I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Ron Paul is really the only guy worth watching in the debates. He's just so danm honest! I agree with him on a LOT of points too e.g. Why TF are we giving money to foreign politicians when we don't even trust our own; the war on drugs has already been lost etc...
But the stuff I disagree with him on, I disagree with so strongly that I won't vote for him. Plus I find the Libertarian Philosophy very flawed when it comes to The Market correcting itself. I've lived in places that had virturally no corporate regulation. No thanks.
I didn't like Obama at all for about two years. There are two things I'm still pretty furious with him about: ObamaCare and NDAA. Oh well.
But he has kept a LOT of his promises (including ObamaCare, which was one I wish he hadn't).
I didn't blame Bush for high prices and I don't blame Obama (well, maybe just a little but not to the extent the ConservaRepubs would like to believe).
I find this to be the most absurd time in history for the GOP to be so focused on social issues. I am former military and had friends who were Force Recon in Afghanistan. An Army translator listened in on chatter and kept them away from some seriously bad juju. Turned out he was gay. Took weeks to get another guy fluent in Pashtu or whatever TF it was.
So repealing DADT was a seriously big deal to a lot of people.
Also, as the DOO of a charity that helps returning troops and Veterans, I watched them get screwed by the GOP for years. Obama has funded a TON of programs for Vets and the VA that I like a lot. Also, he specifically had language written in that put in place the strongest protective measures of women in the military in history.
When I'm volunteering, the three candidates I hear the most positives things about are #1. Obama #2. Ron Paul and #3. "Anyone but Obama" (from the diehard ConservaRepubs). But there is no denying, this guy is liked a lot more military than any Dem in a long time.
Getting us out of Iraq is a big deal. I know it was already set but gee, have presidents spun things and broken promises before. So okey dokey.
He said he'd take the focus to Afghanistan and go after the people who actually attacked America. He killed more Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in a couple years, than Bush did in eight. He followed the leads from dozens of SOF ops to Pakistan. Then, right in public, he negotiated the release of a US spy from the Pakistan government. A couple months later, He got Bin Laden and yes, I give him credit for that. Now that we finally MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, he's announced the withdraw from Afghanistan. All Bush's wars are over. The most important one, won by Obama.
And waddya know. We're getting out.
Libya. The Republicans (Boehner, Cantor) were screaming we should "Do Something". Then, with an actual NATO led force, we did. Not one American life. Quick withdraw. So of course, the Republicans suddenly became doves and screamed "Hey! He DID something!". WTF??? Hypocrisy much?
Same thing with Aw Lakhi. Suddenly the GOP sounded more like the ACLU! WTF!!!!

So what are the Republicans offering me? Romney seemed worth a look but he has been forced into Romney Version 5.9 by the other two. Now he is so socially Conservative! For now.

After months of talking about the fact that, even if the Dow is going up and UnEmployment is (according to FOX) going down and manufacturing is going up and.... well whatever, ALL is Doom & Gloom! Also it's all about the DEFICIT! That's the key folks!
So they all released their budgets. All of their budgets RAISE THE DEFICIT!!! WTF??? (okay not Ron Paul).
The same low taxes that haven't made a dam bit of difference in the economy or unemployment for years, will suddenly cure all ills if we elect them. Riiiiight.
Gay marriage? Like I care. But I do think they should be able to visit each other in hospitals and get benefits or whatever? Sure why not.
Contraception? Are you outta your dam mind??? Yeah, THAT will get my vote.
All these social issues leave me and pretty much everyone I know, unimpressed. Especially now.

The GOP candidates suck. Really, badly.
Obama isn't great but during the last year he's been pretty dam good.
I'm voting for him.
How can you look at the enormous list of President Obama's accomplishments and even consider voting for anyone else?

The man has been amazing.

And, having experienced so-called "socialized" medical care and since I already get several benefits from ObamaCare, I couldn't be happier about it.

(No, ObamaCare isn't "socialized medicine". The really stupid (Repub) system we have now IS though. Its time for everyone, even pubs and bags, to have to pay for their own care.)
How can you look at the enormous list of President Obama's accomplishments and even consider voting for anyone else?

The man has been amazing.

And, having experienced so-called "socialized" medical care and since I already get several benefits from ObamaCare, I couldn't be happier about it.

(No, ObamaCare isn't "socialized medicine". The really stupid (Repub) system we have now IS though. Its time for everyone, even pubs and bags, to have to pay for their own care.)

Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.
Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?
Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?
Did she say her health care was FREE? I missed it if she did.... she said she benefited from several parts of it....like the poster auditor, he's been able to get insurance now....when he was denied by all insurance companies before....

sooo, if she did say what YOU have said, I apologize in thinking you were being presumptuous.
I Really Like Ron Paul but I'm Enthusiastically Voting for Obama!

And then there are those who can’t stand Ron Paul and are reluctantly voting for Obama.

The election boils down to which candidate gets more of the hold your nose and vote vote.
He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes.

Congress passed the NDAA, Obama signed it.

Otherwise, ‘in your eyes’ is fine, you have the right to believe the NDAA does whatever you might fantasizing it doing.

The truth is the opposite, however.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

The above is one of many reasons why Obama will be reelected.
Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

So who would you vote for?
I am surprised at this thread. I never thought there was any doubt about who you would vote for, IL.

Easily. He passed the NDAA, that alone makes him 100% unworthy of being president in my eyes. And before you ask, yes, I feel the same way about anyone else who voted for it or supports it (like Romney).

Unlike the rest of you party hacks, I don't put party politics above my right to a fair trial.

Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

So who would you vote for?

Your 2nd choice, the ONLY Veteran running, the ONLY candidate that will cut the spending, the ONLY candidate that will repeal the NDAA, the ONLY candidate that won't start another war on a whim.

In MY mind, the ONLY candidate, PERIOD.
Obama has totally kicked ass....

George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 8 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 22 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

And now with the automatic spending cuts and the expiration of the Bush tax cuts in 2012, Obama has solved the deficit problem as well.
The Republicans are being so annoying that I have considered the possibility of voting for Obama.

I can't get past his shameless constitutional breaches so I will not be voting for him but I imagine the vast middle between me and IndependntLogic will break for Obama.

Just hoping we don't lose the House. If we can corral Obama and force him to be somewhat Clintonian maybe things won't be too bad.
Are you kidding me IL? The republican congress saved us from sinking into Barry Hussein's socialist morass. Yeah NATO bombed the snot out of Libya and paved the way for the muslem brotherhood and a solid jihad regime. We did real good didn't we? We watched Barry authorize NATO to carpet bomb civilians in Libya while our own Troops can't even get an artillery strike in Afghanistan without facing the possibility of a court martial if a civilian gets killed. Nobody but radical democrats is interested in taxpayer support for contraception and homosexual marriages. The democrat party is keeping the issue alive and you fools believe everything you read on the Huffington blog. Go ahead and vote for Barry but quit the B.S.
Ron Paul is really the only guy worth watching in the debates. He's just so danm honest! I agree with him on a LOT of points too e.g. Why TF are we giving money to foreign politicians when we don't even trust our own; the war on drugs has already been lost etc...
But the stuff I disagree with him on, I disagree with so strongly that I won't vote for him. Plus I find the Libertarian Philosophy very flawed when it comes to The Market correcting itself. I've lived in places that had virturally no corporate regulation. No thanks.
I didn't like Obama at all for about two years. There are two things I'm still pretty furious with him about: ObamaCare and NDAA. Oh well.
But he has kept a LOT of his promises (including ObamaCare, which was one I wish he hadn't).
I didn't blame Bush for high prices and I don't blame Obama (well, maybe just a little but not to the extent the ConservaRepubs would like to believe).
I find this to be the most absurd time in history for the GOP to be so focused on social issues. I am former military and had friends who were Force Recon in Afghanistan. An Army translator listened in on chatter and kept them away from some seriously bad juju. Turned out he was gay. Took weeks to get another guy fluent in Pashtu or whatever TF it was.
So repealing DADT was a seriously big deal to a lot of people.
Also, as the DOO of a charity that helps returning troops and Veterans, I watched them get screwed by the GOP for years. Obama has funded a TON of programs for Vets and the VA that I like a lot. Also, he specifically had language written in that put in place the strongest protective measures of women in the military in history.
When I'm volunteering, the three candidates I hear the most positives things about are #1. Obama #2. Ron Paul and #3. "Anyone but Obama" (from the diehard ConservaRepubs). But there is no denying, this guy is liked a lot more military than any Dem in a long time.
Getting us out of Iraq is a big deal. I know it was already set but gee, have presidents spun things and broken promises before. So okey dokey.
He said he'd take the focus to Afghanistan and go after the people who actually attacked America. He killed more Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders in a couple years, than Bush did in eight. He followed the leads from dozens of SOF ops to Pakistan. Then, right in public, he negotiated the release of a US spy from the Pakistan government. A couple months later, He got Bin Laden and yes, I give him credit for that. Now that we finally MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, he's announced the withdraw from Afghanistan. All Bush's wars are over. The most important one, won by Obama.
And waddya know. We're getting out.
Libya. The Republicans (Boehner, Cantor) were screaming we should "Do Something". Then, with an actual NATO led force, we did. Not one American life. Quick withdraw. So of course, the Republicans suddenly became doves and screamed "Hey! He DID something!". WTF??? Hypocrisy much?
Same thing with Aw Lakhi. Suddenly the GOP sounded more like the ACLU! WTF!!!!

