I propose that the democrats give nothing for a wall , Zero

I'm not going anywhere else. The reason anyone cares what I think of you is so they can respond on an open forum. Entertainment and information.
Well we will keep this simple ,you contribute or your gone and the you hate me I'm dumb routine is so fricken boring and a waste and it won't make the cut , got it big guy.

Never posted that I hate you. Silly assertation, really. And "we" don't need to keep anything simple. Life is complicated, full of surprises, madness, joy and sorrow. What I get is that I will go to bed, hopefully wake up, and you will be the last thing on my mind. If at all.
I just don't care what you think, that's all, if I don't like your crap I'll tell you, no big deal.Most can take it. If you can't, go away get off my thread.

I'm not going anywhere. This is an open forum.
Want to bet, I can make you disappear out of my life very easily.
Do it already then. You do crave attention, that much is sure.
Look at this comedy act he found someone who got shot by a illegal I'm guessing , now the normal routine is me coming back with 100 or 200 people killed by the white old fat gun bubbas. Which of course I can, but I would have to care a little bit more then I do to push that boundary. Get this 100% straight , I've been in every state in Mexico, all 31 of them and in Mexico city multiple times. I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas. any day of the week.

I am Italian married to a Mexican with two children so you can stop lumping myself in with “old fat redneck bubbas.” Further, I too have been to Mexico multiple times. Since you are so enamored with Mexico while I believe even a single murder of a US Citizen by an illegal is one too many, perhaps you would have no problem with the US adopting Mexico’s immigration and enforcement policy?
I'm not lumping you anywhere , your doing that all, by yourself.

one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas.
Look at this comedy act he found someone who got shot by a illegal I'm guessing , now the normal routine is me coming back with 100 or 200 people killed by the white old fat gun bubbas. Which of course I can, but I would have to care a little bit more then I do to push that boundary. Get this 100% straight , I've been in every state in Mexico, all 31 of them and in Mexico city multiple times. I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas. any day of the week.

I am Italian married to a Mexican with two children so you can stop lumping myself in with “old fat redneck bubbas.” Further, I too have been to Mexico multiple times. Since you are so enamored with Mexico while I believe even a single murder of a US Citizen by an illegal is one too many, perhaps you would have no problem with the US adopting Mexico’s immigration and enforcement policy?
I'm not lumping you anywhere , your doing that all, by yourself.

“I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas.
yup I call it as I see it , your the one who is showing who you are not me. You fit the name on every comment I've seen you reply to or contribute. If the hat fits--Your just the side that's willing to destroy my country supporting by far the biggest piece of shit that has ever walked this land. Live with it at this point there is nothing that would change my mind who you are. So I stand by what I said 100%.

You’re not standing on anything except sand. You can’t even stand by what you originally defined me because you got exposed.
exposed, what the hell. That's funny. I don't feel exposed, in fact I have no idea what your talking about.
Well we will keep this simple ,you contribute or your gone and the you hate me I'm dumb routine is so fricken boring and a waste and it won't make the cut , got it big guy.

Never posted that I hate you. Silly assertation, really. And "we" don't need to keep anything simple. Life is complicated, full of surprises, madness, joy and sorrow. What I get is that I will go to bed, hopefully wake up, and you will be the last thing on my mind. If at all.
I just don't care what you think, that's all, if I don't like your crap I'll tell you, no big deal.Most can take it. If you can't, go away get off my thread.

I'm not going anywhere. This is an open forum.
Want to bet, I can make you disappear out of my life very easily.
Do it already then. You do crave attention, that much is sure.
Ok one more time, if you don't contribute you are gone, No one including me cares what the hell you think of me . If that's all you have for a comment why would anyone want you in any thread? Your just wasting peoples time and bandwidth.
This thread teaches me one thing. A sadly high percentage of Americans on both sides of the house are so stupid their right to vote should be removed. Maybe though, given you’re all armed to the teeth, Putin’s plans will come to fruition and you’ll wipe each other out in the next civil war?
The next civil war, you can bet those with Obama/Biden and I'm with Her bumper stickers are going to mistaken for ISIS sympathizers and enemies of the country. If I were you liberals, I would buy a ticket to Cuba and live out your Socialist Paradise Dream there. As for Putin, he wont do shit, because when we kick all you sorry ass liberals into the seas, if any other country tries shit with US , the repercussion will be much worse. I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid a liberal is.
And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.
Boy I'm hitting the right nerve here. I enjoy this.

The only thing you are hitting, you nursing home, dying gasp of humanity, is my funny bone. I LAUGH at you. In fact, I use an a doddering, senile old fool like you in improving my smartass sense of humor, you galaxy of wrinkles and elderly, medical-equipment-obligated dessicated old flesh I imagine is older than time itself. Why you poor old thing, I'll bet you don't even know where you are right now.
And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.
Boy I'm hitting the right nerve here. I enjoy this.

