was surveilled by intell and then leaked.

5. His call with the Australian Prime Minister, also surveilled and then leaked.

6. His call with Vladimir Putin, again, leaked by the intell community.

7. Their job is to advance American national security....none of the above fits that description.

On the contrary, it was entirely political.

8. In fact, in March, a half dozen current and former intell officials told the NYTimes how they'd decide to spread classified information about the Trump campaign as widely as possible throughout government, so as to insure that it would eventually leak.

9. These people's job is to safeguard that intelligence, to hold information secret, not use them for political reasons.....and with enormous power goes...or should go....enormous responsibility.

10. Their job is to keep us safe from foreign threats.....not to pick our political leaders.
Tucker Carlson

. "Investigation: Trump Admin Hit With at Least One National Security Leak a Day, Threatening U.S. Operations

These leaks, often of highly classified national security information, are meant to undermine President Donald Trump's administration and handicap his national security apparatus, according to sources inside and outside the White House familiar with the situation.

The leaks are becoming increasingly dangerous, according to both the report and separate sources, and are now endangering sensitive U.S. operations abroad."
Investigation Reveals the Unprecedented Number of Leaks Hitting Trump Compared to His Predecessors
DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.

1. In December, unnamed intelligence sources told the Washington Post that Russia helped Donald Trump win the presidency

2. A week later, senior intelligence sources told NBC News that Putin personally was involved in helping Trump win.

3. In February current and former officials released the details of a phone call between incoming national security adviser Mike Flynn and Russian ambassador Kislyak. The call was monitored because the Russian ambassador was being spied on, and Flynn's name should have been concealed.. but was unmasked and then leaked.

4. Trump's private phone call with the President of Mexico was surveilled by intell and then leaked.

5. His call with the Australian Prime Minister, also surveilled and then leaked.

6. His call with Vladimir Putin, again, leaked by the intell community.

7. Their job is to advance American national security....none of the above fits that description.

On the contrary, it was entirely political.

8. In fact, in March, a half dozen current and former intell officials told the NYTimes how they'd decide to spread classified information about the Trump campaign as widely as possible throughout government, so as to insure that it would eventually leak.

9. These people's job is to safeguard that intelligence, to hold information secret, not use them for political reasons.....and with enormous power goes...or should go....enormous responsibility.

10. Their job is to keep us safe from foreign threats.....not to pick our political leaders.
Tucker Carlson

. "Investigation: Trump Admin Hit With at Least One National Security Leak a Day, Threatening U.S. Operations

These leaks, often of highly classified national security information, are meant to undermine President Donald Trump's administration and handicap his national security apparatus, according to sources inside and outside the White House familiar with the situation.

The leaks are becoming increasingly dangerous, according to both the report and separate sources, and are now endangering sensitive U.S. operations abroad."
Investigation Reveals the Unprecedented Number of Leaks Hitting Trump Compared to His Predecessors
If he wasn't so nutty and scary, it wouldn't happen...
DC has been leaking like a sieve so anything concrete would have been around the globe at the speed of light long ago.

Those are those "anonymous" sources you how admit to, but discount. Which one is it? It was leaked how Michael Flynn was linked to Smith, who was caught colluding with the russians trying to get Clintons emails for Flynn.

1. In December, unnamed intelligence sources told the Washington Post that Russia helped Donald Trump win the presidency

2. A week later, senior intelligence sources told NBC News that Putin personally was involved in helping Trump win.

3. In February current and former officials released the details of a phone call between incoming national security adviser Mike Flynn and Russian ambassador Kislyak. The call was monitored because the Russian ambassador was being spied on, and Flynn's name should have been concealed.. but was unmasked and then leaked.

4. Trump's private phone call with the President of Mexico was surveilled by intell and then leaked.

5. His call with the Australian Prime Minister, also surveilled and then leaked.

6. His call with Vladimir Putin, again, leaked by the intell community.

7. Their job is to advance American national security....none of the above fits that description.

On the contrary, it was entirely political.

8. In fact, in March, a half dozen current and former intell officials told the NYTimes how they'd decide to spread classified information about the Trump campaign as widely as possible throughout government, so as to insure that it would eventually leak.

9. These people's job is to safeguard that intelligence, to hold information secret, not use them for political reasons.....and with enormous power goes...or should go....enormous responsibility.

10. Their job is to keep us safe from foreign threats.....not to pick our political leaders.
Tucker Carlson

. "Investigation: Trump Admin Hit With at Least One National Security Leak a Day, Threatening U.S. Operations

These leaks, often of highly classified national security information, are meant to undermine President Donald Trump's administration and handicap his national security apparatus, according to sources inside and outside the White House familiar with the situation.

The leaks are becoming increasingly dangerous, according to both the report and separate sources, and are now endangering sensitive U.S. operations abroad."
Investigation Reveals the Unprecedented Number of Leaks Hitting Trump Compared to His Predecessors
If he wasn't so nutty and scary, it wouldn't happen...

OK....I'll put you in the column of favoring espionage and subversion against the United States.

You must be a Democrat, huh?

It's more like whistleblowing. They hear Trump claim something that isn't true, and they leak the truth.

Since they agreed to that happening with the DNC e-mails, they should agree to the Trump leaks as just getting the truth out there.

OK....I'll put you in the column of favoring espionage and subversion against the United States.

You must be a Democrat, huh?

It's more like whistleblowing. They hear Trump claim something that isn't true, and they leak the truth.

Since they agreed to that happening with the DNC e-mails, they should agree to the Trump leaks as just getting the truth out there.

OK....I'll put you in the column of favoring espionage and subversion against the United States.

You must be a Democrat, huh?
Nonsensical, Putin lover. lol

It's more like whistleblowing. They hear Trump claim something that isn't true, and they leak the truth.

Since they agreed to that happening with the DNC e-mails, they should agree to the Trump leaks as just getting the truth out there.

OK....I'll put you in the column of favoring espionage and subversion against the United States.

You must be a Democrat, huh?
Nonsensical, Putin lover. lol

You posted this vis-a-vis leaks of classified information.

It's more like whistleblowing. They hear Trump claim something that isn't true, and they leak the truth.

Since they agreed to that happening with the DNC e-mails, they should agree to the Trump leaks as just getting the truth out there.

OK....I'll put you in the column of favoring espionage and subversion against the United States.

You must be a Democrat, huh?

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