So what are the Republicans offering me? Romney seemed worth a look but he has been forced into Romney Version 5.9 by the other two. Now he is so socially Conservative! For now.

After months of talking about the fact that, even if the Dow is going up and UnEmployment is (according to FOX) going down and manufacturing is going up and.... well whatever, ALL is Doom & Gloom! Also it's all about the DEFICIT! That's the key folks!
So they all released their budgets. All of their budgets RAISE THE DEFICIT!!! WTF??? (okay not Ron Paul).
The same low taxes that haven't made a dam bit of difference in the economy or unemployment for years, will suddenly cure all ills if we elect them. Riiiiight.
Gay marriage? Like I care. But I do think they should be able to visit each other in hospitals and get benefits or whatever? Sure why not.
Contraception? Are you outta your dam mind??? Yeah, THAT will get my vote.
All these social issues leave me and pretty much everyone I know, unimpressed. Especially now.

The GOP candidates suck. Really, badly.
Obama isn't great but during the last year he's been pretty dam good.
I'm voting for him.

That's why Paul is stuck at 25%. Most of his supporters are fakers.
How can you look at the enormous list of President Obama's accomplishments and even consider voting for anyone else?

Because his accomplishment of nationalizing the banking industry is not a good thing. Increasing government micromanagement of healthcare is not a good thing, even if it was a major accomplishment. Screwing over the bondholders and shareholders of GM just to change the terms of the inevitable bankruptcy was not a good thing.

The man has been amazing.

You have a short memory.

And, having experienced so-called "socialized" medical care and since I already get several benefits from ObamaCare, I couldn't be happier about it.

Glad it's working out for you. It's based on a model that killed my mom and it hasn't been good for me.

(No, ObamaCare isn't "socialized medicine". The really stupid (Repub) system we have now IS though. Its time for everyone, even pubs and bags, to have to pay for their own care.)

That's an interesting comment.
How can you look at the enormous list of President Obama's accomplishments and even consider voting for anyone else?

The man has been amazing.

And, having experienced so-called "socialized" medical care and since I already get several benefits from ObamaCare, I couldn't be happier about it.

(No, ObamaCare isn't "socialized medicine". The really stupid (Repub) system we have now IS though. Its time for everyone, even pubs and bags, to have to pay for their own care.)

And this poster shows just what it means when Politicians buy votes...
Abso-fucking-lutely!!! Obama shits on the Constitution with the NDAA, he blows another couple TRILLION dollars and because Nerdly gets some free health care,and because IL gets something good for the vets, they're all good with it.

What the fuck are you guys THINKING?!?

So who would you vote for?

Your 2nd choice, the ONLY Veteran running, the ONLY candidate that will cut the spending, the ONLY candidate that will repeal the NDAA, the ONLY candidate that won't start another war on a whim.

In MY mind, the ONLY candidate, PERIOD.

Well then the most obvious difference between us is that I can respect a differing opinion.

Are you kidding me IL? The republican congress saved us from sinking into Barry Hussein's socialist morass.
Hmmm. FOX soundbite much?

Yeah NATO bombed the snot out of Libya and paved the way for the muslem brotherhood and a solid jihad regime. We did real good didn't we? We watched Barry authorize NATO to carpet bomb civilians in Libya while our own Troops can't even get an artillery strike in Afghanistan without facing the possibility of a court martial if a civilian gets killed.
Hmmm. FOX soundbite much? Of course, you neglect the fact tht Boehner, Cantor & McCain were screaming for us to "do something" and claiming Obama wasn't strong enough one day earlier. Oops.

Nobody but radical democrats is areinterested in taxpayer support for contraception and homosexual marriages. Well, apparently Rick and Mit are. Or did you not see Rick on tv today? The Debate in AZ?

The democrat party is keeping the issue alive and you fools believe everything you read on the Huffington blog. Go ahead and vote for Barry but quit the B.S.

The Democrat party? :lol: So then Mitt and Rick haven't discussed either of these issues in their speeches this week?
You might try staying informed.

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