I reject the Trump extremism

Just as I thought: you can't quote any member of the Obama regime, other than Biden, demanding that Shokin be fired.
As always, it is your prerogative if you choose to belief in the lie about Biden despite a plethora of sources unequivocally stating seeking Shokin's removal was the policy of the US. Clinging to lies is a feature, not a bug, in your behavior.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.

So, it is all right for corrupted non indicted felons like Biden to change his views on most issues like the wind, but he was not voted in and out for the need. If Biden was ice cream, we would have many flavors of Joe with each one distinctly different and the antithesis of the other flavor.
I don't care what flavor he says he is. If he smells like shit he is going to taste like shit.
As always, it is your prerogative if you choose to belief in the lie about Biden despite a plethora of sources unequivocally stating seeking Shokin's removal was the policy of the US. Clinging to lies is a feature, not a bug, in your behavior.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

It wasn't because Shokin was investigating a natural gas company tied to Biden's son; it was because Shokin wasn't pursuing corruption among the country's politicians, according to a Ukrainian official and four former American officials who specialized in Ukraine and Europe.

Shokin's inaction prompted international calls for his ouster and ultimately resulted in his removal by Ukraine's parliament.

"Former Obama administration officials?" Which ones? When? This all appears to be after the fact. I want to see an Obama official saying the Obama administration wanted him fired while Obama was still in office. So far you have nothing. "Anonymous sources" don't cut it in the age of fake news.

For the most part our government is made up of "hired hands", the rank and file of various Agencies and Bureaus, whom are authorized to make regulations (Laws) without citizen approval or oversight. i.e. The Deep State.

Many of these Guv'mint employees are also Union members and not easy to fire when they are incompetent.

Also, it only takes one over the break point to make a majority, hence in many cases your "conceded it to government" and "we choose" can be a 51% which stomps over the objecting 49%.
50.1% oppressing 49.9% is duhmobcracy in action.
No, I mean he was legally impeached by the House of Representatives.

Based on fabricated witnesses and falsified evidence?

Stop being a dishonest drama queen.

Stop being a traitor.

It's also true that he was not convicted by the Senate and not removed from office. No Coup, all legal and in accordance with our constitution.

You took this action when your Russian Collusion coup attempt failed.
Based on fabricated witnesses and falsified evidence?

Stop being a traitor.

You took this action when your Russian Collusion coup attempt failed.
Stop lying, Witnesses were not fabricated and the underlying evidence was a recording we could all hear. We both know if that was Biden on the phone you’d be screaming bloody murder.
Stop lying,
I'm not a Nazi democrat - I don't lie.

Witnesses were not fabricated


So Adam the lying Schitt's "whistle blower" came forward to be cross examined?

You know, CIA operative Eric Ciaramella - who was mentored by... Quid Pro Joe Biden...

Oh, but that's a secret. And just because no one corroborated his tale - well Ukraine called him a liar and the transcripts refute him.

I know, Trump pulled a dirty trick declassifying the phone call and exposing the Coup as a bunch of fucking liars - but they can depend on you to keep lying - even years after it's been exposed. Be a democrat - NEVER stop lying!

SAY, you traitor fucks claim the POTUS can't declassify documents, so how did Trump outwit you by declassifying the phone call? :dunno: - I know, just another lie you tell - Seig Heil.

and the underlying evidence was a recording we could all hear. We both know if that was Biden on the phone you’d be screaming bloody murder.

The evidence the Coup attempted to hide and only release through edited leaks.

AND what DID you hear?

You told some lies and I posted the transcript for you to show us where the lies you were posting were... but oddly you never did that?

Right, because you're fucking lying for your Reich. :thup:


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I'm not a Nazi democrat - I don't lie.


So Adam the lying Schitt's "whistle blower" came forward to be cross examined?

You know, CIA operative Eric Ciaramella - who was mentored by... Quid Pro Joe Biden...

Oh, but that's a secret. And just because no one corroborated his tale - well Ukraine called him a liar and the transcripts refute him.

I know, Trump pulled a dirty trick declassifying the phone call and exposing the Coup as a bunch of fucking liars - but they can depend on you to keep lying - even years after it's been exposed. Be a democrat - NEVER stop lying!

SAY, you traitor fucks claim the POTUS can't declassify documents, so how did Trump outwit you by declassifying the phone call? :dunno: - I know, just another lie you tell - Seig Heil.

The evidence the Coup attempted to hide and only release through edited leaks.

AND what DID you hear?

You told some lies and I posted the transcript for you to show us where the lies you were posting were... but oddly you never did that?

Right, because you're fucking lying for your Reich. :thup:
Who gives a shit if the whistle blower came forward or not?! All are so desperate and pathetic with your petty attacks on the messengers. Anything for a distraction. The whistleblower brought up the call. The call was released for all to hear. It pretty damn clear what was going on. Trump wanted to leverage funds for Ukraine to pressure them to give him dirt on Biden. At this point that isnt deniable. Normal people see the problem with that. Trump cultists don’t give a shit. Simple as that
Your claim that you aren't a "winger" is a lie.
That’s your opinion. I vote for members of both parties. Am not registered with any party. Prefer independent candidates. Am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Those are the facts.

That’s really the best “lie” you could come up with?!?! Strike 1. Care to try again?
Who gives a shit if the whistle blower came forward or not?! All are so desperate and pathetic with your petty attacks on the messengers. Anything for a distraction. The whistleblower brought up the call. The call was released for all to hear. It pretty damn clear what was going on. Trump wanted to leverage funds for Ukraine to pressure them to give him dirt on Biden. At this point that isnt deniable. Normal people see the problem with that. Trump cultists don’t give a shit. Simple as that
Right to face your accusers doesnt exist in your world??? Huh??
Right to face your accusers doesnt exist in your world??? Huh??
What right to face an accuser? This wasn’t a he said he said situation. The call was recorded. The House found it unacceptable and decided to impeach over it. The guy that told congress about the call has nothing to do with it.
That’s your opinion. I vote for members of both parties. Am not registered with any party. Prefer independent candidates. Am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Those are the facts.
You only attack Republicans, so I seriously doubt that.

The term "fiscally conservative" is a prog euphemism meaning you want to raise taxes.

You're a Trump hating left-winger. That's the bottom line.

That’s really the best “lie” you could come up with?!?! Strike 1. Care to try again?

No, but I'm not interested in combing through all your drek.
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What right to face an accuser? This wasn’t a he said he said situation. The call was recorded. The House found it unacceptable and decided to impeach over it. The guy that told congress about the call has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, it pretty much was a he-said-she-said situation. In fact, it was worse than that. All the evidence presented was pure hearsay.

By "the House" you mean Democrats in the House. That isn't a legal standard. The "guy that told congress about the call" was one of the accusers.
That’s your opinion. I vote for members of both parties. Am not registered with any party. Prefer independent candidates. Am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Those are the facts.

That’s really the best “lie” you could come up with?!?! Strike 1. Care to try again?
No, but I'm not interested in combing through all your drek.
"Former Obama administration officials?" Which ones? When? This all appears to be after the fact. I want to see an Obama official saying the Obama administration wanted him fired while Obama was still in office. So far you have nothing. "Anonymous sources" don't cut it in the age of fake news.
If you have evidence to prove that Obama gave Biden the unilateral authority to withhold aid from Ukraine over Shokin's employment, in pursuit of a self-serving agenda, please present it. Otherwise, the multiple source reporting that advocating for Shokin's removal was the official US policy remains unchallenged.

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