I predict a future without the Democratic party...


Says the party of old white men

...a party that has lurched so far to the left that it looks like they're about to nominate a Communist for President doesn't have much of a future.
I predict a future without a republican party. They have followed tRump so far into fantasy land they will never make it back.
I predict a future without the Democratic party...

Projection. I can easily see a future without the Republican party. It will likely become obvious during the 2020 elections.
I predict a future without the Democratic party...

Projection. I can easily see a future without the Republican party. It will likely become obvious during the 2020 elections.
Whopper fantasy projection...
If you say it, the opposite will happen. Just like all your "predictions".
...a party that has lurched so far to the left that it looks like they're about to nominate a Communist for President doesn't have much of a future.
I've been saying the same thing for sometime now. All of the smarter same people have jumped the democratic ship leaving only the nuts and whackos behind.
Just today during c spans coverage of the impeachment, I heard four out of six democratic calls ins saying they were jumping ship and voting for Trump. That was during just one senate pee break.
Trump will bring down the Republican Party with him
...a party that has lurched so far to the left that it looks like they're about to nominate a Communist for President doesn't have much of a future.
  • 54% of Democrats want their party to be more moderate; 41%, more liberal
  • 57% of Republicans want their party to be more conservative; 37%, more moderate
However, members of both parties consider themselves to be moderates.

Democrats Favor More Moderate Party; GOP, More Conservative

Says the party of old white men


Huh...WTF...I found this in your 'photos' within your profile...Umm, aren't you one of those evil old white men?
I'm not gonna lie...you definitely don't look like you would be as LefTarded as you are...you actually look like a good ole boy from the midwest....you know, a real American.
...a party that has lurched so far to the left that it looks like they're about to nominate a Communist for President doesn't have much of a future.

You’re fooling yourself if you believe that
...a party that has lurched so far to the left that it looks like they're about to nominate a Communist for President doesn't have much of a future.
  • 54% of Democrats want their party to be more moderate; 41%, more liberal
  • 57% of Republicans want their party to be more conservative; 37%, more moderate
However, members of both parties consider themselves to be moderates.

Democrats Favor More Moderate Party; GOP, More Conservative
The GOP is much more moderate

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