I predict Biden will criticize Israel for bombing the AP building in Gaza.

AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel
Israel is supposed to be our ally rather than a rogue nation like the others you listed.
Hamas has declared that it's number one goal in life is to fucking kill every fucking JEW on the planet!
Explain what the fuck all the fucking 'tunnels' Hamas has been digging for fucking YEARS are for?
The fucking sub-humans PROMISHED if they were given millions of dollars they would use the money to build schools and hospitals. Instead they used the money to build the tunnels to smuggle military equipment into Gaza and buy fucking unguided rockets.
Talk about a bunch of mentally ill savages!

That is just a lie
Hamas has never threatened Jews, does not want to harm Jews, and there have always been Jews living under Hamas rule in Gaza.

The tunnels Hamas digs, are to Egypt, in order to smuggle in food that Israel does not allow, because they want the Palestinians to starve and leave.
And the $200 million we give Palestine does not even cover the cost of garbage collection.
You don't know anything about running a country or the Mideast.
is supposed to be our ally rather than a rogue nation like the others you listed.
Israel is not a rogue nation

It is the only democracy in that region

Since Jews only make up 30% of the population of Israel and Palestine, Israel is the LEAST democratic country in the whole world!

In contrast, Saddam, Qaddafi, Assad, etc., are or were extremely popular with the people, and provided much better for things like health care, schools, etc.
Israel is about as fascist any a country can get.
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel
Israel is supposed to be our ally rather than a rogue nation like the others you listed.
Hamas has declared that it's number one goal in life is to fucking kill every fucking JEW on the planet!
Explain what the fuck all the fucking 'tunnels' Hamas has been digging for fucking YEARS are for?
The fucking sub-humans PROMISHED if they were given millions of dollars they would use the money to build schools and hospitals. Instead they used the money to build the tunnels to smuggle military equipment into Gaza and buy fucking unguided rockets.
Talk about a bunch of mentally ill savages!
You are so right! FACTS...
Would you PLO/HAMAS/anti everything supporters explain WHY these tunnels were built?
They certainly aren't built for peaceful purposes!

"You're talking about hundreds of kilometres of tunnels used for various operations, they are used to move commanders and troops underground, they used to move munitions, rocket, fuel, food, everything,” an Israeli military official said.
"This is a war of attrition, the IDF can go with this forever, and they [Hamas] can go on sadly also for a very long time," the official said, using the acronym for the Israel Defence Forces.

In seven days, the Israeli military says it has destroyed over 60 miles of tunnels in Gaza, a strip of territory 25 miles long and up to 7.5 miles wide.

The only tunnels ever existing are and were between Egypt and Gaza, since Egypt closed the borders and food has to be smuggled in through tunnels.
It is easy to tell these are lies, because how could tunnels in any way threaten Israel, when they come no where near to Israel? Israel does not even allow construction in Gaza within a half mile of the border.
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel
Israel is supposed to be our ally rather than a rogue nation like the others you listed.
Being our ally means they are required to allow their enemies to pound them with thousands of rockets?

You're a special kind of stupid.

These rockets are hand held and hardly more significant than fireworks.
And they would not be necessary if Israel were not constantly murdering unarmed Palestinians and stealing homes.
Nor is Israel being "pounded" since they do not have much range, are ballistic, and easily intercepted.
I'll be DAMNED!!! I'll have to admit it. Joe was right!
PRESIDENT Joe Biden “gave the OK” for the huge Israeli blitz that levelled an alleged Hamas building in Gaza after Benjamin Netanyahu shared the “smoking gun” evidence.
So now the biased MSM is caught between a rock and a hard place.
A) Do they then support Biden/Israel for the bombings
B) Or do they support AOC,et.al. BLM,PLO,ANTIFA, HAMAS and blame Israel?
So, nothing on record, just some un-named sources.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the source, moron.

The single most corrupt liar in the region, and you would use Bibi as a source?
He is not even Jewish since he admits to being an Atheist and not of Mideast descent.

