I propose that the democrats give nothing for a wall , Zero

What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.

We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.

...but not as law-abiding as us yellow folks.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Just head south and give them your money-they will be happy and you won't have to be around us "selfish" people.
On a serious note, the 5 billion addresses an immediate, serious, problem. Your colorful descriptions don't provide a solution.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk.
Most of the terrorists in America are white supremacists.

You are such a credulous dumb fuck, hostage to your night terrors instilled in you by your propagandists.
Wow. I like your style. But you are stupid.
We need to investigate the very likely possibility that the Corrupt Democrat Politicians are being bribed by the Drug Cartels to stop the Border Wall.

View attachment 237452

YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
Just head south and give them your money-they will be happy and you won't have to be around us "selfish" people.
Try writing something , anything but it doesn't always have to be nonsense having nothing to do with the thread.
What they have offered should be totally taken off the table. Why should this country spend 5 billion on a wall that is the ultimate of stupid. From a criminal president and his followers to protect us from the poor endangered family trying to feed and house their family . Hell I want to be protected from this cruel ugly regime . I'll take all of them as neighbors other then one of these haters. I will give money for ladders, if insanity gets its way.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk.
Most of the terrorists in America are white supremacists.

You are such a credulous dumb fuck, hostage to your night terrors instilled in you by your propagandists.
Wow. I like your style. But you are stupid.
all but a few are from conservative groups, all are aligned themselves officially with the rights hate party. First time in American history that the KKK, the White supremacists and the Nazi's have supported a president and a party. Scum bag say they are good guys.
On a serious note, the 5 billion addresses an immediate, serious, problem. Your colorful descriptions don't provide a solution.
No problem, if you want to stop Immigrants coming here to work, being by far the majority of the illegals, simply go after the pigs like your god and leader who hire these people to make more money. Jail time and massive fines , like in the millions. No more Mexicans coming here to work in 3 months . Guess what party doesn't want to do that. Hypocrites, frauds and liars.
By the way this country does not even want a wall, so you haters think you should over ride the majority?????????
YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

Most Democrat Voters are angry bigots such as yourself.
When Dems call average mainstream middle class Americans names like "nazi, skinheads, white supremacists and kkk" they are alienated.
They are very aware that they hated by Liberals.
You are also very wrong about Liberals being peaceful and tolerant.
YOu are too generous. Dems don't need reasons to be anti-American. It is just who they are.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

The last Dem President to win the White Vote was Johnson.

Your claim about white men with arsenals is simply wrong.

You get a choice between living in a nice white suburb filled with harmless middle aged white men, and average urban neighborhood with all it's diversity,

and your delusions will be placing yourself in needless danger.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

Most Democrat Voters are angry bigots such as yourself.
When Dems call average mainstream middle class Americans names like "nazi, skinheads, white supremacists and kkk" they are alienated.
They are very aware that they hated by Liberals.
You are also very wrong about Liberals being peaceful and tolerant.
I've got a kick out of the responses that the right have moved to because of the fact that they have been buried in comments about their hate, bigotry, Homophobia , Islamophobic , chauvinism and just about all things ugly. They think somehow it is turning it around on us by charging us with the same types of intolerance but it only ends up looking like they are grabbing at straws on their last sinking before the drowned and you saying that the attacks within this country are coming from the left all your doing is showing your ignorance , there is not one source out there that supports that comparison. You people are dying a slow death and boy do you deserve it.
One flew over the coocoo's nest. I know of no dems who sold out to the Russians and I know no hate party member that didn't. So this is rather humorous. , It's got very simple over the last couple of years , you support scum bag and you're sold out your country. I'll take any illegal as a neighbor over anyone of you that has sold out my country.

No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

The last Dem President to win the White Vote was Johnson.

Your claim about white men with arsenals is simply wrong.

You get a choice between living in a nice white suburb filled with harmless middle aged white men, and average urban neighborhood with all it's diversity,

and your delusions will be placing yourself in needless danger.
The main reason that your pumpkin man got elected was not by demographics it was by education and not in women but in men. Or put another way your leader was elected out of ignorance. Fat old white men are who are buying all the guns , in fact the number of households that own guns is dropping like a rock but the number of guns sold in this country, is shooting up like a rocket. No other explanation is needed. Your premise that my point about who I would rather live next to is somehow related to city living or areas outside the city , is total nonsense . To repeat my self, I would rather have a illegal living next to me any day of the week, then one of you right wing cowboys that hates everything. It doesn't take much thinking to realize that I'm part of a massive group in this country that believes the same way. Hell they would make a hell of a lot better American than you cowboys,
Its the ram it down your throat part that gets my back up. Not against reform, or border security. Just like clear concise plans, and what are the best possible results. We have roads bridges and utility grids that need help. & our money needs spending with some care. our leaders haven't seemed capable of doing this, just blame the other party has not worked for years if not forever.
No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

Most Democrat Voters are angry bigots such as yourself.
When Dems call average mainstream middle class Americans names like "nazi, skinheads, white supremacists and kkk" they are alienated.
They are very aware that they hated by Liberals.
You are also very wrong about Liberals being peaceful and tolerant.
I've got a kick out of the responses that the right have moved to because of the fact that they have been buried in comments about their hate, bigotry, Homophobia , Islamophobic , chauvinism and just about all things ugly. They think somehow it is turning it around on us by charging us with the same types of intolerance but it only ends up looking like they are grabbing at straws on their last sinking before the drowned and you saying that the attacks within this country are coming from the left all your doing is showing your ignorance , there is not one source out there that supports that comparison. You people are dying a slow death and boy do you deserve it.

