I Pledge Allegiance...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A local news story in Western Pennsylvania involves a thirteen-year-old 8th grader who was disciplined for refusing (every day) to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The predictable result was an ACLU-backed lawsuit, followed by a total capitulation by the school district, whose Solicitor realized that this was a blatant violation of the girl's Constitutional rights.

But I strongly disagree.

School is a learning experience, where the students are taught not only factual matter, processes, and given information, but they are also indoctrinated (like it or not) into American civil society.

"Allegiance" is something that is not discussed much - indeed it is anathema to Liberals - but it is a requirement of citizenship. We are obliged to be faithful to the sovereign (government). We cannot refuse to obey the laws, foment rebellion against the government, or abuse public officials. We cannot refuse to pay our taxes because we don't like what the Government does with them (we'll get thrown in jail and have to pay them anyway). The government has the right and the ability to conscript us into military service, and to throw us in prison if we fail or refuse to serve.

We are free to disagree with our governments policies and laws, and to criticize our elected and appointed leaders, but the disagreement and criticism must be within legally defined limits.

Allegiance to the country (or government) is not optional. Part of the teaching function of our public schools is to inform students of the obligations of citizenship, and to instill in them our shared values. Congress has formulated the Pledge of Allegiance and required that it be recited by school kids from time to time as a part of the learning experience.

When this little twit is an adult she can refuse to recite the Pledge for the rest of her life. She can burn flags and criticize the government to heart's content. But is is a total distortion of reality to pretend that she has a "Constitutional" right to disrupt her classroom and refuse this obligation. If her parents don't want their daughter reciting the Pledge (and this obviously comes from them), they can take her out of the school and home-school her.

I'd keep her in detention until she straightens out. Fuck the school district that caves in to this bullshit attack. They are too stupid to be teaching anyone anything.
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All students have a 1st Amendment right to choose not to perform the pledge. I have a first block period every day and about half of my students stand and do it with me. I cannot legally tell any one of them to do it or not do it. The only thing I can require them to do is be quite. I do have a kid that sometimes sits and does the pledge or puts his left hand over his heart. I tell him to do it the right way or do not do the pledge at all.
During the Vietnam War and at a little public school in the Bronx, some kid, probably a USMB Liberal poster today, made the very bad mistake of blowing his nose on a US Flag in front of my sister.

She punched him square on the nose.

Sure, the Principal called my parents, but we always understood it was to congratulate my sister
A local news story in Western Pennsylvania involves a thirteen-year-old 8th grader who was disciplined for refusing (every day) to stand up and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. The predictable result was an ACLU-backed lawsuit, followed by a total capitulation by the school district, whose Solicitor realized that this was a blatant violation of the girl's Constitutional rights.

But I strongly disagree.

School is a learning experience, where the students are taught not only factual matter, processes, and given information, but they are also indoctrinated (like it or not) into American civil society.

"Allegiance" is something that is not discussed much - indeed it is anathema to Liberals - but it is a requirement of citizenship. We are obliged to be faithful to the sovereign (government). We cannot refuse to obey the laws, foment rebellion against the government, or abuse public officials.

Yeah, the schools are supposed to be NAZI factories.

Loyalty is a wonderful virtue in dogs.

My mother got on my case for cutting up a plastic flag to use as a parachute when I was about 13. I stood there trying to figure out what was wrong with her. I stood up for the pledge but I usually didn't say it. They can't tell.

NO, I'm not a Liberal. Not that I care what a Liberal is. The Rocky mountains were there for millions of years before America existed. Ask any geologist. This land does not care about AMERICA. Nationalism is just psychological nonsense in people's heads.

Our lying American economists can't even talk about the depreciation of the junk we buy. Is that PATRIOTIC?

I think the student was disciplined for refusing to stand, not for refusing to recite the Pledge. Nobody should be disciplined for refusing to Pledge Allegiance but they should be respectful to others who chose to.
I suppose freedom of speech should extend towards allowing someone to remain silent when there's no legal (or indeed, Constitutional) obligation to do otherwise. That being said, I find this depressing, as your plegde of allegiance is both admirable and probably one of the most potent weapons in America's armoury. It instills a sense of patriotism that manifests itself in a lot of the right places. Pity some choose not to participate.
I suppose freedom of speech should extend towards allowing someone to remain silent when there's no legal (or indeed, Constitutional) obligation to do otherwise. That being said, I find this depressing, as your plegde of allegiance is both admirable and probably one of the most potent weapons in America's armoury. It instills a sense of patriotism that manifests itself in a lot of the right places. Pity some choose not to participate.

Well stated. I agree.

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