Learn to deal with facts and not expect media to be sycophants to your bias.
Instead they should be shills for your favorite ideologies? That's not how I see things.
Do you miss Pravda?
So, in your mind if the media isn't shilling for you bias it's shilling for someone else? s reporting of events and news ever not biased your sycophant's mind?
We know the media shills for the left and Muslim terrorists.

How can Muslims be "terrorists" when they are just defending their homelands?
I'll be DAMNED!!! I'll have to admit it. Joe was right!
PRESIDENT Joe Biden “gave the OK” for the huge Israeli blitz that levelled an alleged Hamas building in Gaza after Benjamin Netanyahu shared the “smoking gun” evidence.
So now the biased MSM is caught between a rock and a hard place.
A) Do they then support Biden/Israel for the bombings
B) Or do they support AOC,et.al. BLM,PLO,ANTIFA, HAMAS and blame Israel?
So, nothing on record, just some un-named sources.

Benjamin Netanyahu is the source, moron.

The single most corrupt liar in the region, and you would use Bibi as a source?
He is not even Jewish since he admits to being an Atheist and not of Mideast descent.
Biden is the single most corrupt liar. "in the region?" Who the fuck are you comparing him to, Bashar al-Assad?

Learn to deal with facts and not expect media to be sycophants to your bias.
Instead they should be shills for your favorite ideologies? That's not how I see things.
Do you miss Pravda?
So, in your mind if the media isn't shilling for you bias it's shilling for someone else? s reporting of events and news ever not biased your sycophant's mind?
We know the media shills for the left and Muslim terrorists.

How can Muslims be "terrorists" when they are just defending their homelands?
Israel is not their homeland, moron.
America is Israel's bitch so are Americans (billions of tax payers money go to Israel).
You're an antisemitic bitch.
How am I? I'm actually a semite myself.
And if you referring to criticizing the policies of Israel, that doesn't make anyone who calls out their crime an anti semite. And the whole world knows America is Israel's bitch, we hand them billions and we fight their wars (Syria, iraq....)
Those who crticize Israel are invariably anti-Semites or Marxists.

The main critics of Israel are real Jews.
Israel is contrary to Judaism since according to Judaism, the loss against the Romans in 70 AD was due to the sins of arrogance and pride, and real Jews are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
Real Jews do not believe in even going to the Mideast, much less stealing homes from natives.
Zionists like Netanyahu are lying Ashkenazi who have no Mideast DNA and even admit to being Atheists.
They do not belong in the Mideast and are criminals.
America is Israel's bitch so are Americans (billions of tax payers money go to Israel).
You're an antisemitic bitch.
How am I? I'm actually a semite myself.
And if you referring to criticizing the policies of Israel, that doesn't make anyone who calls out their crime an anti semite. And the whole world knows America is Israel's bitch, we hand them billions and we fight their wars (Syria, iraq....)
Those who crticize Israel are invariably anti-Semites or Marxists.

The main critics of Israel are real Jews.
Israel is contrary to Judaism since according to Judaism, the loss against the Romans in 70 AD was due to the sins of arrogance and pride, and real Jews are supposed to be waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
Real Jews do not believe in even going to the Mideast, much less stealing homes from natives.
Zionists like Netanyahu are lying Ashkenazi who have no Mideast DNA and even admit to being Atheists.
They do not belong in the Mideast and are criminals.

Learn to deal with facts and not expect media to be sycophants to your bias.
Instead they should be shills for your favorite ideologies? That's not how I see things.
Do you miss Pravda?
So, in your mind if the media isn't shilling for you bias it's shilling for someone else? s reporting of events and news ever not biased your sycophant's mind?
We know the media shills for the left and Muslim terrorists.

How can Muslims be "terrorists" when they are just defending their homelands?
Israel is not their homeland, moron.