The only thing you are hitting, you nursing home, dying gasp of humanity, is my funny bone. I LAUGH at you. In fact, I use an a doddering, senile old fool like you in improving my smartass sense of humor, you galaxy of wrinkles and elderly, medical-equipment-obligated dessicated old flesh I imagine is older than time itself. Why you poor old thing, I'll bet you don't even know where you are right now.
Well right now I'm wasting my time reading this.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.
Look at this comedy act he found someone who got shot by a illegal I'm guessing , now the normal routine is me coming back with 100 or 200 people killed by the white old fat gun bubbas. Which of course I can, but I would have to care a little bit more then I do to push that boundary. Get this 100% straight , I've been in every state in Mexico, all 31 of them and in Mexico city multiple times. I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas. any day of the week.

I am Italian married to a Mexican with two children so you can stop lumping myself in with “old fat redneck bubbas.” Further, I too have been to Mexico multiple times. Since you are so enamored with Mexico while I believe even a single murder of a US Citizen by an illegal is one too many, perhaps you would have no problem with the US adopting Mexico’s immigration and enforcement policy?
I'm not lumping you anywhere , your doing that all, by yourself.

one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas.
Look at this comedy act he found someone who got shot by a illegal I'm guessing , now the normal routine is me coming back with 100 or 200 people killed by the white old fat gun bubbas. Which of course I can, but I would have to care a little bit more then I do to push that boundary. Get this 100% straight , I've been in every state in Mexico, all 31 of them and in Mexico city multiple times. I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas. any day of the week.

I am Italian married to a Mexican with two children so you can stop lumping myself in with “old fat redneck bubbas.” Further, I too have been to Mexico multiple times. Since you are so enamored with Mexico while I believe even a single murder of a US Citizen by an illegal is one too many, perhaps you would have no problem with the US adopting Mexico’s immigration and enforcement policy?
I'm not lumping you anywhere , your doing that all, by yourself.

“I will take any illegal as a neighbor over any one of you old fat red neck gun bubbas.
yup I call it as I see it , your the one who is showing who you are not me. You fit the name on every comment I've seen you reply to or contribute. If the hat fits--Your just the side that's willing to destroy my country supporting by far the biggest piece of shit that has ever walked this land. Live with it at this point there is nothing that would change my mind who you are. So I stand by what I said 100%.

You’re not standing on anything except sand. You can’t even stand by what you originally defined me because you got exposed.
Oh no exposed, IS IT CONTAGIOUS???????
And I propose this JBander almost fractal-looking arrangement of fecal matter was one of the people who took the notorious "brown acid" at Woodstock. I also propose this elderly abomination, this sick, stupid, violent, slime-drizzling ASS, this unfortunate genetic grab-bag of nature's most grievous errors - please do the right thing and commit suicide. You are a lifeform with ZERO redeeming qualities of any kind, old fool, and I think it's time you did the right thing, relieve humanity of YOUR violent hate, and slither into an urn where you belong. You're a senile, violent old thug who serves no useful purpose to humanity whatsoever. No offense, but I believe you should be destroyed.
Boy I'm hitting the right nerve here. I enjoy this.

The only thing you are hitting, you nursing home, dying gasp of humanity, is my funny bone. I LAUGH at you. In fact, I use an a doddering, senile old fool like you in improving my smartass sense of humor, you galaxy of wrinkles and elderly, medical-equipment-obligated dessicated old flesh I imagine is older than time itself. Why you poor old thing, I'll bet you don't even know where you are right now.
Going to miss you, your kind of funny,but since you have used the same canned comment over and over , it must not be yours , so someone else is funny , find them and ask them to join in on my thread. Sorry no wasted bandwidth allowed, since you have nothing to say on the thread attacking me is just boring, your gone.
Well we will keep this simple ,you contribute or your gone and the you hate me I'm dumb routine is so fricken boring and a waste and it won't make the cut , got it big guy.

Never posted that I hate you. Silly assertation, really. And "we" don't need to keep anything simple. Life is complicated, full of surprises, madness, joy and sorrow. What I get is that I will go to bed, hopefully wake up, and you will be the last thing on my mind. If at all.
I just don't care what you think, that's all, if I don't like your crap I'll tell you, no big deal.Most can take it. If you can't, go away get off my thread.

I'm not going anywhere. This is an open forum.
Want to bet, I can make you disappear out of my life very easily.
Do it already then. You do crave attention, that much is sure.
You got it your out of here.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

Most Democrat Voters are clueless shitfedsheep.

What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

Most Democrat Voters are clueless shitfedsheep.

View attachment 237719
Good GOD The Clinton Foundation is up and running the scum bag foundation like everything he is involved with is being looked at for corruption and can't open , in fact it has been dissolved by the court and the 1.75 million in it has to be handed over to the courts. EVERYONE A----- THIS GUY IS SAYING DEMOCRATS CLUELESS SHITFEDSHEEP< GOOD GOD THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE HIM THEN???????
Why were we so afraid that Iraq was going to use BIO Chemical weapons on us , simple. Reagan gave them these weapons to Iraq and that wasn't enough, he sent people there to teach them how to make it themselves , He sent hundreds of tons of these weapons to Saddam. Reagan's Trickle down lie has done exactly what it was suppose to do put all the wealth in this country into the hands of the wealthy but one problem he said it would trickle down, none of it did -no one except Reagan's Golden few have received any of the massive increase in profits (increased by over 10 times since Reagan). The workers wages have gone down since 1981 trickle down lie.)
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!

