I really want ESPN to stop talking about Serena williams because her face makes my stomach hurt

She had it today, she played as well as I've seen her over the last few years. Seems she has lost a bit of muscle and weight in her legs and it has improved her mobility.

Also, why do you hate? Do you judge how a male athlete looks?
Tennis really is not that popular on TV. But we are force to endure it. It can be grueling for the people involved though. People with attitude gives it more flair. But it comes from a Blue Blood ancestry. John McEnroe fed the uprise in any popularity. He was the antihero and the Super Bowl of tennis known as Wimbledon loved to hate him and love him.
You also need a new hobby. She's an amazon who isn't for everyone (not my preference), but I don't think anyone would call her "ugly" unless they were simply trying to troll. Chances are, your mom's ugly, as is mine. Serena Williams? If she walked into a bar, you'd look. I'd look. We'd cheers.. and that's that.
You're an oil derrick...most of us are not.
Oil derrick's prize the 1M B.C. characteristics in their mate.
She is Black so Disney owned ESPN will kiss her Black ass.
she is so fucking ugly. Everything about her reminds me of her father and I feel like throwing up. If she was a regular person walking down the street I would be convinced she was a trannny. When is her last tennis match?

She wants to do something to you. When she does it won't be your stomach that's hurting!
You also need a new hobby. She's an amazon who isn't for everyone (not my preference), but I don't think anyone would call her "ugly" unless they were simply trying to troll. Chances are, your mom's ugly, as is mine. Serena Williams? If she walked into a bar, you'd look. I'd look. We'd cheers.. and that's that.
She looks just like her dad, that simple. And her dad was an ugly man so as a woman.....
she had the most beautiful service toss in tennis: aesthetically pleasing, effortlessly smooth, the ball gently rolling off the left hand (though Serena is not gentle).
she is so fucking ugly. Everything about her reminds me of her father and I feel like throwing up. If she was a regular person walking down the street I would be convinced she was a trannny. When is her last tennis match?

Serena Williams was not put on this earth to please your eye

I know that seems impossible to understand. To you.
i agree with fbj. only handsome people like me and Tom Brady should be allowed to play sports! or at least put the handsome ones on one team so that they beat up the team of ugly losers
she is so fucking ugly. Everything about her reminds me of her father and I feel like throwing up. If she was a regular person walking down the street I would be convinced she was a trannny. When is her last tennis match?

I've not shared to company of too many black women, but she's definitely not ugly:

Truth is they are only interested in her as a device to virtue signal...

FFS - "I can't wait to see the lives you transform with your talents"

What a line of bullshit. She is an extremely talented tennis player.
She doesn't "transform lives". She hits a small yellow ball with incredible speed and accuracy.

But she is black. So the liberals whites can't help themselves but to run to social media and tell the world how heroic she is so they can feel like they are special and enlightened.

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