Go read some history books.
Hebrew did not come from Palestine, but the Sinai.
Why do you think they went to Egypt for 400 years to escape a drought in the Sinai, if they came from Palestine, which never had a drought like that.
And why is it Palestine then was known of the Land of Canaan if it was the homeland of the Hebrew?
The Hebrew did invade around 1000 BC, but only ruled for a couple hundred years before being defeated and driven out by the Babylonians. They kept sneaking back, but were later defeated and driven out again and again, by the Assyrians and finally the Romans
The Hebrew never belonged there and were always illegal, brutal, invaders.
And they again were illegal foreign invaders in 1948.
They do not belong there.
It is NOT their homeland and never was.

Learn to deal with facts and not expect media to be sycophants to your bias.
Instead they should be shills for your favorite ideologies? That's not how I see things.
Do you miss Pravda?
So, in your mind if the media isn't shilling for you bias it's shilling for someone else? s reporting of events and news ever not biased your sycophant's mind?
We know the media shills for the left and Muslim terrorists.

How can Muslims be "terrorists" when they are just defending their homelands?
Israel is not their homeland, moron.

Go read some history books.
Hebrew did not come from Palestine, but the Sinai.
Why do you think they went to Egypt for 400 years to escape a drought in the Sinai, if they came from Palestine, which never had a drought like that.
And why is it Palestine then was known of the Land of Canaan if it was the homeland of the Hebrew?
The Hebrew did invade around 1000 BC, but only ruled for a couple hundred years before being defeated and driven out by the Babylonians. They kept sneaking back, but were later defeated and driven out again and again, by the Assyrians and finally the Romans
The Hebrew never belonged there and were always illegal, brutal, invaders.
And they again were illegal foreign invaders in 1948.
They do not belong there.
It is NOT their homeland and never was.
Arguing with you is a total waste of time. It's easier to explain calculus to ants.
Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
Gaza borders Egypt and the mediterranean sea

So if noting else gets in Iranian rockets probably will

Yes Gaza borders Egypt and the Med, but the US paid Gen. Sisi to close the Egyptian crossings, and Israel blocks all water commerce.
So what is your point?
Since Jews only make up 30% of the population of Israel and Palestine, Israel is the LEAST democratic country in the whole world!
Jews make up 75% of the state of Israel and Arabs only 20%

Not counting the Palestinians who are being illegally occupied by Israel is like claiming Nazis did not murder Jews because they first declared them to not be citizens.

Do the math.
Palestine is 100% occupied by Israel, so they are one country.
There are 6 million Jews in Palestine/Israel, and 12 million Muslims in Palestine/Israel.

Learn to deal with facts and not expect media to be sycophants to your bias.
Instead they should be shills for your favorite ideologies? That's not how I see things.
Do you miss Pravda?
So, in your mind if the media isn't shilling for you bias it's shilling for someone else? s reporting of events and news ever not biased your sycophant's mind?
We know the media shills for the left and Muslim terrorists.

How can Muslims be "terrorists" when they are just defending their homelands?
Israel is not their homeland, moron.

Go read some history books.
Hebrew did not come from Palestine, but the Sinai.
Why do you think they went to Egypt for 400 years to escape a drought in the Sinai, if they came from Palestine, which never had a drought like that.
And why is it Palestine then was known of the Land of Canaan if it was the homeland of the Hebrew?
The Hebrew did invade around 1000 BC, but only ruled for a couple hundred years before being defeated and driven out by the Babylonians. They kept sneaking back, but were later defeated and driven out again and again, by the Assyrians and finally the Romans
The Hebrew never belonged there and were always illegal, brutal, invaders.
And they again were illegal foreign invaders in 1948.
They do not belong there.
It is NOT their homeland and never was.
Counter argument since YOU OFFERED NO LINKS...JUST your guesses.
Why is it so difficult to provide sources? As a result I assume you are guessing!

Israel's international "birth certificate" was validated by the promise of the Bible; uninterrupted Jewish settlement from the time of Joshua onward; the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; Israel's admission to the UN in 1949; the recognition of Israel by most other states; and, most of all, the society created by Israel's people in decades of thriving, dynamic national existence.​

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