That's a really stupid thing to believe.
Why were we so afraid that Iraq was going to use BIO Chemical weapons on us , simple. Reagan gave them these weapons to Iraq and that wasn't enough, he sent people there to teach them how to make it themselves , He sent hundreds of tons of these weapons to Saddam. Reagan's Trickle down lie has done exactly what it was suppose to do put all the wealth in this country into the hands of the wealthy but one problem he said it would trickle down, none of it did -no one except Reagan's Golden few have received any of the massive increase in profits (increased by over 10 times since Reagan). The workers wages have gone down since 1981 trickle down lie.)

One of the really strange things Left Wing Voters is their irrational loathing of the "Rich".
They believe that if they take money from the Rich that they will be come rich.
Would a Left Winger hate themselves if they were rich? LOL
It's just shows how Liberals have childish minds.
But they adore the Dirty Corrupt Democrat Politicians who become multi millionaires while "serving the public" aka screwing the public.
Dem voters actually believe that the Democrat Politicians are benevolent, and not the greedy corrupt lying bassturds that they truly are.
Obammy spent 8 years going to fundraisers with Millionaires and Billionaires.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!

You are correct about the Wall in one way.
The Wall is about race.
They Racist Democrats regard Anglo Voters as their opposition and they brag about using immigration to displace them.
Democrats are despicable genocidal racist cretins.


Why were we so afraid that Iraq was going to use BIO Chemical weapons on us , simple. Reagan gave them these weapons to Iraq and that wasn't enough, he sent people there to teach them how to make it themselves , He sent hundreds of tons of these weapons to Saddam. Reagan's Trickle down lie has done exactly what it was suppose to do put all the wealth in this country into the hands of the wealthy but one problem he said it would trickle down, none of it did -no one except Reagan's Golden few have received any of the massive increase in profits (increased by over 10 times since Reagan). The workers wages have gone down since 1981 trickle down lie.)

One of the really strange things Left Wing Voters is their irrational loathing of the "Rich".
They believe that if they take money from the Rich that they will be come rich.
Would a Left Winger hate themselves if they were rich? LOL
It's just shows how Liberals have childish minds.
But they adore the Dirty Corrupt Democrat Politicians who become multi millionaires while "serving the public" aka screwing the public.
Dem voters actually believe that the Democrat Politicians are benevolent, and not the greedy corrupt lying bassturds that they truly are.
Obammy spent 8 years going to fundraisers with Millionaires and Billionaires.
See these haters believe that it is the way to go, to distribute every dollar to the top. and that the rest get none of the massive increase of new wealth in this country.. The driving force that makes capitalism the only way is the promise of the possibility to get ahead. Well this hate group took this away 100% ,in fact no one gained anything except Reagan's golden few for 45 years. That's the way the right thinks this country should be run. Trouble is It won't work .You take this incentive out of capitalism and capitalism dies , a very ugly death , The idea that makes me a hater of the rich is childish and not very bright. By the numbers there are more wealthy democrats then wealthy republicans and you dam well don't have to look to deep to see the difference between these two wealthy groups. Yup the ugly factor is in no way connected to the democratic wealthy but is all over the rights wealthy. Somehow they think they deserve it all. They don't. Its our national resources,our infrastructure and we supply the market that made them wealthy in the first place. We own them, not the other way around. This is no longer the land of opportunity other then for the golden few, non has been shared by anyone other then the people that this economic profile is designed to give it to, it has all gone to the top. Without capitalism incentive, capitalism dies and in this country if capitalism dies then our country dies with it. That's what the right is willing to gamble to get it all.
Wouldn't it be refreshing if Trumpanzees and company would just admit to the real reason they want a wall on the southern border. It's not about safety, and keeping Muslims out. it's to slow down the browning of America, pure and simple. There is no other reason for Trump and his white nationalists. They are obsessed with the perceived loss of their "white culture," and they view Latinos the same way they view blacks, as a threat to their "whitness."

If they were really concerned about terrorists entering the country, they would also be screaming for a Canadian wall, since the 9/11 terrorists entered the country through Canada. NOT MEXICO!

Their wall goals are clearly racist. Period!

You are correct about the Wall in one way.
The Wall is about race.
They Racist Democrats regard Anglo Voters as their opposition and they brag about using immigration to displace them.
Democrats are despicable genocidal racist cretins.

View attachment 237737
View attachment 237738
Oh come on lets be realistic , this is the way it is , the browning of America will make your old fat white man party obsolete in a short period , now that's just the fact. Them not voting for your hate group can hardly be considered the democrats fault considering you have treated them like shit for decades. You earned it but what is your solution for this dilemma , you and your party will sell out our Republic and our freedom to stay in power, the way you will do that is by making as many people as possible hate immigrants and with that you will take away blocks of any groups that are populated by a large number of democrats, you know longer believe that everyone should have the vote, only old fat white guys should. Your going to lose because your losers.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.

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