Easy Observation:

Democrats: Terrorist sympathizers, Sanctuary Cities for illegal alien criminals, Mafia, Klan, Nation of Islam, La Raza, Black Panthers, Muslim Brotherhood, racist Aztlán Nationalist, BLM separatist, deranged men in the women’s restrooms, gangs, ghettos, failed schools, drive-by shootings, cop killers, Mexican drug cartel, human traffickers, violent Antifa rioters, race riots, registering criminals to vote….

Republicans: average mainstream Americans, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, Rotary Club, American Legion, 4H Club, Lion’s Club, Boy Scouts, Little League, Sunday School, VFW, great neighborhoods, good schools, National Honor Society, juuust grilling and chilling…..
They should spend it because they were for it before Trump was.

They should spend it because they approved over 800 BILLION dollars in a slush fund to subsidize farmers and it was so filled with pork it would smell like bacon if you cooked it.

They should spend it because it is well known that walls will slow the flow of illegals.

They should spend it if they don't want a red wave in 2020.
No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

Most Democrat Voters are angry bigots such as yourself.
When Dems call average mainstream middle class Americans names like "nazi, skinheads, white supremacists and kkk" they are alienated.
They are very aware that they hated by Liberals.
You are also very wrong about Liberals being peaceful and tolerant.
I've got a kick out of the responses that the right have moved to because of the fact that they have been buried in comments about their hate, bigotry, Homophobia , Islamophobic , chauvinism and just about all things ugly. They think somehow it is turning it around on us by charging us with the same types of intolerance but it only ends up looking like they are grabbing at straws on their last sinking before the drowned and you saying that the attacks within this country are coming from the left all your doing is showing your ignorance , there is not one source out there that supports that comparison. You people are dying a slow death and boy do you deserve it.

We will always be here, and we are not putting up with your bullshit anymore. We will be in your face, you lying piece of shit, for the rest of your life, and it is only going to get worse for you as time goes on, fucker.
No one sold out to the RUssians, you red baiting hysteric.

Controlling who and want enters a community is the most basic function of good governance.

Only an enemy of the community could be against that.
That's my whole point, I would rather have a illegal living next to me, any day of the week then one of the gun toting right wing gun bubbas that controls your party. These gun bubbas want to shoot everything, and they are wacko now ,they support a mentally ill ,dangerous, sellout to of my country as there leader. anyone that would allow themselves to be led by a person of his history, thinking ,being this unstable ,dangerous ,deranges, lying, sellout can't be trusted in any way. So they definitely can't be trusted with a gun. I don't want these people as my neighbor, they sold out my country. and they are gun wackos.


Stats show that white men are far more law abiding than brown men, yet you want to live next to the brown men, because you fear the white ones.

Your partisan delusions have grown to the point of placing yourself and your family in danger.
All that your saying is that the poor are more likely to be more violent then white men, but that's wrong because half those white men are progressives, The ones that you have to worry about are the cowboys that are stacking up on 10 or 20 guns in their arsenal. All the violence is from white conservative terrorist and they all belong to your party. Nazi's, white supremacists the KKK all supporters of your leader and party for the first time in history. The pumpkin man says they are good guys. I'll take a illegal over anyone from your hate group you call a party, I never said against white people, I'd love to have decent Patriotic Americans living next to me and they are found in only my party now. No room for Gun Bubbas in my neighborhood.

The last Dem President to win the White Vote was Johnson.

Your claim about white men with arsenals is simply wrong.

You get a choice between living in a nice white suburb filled with harmless middle aged white men, and average urban neighborhood with all it's diversity,

and your delusions will be placing yourself in needless danger.
The main reason that your pumpkin man got elected was not by demographics it was by education and not in women but in men. Or put another way your leader was elected out of ignorance. Fat old white men are who are buying all the guns , in fact the number of households that own guns is dropping like a rock but the number of guns sold in this country, is shooting up like a rocket. No other explanation is needed. Your premise that my point about who I would rather live next to is somehow related to city living or areas outside the city , is total nonsense . To repeat my self, I would rather have a illegal living next to me any day of the week, then one of you right wing cowboys that hates everything. It doesn't take much thinking to realize that I'm part of a massive group in this country that believes the same way. Hell they would make a hell of a lot better American than you cowboys,

Traditional Americans, who do stuff like Hunt and own guns, are being swamped by immigrants from nations where oppressive governments have not allowed healthy gun cultures.

Thus, a decline in households that own guns. That is all.

My point about your partisan delusions not being supported by violent crime numbers, is correct, and if you operate based on the nonsense that they have told you, you would be putting your self at risk by avoiding some of the safest members of society to live next to some of the most dangerous.

You are a fool. A racist bigoted fool.
I pray every day that someone like you ends up a victim of a Radical Muslim driving a box truck on your sidewalk. Or be shot because some Illegal decided to hate on a US citizen.
^ this type of inbred insanity is what has me convinced that if 9/11 happened again conservatives would celebrate and cheer

back in the early 2000's there was a nuclear bomb? scare (false, obviously) that was targeted for boston.

On line you could read the comments from conservatives who were extremely delighted at the thought of millions of dead democrats and liberals. They absolutely WOULD dance in the streets. They are fkn evil scum.

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